How to measure the volume, chest girth in women and men? How to determine the size of women's and men's clothing by breast volume: Table

How to measure the volume, chest girth in women and men? How to determine the size of women's and men's clothing by breast volume: Table

This article will discuss how to measure breast size in men, women, so as not to make a mistake with the size of clothing or underwear when buying in a boutique or online store.

The first thing that is important to determine when choosing clothes is size. Interestingly, in different countries there are different and standards in sizes. In addition, also different units. There are tables where the dimensions are measured in inches, there is, where in centimeters. Next, we will dwell in detail on the universal table of dimensions in centimeters and learn how to measure the volume of the breast in women and men, and also find out how to determine the size of clothing according to the table, knowing the size of the chest.

How to measure breast volume in women?

To find out with accuracy which bra will perfectly sit on the chest, you need to correctly measure the volume of the chest. Otherwise, it will be impossible to wear linen. Yes, and this parameter is useful to buy a dress or other clothing in "pricking".

Rules for measuring breast gathering
Rules for measuring breast gathering

For the process you will need:

  • mirror, preferably large sizes
  • the tape is centimeter
  • a piece of paper, a pen.

Merings in women are carried out without underwear (bra) and any other clothing. First, measure under the chest. Note that the measuring tape does not need to be tightened hard, and hold it parallel to the floor, it is also impossible to ensure that the tape is too weakened. Lingerie should sit comfortable. Write down the result on the sheet so as not to forget the measurement.

Next, measure the girth of the chest itself with a centimeter. The tape should take place at the farthest points, more precisely on the nipples. Again, the measuring tool should be parallel to the floor. So the measurements will be correct.

IMPORTANT: Make measurements so that the chest does not distort, do not squeeze it and do not add volumes.

It will not be so difficult to choose the size of a bra by such standards. But you need to pay attention to the tables where the dimensions are indicated by different characters and numbers. They should choose your parameters. Still, buying clothes, linen on the Chinese portal, you need to consider that the goods are often small there. This can ultimately spoil the mood. It is also advisable to take into account their characteristics of the figure, someone's linen of one shape, someone else, will suit someone. Girls with small breasts will go a bra with a fur, and with large-such underwear that will support it.

Tips on how to properly measure breast size to women

Thanks to the exact size of the breast volume and other standards, you can even build a drawing of a pattern of any clothing. Therefore, the more precisely to measure the volume of the breast in a woman, the better the dress of the adjacent silhouette will sit. In this process, the following tips for measuring the girth of the breast will help you:

  1. Merki should be removed in the morning before the meal
  2. The case when removing measurements must be kept smoothly, if someone measures you, then the hands must be lowered.
  3. Lower underwear so that it does not interfere better to remove.
  4. Keep the measured tape strictly perpendicular to the body body, make sure that the centimeter does not pull the chest.
  5. Make measurements with calm breathing, preferably in the process when inhalation or exhalation occurs.
Brescent of the chest through protruding points
Brescent of the chest through protruding points

It is difficult to carry out measurements independently, therefore it will not hurt to call an assistant, so the measurements will be more accurate.

How to measure the volume in men?

In all men's tables of the size of clothing for men, there is always a size such as a chest girth, because this value needs to be known by heart. But at first you need to correctly measure the volume of the chest in men. In short, it is done in the same way as in women - they measure with a centimeter ribbon in the most protruding parts of the chest. And do not tighten yourself too much or, on the contrary, make it so that the centimeter tape falls from the body.

Incorrect breast size measurement
Incorrect breast size measurement

IMPORTANT: The following parameters will be correct according to the Russian table of clothing: OG (breast volume) \u003d 92 centimeters-this is the 46th size, OG \u003d 100 is the 50th size, and OG \u003d 96 centimeters is the 48th size. According to these measurements, t -shirts are selected for men, T -shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, sweaters, jumper, etc.

Measurements are carried out as follows:

  1. Stand in front of the mirror and ribbon grab the chest. In a mirror display, you will see the size. It is advisable to remember or record this measurement.
  2. During the process, it is not necessary to look at the centimeter, otherwise it can sag, pay attention to your reflection in the mirror.

If you want to buy yourself a free thing, not tight, then round your dimensions in the larger direction. You can add about four to five centimeters to them.

How to determine the size of women's, men's clothing by breast volume: Table

By breast size, you can freely find out what you have about the size of the clothing. True, other parameters must be taken into account when buying things covering the hips. How to measure the volume of the chest has already been described, now we will learn about the size of clothing by famous standards.

How to measure volumes?
How to measure volumes?

IMPORTANT: If you have a non -standard values \u200b\u200bwhen measuring the chest girth, which are not in the table, then simply round the numbers up the most. For example, 90 centimeters will correspond to the 46th size, etc.

Of course, if the clothes are large, then you can round the parameters in the smaller direction.

Below will be presented a table of size by which you can determine your own. There is a secret, in the tables they indicate not the girth of the chest, but the half -sewing. That is, to find out your size, the resulting size of the breast volume is divided into two.

Example: you have a size of 104 centimeters. This value should be divided into two. It will turn out: 104: 2 \u003d 52th size.

As already mentioned above, in different states its own tables to determine the size, but this is a separate topic. And in Russia, Ukraine, an important parameter is the half -seal of the chest.

size table:

size table
size table

You can also find such information on a similar topic on our portal:

  1. How to determine the size of the bra?
  2. How to remove measurements, and order a bra?
  3. What factors affect breast size?
  4. What is the smallest clothing size for girls?
  5. How to reduce breast size without surgery?

Video: chest, what size?

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