How to enlarge breasts at home? Available ways of breast augmentation

How to enlarge breasts at home? Available ways of breast augmentation

You can get the chest of the desired size using plastic surgery. But is there a chance to increase the size at home, we read in this article.

Beautiful and magnificent breasts, has always been the subject of admiration for men, and envy of women. After all, not everyone was lucky to have the third size of the bust. There are also tribes on the planet, where the standard of beauty is a flat -chested woman. Fortunately, this is not about us. Here are just the main characters of films or series, frank outfits with chic breasts, more and more drive into the complexes of girls with a small size.

How to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Plastic surgery stepped forward so far that you can change a person beyond recognition, following all his wishes. Breast enlargement surgery is no exception. This is the only effective way to get the chest of the desired shape and size, in a short period of time, but also the most expensive. But what to do if you go to the surgeon’s knife very scary, and the inferiority complex developed so much that it does not allow to live normally?

  • The easiest way to enlarge the chest is pregnancy and breastfeeding. True, this method gives only a temporary result, more precisely, after the completion of lactation, the breast can even more decrease in size and lose shape. And the question becomes relevant again
  • On certain days of the monthly cycle, the chest increases slightly in size. This is due to the hormonal background. Thus, the body is prepared for a possible pregnancy, and if this does not happen, the chest returns to its previous size
  • You can type a couple of extra pounds, because adipose tissue is the main component of the structure of the chest. But only after a sharp weight loss, the reverse process occurs, the volume and shape are lost. Strict diet and lush forms-these things are incompatible, you have to sacrifice something
  • Lead an active and regular sex life. This contributes to the active production of female sex hormones by the body, they also help to increase the chest by several centimeters. Thanks to intimate caresses, the bloodstream of the mammary glands improves, which, in turn, favorably affects the volume

If none of the above methods is suitable, you can try to increase the size of the breast with:

  • Physical exercises
  • Folk medicine
  • Massage
  • Creams and gels
  • Special diet
  • Medications
  • Following certain methods.

Consider them in more detail.

How to enlarge the chest with folk methods?

In order to enlarge the chest, you can seek help from folk medicine.

  • A decoction of mallow roots is about at least three months, and a maximum of a year, will help increase the mammary glands by one size. It all depends on the body. To do this, you will need: dry roots of a flower, 3 tablespoons, and 3 cups of water collected from the water supply. Place all this in a pan and boil, after 15 minutes remove from heat and strain. It is necessary to take a decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals, 0.3 cups each. The course of such treatment is one month, after that you need to take a break for one week and you can repeat the reception. It is recommended, while taking the decoction inward, to make compresses from it on the chest. This action of mallow roots is explained by the content of the hormone of phytosterin in them, which positively affects the chest augmentation
  • Hop cones contain a female hormone phytoestroogen, responsible for breast augmentation. It is advised to take inside, in the form of an infusion. To do this, boil one glass of water and pour a tablespoon of plant cones for them. Wrap the dishes well, or use a thermos, insist all night. It is necessary to take the infusion three times during the day, 0.33 cups, 21 days with a break for a week. The expected effect occurs after about three to six months of admission. It should be prepared for the fact that the infusion is very bitter, and the action does not occur immediately, but gradually
  • You can drink cabbage juice, only this method is suitable for young girls, during puberty. This method does not work on adult women
  • To enlarge breast, you can use linden, nettles and wormwood. To get therapeutic tea you need: pour one teaspoon of plant with one glass of boiling water. After that, put the dishes with the plant in a water bath, and boil for 20 minutes. Cover with a lid and insist 40 minutes. After that, strain the tea and take 0.3 cups 3 times a day. The course of such treatment is one month, with a week break. You should choose one of the listed plants, and make tea from it for 3 months, after which you can use another plant, and then the third
  • A more delicious folk recipe: take in equal quantities honey, nuts and lemon. Grind the lemon with nuts by passing through a meat grinder, then add honey and mix. It is necessary to eat such a mixture for 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, for 6 months
  • You can try to enlarge the chest with oregano, hop cones and licorice root. All these components are taken in the amount of 50 grams and mixed. After that, 1 tablespoon of the collection is taken and poured with a glass of hot water. Dishes with collection are placed for 15 minutes in a water bath. And it insists for another forty minutes. Be sure to cover the dishes with a lid. Within a month, take 0.3 cups of infusion, three times a day. Take a break for a week and repeat

Important: all these recipes have contraindications. The doses and quantities of adopted infusions, decoctions and mixtures should be strictly observed. It is better to consult a doctor about the ability to increase your breasts in this way.

How can I enlarge the chest with iodine?

There are quite a lot of enthusiastic responses on the network about breast augmentation using an iodine mesh. For this you need:

  • Using a cotton wool, evenly apply iodine strips to the skin of the mammary glands, without affecting the zones around the nipples
  • Before this, take a shower or bath so that the chest area is clean
  • After application, let the iodine dry, after which you can put on a bra of natural fabrics
  • Should be manipulated once a day
  • The promised effect should occur after three months of use.

IMPORTANT: Breast enlargement in volume occurs due to an increase in blood flow. But this method has a huge number of contraindications, although it seems that it can be safer than iodine.

  • Girls and women should take attention to the place of residence and the possible deficiency of iodine in the body. In this case, the iodine net will quickly absorb into the skin, so the body will replenish its reserves. But this cannot be turned into fanaticism
  • The most harmless side effect may be dry skin, allergic reactions and, with fanatical use, burns
  • With prolonged application of iodine on the chest, malfunctions may occur in the thyroid gland and health problems
  • Constant piece increase in temperature with an iodine mesh, can lead to tumors

Important: you can not use iodine to improve the shape of the mammary glands to women after the cessation of lactation, this can only be badly harmful to health.

How to enlarge the chest with exercises?

Exercise will help improve the shape of the mammary glands, make them fit and beautiful. But, to increase the chest by two sizes, so it is more likely a myth than reality.

It is necessary to start exercises with a minimum number of approaches, gradually increasing the intensity. You can perform them at home, in the usual and convenient environment:

  • Standing, resting at the wall with your hands as strong as possible. In this position, you need to stand for 15 seconds. Make 10 approaches
  • Push -ups, as in a physical education lesson, are only correct. If you start very difficult, you can rely on your knees. Ideally, there should be 15 repetitions in one approach, but, you can start with two, increasing the number every day
  • In a position, lying on the back, lift dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. The weight of dumbbells is from half to two kilograms. 15 such exercises should be done in one approach
  • With dumbbells in their hands, make movements such as when skiing. So it should be done within one minute. At the end, raise your hands perpendicular to the floor. This must be done six times in one approach, and there should be three approaches
  • In a standing position, lift dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. The weight of dumbbells and the number of exercises, as with the exercise lying on the back
  • Standing, pressing their palms in each other, they should be at the chest level, and the elbows are pushed apart. This exercise should be done for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times

Important: the exercises should begin with a minimum amount, gradually increasing the load. The key to success is regularity and intensity. The result can only be seen after three months of class.

Breast augmentation

As an alternative to plastic surgery, to enlarge breast, you can use gels. They are:

  • synthetic, are not absorbed in the body
  • natural, dissolve

Gels are introduced into the female breast, with a syringe and needles.

Important: synthetic gels are prohibited for introducing into the body, the consequences of such a breast augmentation are very serious. Breast tissue does not become similar to jelly, except for this, the gel can move to another place. And it is extremely difficult to remove from the body.

Natural gels, based on hyalouranic acid, will help to get the chest more than one and a half size. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect will last from six months to a year and a half. After that, the procedure must be repeated.

Important: if it was decided to increase the size of the mammary glands, using the introduction of a gel, then the choice of a specialist must be approached with all responsibility. Only experienced and professional doctors can be trusted.

Breast a cream

Many women try to change the shape and size of the breast with a cream. The cream in its composition can be:

  • Natural
  • Hormonal

Important: using natural cream, the chest cannot be increased. Therapeutic herbs that make up the composition will only help improve the condition of the skin, but no more.

Hormonal creams will help to achieve breast enlargement by one size, only if you regularly use it. If you stop applying the cream to the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, they will quickly gain their former shape. A more persistent effect can be achieved only if the drug is applied regularly, within six months. There are vitamins and therapeutic herbs in such creams, which positively affects the skin.

Doctors are extremely skeptical about this way of breast augmentation. The constant application of hormonal drugs to the skin can affect the general hormonal background. And it can lead to a delay in menstruation, the occurrence of serious diseases.

Important: you can not use such creams for girls, during puberty, women who have reached a forty -year -old border, and young mothers who have lost their shape after breastfeeding.

If, nevertheless, it was firmly decided to enlarge the chest with the help of cream, you need to read reviews, and not just trust advertising.

How to enlarge breasts with oil?

A safe way to give the chest a beautiful and fit form using essential oils. Their effect favorably affects blood circulation, which, in turn, adds several centimeters to volume.

You can use oil:

  • for massage
  • in the form of a tonic or lotion
  • make masks or compresses with it.

Important: a positive effect can be achieved only with regular use.

Essential oils cannot be used independently. A few drops of oil can be mixed with sour cream, kefir, baby cream with oily texture, almond and petroleum jelly. You can use only one oil, in order to achieve the result, or you can a mixture of oils, which is more effective.

To enlarge breast, you can use the following oils:

  • From flax seeds
  • Olive
  • Gerani
  • Verbenes
  • Camphor
  • Fenchele
  • Grape
  • Anise
  • Hops
  • Ilang-Ylang
  • Lavender
  • Tea tree
  • Orange
  • Sage
  • Vespers' primrose
  • Wheat germs
  • Jojoba.

Important: you need to apply the oils carefully, avoiding the zones of the nipples. Before starting use, you need to make sure that the overall tolerance of oils, whether there are allergic reactions. If it is quite difficult to decide on the choice of oil yourself, you can seek help from the aromatherapist.

Breast a mask

By regularly masks in the neckline, you can give the chest of a beautiful shape, improve the condition of the skin, and even increase the volume. It can be a few centimeters, because for the third and fourth size at the first, you need to go to the surgeon’s knife. Washing masks with cold water, but not much, otherwise you can only get sick.

  • Grate one apple with cabbage. Mix one tablespoon of this mixture with one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of butter, room temperature. This mixture must be applied after massage for 15 minutes
  • Cocoa-butter should be applied to the zones of armpits and neckline. After that, massage should be done. You don't need to apply oil to the chest itself
  • Trembling, in an amount of 20 grams, should be dissolved to the consistency of sour cream in warm water. This mixture must be applied for 20 minutes

When applying masks, the nipples should be avoided. Masks should be done regularly, alternating, every day.

Breast enlargement exercises

It should be given to yourself that physical exercises will not help enlarge the chest, but improve the shape. But, if you do regularly, for a long period, a slight increase in the mammary glands in volume is possible.

For intense training, a gym is perfect. Under the guidance of the coach, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Squeeze the bar, the weight should increase gradually and reach 80% of body weight
  • Lift dumbbells
  • Engage in the simulator, training the chest group of muscles

Important: training should be held regularly, three times a week. If you deal with more often, there will be no harm, but also benefits too. The muscles grow after training, and not during the exercise.

Breast enlargement products

  • The people go to the belief that if you eat cabbage in large quantities, you can get a chic chest. But, as practice shows, this is another myth. Girls and girls from 13 to 19 years old have a chance to prove the opposite, and women of a more mature age of such a food product will not help
  • Doubtful advice can be attributed to the raw dough. In addition to problems with the digestive tract, no more result should be expected
  • It is believed that if you drink beer, then the breasts increase in size. This is probably another advertising trick. After all, modern beer is far from as natural as it was in the last century. Except for health problems, and weight gain, this drink will not bring anything better
  • Fatty and harmful food, from a kilogram of weight gained, gives only 20 grams to the neckline. It is better to include useful fats in your diet: lard, olive oil, fatty fish, seeds, avocados. They favorably affect the condition of the mammary glands and on the body in general. Only in everything you need to know the measure, uncontrolled use can lead to breast augmentation due to extra pounds at the waist and hips
  • There is a myth on the network that you can increase the chest with mineral water. You need to drink water, and in the necessary quantities, but this does not affect the size of the chest. Is that if you drink too much liquid, then this can lead to edema
  • From food that enlarges breasts by several centimeters, you can name those that contain natural female hormones. And this is primarily legumes and soy. They really can help fulfill the cherished desire, but this does not mean that they need to eat only by them, the measure should be observed in everything. Excess hormones can only harm the hormonal system. It should be remembered that if you stop consuming food with hormones, then the chest will return to its condition
  • Honey with nuts will help with different diseases, as well as improve the condition of the mammary glands. With regular use of such a sweet mixture, the chest will become more round and fit
  • For a beautiful neckline, you need to eat right, turning on fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants in your daily diet, they will help improve the condition of the skin in general. But, unfortunately, it will not work to get large volumes

Trying to increase the size of the breast, using food, do not forget about physical exercises, adding a light massage to them.

Important: you should get rid of bad habits. The main enemy of the beautiful bust is smoking. In smoking women, the chest loses its shape faster and becomes a larger. The abuse of caffeine and alcohol also does not benefit the mammary glands.

Breast augmentation preparations

Of the drugs promising to enlarge breasts by two sizes, dietary supplements can be noted. These are biologically active additives, with the content of natural female hormone or stimulants of the production of sex hormones in the body of a woman. When taking these drugs, you can achieve breast ahead for some time. After refusing to take, the chest becomes the original size.

Important: taking such drugs, without consulting a doctor, and even more so uncontrollably, is dangerous to health. You can bring severe harm to the body, and prolonged treatment can be very expensive. Much more expensive jars with dietary supplements.

Breast enlargement tablets

Important: the composition of tablets promising to enlarge the chest contains phytoestroogen, female hormone. But it is worth remembering that you can not start taking hormonal pills, only on the advice of a girlfriend.

If the cause of the small size of the mammary glands is the low content of female sex hormones - this should be found out by the doctor. Using special tests and examinations.

Having enlarged breasts using hormonal tablets, you can get:

  • Lack of menstruation, up to infertility
  • Tumors
  • Hormonal malfunctions
  • Ovarian function disorders
  • Changes in the size of the uterus and vagina
  • After the cancellation of the drug, a new restructuring in the body begins, in the chest glands, the formation of nodes and cysts is possible

Important: the promised result occurs only if you take the tablets constantly. After refusing to take hormonal tablets, the chest becomes the usual size.

Japanese method of breast augmentation

You can try to get a chest, the desired size, using a Japanese methodology. This technique was developed by Japanese MIECO Yoshimaru, at first, the first breast size, and as a result received the fourth. There is nothing complicated in this technique, you should regularly perform a set of exercises and massage.

Important: the main thing is the internal state. You should only tune in to a positive result, let go of all insults and negativity, and look at the whole world with love.

  • During the morning rise, you need to rest on one palm on the other, while holding your hands at chest level. Take a deep breath, and start pressing the bases of the fingers on exhalation. At the same time, up to eight should be counted. The same exercises must be done by shifting the hands to the right and left of the body. Such regular classes will help strengthen the muscles of the chest
  • The second exercise can be performed at a convenient time. To do this, you need to do the massage of the forearm. After warming up, you should grab your fat deposits with your hand, hands in this area, and as if pushing to your chest. According to the Japanese, it is they who will help to enlarge the breasts to perform one by one, for each hand for five minutes
  • You can fill the chest with fat from the abdomen. To do this, before bedtime, it is necessary to do massage of the abdomen, in its upper part. Similar movements, as in the exercise with hands, try to push fat from abdomen to the chest
  • To improve the effect of exercises, it is necessary to stimulate biologically active points. They are on the hips, from the inner sides. According to Japanese medicine, the stimulation of these points contributes to the production of female sex hormones by the body. Which, in turn, helps to increase the size of the chest

Important: to fully achieve a given goal, you must only sleep on your back, and believe in a positive result.

How to enlarge breasts: reviews and tips

  • A woman is beautiful with her natural beauty. Do not sacrifice precious health, experiencing on yourself, not confirmed by the science of the methodology
  • A large role, in terms of breast augmentation by folk methods, plays self -hypnosis. It seems to the woman that the breast has really increased, but very often it turns out to be self -deception
  • Adhering to the rules of a healthy diet, doing physical exercises and caring for the skin in the neckline, you can improve the shape of the chest, make it more elastic
  • You can not try to increase the size that girls have not reached twenty years old. During puberty, you can greatly harm the body
  • In a simple and effective way, visually increase the chest, there is a slender posture. Keep your back all the time, and the chest will seem more
  • A correctly selected bra, helps to cope with this problem. You should be able to choose the right clothes, emphasizing and visually increasing the chest area
  • You can use the secret of Hollywood stars that do not have lush forms. With the help of the correct application of foundation, the chest will seem gorgeous and cause admiration for others
  • If the desire, get the fourth size, well, very much, then it is better to use the services of a plastic surgeon. None of the folk methods will help to achieve such a result

Video: How to enlarge breasts? Delusions and working methods

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Comments K. article

  1. And I believe that the most reliable way that will give the desired result is mammoplasty.

  2. Hello, QueenProsize cream not only helps to enlarge the chest, but also gives it shape and elasticity.
    I used it for 3 months and the result is simply stunning! My chest has increased by more than 2 times and acquired a beautiful shape.

  3. Olga
    I also think that a reliable way that will give the desired result is mammoplasty. In the end, there are now many opportunities for this. Different promotions on sites and clinics for example on the Omorphia website. The main desire !

  4. Where can such a QueenProsize cream be bought?

  5. i like serum - concentrate to increase volume
    breasts Body Sculpt Complex, she has the effect of non -surgical lifting and volumes more

  6. Khachu such a cream

  7. Khachu such a cream

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