How to correctly determine the size of the bra? What should be the right bra?

How to correctly determine the size of the bra? What should be the right bra?

The article will tell the criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a bra, and will also help to correctly determine the size of the chest and bra.

Choosing a bra, a woman can be guided by different goals. Someone wants to emphasize the beauty of their chest in a dress with an open neckline, someone is important to achieve maximum comfort during physical exertion, someone today thinks about the need to preserve the shape of the chest in the future. And for someone, all these requirements for the bra are equally important.
The significance of the choice of the right bra should not underestimate, since it affects:

  • the state of health of the thoracic glands,
  • the appearance of a bust and the attractiveness of a woman,
  • comfort and convenience with active activity, feeding a child.

What should be the right bra?

The following functions are inherent in the bra:

  • maintain chest
  • defend from external influences
  • hide unprofitable features of the structure of the mammary glands
  • to emphasize femininity and attractiveness and other functions.

In order for the bra to properly perform the functions listed above and, moreover, does not harm health, causing pain in the shoulders and back, was not a potential culprit of more serious breast diseases, he must accurately correspond to the size of the chest and fit in the form, taking into account its features Structures.

The bra should not:

  • To prevent movements, to impede the breath with full chest. Step should not dig or rub.

Otherwise, the bra can cause a headache, pain in the neck, shoulders and hands from squeezing the corresponding nerve.

  • Leave any traces, dents, redness after removal.

The marks indicate that the selected model is small. A close bra can lead to circulatory disorders and outflow of lymph, a decrease in chest sensitivity and other problems.

  • Cut into the body, form skin folds hanging over the bra.

In the presence of these signs, you should choose a larger size.

  • Shift when lifting hands.

The bra should not “ride” the body when the woman performs motor manipulations.

In addition, follow the following requirements:

  • Bones of the bra (if any) should be exactly under the chest.

In order to prevent undesirable injuries, the pressure of hard seeds on the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is not allowed.

  • The brahead on the back should not be high, focus on the level of the cups.

In such a bra there is an incorrect load distribution, so you can soon feel the tension in the back.

  • In a fastened state, the bra should sit tight (skip about two fingers). To check this condition, use a hook that provides the most free position.

Important: the bra has the ability to stretch when wearing, so when choosing, focus on good fixation with an extreme fastener.

  • When removing the straps, the rear bar should remain in the same place.

Otherwise, this suggests that the entire load falls on the straps of the bra, and hence the woman’s shoulders.

  • The bra must hold the chest on the middle line between the shoulder and the elbow.

NamelessFor check:

  • lower your hand
  • find the center on the segment of the lokot shoulder,
  • mentally draw a line parallel to the chest through this point.

In the right bra, nipples on the mammary glands should get on an imaginary line (in the photo on the right).

  • The material of the bra must satisfy the criteria for hygroscopicity, passing air, and not cause skin irritation.

Preference should be given to natural fabrics made of cotton, silk and viscose. However, some types of modern synthetic materials are considered safe. The main thing is that they absorb moisture well and allow the delicate skin to “breathe”.

  • The bra must tightly fit the mammary glands, leaving no empty space inside the cups.

Otherwise, you should choose a bra with a smaller bowl.

How to determine the size of the cup of the bra?

On trading shelves you can find a wide range of underwear. In order to choose really “your” bra, you need to start with size. Inspecting the windows with bras, you will notice a two -digit number and Latin letter on the tag, the different combination of which will correspond to a different size.
The number means the size of the bra, measured under the chest, and the letter is the designation of the size of the cup of the bra.

In order to buy a bra, suitable for the size of a bust, you must remove the above measurements:

  • brescent girth (a)

it is measured along the line under the mammary glands, where the future bra will "sit"

  • breast volume (b)

it is measured in the most convex places on the chest.

To get more accurate results:

  • measurements should be made by another person
  • hands should be lowered along the body
  • measurements should be done using a centimeter

Important: when measuring girth under the chest, the centimeter should fit close to the skin, and when removing measures from the volume of the chest - on the contrary, freely, do not squeeze the mammary glands.

Next, the size of the cup of the bra (C) should be calculated. For this purpose, it is necessary to take away from the figure corresponding to the volume of the chest, the value obtained when measuring girth under the chest. The size of the cup (c) \u003d (b) - (a).

Practical example:
value under the bust (a) - 71 cm
Breast volume (b) - 85 cm
Therefore, the size of the bowl (C) will be 14 cm (85-71)

According to the results of measurements, having come to the store, you must keep two numbers in your mind:

  • the size of the chest (a)
  • the size of the volume of the cup (c)

The digital value of the size of the cup (C) corresponds to a certain Latin letter. Thus, you will receive the size of the bra, consisting of their two parts - numbers (size under the chest) and letters (cup size).

How to determine the size of the bra by the first? Barrow size table

Different manufacturers of bras, as well as in different model rows, may have differences in the designation of sizes. Therefore, to determine the exact size, you can ask the consultant to provide the dimensions from manufacturers for a specific brace model. Remembering the values \u200b\u200bof two digits that were discussed above, you can quickly find your bra size.

However, there are universal tables with accepted standard sizes.

According to the first table, by the value of the size under the chest (a), you will determine the first part of the size of the bra.

According to the second table, you determine the second part of the size of the bra, calculating which Latin letter corresponds to the size of the cup (C) (C) (column "difference").
According to the example considered above, where (a) \u003d 71 cm, (c) \u003d 14 cm, the size of the bra is 70b.
If you want to purchase a bra abroad, in particular in the United States, it will not be superfluous to know your size in inches. For this, one more dimension should be made:

  • glift over the chest (D)

on the back, a centimeter also passes (on the line of the future bra), and in front is located above the chest.

The results are transferred into inches. For this, the obtained values \u200b\u200bare divided by 2.54.

For example:

girth over the chest (D) \u003d 82 cm, which is equivalent to 32 inches (82/2.54)
Breast rings (b) \u003d 85 cm, which is equivalent to 33 inches (85/2.54)
Class of a cup (b)-(D) \u003d 33-32 \u003d 1 inch

Cup size (Latin letters/inches):
AA - 0
A - 1
B - 2
C - 3
D - 4
DD - 5

As a result, we get the size of 32a.

You can use the following table from which you can easily determine the necessary size of the bra, depending on the country.

For example, your 70B size is an American size 32A.

Important: check the relevance of the measurements made, at least once a year. The size of the breast changes over time, with a change in weight, with hormonal restructuring, during pregnancy, with breastfeeding, etc.

In order to buy a suitable bra in one knowledge of size is not enough. To choose a really successful bra has to measure more than one model, since the bras differ in the shape of cups, width of the straps, cover, material, etc. In addition, the sizes in different models, as mentioned, may vary.

Features of choosing large bras

Large breasts give an additional load on the woman’s body and requires enhanced fixation. In order to prevent the “sag” of the bust with time, i.e. ensure reliable breast support and reduce the load on a woman, buying a large bra -sized bra should focus on:

  • tight straps made of dense fabric that should not be narrow
  • wide frame (semi -cornet)
  • the presence of bones (preferably)
  • elastic fabric
  • closed form of a cup covering the entire mammary gland

Features of choosing small bras

Owners of a small breast can be transformed favorably by using the possibilities of a bra.

  • Brackers with compacted cups will give the bust an additional volume.
  • Cups with T-shaped seams will help to raise the chest.
  • If there is a large gap between the mammary glands, i.e. The breast “looks” in the direction of the armpits, you can bring it to the center thanks to the bra with the bones on the side and the jumper between the cups of a small size.
  • For the chest glands that have the shape of a cone, a big choice with a horizontal seam, which visually rounds a female bust, will be a good choice.

How to determine the size of the bra for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, under the influence of known hormones, in many women, breasts begin to prepare for the future feeding of the child. The mammary glands swell, heavy, become more sensitive. In some women, the bust does not increase in size up to the birth of the baby and the appearance of milk. This process is individual, so you should not immediately run to the store for a bra, learning about pregnancy.

However, you will have to think about changing the wardrobe of underwear. At least, you should purchase a special cotton bra, preferably seamless and on wide straps. Such bras provide additional care of sensitive breasts during gestation.
On average, by 20 weeks you can feel the need to change the bra larger size. Make measurements of the chest in accordance with the above recommendations and go to a specialized trading institution.

How to determine the size of the postpartum bra?

How difficult your chest will increase after the birth of a baby. In order to pre-purchase a bra for breastfeeding for the duration of stay in the hospital, you can focus on the size of a bust at 36-38 weeks of pregnancy.

If at this time your chest has not changed, it is still worth it to have a mesh lifting exceeding the pre -user. Perhaps your chest will increase sharply with the arrival of milk.

The main sets of brackets for feeding should be bought after childbirth and the appearance of milk, re -making appropriate chest measurements.

Basic requirements for the bra:

  • wide base of the bra and wide straps,
  • the possibility of feeding the child without removing the bra, i.e. Autonomous opening of cups,
  • minimum seams,
  • natural material,
  • the absence of a seam on the line of the nipple, which becomes especially sensitive during breastfeeding,
  • good adjustment of the straps and fasteners, since the size of the breasts change significantly before and after feeding the baby,
  • it is desirable to have a special pocket for breast gaskets that many mothers use, especially in the first weeks, while lactation is established.

Special brackets for feeding meet these criteria, so it is more convenient to immediately contact a store for nursing mothers.

How to choose the size of a sports bra?

In order for the breasts not to interfere with exercise, it is not deformed and not undergoing injuries with regular sports, you should take care of buying a sports bra. In certain types of sports bras, or more correctly, sports tops, the size system is used, similar to the size of everyday clothes:

  • XS
  • S.
  • M
  • L.
  • etc.

Such a system is characteristic of compression tops that act on the principle of breast pressing to the body and are suitable for girls with small breasts.

Sports bras, designed specifically to support each breast, have sizes equivalent to the sizes of ordinary bras, i.e. differ in the size of the cups. As a rule, for each type of sports bra has a size table. Therefore, finding the best option will not be difficult.

In addition, choosing a sports bra, you need to know that they differ depending on the type of sports activity:
• with weak support (for Pilates, yoga, stretching, etc.)
• with average support (for power aerobics, roller skating or skates, etc.)
• with strong support (for cardio loading: running, jumping, etc.)

How to determine the size of the chest by the bra?

A number of women through trial and errors have found “their” bras and buy the same type. They may not know and not think about how they have the size of the bust. Of course, you can calculate the approximate breast size on the bra by the bra by using the same sizes, but starting from the opposite.

However, there is no practical significance in this action. It is better to measure the volume of the chest using a centimeter, as described above and find out your standard size. By the way, it is quite possible that the result will not coincide with the size that you are used to wearing.

How to correctly determine the size of the bra: tips and reviews

  • You should not purchase a bra without preliminary fitting
  • The size of the bra, calculated according to the tables using appropriate measurements, is not a fixed size that guarantees the ideal option. This is just the point from which you will be borne when trying on bras
  • If the bra is pressing or, on the contrary, a big one - this does not mean that you should choose a size less or more and in the girth under the chest and in the cup. It is possible that a bra with a large girth under the chest, but a smaller cup, and vice versa, will suit you. For example, if the 75b braster bras is not suitable for you, try trying on 70c or 80a

  • For the correct fitting of the bra, lean forward, put on the straps and carefully invest the chest glands into the bra
  • Run the bra correct correctly. Fastening the bra in front, and then, turning it over, you will deform the bra, reducing its service life
  • In a situation where the bra does not “sit on your chest”, as it should, is not your model. Try to choose another bra, suitable for the specific shape of your bust
  • Do not abuse braces without straps. They do not provide uniform load. Put on such bras only on occasion
  • Let your breasts rest at night without a bra
  • Have different types of bra for different purposes in the wardrobe

Following these recommendations and tips, you will definitely find the right bra, corresponding to the size and shape of the chest, which will become the key to your health and beauty.

Video: How to choose the right bra?

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  1. Very useful article! Now I know how to choose a bra has your size))))))))

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