How to arrange romance to wife - ideas

How to arrange romance to wife - ideas

In our article you will find many ideas that will help you arrange romance to your wife any day.

When a man and a woman legalize their relationship, a more calm period begins in their life. You no longer have to run on dates, plan meetings. Living under one roof, people calm down and gradually forget that it is important to give positive to the wedding celebration. Indeed, in order for the flame of love to be faded, it must be supported all the time, and pleasant surprises will help each other all the time. So, for example, you can arrange romance to your wife. Believe me, she will definitely be glad to such a sweet surprise. Look for ideas for a romantic surprise in our article.

How to arrange romance to wife - ideas

How to arrange romance to wife - ideas
How to arrange romance to wife - ideas

Many men think that romantic surprises require large financial expenses. But this is not at all so, it is not necessary to spend money on a huge bouquet of flowers or a trip to a fashionable restaurant. If for any reason you can’t afford it, you can try to surprise your wife a little differently-more simple and affordable surprises.

How to arrange romance to a wife - ideas:

  • Invite your wife to cook dinner together. Even such pastime at the stove can be romantic. Stock up a couple of funny jokes, be sure to turn on the music that both of you like. Divide the obligations for cooking, and get to work. For example, a wife can wash vegetables, and you cut them, dancing and singing. It will be fun for you and her. While the food is prepared, you can twist your wife in a dance, kiss lightly on the neck, lips. Try to exude positive as possible. You can buy a cook and apron with some funny inscription in advance. Dressing all this, you will even more cheer your wife to your wife.
  • A picnic for you two. In the warm season, you can invite your wife for a walk. Choose a beautiful place outside the city. It is desirable that it be secluded, and crowds of people do not go there. So it will be possible to recreate a more intimate atmosphere. Do not take a lot of food with you, there will be enough minimum reserves - wine, cheese, fruits, water to quench thirst. Do not forget about beautiful glasses and wet wipes. Show your wife that you are a real gentleman who cares about her well -being. Be sure to take a portable column with you on the picnic. The music will not be superfluous here either.
  • Invite to look at the sunset. If you live in a private house, then you will not have to go anywhere - you can just go to the garden. In order to create the right atmosphere in the garden, decorate it a little. You can take a small table and a couple of chairs into the street, install them under the most beautiful tree. Before you go to the garden with your wife, brew fragrant tea, and be sure to take a blanket with you. And then everything is simple - you can drink tea, look at the sunset and chat about everything in the world. If you live in an apartment building, then just go to the nearest park, go to the coffee shop on the way and buy fragrant coffee - yourself and your beloved. After that, you can find a secluded place and calmly enjoy the beautiful look of the evening sky. Yes, and do not forget to whisper in the ear to your beloved person recognition in your eternal love.

How to arrange romance to wife - a romantic breakfast or dinner

How to arrange romance to wife - a romantic breakfast or dinner
How to arrange romance to wife - a romantic breakfast or dinner

Probably, you should not say that women are very tired of household duties. They have to cook, wash and remove and clean, and also work, as well as a man. All this leads to the fact that a woman is tired both physically and morally, and begins to act up and sulk. Therefore, it is so important, at least sometimes give her a vacation, especially since you can arrange a romantic surprise for her. If you cook dinner or breakfast with your own hands, then she will feel your care and love.

How to arrange romance to wife is a romantic breakfast or dinner:

  • The first thing you need to do is take care of the decor of the room. Buy as many candles of different sizes as possible, they can be placed on all surfaces. This will help create a cozy atmosphere, even a little fabulous. If you are sure what the smell of Zhenya likes the most, then buy also a couple of arommas.
  • Also, do not be lazy and buy, or cut it out yourself, a red heart. They can be laid out on the floor, table, window sills. And, of course, do not forget about your wife's favorite flowers, they can be immediately put in a vase on the table. Also appropriate will be a pair of balls in the form of a heart, they can be fixed on the wall.
  • Do not forget to also beautifully set the table. Buy a new tablecloth and reward it well. Next, randomly sprinkle paper hearts and rose petals on it. Do not forget to put the candles. If desired, you can put a heart out of them. Keep in mind that candles should not block the review, and interfere with you to eat food. Arrange them so that they do not interfere with either you or your wife.
  • Try to have dishes of the same color on the table, And there were certainly glasses for wine and water glasses. The wife must understand that you tried very hard to please her.
  • Now let's talk about dishes. Of course, not all men are ideal chefs that can cook restaurant dishes. And if you belong to their category, then Prepare something easy. If you are preparing a romantic breakfast, you can do with a simple omelet, toasts, jam and cheese slices. Put tea or coffee on the table, and the romantic is ready. For breakfast, such a set of products will be enough.
  • If you want to surprise your favorite dinner, then you may need more dishes. You will have to make a vegetable salad with a light dressing, for example, Greek - tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet pepper, olives and feta cheese. You can make canapes using waffle baskets or skewers. In the event that such a dish seems complicated for you, you can always replace it with a cut of cheese, sausage, and ham.
  • Be sure to put different types of fruits on the table, and chocolate - Milk and black. This will be your dessert. On the main dish, you can bake the steaks of red fish in the oven, or chicken breast. Such dishes are simply prepared. Put the meat or fish on foil, salt, pepper, cover with foil, and send it to the oven until cooked.

IMPORTANT: As for alcohol, in the evening on the table it can be. But limit yourself to high -quality wine or champagne. Strong drinks can cause strong intoxication, and then your pleasant evening will be spoiled.

After dinner, turn on slow music and invite your beloved to the dance, if you do everything right, then it is likely that your romantic dinner will smoothly go on a passionate night.

How to arrange romance at home at home?

How to arrange romance at home at home?
How to arrange romance at home at home?

Without leaving home, one can also surprise your beloved, because even paying attention to her, you can show your love and its significance. It is best to arrange such romance on the weekend so that you don’t have to run somewhere, and do something.

How to arrange romance at home at home:

  • Watch a romantic movie. Watching a romantic film, the perfect choice for evening romance. Try to help your beloved all day with her business so that in the evening she is not tired and broken. Be sure to buy the delicious ones that you will eat during the movie show. But do not opt \u200b\u200bfor chips, crackers and beer. You plan a romantic evening, which means that the products should be appropriate. You can order sushi, rolls, finished seafood, a bottle of wine, fruits. If you really want something harmful, then order pizza. To watch the film, select the most convenient place for you two - it can be the bedroom and the hallway, if you wish, you can even sit on the floor, simply sketching soft pillows there. And if there is a fireplace in your house, then be sure to light a fire, and then the atmosphere will become even more romantic.
  • Take a joint bath with foam. Such a surprise will definitely like your wife, especially if you prepare for him correctly. Buy a special table in advance, which is installed on the boots of the bathroom. It will be possible to put a bottle of chilled champagne and two beautiful glasses on it. Also, do not forget that the bathroom itself should be as clean as possible, it should smell pleasantly in it. In view of this, find time and wash everything well. Be sure to put clean towels. Wall your wife in advance that you are planning a romantic, so that at the appointed time she is at home. Remember that before such a romantic surprise it is advisable to dinner with light food, otherwise the bathing will not bring you pleasure. After preparing everything necessary - the case will remain small. It will be necessary to fill the bath with water and add foam to it. If desired, you can use flavored bombs. Invite your wife and enjoy each other. At the end of the romance, be sure to help Zhenya rinse off the foam, and wrapping her in a bath towel, take it into the bedroom in your hands. You can take champagne with you and finish it already in the bedroom, and then spend the evening as you want both.
  • Make a massage to your wife - hands, feet, back. Probably, there is no such person who would not like massage, especially after a hard day's day. Believe me, your wife is no exception, so if you offer her such a romantic, she will be delighted. The most pleasant thing you can do at least every day. All that you will need for a surprise, your hands and any moisturizing skin oil. It will help you relax the muscles of the body as well as possible. So, arrange your wife as convenient as possible, it should be completely relaxed. Rub your palms against each other so that they become warm. This must be done, as she is unlikely to like massage with cold hands. Apply a little butter in your hands and distribute it uniformly. Next, you can start massage. Make light, stroking and kneading movements so that the body relaxes. Do not try to press hard, since you are not a specialist, you can harm such actions. Do everything as neatly and easy so that there are no bruises. In the conclusion of the massage, it is easy to reward the skin until light redness appears. And at the very end of the relaxing procedure, if desired, you can apply a cream. Well, do not forget to kiss your wife!

How to arrange romance to a wife in nature?

How to arrange romance to a wife in nature?
How to arrange romance to a wife in nature?

If your beloved is tired of sitting in four walls - arrange for her romance in nature. Now there are a lot of opportunities to spend time actively, admiring the beauty of Mother Nature. Only it should be borne in mind that such a pastime requires large expenses and time. If you live in the city, then you will have to spend time to get to a beautiful secluded place, as well as spend money on food and accommodation.

How to arrange romance to a wife in nature:

  • Overnight in the tent. Such a romantic is suitable for the warm season. Even in early spring, or late autumn, such a sortie does not need to be planned. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will like to freeze for a day, and sleep dressed as “cabbage”. Also note that for such a romance you will need many things. The tent itself - it should be such that two adults can freely accommodate in it. After all, if it does not have the opportunity to turn around normally, then you will not have to talk about any romance. You will also need sleeping bags, in case the night is cool. Even on such a trip it will be necessary to take a couple of flashlights, a pink for a fire, a battery for charging phones, food products, and dishes in which you can cook at the stake. In place you will have to put a tent, light a fire, and you can cook food, and admire wildlife. And remember that even in such a place, you can make your wife pleasant surprises. You can make her coffee, cook to eat while she is resting, picking a bouquet of flowers, pick up berries.
  • Horseback riding. Horse riding is a great way to spend time together. True, there is one thing, but - not everyone loves horses. This must be taken into account. If your wife does not see a problem in this, then look for people who live outside the city and rent horses. When you figure it out with all this, you can take a wife and go to the romantic. But choose the most picturesque places for a surprise so that it is nice to ride. If your second half is afraid of animals, then rent a real carriage and roll it in the park. In this case, you can take champagne and chocolate with you to relax even more. At the very end of such a walk, you can arrange a memorable photo shoot, if you wish, you can additionally spend money on thematic clothes to get even more positive emotions.
  • Winter house in the mountains. This idea will appeal to those who live near the mountains. Of course, anyone can go to the mountains, but you need to understand that this is not very cheap. But what can you do for the sake of a loved one! Now there are a lot of tourist bases to rent small houses in which you can have a rather secluded time. Just specify in advance, there is heating and a place for cooking. Your wife will accurately appreciate your surprise, because several days spent among the snowy nature will be remembered for a long period. If there are ski tracks on the tourist base, then in the afternoon you can ski, and after an active rest, allow yourself to warm up with warm mulled wine. And if you are lucky, and there will be a wood fireplace in your house, then you can spend a couple of romantic dinners at the crackling fire. Thinking about a beautiful, joint future, and at the same time drinking delicious wine. As you can see, having spent a little of your time and finance, you can make a fabulous rest for a loved one.

How to arrange romance to his wife in the country?

How to arrange romance to his wife in the country?
How to arrange romance to his wife in the country?

If you think that a summer house is not a place for romance, then you are deeply mistaken. This is exactly the place where you can relax both with your soul and body, especially since you are familiar with everything here, and you know every secluded place. The easiest way to spend the evening together, brew fragrant tea and sit at the window, looking at nature, and talking about everything in the world.

How to arrange romance to his wife in the country:

  • Admire the starry sky. Only away from the bustle and endless illumination of shop windows, you can see the real starry sky. Some people do not even suspect how bewitching can look like a night sky. Therefore, a trip to the country is ideal for such a surprise. All that you will need to do in this case is to find a beautiful open place and take a blanket with you. Just keep in mind that on the day when you plan a romantic, the sky should be cloudless. And if you have the opportunity to get a real telescope, then your surprise will be still memorable. You can see entire constellations in it, the main thing is to know where to look for them. To do this, there are special cards, as a rule, they are complete with a telescope.
  • Prepare a thematic dinner. An interesting idea for those men who like to cook. Now on the Internet you can find many simple recipes for absolutely all the kitchens of the world. And products for their preparation can be bought at any large chain store. You will only need to decide which kitchen you will cook - French, Italian, Japanese. Just buy products in advance and take them to the country. And while the wife is busy with the garden, you can surprise her, and prepare something new and original.
  • Slow dances under the moon. Remember how trepidation you always danced at the very beginning of your relationship. The slow dance gave so much warmth, love, positive emotions. Try again to arouse the same feelings in your soulmate. Decorate the courtyard of the cottage with multi-colored garlands, the story of a disco-char. When it gets dark on the street - turn on the lighting and music, and call your spouse to dance. For dancing, choose the song compositions that both of you like.
  • Photoshoot for two. There is nothing better than a photo shoot in nature. This simple idea of \u200b\u200bromance is suitable for any season. Find a beautiful place near the cottage, and you can start. If desired, you can make a photo shoot more funny, just buy fake antennae, glasses, lips, crows, hats in advance. And all this, at their discretion, is used to create memorable pictures. And do not be discouraged if your photos cannot be done as in glossy magazines. He will still be memorable for you, and over time you will consider them warmly, and even laugh with some.
  • Remember the pleasant moments of the past. This idea of \u200b\u200bromance is suitable for those couples who love silence and tranquility. In this case, you do not have to run somewhere, go, cook something. You will only need to press the remote control button, and you can enjoy pleasant memories of watching a video from your wedding. If desired, it will be possible to pause and discuss some funny, or very cute moments, believe me, all this will bring you very much. If you do not want to watch a wedding video, then you can take a bottle of wine, sit together on the sofa, and look at wedding photos. Such a pastime will definitely remind you how much you love each other, and with what feelings you swore to each other in eternal love. Yes, and do not forget to make your wife compliments about her unearthly beauty, and be sure to say that at the moment she is even more attractive.

How to arrange romance to wife is an unusual surprise

How to arrange romance to wife is an unusual surprise
How to arrange romance to wife is an unusual surprise

Unusual surprises will also be an excellent idea for romance, but they need to prepare for them in advance and carefully. Since they are more costly, it is best to arrange them on the date important for your family - on the anniversary of the wedding, on Valentine's Day, on the birthday of his beloved.

How to arrange romance to a wife is an unusual surprise:

  • Wine degustation. If you want to surprise your beloved for real, then arrange for her a tasting of wines. Just keep in mind that in this case it will be necessary to spend on a few bottles of a high -quality expensive drink. Ideally, there should be at least five different wines. Correct food will also require guilt. If you want to do everything as correctly as possible, then you will need a cheese plate, nuts, and honey. Take honey with a neutral taste so that it does not interrupt the taste of wine. You can take a little chocolate. Cool the wine at home, put all the products beautifully on a large plate, put honey in the center. To make it more convenient to eat cheese with honey - put skewers. Be sure to put the candles on the table, and make sure that you have the opportunity to change the glasses, since you can not mix the tastes and aromas of white and red wine. Also, do not forget to put clean water on the table. With its help, it will be possible to clean the taste receptors before breaking a new type of alcohol.
  • Flight on a balloon. Another perfect romantic that many will like. But in this case, you need to pay attention to one nuance - your wife should not be afraid of heights. If she has problems with this, then she certainly will not relax and will not enjoy the flight. Do not forget that such an original journey requires the execution of certain rules. We must behave very calmly - do not jump, do not try to swing the basket, do not go over to its edge. Following such simple rules, you will get a lot of pleasure, and definitely will not suffer. You can take champagne with you on flight, and drink it on top. And by landing, be sure to take a joint photo against the background of a balloon. You can also ask someone to be removed when you go up to the sky.
  • A trial dance lesson. If your wife always dreams of dancing, but she does not have time for this, then she will definitely like this idea for romance. Now everywhere, even in the smallest city, there are dance schools, so with confidence it can be argued that you can easily organize a trial lesson. Make sure that the lesson is given only to you, so that your second half is not embarrassed if it doesn’t work out.
  • Bathing under cover of night. Ideal for summer romance. Invite your wife to swim in the river late at night when everyone else will sleep. You can swim, and then light a fire on the shore and bask and enjoy each other - remember what you were before, make plans for the future, just talk about trifles, joke, if you don’t bother anyone - sing, dance. If you wish, you can take light snacks with you so that there is something to eat. If you do not bow to sleep, you can wait for dawn, and enjoy the sunrise.

How to arrange romance to a wife budget?

How to arrange romance to a wife budget?
How to arrange romance to a wife budget?

If you carefully read our article, you probably already realized that you can arrange a romantic without a large financial costs. Now we will present to your attention a few more ideas, for budget surprises. They are very simple, and every man will bring them to life.

How to arrange romance to wife budget:

  • Write a love letter. Such a surprise is able to surprise anyone, especially a modern woman. We live in a century when paper letters are almost not sent to each other. People prefer to communicate on the Internet, and do not want to spend their time on paper letters. Therefore, boldly take a piece of paper, and write a letter. Tell him how much you love your spouse, how much she is dear to you, be sure to specify that you can’t imagine life without her. Try to describe her beauty, as you see her. When the letter is written, it is beautifully drawn up, draw hearts, write in the corner the word: "I love." The envelope also pay attention, decorate it beautifully, for example, glue decorative ribbons, seal it with a paper heart. In the address, write: "My beloved woman." Put the finished letter in the mailbox, and wait for the wife to pick it up. When she reads him additionally hand her flowers and say that you love her very much.
  • Do all her work for your wife. Women's work never ends, so if you free your spouse from home routine for at least one day, she will be grateful to you. When she goes to work, proceed to fulfill the plan. First of all, get out in the house, make everything sparkled around. Wash all the clothes, and, if possible, will continue it and put it in places. When finish with these matters, proceed to cook dinner. Prepare only those dishes that you perfectly get. After cooking, get out in the kitchen. This is very important, upon arrival home, the wife should not do work. Next, go to the table setting how to serve it beautifully, we told you at the very beginning of our article. Wait for your wife and make sure that the food is warm. Be sure to put on a shirt and trousers, throw a white waffle towel through the hand, and meet your wife in the role of an impromptu waiter. Spend it at the table, light the candles and give dinner. After a meal, be sure to re -wash all the dishes.
  • Admit love all day. You can admit love in different ways, and now we will tell you what. Initially, of course, you can whisper the words of love in your ear when you only wake up in the morning. Do not forget to admit love when she leaves for work. While the wife is going to, put in all her pockets notes of recognition in your passion. She will find them during the day, and will be very happy. Closer to dinner, send her a couple of love messages in social networks, write a message on the phone. You can even find a cute verse with admission to love and send it. You can shoot a short video about your love for your spouse, and throw him into the social network tape, not only his wife, but her friends, and believe it will be very proud of you. You can also write words of love under each of her photos. When the wife returns from work, wait for her with a large poster in hands, on which it is written in large letters: “With the return of your beloved!”.

How to arrange romance to a wife in an original way?

How to arrange romance to a wife in an original way?
How to arrange romance to a wife in an original way?

You can surprise a loved one in different ways, the main thing is to know what interests he has. Therefore, when planning a date, be sure to think about how your loved one will react to him. After all, if you invite a person who does not tolerate the appearance of one mosquito, then your undertaking with a romantic date will probably fail.

How to arrange romance to a wife in an original way:

  • Evening in a restaurant for two. Removing an entire hall in a restaurant is not very cheap, but if desired is possible. Surely you have a favorite restaurant where you and your wife feel as comfortable as possible. It is in it that order a romantic dinner. Delicious dishes, quiet music, and good wine, will help you create the right atmosphere. And so that your beloved woman really feel like a queen, send her to the beauty salon during the day, make her hairstyle, nails, and refresh her face. Be sure to buy her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, hand it away when she arrives at the restaurant.
  • A costume party of lovers. Another interesting idea for those couples that are not afraid of difficulties. You can rent various costumes - clothes of different eras, fairy -tale heroes, and cinema heroes. At home, you can arrange a comic defect with reincarnation into selected heroes. And in order for you to have a memory of this day, each image can be photographed. In such bizarre images, you can have dinner and dance.
  • A small trip on the ship. Absolutely all women will like the trip on the ship, because there is nothing more beautiful than looking at the endless waves in the arms of a loved one. If you are limited in time, then plan such a trip in the daytime, literally for a couple of hours. This time is enough to enjoy the views and take a lot of beautiful photos. If you have a vacation, you can ride on a walking ship in which you can remove a comfortable cabin. In this case, you will have the opportunity to see the night sky above the sea and admire the stars.
  • Dinner on the balcony. Suitable for those who have a beautifully equipped balcony. Here you can spend a quiet evening with your beloved woman, admiring views from the window. The higher you live, the more spectacular the picture will be. Serv the table in advance, take wine with you and enjoy delicious food and each other. If you know how to play the guitar, you can also try to surprise your spouse, sparing her a romantic song.
  • Meet the sunset on the roof of the house. If you live in a multi -storey building, then arrange a romantic on its roof. In advance, bring a table, chairs there in advance, prudently spread the garlands to make it more beautiful. If you do not want to cook something, then just go to the coffee shop, buy coffee and sweets, and treat your wife. Wall the neighbors in advance that music can play on the roof. This must be done so that no one ruins you a romantic surprise. Wait for the sunset, and only then turn on the music. When the sun hides over the horizon, and it will become completely dark on the street, turn on all bright lights. You can make music a little louder and invite your beloved to the dance.

How to arrange romance to wife - classic ideas

How to arrange romance to wife - classic ideas
How to arrange romance to wife - classic ideas

There are win -win options for romantics, which absolutely all women like. Moreover, they are quite easy to implement, and do not require any special efforts. Only the desire of a man and the free time of a woman is needed.

How to arrange romance to a wife - classic ideas:

  • Invitation to the coffee shop. You can always invite your loved one to a coffee shop to a fragrant cup of coffee and a croissant, or a piece of delicious cake. Take a table by the window and enjoy a pleasant moment. After eating coffee, you can walk around the park, or feed ducks and other birds. It doesn’t matter what you will do on this day, the main thing is that you will spend time together.
  • Go to the attractions in the park. If your park has attractions, then you can have a very fun time with your loved one. You can go for a walk at any time convenient for you. But it will be better if you get out for entertainment in the late afternoon. When lights are lit in the park, multi -colored illumination, lighting will turn on on the attractions. All this will add fabulousness to your romance, and will help to make many beautiful memorable photos.
  • Visit culinary courses. Does your wife just love to cook? Then be sure to go with her to culinary courses. It is not particularly important that you will cook for them, the main thing is that it is a new dish for you. If your wife likes your undertaking, you can pay her a few more lessons, and if possible visit them with her together.

As you can see, you can very easily arrange romance to your wife, the main thing is that you have a desire. Use our ideas to surprise a loved one, and then everything will be fine with you.

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