Why is the husband all the time dissatisfied and criticizing? The husband criticizes the appearance of his wife: reasons, reviews, psychologist's advice

Why is the husband all the time dissatisfied and criticizing? The husband criticizes the appearance of his wife: reasons, reviews, psychologist's advice

Why does the husband criticize the appearance of his wife?

A lot of women are faced with dissatisfaction with their spouses daily, this often concerns their appearance. In general, a man can be dissatisfied with a figure, insufficient care, or simply a mismatch of his wife's appearance to his ideals.

Why does the husband criticize the appearance of his wife:

  • In fact, criticism is not always constructive, and directed to help her woman. In most cases, this is a way to compensate for your low self -esteem, to increase it at the expense of a woman. Below, we consider the options for constructive and destructive criticism by a man. Sometimes a man criticizes his woman in order to help and fix, remove shortcomings.
  • In this case, criticism does not sound insulting, for example, this dress is not very suitable for you, let's choose a more suitable option and buy a beautiful outfit. In this case, criticism is constructive, the man does not speak of the disadvantages of appearance, but hints that the dress on the figure does not sit very successfully, suggests correcting the existing drawback.
  • You should not be offended by such proposals, it is best to acquire a more successful model that will hide the flaws of the figure and emphasize dignity. If criticism sounds something like this: “As always, it was not clear what.How can you wear such a short outfit with such thick legs? " In this case, criticism is destructive, it is not aimed at correcting the deficiency, but in order to offend, to cause an emotional reaction.

The husband is all the time and criticizes: reasons

Destructive criticism contains an indication of external defects, this is a way to offend, it does not contain options for solving the problem. Constructive criticism, on the contrary, gently emphasizes the shortcomings, and offers a solution to the problem and its elimination. 

The husband is all the time and criticizes, the reasons:

  • Relations as a victim and sadist. This is one of the varieties of destructive relationships, they are not unhealthy, and develop due to the predisposition of partners. In this case, a woman is a victim of life, and some kind of children's script recoups. There are two options for the development of events.
  • In the first case, the woman was used to feeling like a victim, she was constantly punished in childhood, so she does not represent another life. She is used to the fact that she is constantly offended and humiliated. Accordingly, she does not know other relationships.
  • In the second option, resentment from a man is a kind of blow and a method of self -flagellation for a woman. That is, a woman feels an emotional shake, a negative message of her side, as it would be deserved, her self -esteem calms down, and the condition returns to normal. In the first case, you need to change yourself. It is useless to leave a man, throw him, find other relationships. 

Why does the husband constantly find fault after work?

Why does the husband constantly find fault after work:

  • Emotional bursts and the need to remove the negative. In this case, appearance defects are not the cause of criticism, the man did not want to offend at all. This is one of the ways to throw out his negative, which has accumulated at work, or one of the friends offended.
  • Criticism towards a woman is a way to free herself from negativity. You need to talk with a man, explain to him that it is unpleasant for you when he indicates the shortcomings.
  • Try to say this as correctly as possible, for example, dear, I understand that you have a very difficult day today, let's relax together and rest. I would noti wanted to Listen to negative comments. 

The husband constantly finds fault with the little things: is it necessary to react?

There are men whose main task is to humiliate you, insult, increase your own self -esteem by humiliation of a partner.

The husband constantly finds faults on trifles, reasons:

  • In this case, criticism usually happens according to trifles, and always. This person is always dissatisfied with everyone, and it doesn’t matter how you look. Even if for other men you are very attractive, then for this particular individual, you will not always be like that.
  • In almost all cases, a man will criticize you for everything, for any reason. He will jump from one problem to another, thereby trying to bite, worsen the mood, cause negative emotions on your part.
  • At the same time, a man does not offer a solution to the problem. In everything, a wife is always to blame. In this case, it makes no sense to establish relationships, it is best to tear them out with this person. The problem is just a man, since his self -esteem is at such a low level that he is not able to enjoy life, see positive changes around, and only notes the negative.

The problem is in his internal state. Such men need to work on themselves, expand and fill the inner world, try to see not only negative, but also positive changes in their lives. It is difficult to fix a man without his desire.

Therefore, your task is to try to get out of these relations with minimal losses. Such men even after a divorce get their ex -wives, because they need to splash out their negative energy, increase their own self -esteem. 


The husband constantly criticizes with strangers

The husband constantly criticizes at outsiders:

  • Features of education. In some families, parents are very stingy with praise, so they perceive the achievements of children as something due, slowly to praise them. The main attention is paid to the shortcomings, mistakes of your child.
  • Accordingly, in such families children are scolded, but not praised. That is why people grow in such families who are very difficult to say kind, good words, but at the same time they always express their dissatisfaction.
  • Usually such nuances of education are visible at the very beginning of the acquaintance. If you saw such an appeal, you do not like it at all, do not waste time. Most likely, changing such a person is almost impossible, constant work and desire from a man is necessary. 
  • If such behavior is quite familiar to him, then it is not worth expecting something else from him. 

The husband criticizes excess weight - how to get out of the situation?

Many men tend to notice the shortcomings that are present in themselves. Accordingly, if a man reproaches you in excess weight, he may also have problems.

Why does the husband criticize excess weight:

  • Invite a man to play sports together, or to sit on a diet. It is necessary that this sound not like a reproach, a hint of excess weight, but kindly. Invite the man to lose weight together.
  • There is no need to say that he is fat, or he has lard, just tell me that you want to look good, and you will not mind if a man supports such an initiative. 
  • Please note that a worthy man, properly educated, without problems with the psyche, does not need to increase his own self -esteem by humiliation of others.

The husband constantly criticizes what to do?

All criticism, which is offensive, with direct indication of disadvantages, without solutions to the problem, is destructive. The main goal of a man is to offend you. There are many reasons for destructive criticism, and most often a woman is innocent. 

The husband constantly criticizes what to do:

  • If the reason is the need for self -affirmation, then you need to part with such a man. With the psychotype of a woman, “offenders”, “victims”, the following relationships will be absolutely the same. This is due to the psychology of the woman herself, who is used to, that she is always offended, she will strive for such a relationship.
  • Almost always, men of this character will pay attention to her. Most often with such women, despotistical men, tyranny, who never listen to someone else's opinion. There is only one correct opinion, and it belongs to it.
  • The main task is to stop sobbing and emotionally react. After all, a man eats and enjoys the negative. Deprive him of such pleasure.

The husband constantly insults and humiliates what to do?

It happens that a man has a turmoil at work, or just an unsuccessful day. In this case, he is constantly unhappy, and tries to point out shortcomings so that you become just as bad as him.

The husband constantly insults and humiliates what to do:

  • Do not rush to scandal with him. The most optimal option is to improve relationships, maintain it, say that it is the best, everything will work out. Only in this case can a man’s self -esteem be increased.
  • It is not for nothing that many billionaires note that without a wife they would not have happened. Believe in your man, praise him, even for small achievements and trifles. A man should feel that they are loved, confident in him.
  • Such faith sometimes inspires, and is capable of making a successful businessman from an ordinary employee of the factory. Remember that relations are work for two. To improve them, you need to listen to each other, and believe in the success of the partner. 
Nit -picking
Nit -picking

My husband constantly criticizes me what to do: reviews

Criticism from a man is not always reasonable and fair. Often this leads to a break in relations, constant scandals. Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of women who are faced with constant criticism and bullying their husbands. 

My husband constantly criticizes me what to do, reviews:

Valentine. I have been married for 10 years, and my husband’s attitude has changed very much compared to the first year of marriage. Now he is constantly unhappy, and he is not satisfied not only with my appearance, but everything that I do, what I am interested in. All the programs that I watch consider pink snot, reproaches in degradation. It was thanks to him that I began to pay more attention to myself, and not because I was afraid of a divorce or rupture of relations. Now I feel much better. I believe that a woman should fill herself in marriage and constantly develop. Over time, the criticism from her husband stopped, because my figure improved due to constant fitness and dancing. Now I don’t spend a lot of time at home, maybe he misses. 

Oksana. I am now married for the second time. With my first husband, I did not have a relationship precisely because of his constant criticism and discontent with me. Of course, the mother -in -law added oil into the fire, considering me an inappropriate party for her son. I have always been a bad mistress for them, not very importantly cooked, and there was a permanent mess in the house. In fact, I believe that it is better to spend free time with benefit, and not constantly lick the apartment. No, I do not consider myself a pig, and the house was relatively clean. Of course, there was no perfect shine and purity. Perhaps my husband was annoyed that I was not sitting at home, I have hobbies. Most likely, he wanted an ordinary keeper for himself, and a woman who fully belongs to him. I could not come to terms with the role of a thing, and indulge everyone with the desire of a man. Now I have equal relations with another man with whom we live very well. He is not embarrassed by the presence of a small amount of dust on the windowsill, and not ironed socks. 

Svetlana. My relationship with my first husband broke up precisely because of his constant criticism. Indeed, after childbirth, I gained weight a little, and began to lose weight. But the most interesting thing is when I was a lady in the body, he constantly criticized me and humiliated me. As soon as I lost weight, the situation has not changed, it became much worse. Jealousy connected to all this, since he was afraid that I would run away from him with his new figure. So it happened. Now I do not allow men to criticize and humiliate themselves. I am not a pear for whipping, but a woman who wants love and mutual understanding. Girls, appreciate yourself, in no case allow men to offend you. 


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To start a healthy relationship, you need to change yourself. Until such a woman learn to get out of the role of the victim, she will not establish normal relations.

Video: husband criticizes his wife

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much !!! Very valuable material !!!

  2. Now there are almost no normal women left. Everyone needs money, they also whine. After childbirth, fat cows, and cannot be criticized.

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