Why people ask uncomfortable questions: reasons. How to answer uncomfortable questions: Psychology

Why people ask uncomfortable questions: reasons. How to answer uncomfortable questions: Psychology

In this article, we will find out why people ask uncomfortable questions and how to answer them correctly.

Sometimes everyone finds himself in a situation where the interlocutor does not behave quite tactfully and delicately. He asks very uncomfortable questions, which obviously I would not want to answer. In fact, do not be afraid of them. Most importantly, learn to answer them correctly. Let's figure out why people ask such questions, as well as how to answer them correctly.

Why do people ask uncomfortable questions: reasons

How to answer an uncomfortable question?
How to answer an uncomfortable question?

So, in order to figure out what answers to uncomfortable questions, you must first understand why people ask them in general.

There are several reasons why people do this:

  • The desire to gloat. Some simply are pleased to cause psychological inconvenience and pain to people around them. As a rule, they are called evil and biliary. When they begin to ask some uncomfortable questions, they show their own superiority. Their main goal is to remove the interlocutor from a state of balance. In this case, do not respond to their anger in the same way. It is enough to just get away from the conversation and not contact such a person.
  • Tactlessness. This is one of the most common reasons why they ask uncomfortable questions. Modern people often interfere in other people's affairs. They do not necessarily have any evil intentions. This is done simply due to the lack of education and insufficient knowledge in human psychology. They give a person some tips, teach how to live correctly. In any case, they show tactlessness. To get rid of an uncomfortable position, you need to “put in place” of this interlocutor. If this is not done, then he will have so imperious in your life.
  • The desire to support. If you have some difficult situation in life, for example, you were fired from work, then most likely close ones are also worried with you. But not everyone knows how to propose proposing their help correctly. And it turns out that they are embarrassed and they begin to ask uncomfortable questions. Usually this is done in order to find out how your business is and whether help is needed. In such a situation, you should not react aggressively, because there is clearly no malicious intent in such matters.
  • The need for attention. Often inconvenient questions are asked by close people. They try to start a conversation on different topics in order to be closer, and, accordingly, to achieve your attention. Again, everything is done here not from evil. Basically, in such cases, the fact of communication is important and not even a topic. Perhaps they also want to share some problems with you. In this case, just let them speak out.

How to answer uncomfortable questions: Psychology

Unknown questions
Unknown questions

If you came across a tactless interlocutor, it is important to learn how to get rid of such conversations. In general, your answers to uncomfortable questions will differ depending on the situation. Your task is to simply learn to use this or that method when the situation requires this.

So, if there are several options on how to answer uncomfortable questions:

  • Answer the question with the question. To disarm the interlocutor, use his weapon. Arrange him an interrogation. For example, ask him why he needs to know this at all and what will change if you answer. If you are friendly, then the method will work and you will switch to neutral communication with the questioner. If a person is not stupid, then he will understand that it was not worth asking.
  • Transformation of the issue. Unknown topics can be redirected to another channel. It is enough to clarify what the conversation is about before answering this or that question. The main thing here is to do everything quickly so that the interlocutor did not manage to return everything back.
  • Lie water. You can give an answer to the question, but not directly. Speak as much as possible, and on a close topic. At the same time, keep the main topic. The method, of course, is not too reliable, because the interlocutor is not always easy to confuse. But in general, he works.
  • Ask for advice. If you want to distract your interlocutor, then give him the role of the main thing and let him talk about what, as it seems to him, he understands. And also ask advice and see what he will tell you. But you should not ask questions on the main topic. Because if you, for example, ask how to find a man, then during each meeting you can ask how things are with the search. So go away from the topic of the conversation as much as possible.
  • Joking. If you have a good sense of humor, you can start joke. When people ask the same questions that irritate, then come up with witty answers for them. After that, when they start asking you, give a joke.
  • Show discontent. There are questions that, although annoying, do not go beyond the decent. And there are those that are frankly tactless. If you are in the last situation, it is important to determine the boundaries of the permitted. Let the person understand that he should not clearly climb into some business.
  • Ignore the question. This method will require a little acting. Continue to talk as if you had not heard anything. Even if a person repeats the question, still rot his own. He will get bored anyway. If you think it is difficult, then literally get away from the question, for example, move away for a minute, and then return with another topic of conversation.
  • Mirror. Of course, if you are brought up, you definitely will not want to be rude. However, some people are so curious that they do not give up anyway. Then it is worth showing a little aggression. Just do not hurt your interlocutor in your own words. For example, if he does not like your haircut, then it is worth explaining to him that no one will adapt to his tastes, and everything suits you anyway.

How to answer uncomfortable questions: reviews

To think about how to build answers to uncomfortable questions, you can seek help from forums. People often discuss all sorts of problems and ask each other advice. In any case, it is necessary to choose the advice carefully, because not all actions and answers can be suitable for your character and level of education.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: How to answer tactless questions?

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