Relations of the former spouses after the divorce. The responsibilities of former spouses after a divorce, maintenance of a wife, children

Relations of the former spouses after the divorce. The responsibilities of former spouses after a divorce, maintenance of a wife, children

What should be the relations of the former spouses after the divorce.

The relations between the spouses after the divorce largely depend on what caused the rupture of the relationship. As practice shows, the relationship is best preserved between people who parted by mutual agreement and have no complaints about each other. In this article we will tell you how spouses should behave after a divorce. 

Relations of the former spouses after a divorce

Many believe that it will not work to maintain friendly relations after the divorce. It is difficult for women to understand how to communicate normally with a man who offended, changed, or abandoned. However, the relationship must still be maintained, primarily for children.

Relations of the former spouses after the divorce:

  • Many are hung up on their own emotions, and do not take into account that children experience the most severe stress in this situation. It is on children that the divorce is reflected, because they have to completely change the entire way of life.
  • This applies to school, place of residence, communication with parents. Therefore, first of all, parents are forced to maintain good relations and establish them precisely for the sake of children. There may be no common topics between the spouses, or affairs, partnerships, but in any case they must communicate in order to raise children.
  • After all, the child will suffer if he does not receive his father's love. The main task of parents is to try to maintain human relations in order to grow good children.

Duties of former spouses after a divorce

In fact, it is very difficult to establish relationships not that friendly, but at least not to be at enmity with each other. Psychologists believe that this is possible, but only if both spouses can agree.

The responsibilities of the former spouses after the divorce:

  • First of all, you do not need to be at enmity, but you should sit down and talk. Immediately after the divorce, one of the spouses may feel a resentment in relation to the former partner. This is quite normal, especially if the cause of the gap was the betrayal of one of the spouses.
  • Thus, the partner feels abandoned, offended, and cannot talk normally with his spouse, and even look at him. Despite the insult, you need to talk, and try not to quarrel.
  • Usually, the conversation can begin with accusations, respectively, it is very difficult, or almost impossible to establish in such conditions. First of all, spouses should want to talk to each other, and find common topics for conversation.
  • If resentment still lives in you, you need to let it go. In such situations, a family psychologist helps best, and a conversation with the eye of the eye. However, this must be done without complaints. 

The life of spouses after a divorce: is it worth talking or not?

Try to talk and decide that it hurts strongly, annoying in your partner. Tell us how angry you are. Many partners try to keep emotions in themselves, and do not splash them out.

The life of the spouses after the divorce, it is worth communicating or not:

  • This is wrong, since resentment will sit inside a person and bite him, which in turn can cause the development of psychosomatic ailments. Among them, intestinal diseases, endocrine and nervous system can be distinguished.
  • Psychosomatics can even provoke the occurrence of cancer tumors. To prevent this from happening, you need to talk, throw out all the negative on a partner and say why you are angry with him.
  • Only after that can you begin to build a new relationship. Remember, if old grievances are not completely forgotten, it is difficult to build new relationships. That is why many women and men after a divorce could not find the second halves.
  • This is not at all with the shortcomings of appearance, or some other reasons. Most often, the main reason for the impossibility of building new relationships is unfinished old ones. Inside each of the partners, there is a resentment that they could not let go. 
Former spouses
Former spouses

How to establish the relationship of spouses after a divorce: a psychologist's advice

Psychologists also give some tips that will help survive a divorce, build normal relations with the ex -spouse. However, for this it is advisable for a month to not communicate with the former. This will allow him to forget a little, to wean from the communication of the daily. 

How to establish the relations of spouses after a divorce, tips of a psychologist:

  • It is mandatory to withstand a certain distance between the former spouses. The fact is that it is the absence of this distance, borders, often causes the resumption of relations, which is extremely undesirable, especially if the spouses do not feel anything to each other, and live out of habit.
  • Therefore, try to communicate with your spouse only if necessary, discussing issues relating to children. It is not necessary to inform the spouse about their new relationships. 
  • In no case do not try to manipulate your child, because rare meetings will harm not only the former spouse, but also the baby. The child in any case needs his father's attention. 
Complex relationships
Complex relationships

Relations after a divorce from his wife: what is not worth doing?

Do not try to lure friends to your side, and tell all sorts of nasty things about the ex -wife. No need to spoil the relationship either with friends or with my husband. In no case do not pursue your ex -spouse, and do not play the detective. Do not constantly monitor his page on Instagram and social networks. No need to track his comments and pictures online. It is necessary to calm down and live your own life. 

Relations after a divorce from his wife, which should not be done:

  • You should also not close in four walls and try to cure yourself in loneliness. 
  • Do not look for support from the former. If you feel very bad, contact professionals.
  • Another mistake that men and women often make is stories about their relationships in social networks.
  • In no case should not be displayed on Facebook,In contact with Information about the divorce, all the more pour mud on your ex or the former. 
  • Do not drown out your pain with alcohol. This will become worse not only for you, but also to the child. 
  • Do not try to return the ex -husband, especially if he went to his mistress or he has a new relationship. 
  • Immediately after the divorce, many men try to find a replacement as quickly as possible. Try for a month do not register on dating sites, and do not go into all difficult. You can do stupid things, and enter into accidental intimate relationships, which you will then regret.  

Content of the former wife after divorce

The Family Code of the Russian Federation has a paragraph that speaks of the right of the former wife to receive alimony, after divorce. That is, under certain conditions, a woman can seek the payment of alimony not only for a child, but also on herself. 

However, she has the right to do this in the following cases: 

  • The content of the former spouse after a divorce is necessary if the couple has a disabled child requiring constant care. That is, a woman is constantly with a disabled child. Such funds are usually paid until they reach the age of 18. 
  • If the child is a disabled person of the first group, then age does not matter. 
  • If a woman was pregnant during a divorce or was in an interesting position. A man will pay a certain amount that covers the costs of life and food of a pregnant woman. 
  • If there is a common child who is not 3 years old. Thus, a woman sits on maternity leave and is not able to go to work, as she needs to look after the baby. Alimony is paid not only for the child, but also for the ex -wife, who sits at home with the baby. 
  • If after a divorce a woman became a pensioner and does not have the opportunity to work more. The spouse must pay alimony for it, due to disability. The amount of payments is usually discussed by spouses in a separate manner. If the husband and the wife cannot agree, then the court determines the amount of payment. 
The end of the relationship
The end of the relationship

The property of spouses after a divorce, how to divide?

There are duties of spouses that they must observe after a divorce. This applies mainly to raising children and business deeds.

Property of spouses after a divorce, how to divide:

  • Spouses do not have the right to claim property that was acquired before marriage.
  • If the contract of sale of the apartment was issued before the man and the woman became spouses, then the one who purchased it has the right to dispose of property.
  • Everything that is bought in marriage is shared in half. This does not apply to antiques, and some other products. 

Relations with children after divorce

The main difficulty lies in raising a child, as many women are trying to limit the communication of an ex -husband with her child. The guardianship authorities advise to neglect with the spouse amicably, that is, to conclude a settlement agreement in which it will be indicated how often former spouses can visit their children.

Relations with children after a divorce:

  • The former spouse has the full right to participate in raising a child, know information, constantly communicate, attend educational, medical institutions. In addition, the father decides to give or not to give permission to travel the child abroad, to receive an inheritance.
  • The mother has exactly the same rights as the father. The law does not establish the great rights and capabilities of one of the spouses. However, in most cases, during court hearings that relate to guardianship over the child, the court gives the mother’s advantage.
  • However, this does not mean that if the child lives with his mother, this somehow infringes on the rights of the father. A man can come at any time, communicate with a child. If the former spouses cannot agree and determine exactly when each of the spouses will see the child, then a document regulates this is drawn up.
The end of the relationship
The end of the relationship

Spouses after divorce

Immediately after the divorce, some rights are lost. However, if a woman does not have housing, then after a divorce she is given a certain period that allows you to find a new apartment. It is usually allowed to live in an ex -husband’s apartment within a month. Prava spouses after the divorce are the same, this applies to property and raising children.

Many interesting articles about relationships can be found on our website:

You can not call women with bitch, get angry with them. Remember that both are to blame for a divorce, so you should not blame men. No need to refuse a new relationship forever. Divorce is a painful incident that hit the pride, as well as self -esteem. Very often, a woman and a man put a cross on her personal life, believing that they no longer need the second halves. 

Video: Relations after divorce

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello wife, it’s not a good thing to see the children, for two years now, children have not wanted to do what to do

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