How to make a profession by profession: rules, sample, examples. Why is it necessary to draw up a professiogram in the chosen specialty? What information does the professiogram contain?

How to make a profession by profession: rules, sample, examples. Why is it necessary to draw up a professiogram in the chosen specialty? What information does the professiogram contain?

Among the many modern terms, not so long ago, one more appeared: a professiogram. The name itself suggests that the concept has a binding to any profession.

But here is what kind of binding, what is its specific benefit and why the professiogram is needed at all - we will understand all this.

What is a professiogram?

The concept of a professiogram includes a description of the personal and professional qualities necessary for a particular specialty, as well as a description of the profession itself, which includes the alleged tasks performed operations, and the functions inherent in the work process.

At first glance, it is similar to the job description, but the differences between these two concepts are as follows:

  1. In the professiogram there is no description of rights and obligations A specialist, while in the job description - this is one of the main sections.
  2. List of requirements, which the employee must correspond, covers the profession as a whole, and not a certain position, therefore he is much wider in coverage.

The professiogram can be compiled in a variety of forms, from a standard text document or video to infographics or presentation. Such a variety is very convenient, in particular, for the process of career guidance of schoolchildren or young people facing the choice of profession.


What types are there professiograms?

Depending on the goal that the professiogram is pursued, they can be divided into:

  1. Methodologicalthat are based on the description of specific processes carried out during the work. During the analysis of each of the processes (both individually and in interaction), one can see the methods by which it is possible to improve the qualifications of a particular employee, his professional skills, skills.
  2. Information Professionals are most suitable for those who are in the process of choosing a future profession, and are often used for career guidance. This is the most compact, short and concise type of information.
  3. Diagnostic Proforters are created to determine possible reasons when negative signs appear: frequent problems in the production process, accident, decreasing labor productivity, reducing production discipline, etc. This professiogram describes in detail each of the production processes at this enterprise (company, institution, etc.). This is the most detailed and detailed professiogram.
  4. Constructive Professionals are compiled in order to improve work, using modern technical means for this purpose and optimally organizing the work of employees of the enterprise.

What information does the professiogram contain?

  • An extensive complete professiogram that combines all of the above species in general terms, as a rule, includes several sections in which you can find information directly about this professionabout what types of activity dominate it.
  • A separate section describes qualitiesthat are necessary for the successful implementation of a certain work. Moreover, these positions can be divided into several more: the abilities, personal characteristics, inclinations and interests necessary for this profession, which can contribute to the better performance of work and additional interest in it.
  • Also, the compiler of the professiogram ideally indicates those qualities that may impede the effective performance of work. Spheres are called in which the necessary professional knowledge can be applied. And finally, the professiogram includes a classification card of professions.
  • It summarizes psychological accents that are important when choosing a profession: its name, field of professional application, necessary basic knowledge, conditions of work, what method of thinking should be dominant by the employee, what are the main interests for him and which are additional, as well as the main features. interpersonal interaction.
  • Thus, the professiogram allows reveal the essence of a particular specialty, to understand what exactly and in what conditions this specialist has to work, the level of training and the quality and ability required for him to master the profession and ability.
  • In part career advancement The professiogram reveals the concepts of salaries and the demand for this specialty. As for the specifics of the work, the professiogram provides information about what exactly the employee is doing, how and for what purpose the work process necessary for the activities of the tools occurs.

Why is it necessary to draw up a professiogram in the chosen specialty?

The task of the professiogram is to ensure the optimal selection of an employee.

  • It often happens that one employee with a squabble character can introduce the entire team into a conflict situation, which will affect labor productivity, can contribute to the fluidity of the staff, and ultimately to financial losses.
  • Therefore, it is so important, selecting the applicant for the vacancy that has appeared, make sure that it meets the requirements that are advanced for this specialty or position. And it is precisely the professiogram that will make it possible to conduct a comparative analysis in this and, as a result, choose the most appropriate from several applicants.
  • In addition, the importance of professiograms should also be noted in accordance with the presented international standards and requirements, which allows you to bring the products of a particular enterprise to an appropriate international level, allowing not only to minimize the possibility of marriage, but also eliminate the reasons leading to its possible appearance.
Suitable for each profession
Suitable for each profession

By what principles is a professiogram is being developed?

  1. First of all, it is the principle of systematicitythat involves the specific and significant differences in this work or position in the general work of the enterprise and the alleged professional movement of a particular employee.
  2. The principle of integrity It consists in analyzing and evaluating the nature of work from the perspective of the employee's personal qualities.
  3. The principle of practicality It consists in the fact that test studies should be combined with practical applied psychophysiology, while instrumental - to correspond to the business.
  4. The principle of modernity and scientific It consists in accordance with the latest scientific concepts used by methods.
  5. The principle of effectiveness It is a successful solution to the problem of interacting with the staff of the enterprise in conditions of strict competition.

How to make a professiogram: step -by -step instructions

The compilation of professiograms is engaged in managers responsible for working with staff, or, as they are also called, HR managers. The name HR itself denotes the concept of human resource. HR managers of various areas of activity are, of course, individual professiograms that may differ in the number of points. But, having generalized these examples, you can make an approximate step -by -step instruction.

  • Step No. 1. Start by compiling the general characteristics of this profession, indicating its full name corresponding to the nomenclature list. Also designate what level the formation is necessary to fulfill such duties.
  • Step No. 2. Description of all cycles and stages of the labor process, including every, even the most insignificant operation or task. Here it is also necessary to include a list of functions that this employee must be performed.
  • Step No. 3. The listing of all the necessary requirements for the contractor the task or the representative of this profession: personal qualities (both psychological and physical), the basic set of knowledge, skills and skills. Such a description is also called a psychogram.
  • Step No. 4. A psychological assessment of work, which includes its positive and possible negative aspects.
  • Step No. 5. Build all the information in strict order. Now she is ready for application for any of the applicants for this vacancy.

The above points are basic for compiling any professiogram. But depending on the goal pursued, on what qualifications the employee needs, and many other points, the following sections can also be added:

  • Changesto which this profession is subjected to the development of scientific and technological progress, its prevalence;
  • Prospects its further development;
  • Manufactured products necessary for the production of equipment, the arrangement of the workplace;
  • Sanitary and hygienic indicators: The pose in which it has to work, noise, vibrational, temperature conditions, illumination, rhythm of work, risks of injury and acquisition of a occupational disease, necessary medical indicators, estimated benefits, etc.;
  • The need for professional improvements, advanced training, official prospects;
  • Required general and intellectual level.

How is a professiogram developed?

  • In order to make a professiogram, HR managers usually carefully observe the most experienced workers during their direct activities.
Step -by -step development
Step -by -step development

The timing of working time is carried out, psychophysiological dimensions, sociometric matrices are built on how personnel interacts, information flows are analyzed.

  • All these processes are quite laborious, since it is necessary to use many technical means and working hours, so the professiogram is an expensive method.
  • Most often, the professiogram is compiled for large industrial enterprises, since the costs of its compilation are thus compensated by a decrease in the staff turnover, in addition, the effectiveness of the selection of employees is significantly increased, which allows the subsequent to work profitably.
  • Also professiograms develop special profile agenciesDirectly selecting personnel and employment. Such agencies include, as a rule, to large, pays for the cost of compiling a professiogram with a large number of customers.
  • Enterprises of a more modest scale can find samples of professiograms on the Internet and adjust them for their requirements and tasks.

Examples of a professiogram

In order for the information provided above to be more visible and understandable, we will give several examples of compiling a professiogram.

  1. Profile of an accountant(also suitable for the profession of a bank employee or economist)
  • a) The essence of the work - Using computing equipment, languages \u200b\u200b(natural and artificial), transforms texts, numbers and codes. Accepts primary documentation, processing it (both by hand and using the necessary computing technique), draws all the documentation related to reporting and accounting. Charges payments and conducts their transfer, accepts and issue funds, is responsible for financial discipline.
  • b) Necessary knowledge - Fundamentals of accounting, a list of existing types of fixed assets, job descriptions, regulatory documents. It is necessary to be familiar with the main documents relating to the conduct of commodity-money operations, with the economic structure of the enterprise, with the basics of working with computer equipment.
  • in) Necessary skills and skills - communicate with the clientele, comply with the rules for maintaining reporting documentation, correctly list finances, strictly comply with job descriptions, handle material values, be able to work with the necessary office equipment.
  • g) Professional quality -good abstract thinking, the presence of counting-analytical abilities, attentiveness (stability, concentration, distribution, volume, ability to switch), nervous and emotional stability, good operational and short-term memory, high performance, concentration, perseverance, scrupulousness in the process of work.
  • e) Necessary inclinations and interests - interest in the profession and work performed, for those who work with a clientele - a predisposition to communication, for leading documentation - a predisposition to routine work, clarity and accuracy in the execution of the requirements.
  • e) Required qualification - The presence of higher economic education.
  • e) Possible contraindications for health reasons - the presence of acute osteochondrosis, articular, proctological problems, vision or hearing problems, neuritis, epileptic disease, disorders of the nervous system.
  1. Professiogram of a mechanical engineer
  • a) The essence of the work - Design, design and operation of technological equipment, providing the labor collective with production tasks, monitoring their implementation, and controls their implementation, organization of the workplace of employees. Ensuring the working condition of existing equipment, monitoring steady compliance with safety measures.
  • b) Necessary knowledge - Theoretical base for drawing and drawing geometry, theoretical mechanics, material science, theory of machines and mechanisms. Knowledge of computing equipment, organization and technology of this production, automation and automation of all production processes, industry economics.
  • in) Professional quality - The ability to think constructively and logically, concentrate attention, the ability to make a responsible decision, the presence of organizational abilities.
  • g) Required qualification - higher education.
  • e) Possible contraindications for health reasons -diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, hearing impairment and vision, the presence of diseases and disorders of the nervous system.
  1. The professiogram of the hairdresser
  • a) The essence of the work - according to fashion trends, to be able to haircut, styling, combing, curling (with the help of curlers, clamps, forceps), shaving. Hair scalp and washing hair, applying chemicals and solutions. Hair coloring.
  • b) Necessary knowledge - structure, quality of hair and skin, existing methods and methods of performing hair operations, the composition of paints and solutions used in the work, their possible reaction with the skin and hair, the basics of first aid.
  • in) Professional quality - the presence of aesthetic perception and creative imagination, accuracy, a friendly attitude towards customers and colleagues, communicativeness, honing and speed of movements, patience, the ability to concentrate attention.
  • g) Required qualification -Professional and technical school or training courses in the specialty, training directly on the spot.
  • e) Possible contraindications for health reasons -allergic reactions to interaction with chemical drugs, skin diseases, diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, vision problems, the presence of neurosis, arthritis of joints and impaired coordination of hand movements.

Reference: The first professiograms appeared at the beginning of the 20th century at automotive enterprises belonging to Henry Ford. The result of the analysis carried out by the specialists of the plant was a description of the content of the work performed by certain cycles and correlation with the requirements for employees. Then experts determined that a number of professions are available for disabled.

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