How to become an actress, actor: step -by -step guide. Tips for schoolchildren and their parents. What is the profession of an actor?

How to become an actress, actor: step -by -step guide. Tips for schoolchildren and their parents. What is the profession of an actor?

The step -by -step guide how to become an actor, an actress for schoolchildren: tips, recommendations.

Cinema is a fabulous country where every actor can transform hundreds of times! Do you dream about it? Then our article, how to become an actor, actress - exactly what you need!

What is the profession of an actor?

Cinema for a modern person is part of life. Today, everyone can choose thousands of films and series in an interesting genre and it is not surprising that many teenagers dream of becoming a screen of the screen. But it is one thing, if this is a dream, a completely different question, if you seriously planned to connect your life with a blue screen. What is the profession of an actor?

If you read this article, then you probably wondered how to become an actor or actress? To begin with, we propose to consider in detail the question of who the actors are, what they are and what their work in each industry.

Actor of Dubbing

  • Many newcomers first conquer this particular niche. And not in vain, because there is more and more work in this niche every year, and the income in it is very decent in order to earn a living in anticipation of a bright role on the screen.
  • So , actors of dubbing - People with a unique, expressive voice that voiced foreign films, all kinds of cartoons and animations, as well as audiobooks popular today.
  • Also, dubbing actors can voice trainings, video for YouTube channels and much more. For the profession, a mandatory requirement is a quick, expressive, beautiful reading, as well as a perfectly set voice.

Video: 10 dubbing actors. Who voices the movie stars?

Theater actor

This category of actors is involved in theatrical productions both in one theater and in touring troupes. Theatrical productions are fundamentally different from cinema and require huge talent and effort. Many actors voluntarily abandon the cinema in order to devote the maximum time to the theater. For the profession, a mandatory requirement is the ability to get used to the role, quick memorization skills of a large amount of text, as well as dance skills, singing.

Video: Actors Casting

Actor of Cinema

The same heroes who embody the ideas of screenwriters and directors on blue screens. It is the most difficult to get into this niche, because in order to get a role, not only a charismatic image, talent and ideal skills are needed - sometimes elementary luck and notorious connections are required. The actor of the movie is shot not only in films, but also in TV shows, musical clips, talk shows and in all kinds of bodies of projects. For the profession, a mandatory requirement is the skill of rapid reincarnation, high professionalism and perseverance.

Girls often represent themselves as actresses of beauties. But as practice shows, there are many beauties, and units in demand from them. But having a certain “flaw”, a characteristic feature is easier to stand out from the crowd and be remembered by the viewer. Bright examples are low -growing Salma Hayek, with panther temperament, excellent mind turman with high growth and impressive foot size. As you can see, a lubricated appearance is not a criterion at all, on the question of how to become an actress. More important than charisma and perseverance in the development of the necessary skills.

Video: as an unprofessional actor to star in the cinema: tips from the casting director

How to become a child as an actor?

Schoolchildren, wondering how to become an actor, most often are not ready to set their way to the stars for a long time, and want to try themselves in the movie "Today and now." It is not surprising that many teenagers are looking for an answer to the question of how to become a child as an actor? There are really many roles, but how to take one of them?

Despite the fact that the audience regularly serves legends about how quite by accident in the store saw a charismatic child, who was immediately invited to the role, in reality of such cases, a unit for thousands of roles. It’s very difficult to even get a role in the background.

  • First option - To be a son, a daughter, a nephew, an adult godson who are related to the world of cinema. In this case, parents know who to present the child to be taken for the role. And such children are taken more willingly. Why? Everything is simple - in such families, acting is usually taught from the diapers, giving the child the necessary base and skills. Therefore, working with such children is many times less, which means they are more advisable to take them.
  • The second option - Children studying in theatrical and circus circles involved in vocals or sports. Such children are usually well accustomed to the public and close attention, and therefore are not embarrassed on stage. It is easier to work with them, and they also have the necessary skills required for a faster venue to the role.
  • The third option - Children whose parents are actively engaged in their development, and decided to try talents at the castings of actors. In this case, everything depends not only on the talent of the teenager, but also on the persistence of the parent. His willingness to take the child to castings, and give his time for the good of the future career of the child.

We summarize: To become a child, the actor needs a combination of the talent and hard work of the child complete with the active position of the parent

Casting for an actor's child
Casting for an actor's child

How to become an actor for a child: important tips

In order to become an actor for a child, there are several gold rules:

  • Work on acting. These skills can be honed both on theatrical circles and on their own by video tutorials and books. But the actor lives exclusively with the approval of society. Therefore, you should not wait for a miracle or “that same role”. Ask school performances, knock on the door of theatrical studios, start social networks and a channel on YouTube. Develop and show skills to others, while not forgetting about a healthy reaction to criticism;
  • Diction - A prerequisite for a good actor. Train as often as possible, produce different intonations, speech speed;
  • Appearance - Not an obligatory factor. Actors are required completely different. And therefore, instead of "redrawing" yourself better take up self -improvement. For example: it is stupid and pointless to replace the hair a thousand times, but to go in for sports and tighten the figure is always a plus of a point in your favor;
  • Expand the horizons. Watching the series on TV, you cannot expand the horizons, but having learned to swim, ride horses, fencing and juggling - excellent skills that can take a chance and take you as a promising beginner;
  • Uncertainty is a quality that is not inherent in the real actor of our generation. You must be able to play this emotion, but never plunge into it. Knock on all doors, participate in castings, shoot your videos and so on;
  • Sincerity - The most important moment in the actor who “clings” the viewer from the first moment. You should not play a role, you must be yourself in this role. Remember this always and everywhere. The ability to feel the character is the most important factor that should be mastered by a beginner actor;
  • Independence - This is not an empty phrase for a real actor. It will have to grow up early, since parents cannot be absolutely and everywhere. Learn to understand elementary issues, sociability with adults, as well as the ability to be responsible for your actions. Organization and concentration can also be attributed to this item;
  • The ability to learn large texts for memory. And no matter how you convince yourself of the opposite - the actor teaches a lot, and then the same amount. Therefore, the more you teach poetry and prose by heart, the more chances to show yourself to be a professional at the casting;
  • Patience and endurance. It is these qualities that the beginner-actor is required, as nothing else. Remember, they will criticize you, make comments and give many tips. Learn to "filter" criticism and distinguish constructive comments from caustic cobbles. Constructive criticism allows you to improve and improve work. And caustic knuckles only undermine self -esteem.

Video: How to get a casting in a movie?

How and where to get the necessary acting skills to the student?

If you dream of how to become an actor or actress, and plan to develop in this direction, discard the shyness of many teenagers and go to gain skills. Take this issue seriously, because at the time of admission to the educational institution you will already ask what you can.

Of course, there are legends of famous Hollywood actors, how they went to a party and met that same producer. But the actors and actors in order to deftly lower the facts of many years of work and provide their work as “innate talent”.

  • So, the first thing they ask when entering actingmonologue and verse as a keepsake. It will be necessary to recite not only by heart, but also with expression, changing the intonation of the voice, playing with facial expressions and gestures. You have a few minutes to convince teachers of your talent. So, you cannot do without thorough preparation.
  • The most budgetary decision is the theater circle at the school, as well as participation in theatrical productions at the school. Ask for all class settings and hone skill even on mute roles. Study the presence of theatrical circles in your area. Also find out if there are schools of theatrical skill for children in theaters in your city. We talk with your parents the opportunity to visit these extracurricular institutions and the financial capabilities of parents.
Acting School for Children
Acting School for Children

Rememberthat organizations under theaters often cooperate with philanthropists. Therefore, even if your family has a difficult financial situation - you knock on the door of the leaders of the circles, perhaps noticing talent, they will help you ask for financial support for philanthropists, and you can visit the circles for free or with a minimum surcharge.

  • Also, do not forget that you are already a teenager and can do some work. So you can learn acting, and then help make -ups, costumera, administration in the organization of work. Assertive people quickly gain authority and respect, therefore, support.
  • Study the course of oratory and learn to put diction. In addition to paid courses, you can find free online, as well as trainings conducted in libraries, schools, universities. Often for recording, adult contacts are required - so do not forget to connect your parents.
  • Actively and diligently learn English. Yes, Russia is a huge country with a developed theater and cinema. But still, Hollywood remains the dream of every actor. And in order to break through there, it is necessary to freely own English. Are you polyglot and you are easily given tongues? Teach Chinese, French, German. This will expand the horizons and add points when listening in the future.
  • Are you doing dancing? Excellent! Good plastic is a faithful friend of a talented actor. In addition, many dancers, having reached considerable heights in their field, moved to an acting workshop. In addition, producers better take socially significant people with a large base of fans in projects, as this guarantees additional attention to projects. The same applies to sports, vocal, music and other things.
  • Is there a television channel in your city? Check the presence of castings and actively participate in them if you approach the requirements. Also follow the set of models for a variety of projects. The more active your activity will be, the more chances to “light up”.

How to become an actor or actress to a school graduate?

So, the last bell rang, and you submitted documents for acting at one of the universities of the country or the world. That's all? No and no! This is only the beginning, and if being a schoolboy, you had limited opportunities, now opportunities are fully opened.

If you are a graduate of the school and wondered how to become an actor - do not waste time exclusively to study, but actively practice:

  • Find out a complete list of theaters in your city, the presence of castings in themand go to the sample. Any practice will add glasses to you in the future, and will also help to acquire useful connections;
  • The public life of the actors of your city -the ability to personally meet, adopt experience and get fresh . But remember that frank self -interest is unpleasant to anyone. Therefore, make dating with a message to gain experience, interest in the person and the opportunity to learn from the best;
  • Participate in city events. They are unlikely to be noted there, but the experience of a large number of people is invaluable!
  • Follow all the castings in your educational institution. Getting a role is a great chance to stand out and become more noticeable in the film industry;
  • Try to get a theater. Yes, so far it is not world -famous fame, but it is a stable income and experience, after which it is easier to get into the cinema. But some actors, knowing the intricacies of the game in the theater, and feeling the severity of the work on the film site, prefer to stay on theatrical stages forever.
How to become an actor or actress to a school graduate?
How to become an actor or actress to a school graduate?

10 practical tips for a novice actor or actress

And in conclusion of an article on how to become an actor or actress we compiled 10 practical tips on how to move in this demanded field.

  1. Creating a name-brand. Today, becoming a personalized, individual actor is much easier than even a dozen years ago. And all this thanks to social networks! If you plan to have a pseudonym, immediately register under it on social networks and regularly devote time to them. It is not necessary to sit in the gazhazdets around the clock, it is enough to post content regularly. It can be once a week, or maybe once a day. Do not forget about feedback feedback;
  2. Make a resume and update it regularly. Learn to distinguish your strengths, and briefly formulating, bring them in a resume. Also rehearse self -presentation. You can get your chance at any time, and you will have only a few seconds so as not to miss it;
  3. Expand skills and do not forget to share this information on social networks and in the resume. For example, attend dancing lessons, improving plastic and replenishing the dance program, attend vocal lessons, and share the results on the YouTube channel, read the verses on video, read monologues. Do this so that ordinary people are interested in you, on the one hand, on the other hand, so that this is a worthy resume for producers and directors;
  4. Nuggets are wonderful, but most often they are looking for professionals. Remember this and improve all the time, attending the lessons of professionals in their field;
  5. Go to all the castings that you can visit. For all! Regardless of whether you like the role, whether the eminent director. Sometimes it is more important to “light up” in a small project than to wait for more interesting offers. By the way, at first the work is not paid, or is paid very modestly. Pay attention to television-Tok-shows Real trees for young talents. And another point is advertising. It helps not only to show the face to the world, but also to earn a certain amount;
  6. To keep abreast of everything that happens in the film industry, as well as in a theater society. At a minimum of its region, at a maximum of world creativity. Thus, you have more chances to visit the right castings, as well as show yourself at meetings by a professional. Having made acquaintances, find out from experienced actors which agent is better to contact, and discuss cooperation. Agents have experience and communications to promote young talents, so this is not a whim, but a necessity. But remember, the agent takes commission from the prisoner project. And only so! If money is asked from you in advance, such a specialist is not worth attention;
  7. Gorgeous game on stage, modesty in life. These are the gold rules of the actors, which are today in demand. This does not mean compression and fear, it means respect for other people's boundaries, punctuality and sociability, high performance and the ability to adapt to the workflow. The times when the actor could frankly "alode" sunk into oblivion, and even before, exclusively global stars could afford it;
  8. Get carefully for each listening. Read and teach texts, dialogs, dress in casting so as to complement your game. For example, a defiant dress and expressive makeup is suitable for the role of a sexy beauty, for the role of a guard - a T -shirt in the body to show the presence of muscles. The actor's work is hard work. And in a minute of fame on the big stage, the actor can work for years. This is not an easy profession, but if you dream of reincarnations, it's worth it;
  9. Get ready to receive refusals. If possible, take a recorder with you to record listening and fitback. Sometimes, instead of “we will call you back” or “thank you the next” director gives valuable advice. Catch them and develop in this direction!
  10. Think and move to a big city, or better the capital. For the actor, this is not a whim, but a vital necessity, since in small cities it is even problematic to get a small role, and they are not shot at all. But be prepared that you will not be noticed immediately, and the path to fame may be long and difficult.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to become an actor.

Video: How to become an actor without education?

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