Who to go to study after grade 9 to make good money: recommendations, a list of highly paid professions, reviews of college graduates and technical schools

Who to go to study after grade 9 to make good money: recommendations, a list of highly paid professions, reviews of college graduates and technical schools

A list of highly paid professions that can be obtained after grade 9.

Many of us dreamed of becoming an astronaut, or a firefighter in childhood. Dreams remained unrealistic, and each acquired their profession. Now the labor market has completely changed compared to what it was 20 or 30 years ago. Certain professions are in fashion, but, unfortunately, the labor market is overwhelmed with them. In this article we will tell you where to go to study after grade 9. 

Where to go to study after grade 9 to make good money?

In most cases, training after grade 9 is chosen by parents who do not have many funds for the acquisition of higher education. If you cannot boast of a high level of knowledge, then it is difficult to pass the exam, having received a high score in the same time. Accordingly, it makes no sense to hope for free or budget training at the institute. If the funds for higher education on a paid basis are not enough, then it is best to take care of acquiring a profession after grade 9. 

Where can you go to study after grade 9: 

  • This is a school, college, college. Such educational institutions have 1-3 level of accreditation. At the same time, they are taught mainly by specialists of working professions. Many will say that this is in most cases dirty work, and is paid enough. This is an erroneous opinion, since the analysis of the labor market shows that the professions of working specialties are the most popular.
  • Many people want to sit in a clean office and earn a lot of money without doing anything. That is why now there are a lot of people who want to find a job in the profession of an economist, a lawyer. It is most of all applicants in the labor market of these professions. Unfortunately, there are not many industries where economists and lawyers are required. Accordingly, getting a job in this specialty is very difficult.
  • Yes, and employers mainly prefer when choosing a specialist to a person who has work experience, customer database, and good reviews. After the institute, few people want to take students to work. If you are lucky, you can become an assistant to a lawyer or judge, or get a secretary to the court. However, this does not guarantee receiving the position of a lawyer, lawyer or judge.

Highly paid professions for young men after grade 9: List of demanded professions

We recommend choosing a profession that employers need. Below is a list of professions most popular in the labor market.

Highly paid professions for young men after grade 9:

  • Locksmith 
  • Driver 
  • Loader 
  • Turner 
  • Welder 
  • Driver 
  • Assistant driver 

The professions are familiar, while very in demand among employers. The person who will graduate from the school for an electrician or locksmith will not be left without work.


Where to go to the boy after grade 9 to study in order to earn good money?

Recently, the auto expord has become quite popular, so good money can be earned if you enter car mechanic or car mechanic.

Where to go to the boy after grade 9 to study in order to earn good:

  • There are a lot of cars on the roads, especially when it comes to the capital or large cities, therefore there is always work. There are a large number of car services offering a highly paid job. But at the same time you need to be a good enough specialist, and understand the cars. 
  • You can enter driver, or assistant driver. This is relevant if your city has a railway depot, a tram depot, or a diesel locomotive repair station. Such professions are very in demand in industrial cities, where part of the raw materials and products from the plant is exported using railway transport. Indeed, the driver and assistant driver earn good money, regarding other working realities. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the driver not only sits for the management of railway transport, but also takes part in the repair of equipment. Oddly enough, but the driver must be able to eliminate small problems. Therefore, most of the training you will study the structure of diesel locomotives, railway transport, as well as ways to eliminate its problems. 
  • Drivers. If we take into account the work of ordinary drivers who are engaged in passenger transportation, then most often the payment is low. But it increases many times if these are special machines, an industrial nature. This refers to excavators,KAMAZS, Belase. Such a technique works in quarries, on dumps, so such a profession will be a great option if you live in an industrial city in which mines, careers, factories function. Usually people of such specialties do not remain without work and payment is very worthy. 

Highly paid professions after grade 9 for guys

In almost all sectors, people involved in the repair of equipment are needed.

Highly paid professions after grade 9 for guys:

  • Most earn workers who repair industrial equipment, it can be a pumping station, special equipment, as well as drilling devices. Such professions are in demand in cities where there are mines, dumps, careers and industrial facilities.
  • It should not be noted. most people are required in the field of construction. This is especially true for large cities where living quarters, or warehouses are regularly built.
  • A person with education painter, plasterers, as well as a foreman, with one hundred percent probability will find work even without appropriate experience. Workers who have good experience, and a large number of accepted objects are valued in the labor market, offer them a huge salary, and goodsocial package. 

Where to go to study after grade 9 for free?

Students who have chosen the profession of a locksmith, an electrician can get an education for free.

Where to go to study after grade 9 for free:

  • Now good welder or turner It is worth its weight in gold. Despite the fact that before these professions were not very profitable, now the situation has changed dramatically.
  • Employers are forced to offer a lot of money for the implementation of a certain work.
  • In order to make certain parts, you need work skills on turning equipment, or the ability to work with a welding machine. This is taught in vocational schools, such employees receive pretty decent money.

Of course, initially hoping that you can find a highly paid job. Indeed, usually people without experience are taken for internships, to a job that is paid enough average. However, as the experience is acquired, a really good welder or turner receives a lot of money. This is due to the demand for the profession, as well as the implementation of a large number of orders. 

The hairdresser
The hairdresser

Where to go to study after the 9th grade for a girl to make good money?

All of the above specialties are mostly suitable for guys, whatdo with girls? This is mainly work in the field of service, as well as tourism and beauty. 

Where to go to study after grade 9 to a girl to make good money:

  • Cashier 
  • Accountant 
  • Commodity expert 
  • Visagiste
  • Stewardess
  • Masseur
  • Cook 
  • Master of manicure and pedicure 
  • The hairdresser 
  • Educator 

Of course, most of these professions are not paid very well.In particular, We are talking about health workers. But few people think that the nurse, in addition to the main work, often becomes an assistant for neighbors or acquaintances. In fact, making an injection and a dropper costs decent money. Therefore, if in addition to work there are several customers who need to provide help, a nurse or paramedic will receive a rather decent salary per month. In this case, there will be a constant part -time job. 


Women's professions after grade 9 highly paid

Please note that seamstresses are constantly in demand in the labor market. Therefore, if you receivedsuch profession, without work you will not be left.

Women's professions after grade 9 are highly paid:

  • Seamstresses It is required both for state enterprises and private ones. Now there are a lot of workshops for sewing women's and children's clothing. Also, the masters are required in the studio, to fit clothing on the figure. Even if you can’t find a job, you can take customers at home. 
  • Of course, work hairdresser and manicure It is difficult to call high -paid, especially when most of the population is behind the poverty line, but there are still girls who want to look good.
  • The main requirement is the presence of hard work, high -quality work. Accordingly, if you work out skills, it will be possible to take a large number of customers per day, which will be a great prerequisite for good earnings. At the same time, hairdressers, masters of manicure, accept customers at home. 
  • They showed themselves well such professions as modernist and cook. Usually people with such a profession are easy to find a job. At the same time, cooks always have food in the house.

List of irrelevant professions

When you choose a profession, be sure to focus on the opinion of specialists. Now there is a list of specialties that in 10-20 years will become absolutely not relevant. This is due to the development of high technologies and the computerization of industry.

List of irrelevant professions: 

  • Librarian 
  • Archivist 
  • Logist 
  • Notary 
  • Driller 

All these professions can become irrelevant due to the development of industry and gradual computerization.


How to choose who to go to study after grade 9: Tips

In addition, it is also worth evaluating not only how highly paid the profession is, but also your preferences.

How to choose who to go to study after grade 9:

  • If everything is bad with mathematics, then there is no sense in choosing the profession of an accountant or financier. Work should bring pleasure, like it.
  • If the child is creative, then it is best to connect his life with fashion, style, as well as beauty.
  • Girls who are very fond of overwhelming things, it is better to go to study around the neck. 
  • If the girl has a desire to engage in manicure, to draw beautifully on her nails, then it makes sense to get the profession of a master of manicure-pedicure. 
  • Of course, all this should be taken into account when choosing a profession for a boy. 
  • If a young man does not work well with his hands, does not want to repair, repair, then it makes no sense to go to study by an electrician. 
  • If a person is well versed in computers, he is drawn to create simple programs, it makes sense for the child to go to study at a programmer or employee in the fieldIt.
  • It is believed that now these are one of the most profitable professions.

Where to go after grade 9: reviews

Of course, one cannot fail to take into account the experience of graduates of vocational schools, technical schools and colleges. We present the reviews of students who graduated from technical schools and schools, and got a job as a specialty. 

Where to go after grade 9, reviews:

Elena, 20 years old. Received the education of a manicure master in Novosibirsk, in professional lyceum No. 60  2 years ago. Immediately by distribution they took me to the nearest salon. I was lucky, since the salon was in a busy place, so there are always a lot of customers. This is a provincial town, so the cost of the services of the master of manicure is low. However, thanks to a large number of customers, it is still possible to make good money. From that moment I changed the salon, found more favorable conditions for myself. At the moment, I do not have a family, so I can afford to go to advanced training courses, constantly increase the level of skill. It is thanks to this that I have a lot of customers. Unfortunately, recently the solvency of customers has decreased, and simple designs have been quite popular. Everyone wants to cheaply, beautifully and quickly. Accordingly, you have to save on materials in order to provide low cost. In the city there are not many girls who are ready to make a jacket, or watercolor painting, because it is expensive. Basically, everyone prefers the stickers, or monophonic coating. 

Eugene, 20 years. Initially, I knew where I was going, my father works as a diesel locomotive driver. I followed in his footsteps, entered Moscow College of Railway Transport of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). I mastered the profession, at the moment I am in an assistant driver. The work is complex, it requires skills, but the salary is decent, as for a young man. There is a prospect of career growth. 

Oksana, 19 years old. I graduated Vocational school No. 7 in Rostov on a seamstressI did not regret it for a moment. I always wanted to sew, I have been creating my clothes for a long time. I received the necessary knowledge base at the school, now I work in the studio. The salary is low, but I have enough. In addition, I do a lot of part -time jobs at home. To someone to roll trousers, someone to shorten the skirt. This is a good increase in the main salary. 


List of the best colleges and technical schools in Russia

In the capital, the level of knowledge is always much higher than in the province. Despite this, even in small towns you can get a decent education.

List of the best colleges and technical schools in Russia:

  • Novosibirsk College and Service
  • College "Tsaritsyno"
  • College of hairdressing art
  • Pedagogical College No. 15 of the city of Moscow
  • Pedagogical College No. 18 of Mitino in Moscow
  • College of automation and information technology No. 20 of the city of Moscow
  • Financial College No. 35 of the city of Moscow
  • Polytechnic College of the Chelyabinsk Region
  • Technology Technology and Design University (Korolev, Moscow Region)
  • Moscow road college named after Nikolaev

Software developers, people who are versed in technology, are now earning very good money. Moreover, in this area there is also career growth. In general, salaries in the country in the fieldItone of the highest. 

Video: Where to go to study after grade 9?

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  1. There is a reception at the capital's professional college for training in specialties:

    Business Technologies and Law Department
    • Law and organization of social security
    Department of Theater and Establishing Arts
    • Acting art
    • Musical art of pop
    • Socio-cultural activity
    Admission to college is possible on the basis of grades 9, 10, 11.
    Forms of training: full -time, correspondence, distance.
    During their studies, students are given a delay from the army. There is a set of applicants to college. Acceptance for college training without exams and exam. Enrollment on the day of circulation. Call. Sign up, there are vacant places.
    Address: Moscow, st. Centuries, d. 21, p. 3

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