50 strangest, but well -paid professions

50 strangest, but well -paid professions

Usually about what functions they will have to perform in the future at work, young people have a very weak performance. Not always desired escapes with reality, and it may turn out that the work turns into a painful and tedious service for a person, for which real pennies are also paid.

However, it should be remembered that the selected profession is not a sentence at all! You can always coolly change your life by looking for a completely new and outstanding vacancy for yourself - because your knowledge and experience may be needed in a wide variety of life spheres. Undoubtedly, you should try yourself in some new profession in order not to regret the missed opportunities in the future. Many of the listed professions are also popular abroad. So, boldly forward - study our selection, choose, dare and stay in winnings!

50 strangest, but well -paid professions

The strangest, but well -paid professions:

  1. Animal feed taster
  • Probably, everyone saw episodes in comedy films when some funny person mistakenly echoes the food for both cheeks for dogs or cats. And at the same time, he thinks that he eats “human” food. We are surprised how you can not feel that this food is not for people? But for this, it turns out, there is every reason, because it is the person who tasting the food.
  • Pets began to occupy more and more space in people's lives, and for many they became as members of their families. And, therefore, they strive to feed them high -quality and balanced food. It is so that the quality of food for pets is constantly under control, many manufacturing companies and introduced into their staff animal feed tasters.The annual earnings of such specialists are approximately 24,500 cu
  • Such work requires people with well -developed taste receptors who are ready to carry out feed tasting. Education in this matter is not especially important. But there are priorities. Education - veterinary medicine, biology or food industry, This will be a considerable plus for him when entering work.
  1. Lego-sculptor
  • Advertising and a qualitative-sinter interior are almost the main components in the modern world of business. After all, what attracts the eyes of people most? Beauty and unusual! And if there is demand for this, then there is a proposal. And so, at first glance, a strange profession arose - a “Lego” sculptor.
  • These “big children” can be safely called designers or designers, because they create structures using cubes for this. Their services are most often used by branded stores, they also decorate various events.
  • Their annual earnings are about 30,000 cu
  • Important in this profession is to have a designer flair, developed spatial thinking, and also the skill and desire to cope with all this as best as possible.
  • To perform such work, it is usually required professional designers or designers.
Big child
Big child
  1. In line
  • Probably, in the world there are few people who want to languish in lines for a long time. In order not to lose their strength and time, they hire a professional who will do it for them. In the conditions of modernity, the queues are slowly disappearing, because using computer technology you can now make an appointment at almost any institution at a time convenient for humans. Therefore, such a previously demanded position is becoming less and less popular.
  • But some Western countries, including Great Britain, are also using their services.
  • Professionals of this kind of approximately approximately 24 dollars per hour.
  • People with weak nerves in such a profession have no place. Importance, good health and good physical endurance are also important.
  • For professionally standing in line of people education does not matter at all.
There is no desire to stand in line - pay a professional
There is no desire to stand in line - pay a professional
  1. Real seller of unrealistic things
  • Here we are not talking about any fraud! Endless computer games and substitutes for reality have so filled the minds and souls of many young people that they, without hesitation, go to spending real money. Gamers buy “houses”, “firms” and other all kinds of things to their virtual heroes. Sometimes such "objects" are very expensive, their price sometimes reaches $ 2.000. It is quite possible to learn to create them yourself or put them up for sale online.
  • In this case, you need to know the audience and its requests, study special programs.
  • What profession do you own - it does not matter The main thing is to be able to understand computer news. But preference is still given to people who have mastered computer design.
  1. Antiques hunter
  • How many old jewelry, art objects, books, dishes, etc. They dust around in the attics or dumped, like an unnecessary trash, in utility rooms! Why not walk home, purchasing them in a chosen (and people will only be happy to get rid of things that they use), and then put them out for sale on specially created sites or open their own online store for these purposes?
  • Of course, such investments will pay off only if the items are sold. But then it will be six, or even more purchased value of the subject.
  • If you get good Purchase-sales operationsAnd if your eyes are scheduled for things that can interest the buyer, then this work is for you. Especially if you are not bad you understand antiques, jewelry, art, historical events.
  1. Model of individual parts of the body
  • When they talk about fashion models, they usually imply a complete whole image of a person. But this is the true error of many people that only very very beautiful, sophisticated and elegant women and men. Many can become models that advertise all kinds of jewelry, shoes and other items. Indeed, often for advertising goods, photographers capture only the necessary parts of the body - the hand, leg, ear shells and so on.
  • On average, such models earn $ 20 per session.
  • In such work, no experience and willingness to fulfill the requirements of an advertising customer can not do. Plus, this will still need a well -groomed appearance, or rather the parts of the body necessary for advertising.
  • For models, no education plays a role.
Model of parts of the body
Model of parts of the body
  1. Judicial artist
  • In many countries, when closed court sessions are held, they prohibit the video shooting or photograph.
  • In this case judicial artists become simply indispensable for the media. Indeed, in all journal and newspaper publications about a meeting, their sketches are used. In this rare creative work, inspiration and fantasy are not required from the artist, the main thing here is complete realism.
  • With such work, it is important to have the ability to create realistic illustrations, and pay special attention to details.
  • It goes without saying that a judicial artist must have an art education.
It is important to pay attention to the details
It is important to pay attention to the details
  1. Pearls
  • In this ancient, interesting and dangerous profession, all charms are concluded for lovers of extreme entertainment. And if such extreme brings good income, then this will become doubly pleasant pastime for them. With an eye on existing risks, and payment there is corresponded.
  • For example, in the USA it is quite possible to earn approximately 500 dollars a day, and Australia went even further - there you can pay you in one day of work up to 1.300 dollars.
  • To become a catcher of pearls, you need to be physically developed, hardy and experienced swimmer.
  • When selecting personnel, first of all, good physical preparation is taken into account. The contender for pearl catchers should also understand how stress his body will be prone to during a deep immersion.
Marine profession
Marine profession
  1. Mystery shopper
  • Secret buyers are sometimes required by those companies and auditors who check outlets - do they adhere to existing standards and requirements? One such audit can replenish the wallet of a secret buyer for $ 100.
  • What will be required of a secret buyer? Be collected and clearly follow the instructions of employers. It’s like an artist and a secret agent in a “one bottle”, the main thing is to “keep your face” so that you are not declassified by all the noticing merchants.
  • A special education is not required when performing such work. True, there are times when they are looking for people who have passed the course of acting, but this is mainly for participation in television programs.
  1. Professional hug
  • Few people know that there is such a strange, but well -paid profession. And the people who have chosen this craft for themselves are great at the same time. When someone felt lonely, and sadness has settled in the soul, then such a person will not always turn to a psychotherapist.
  • The one to whom he suddenly became numb may well hire a professional hug, always ready for arms and empathy. Everyone can cry in their vest, if only they would pay money! Such "hugs", surprisingly, are very popular in our time. Computer technologies disunited people, they have less time and desire to meet and joint tea drinks. And someone now needs friendly participation, warmth and care.
  • Current Social isolation plays into the hands of such specialists, because from every grateful client they may well get up to 60 dollars per day.
  • If you are able to sincerely empathize, are ready to provide moral support to another person and you do not cause rejection of the possibility of close bodily contact, then you may well work as a professional hug. And if you are also a psychologist, then you will perfectly cope with such a job.
  1. Professional girlfriend of the bride
  • A wedding for every girl is a whole event in her life. But not everyone has real friends for whom I would like to assume such a responsible role. The professional girlfriend of the bride will have to fulfill at the celebration all the responsibilities in which a real friend is usually involved - she prepares a bride for the ceremony, organizes a celebration, takes an active part throughout the holiday and so on.
  • Such work can be provided by specialized or wedding agencies. Wages can vary from 300 to 2.000 cu - For participation in one wedding.
  • Fast adaptation in an unfamiliar environment, sociability, friendliness, the ability to adapt to completely strangers and artistically pretend that you are completely happy from communicating with them - this is what you first need for such work.
  • If you want to get such a job, you will need to listen The course of the event management or to learn acting.
If there is no girlfriend, you can hire it
If there is no girlfriend, you can hire it
  1. Poster
  • Do you think that the time of professional posters has long passed? No matter how! And at present there are people who need specific services. It is necessary to not only mourn the deceased during his burial, but also depict all -consuming sorrow. Near 35 dollars per hour - Usually such a payment for the work of the posters. For the information of those who expect to get such a job, not only women, but also men are hired at present for depicting sorrow.
  • It is important that without psychological readiness to fulfill their duties in an atmosphere of universal sorrow or its creation, it is impossible to begin such work. The desired mood and the ability to play a role are important, abstracting from everything else.
  • There can be no talk of any education, but sometimes skills in acting can be useful.
  1. Dog surfing teacher
  • Oh, these foreign resorts in surfing! It turns out that not only people are trained at them, but also their pets. They offer to surf the owners with their dogs together, “lessons” are also held for only one pets. Be that as it may, but without positive emotions, work experience and love for animals in such work can not do.
  • It is not important to have some kind of special education in this matter, the main thing is to love animals and professionally own surfing.
This is even taught dogs
This is even taught dogs
  1. Actor of voicing
  • Naturally, you can’t do without acting abilities. But if you do not have any special talents to shine on the stage, then you can start using movies-animated or television, or radio programs, and then foreign channels will pay you for work from 50,000 to 80,000 cu in year.
  • In voice acting there is nothing to do without excellent diction and the ability to convey the emotional state of the hero/ heroine/ with his mood.
  • Education here, of course, will need acting, because it is not so easy to make emphasis on other people's experiences that you are not experiencing like at the moment. All this needs to be learned.
  1. Chocolate taster
  • Chocolate tasters are required to aesthetically evaluate chocolate products and determine their taste assessment, smell and level, which would meet the necessary requirements. If you manage to become an experienced taster, and besides, to cooperate with large firms that make chocolate, then you can receive annuals from 30,000 to 60,000 cu
  • Important in this matter is the professional knowledge of the product and the environment where chocolate is made, its objective assessment will also not be superfluous.
  • The food industry and cooking are exactly the education that is required for the chocolate taster.
Sweet work
Sweet work
  1. Google Street View bike driver
  • There is a Google Street View project, according to which filming and photographing areas where vehicles cannot drive. For such purposes, the company created a bicycle on three wheels, the main equipment of which is all kinds of cameras.
  • The weight of such a miracle technique is more than 100 kg, which makes it very difficult to use. But if you are well developed physically, then you have the opportunity not only to earn good money, but also to admire the beauties of those places in which you have never visited.
  • To get such a position, you do not need to have any special education. You will need to be in good physical shape. If you also have a sports education, then this will be only a plus for you.
Quick a heavy device
Quick a heavy device
  1. A psychologist for animals
  • Do you think that only people need the help of psychologists? No matter how! The services of such professionals are needed for animals. The circle of their duties includes Analysis - how and why they behave in this way, and not otherwise, pets.
  • Increasingly, their owners are eager to find out what reasons have influenced one or other behavioral features of “our smaller brothers”. It is on psychologists that the mission is entrusted with: not only to understand the oddities of the behavior of representatives of the Fauna world, but also to assist in the elimination of problematic issues.
  • Foreign residents use their services more and more often, and their work is well paid - about 28,000 cu
  • The main thing in this work is to love animals and be able to communicate with them.
  • In this work, one cannot do without special education - you need to be both a psychologist and a veterinarian at the same time.
Understands animals
Understands animals
  1. Examiner of water slides
  • In the world, there are more and more water parks and hotel hotels, which have not only pools, but also all kinds of water attractions. They require auditors for testing them, which, having experienced water slides, do conclusions about their qualitative characteristics, safe use, And how adrenaline affects a person.
  • Undoubtedly, such work should be interested in lovers of extreme sports, who will receive a worthy fee for her. Often, the administration sets such specialists in its hotels for free and provides them with free meals.
  • What is necessary in order to get such a position - to be able to swim well, to know the quality standards in this area. If you have all these qualities, then in this matter you may well do without any education.
We test the slides
We test the slides
  1. Penguin
  • This profession is engaged in a few units on our planet. Naturally, they are in demand where the penguins (one of their areas-Antarctica) settle and polar stations with runways in their territories are located.
  • When the plane takes off or sits down there is an air wave that can overturn These cute birds. In addition, they are very curious by nature, and can simply look at the "iron birds", lose balance and fall on their backs. And they can’t turn over and rise on their own, so they may die.
  • The pungvin revolter must help them - to put them on their feet, to make sure that harm to their health is not caused.
To help the penguins
To help the penguins
  1. Ants
  • The catchers of these insects should be able to find the best individuals in an ant house and separate them from relatives, folding into a special container.
  • There are artificial ant farms, where the injured ants will continue their family. Subsequently insects will serve for scientific purposes, their secretions are also used in pharmacology.
  • Ant farms today have created a lot. In addition to scientific and medical purposes, they are also used in order to study the life of insects at home. Their catcher in the wild needs to know the habits of ants well and do not injure them when fishing.
Useful profession
Useful profession
  1. Brain extractor
  • This is completely not allegorical, as you would think, you know how sometimes husbands say to their wives: "What are you taking my brain to me?" In this case, the name of the profession entirely corresponds to reality.
  • If you suddenly think of becoming a brain seizure, then you will be given work on a cattle -beam. The circle of his duties includes the heads of the clogged animals on the table and, after their splitting remove the brains from the cranial boxes. After their reference to the restaurant-type institution, the local chefs will prepare from them delicates for gourmets.
  1. Mattress tester
  • Favorite entertainment by children - to jump enough. And since not everyone has trampolines, children usually elect a bed and sofas for a landfill. Usually, the children go to nuts from their parents for their acrobatic numbers, and Ruben Reinoso also receives wages for this. The man was lucky!
  • If he did not jump in plenty in childhood, now he is fully done in the factory that makes mattresses.
Jumping work
Jumping work
  1. The organizer who will help to collect your child in a children's camp
  • Fees for a vacation or other long trip is a responsible matter, because you can not put any desired thing in the road bag out of forgetfulness. However, people living in New York can say goodbye to this problematic issue.
  • Less than a thousand dollars will need to pay the organizer who at home, everything you need is packaged in the luggage so that the children safely leave the summer camp for relaxation.
We collect the child in the garden
We collect the child in the garden
  1. People living in chic apartments and receiving money for this
  • Is this a job? Imagine yes - strange, but well -paid profession. Gorgeous apartments are provided For temporary living, people, so that they follow cleanliness and order there, and also create the appearance that life in this house is in full swing. We can say that they live in paradise, and even receive money for it.
  • Such “work” is rather for easy people, because they are real nomads. Typically, such rich houses are put up for sale, and when the buyer is on the apartment, the family will have to move to guard another, usually no less chic, housing.
  1. Professional fan of sleep
  • Somehow in one of the Helsinki hotels they were looking for a man who would engage in testing the comfort of their institutions, and then he would have shared his sensations about all this in social networks. However, in order to get this work, it was not enough for a person to love to sleep, he had to know Finnish and English.
  • Sometimes fans are required to sleep for experiments when scientific research of sleep processes is carried out. For Son there is another great way to sleep for money. For them, even the New York Museum of Contemporary Art can be turned into a bedroom, in whose state there are positions for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
  • Women do not need to depict exhibits, after taking sleeping pills, they usually sleep a dead sleep. Although, to be honest, it is not particularly clear - why is it needed? Are they there, in America, there are not enough mannequins for this?
Professional Sonya
Professional Sonya
  1. Diver from a cliff
  • Not everyone on the shoulder is to take and jump from a high cliff into the water, for this a person needs to be truly fearless and brave. And if for each such jump an extreme lover is paid by the fee, then for him this work will be doubly to his liking.
  • Red Bull holds competitions in which its participants dive from the rocks. The arena of such exotic competitions is the whole world, they are involved in lovers of acute sensations of many states. 27 m - the record height, from which avid players were not afraid to jump, who did not imagine life without unnecessary adrenaline.
  1. The person watching how the paint dries
  • Probably does not exist in the world of work, even more boring than this. 34-year-old Dr. Thomas Kerven does not at all grieve at his fate. It all suits him, although he has to monitor the whole working day how the paint dries, its texture and color characteristics change.
  • This expert must guarantee that the paint he watches is durable and will not crack in the near future.
  1. The man was scared
  • It is impossible to imagine the profession more strange than it the man was scared. However, one young man who received a wonderful higher education began to work ... scared. His work contained the scolding of birds, using the accordion and the bell.
  • “Living scarecrow” was dressed in an outfit of bright orange. 250 pounds - This was the price of this weekly show.
  1. The name of the dresses
  • Such a person should be endowed with an extraordinary imagination. An invention of sonorous names for dresses and costumes from new collections is the work of the hands called dresses.
How to call a dress?
How to call a dress?

    thirty .Dreams merchant

  • All people dream of something: an office worker wants to turn into a great actor at least temporarily, a banker to become a driver of a multi-ton composition, and an artist-in a short time to meet beautiful girls of different races and nationalities. Can all these dreams can be reality?
  • For example, in Chicago there is an opaan, which fulfills any fantasies and desires of people who turn to them. The client can only tell the company employees about his dreams, and part with a certain amount, the most minimum of which is 150,000 dollars.
Fulfills your dreams
Fulfills your dreams
  1. Toilet guide
  • Such employees can meet mainly in Chinese cities. They stand on the streets and for 4 cents indicate the location of the nearest public toilet to those who wish. Such an employee even has a record that he is civil servants - toilet guide.
  1. Transportants tester
  • A large company that produces these rubber products introduced new vacancies into the state. Young people were recruited to the post of “condom tests”, supplying them with an unlimited amount of expenditure material.
  • Anyone who provides the office with the most complete information about the quality of the product receives a bonus of a thousand dollars. A good job is to combine pleasant with useful!
  1. Writer of predictions for cookies
  • For several centuries, culinary culinary cooks have been making cookies, into which all kinds of predictions are laid. But after all, they need to be regularly updated and replenished in order to attract customers. It is not so simple to make predictions, because for this the author of the notes should be extremely developed by fantasy. In order for people to want to buy cookies again and again, predictions should be distinguished by diversity, unusual and clarity. It may seem that it is so easy - put on paper everything that just comes to your mind. And as it turns out in practice, it is not so easy to make up even a few dozen such prophecies.
Write excellent predictions
Write excellent predictions
  1. Parmesan listeners
  • It turns out that the Italians judge absolute hearing if a person is able to accurately reproduce the motive of the famous song at the “Parmesan” cheese "O sole mia." Manufacturers of this cheese hire people with musical education.
  • They are supplied with silver hammers with which they tap cheese heads to determine their degree of maturity. He should ripen for the entire 3 years, and every day he will give out different notes. With each new day, Parmesan is doing everything more ringing and ringing.
Cheese specialist
Cheese specialist
  1. The sniffer of the eggs
  • Some confectionery hire egg sniffers. Their functional obligations include observing the fact that the confectioners do not use rotten chicken eggs in the manufacture of all sorts of sweet yummy.
  1. Breath taster
  • These experts check on themselves, a sufficient and expected effect is achieved from a particular chewing gum.
  • They have to smell the smell from the mouth of people who have sore teeth, as well as if a person has consumed garlic, onions or alcohol.
  • High -quality chewing gum should kill all these unpleasant odors.
Hear the smell
Hear the smell
  1. Amsterdam tasters
  • Amsterdam is famous for his annual marijuana festival. Manufacturers of this product are evaluated according to various criteria.
  • Among them there are nominations for the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful, the most funny, having the strongest effect, etc.
  • The winners are determined by the jury members who tasting about 30 grades of grass daily. The winners of the festival receive awards, and tasters - laughter from reusable samples of this product.
  1. The cleaner on the attractions
  • Cleaners on the attractions The most unpleasant job gets. Their duties include cleaning vomiting, which people with a weak vestibular apparatus cannot restrain themselves, rolling on the attractions.
  • Not everyone will take up such a job, because many have nothing but disgust. But such work is usually well paid, and you can seem free for free.
  1. Tramanist in the subway
  • Such work is used by the Japanese in their megacities - during the hour of the “peak” of the metro station, they are overwhelmed by those who want to leave people. Not all of them can independently squeeze into crowded wagons, and then several tramists help them in this.
  • The functions of these strong young men include the task of “ramming” passengers into wagons as soon as possible, and give the train to the train to the train, which can already be set off. For this work, students are often hired, they are even included in the company's staff.
In the underground
In the underground
  1. The determinant of the floor of the chickens
  • This profession is very in demand on foreign poultry farms. These experts should be able to accurately determine the floor of a chickens.
  • They occupy one of the honorary places on the poultry farm, since, in accordance with the one of the chickens to grow in the future - the chicken or rooster - their diet and the conditions of detention depends.
  1. Doyar of poisonous snakes
  • Snake poison is indispensable in pharmacology, it is added to many medications. Therefore, milkmaids are now very in demand. However, it is not so easy to master this profession, because these “creeping reptiles” do not want to voluntarily part with their poison.
  • Certain knowledge for this extremely dangerous profession is simply necessary, because milkmaid has to constantly expose his life to risk. But this risk is usually very well paid.
  1. Zapachuded
  • Some cosmetic companies producing deodorants were introduced into their staff of the smell. Not everyone accepts there. For this work, only non -smoking age -old women - As it turned out, it is their noses that smells smell better than anyone else.
  • The participants in the experiment are processed by their armpits by one or another deodorant, and women-wems can trace, as during the day and at what loads its smell changes. By this, they contribute to fragrant products from well -known brands to store shelves.
  1. Diver for golf balls
  • Not poor people play golf, and they are unlikely to want to jump behind the ball into a reservoir nearby from the golf field. For these purposes, special employees are prepared.
  • Lyremovers behind the round attributes of this game provide assistance to wealthy “crooked” golfs, and besides this, they also have the opportunity to sell used balls and clubs.
  • The rise to the surface of one ball is estimated at 6 cents, and in a year you can help out from the sale of used sports tools about $ 100,000.
Behind the balls
Behind the balls
  1. Equipper of wrinkles
  • In shoe boutiques, where a pair of shoes is sold for several thousand dollars, special people work whose duty is the priesting of the shoes that customers tried on - all in order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.
  1. Professional foreigner
  • To get such a job, a person needs an external gloss and the ability to participate in a secular conversation. It will be a big plus if you are also a talented lyceum and be able to artistically play an important person at official events. All this will help you become a professional foreigner in China.
  • In the Celestial Empire, it happened since ancient times: if important foreign guests are present at the event, then it is very status and significant. This work demanded in China is paid well - from 1000 to 1600 dollars weekly; You will only need your charisma and external gloss.
  1. English teacher in China
  • This is one of the highly paid professions that is popular in China. Everyone who knows how to speak English can become such a teacher.
  • English teachers are very in demand there, and the requirements for the quality of training and the applicants themselves are almost not presented.
For the Chinese
For the Chinese
  1. Beer taster
  • This is just an earthly paradise for lovers of beer! Having received this work, it will be possible to combine two pleasures - and drink beer, and make money on this.
  • But, unfortunately, they won’t take anyone there. A person must understand brewing subtleties, in unique taste shades of a foamy drink, use special terminology of brewers, To talk correctly about your feelings.
  • Basically, of this art, future tasters are taught at the brewer themselves.
Beer lover and his taster
Beer lover and his taster
  1. Video game tester
  • Playing, they nevertheless earn from 10 to 18 cu per hour or about 30,000 cu annual.
  • Their task is to determine the weaknesses of a particular game, as a result of which they will be improved by programmers.

49. Statist in the cinema

  • Not only professional actors, but ordinary people who are not torn to the stellar sky, but decided to make a movie in the background take their leisure time and at the same time earn some money with pleasure.
  • An ordinary statist (if it is not included in the guild of film actors - they earn more) pay $ 100 for each shooting day. If the day stretches longer than eight hours, then it is paid 1.5 or 2 rates. If during the shooting personal items belonging to the statist are used, then he will receive an additional increase for this.

50. Dog walking specialist

  • If you love dogs and are physically developed, then this is not very tiring work - it is for you. Not all owners of pets have time and desire to constantly take care of them, so they are happy to temporarily give them to the wrong hands.
  • On the walking of the dog you can earn up to $ 50 per hour.
Walk dogs
Walk dogs

Strange, but well -paid professions: reviews

Reviews about strange, but well -paid professions:

  • Novel: It was cool to find out about such professions that I had no idea about. Maybe try yourself as a pearl catcher? It would be interesting, you need to think, if only my mother did not find out about my ideas.
  • Eleanor: Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a model, but, alas, the podium does not shine for me - I have the wrong parameters. But I have good hair and hands - and now I know that I can at least demonstrate them in advertising.
  • Julia: Now I know who I’ll go to study after school. Probably, I will go to cooks - I love chocolate, and if we are lucky to become its tasting, then I will probably be the happiest person in the world.

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