How to save lilies before planting in winter, in the refrigerator? How to choose a lily onion for storing in winter?

How to save lilies before planting in winter, in the refrigerator? How to choose a lily onion for storing in winter?

Instructions for storage of bulbs lilies in winter, in the refrigerator, cellar.

Lilies are perennial, unpretentious flowers that grow perfectly in the middle lane of Russia. In this article, we will tell you how to save lily bulbs before planting.

Do I need to dig on the lilies for the winter and how to do it?

There are several rules that will allow lilies to survive the winter, and in the spring to give sprouts. Do not remove the stems and leaves immediately after flowering. If you know that it is these bulbs that you will not leave in the soil, it is worth letting them be saturated with useful substances. Be sure to save the arrows and leaves to the cold. As soon as the arrow on which there were flowers dried, cut it.

Do I need to dig the bulbs of lilies for the winter and how to do it:

  • The heads are removed from the soil during the first winter frosts. It is during this period that the stem is removed, which has dried, but not completely, leaving about 5-7 cm. In no case do not use the shovel for digging. Lily has a very deep, long root that can be cut using a shovel. Apply forks for these purposes.
  • It is necessary to carry out circular movements, gently digging around the perimeter. After that, planting material is neatly removed from the soil and shaken the remaining soil. Next, it is worth washing it under cold water, put it for drying. Some gardeners recommend laying out moss between the heads. Next, an inspection is carried out to determine the affected areas or the presence of rot.
  • If you find such heads, they need to be cleaned or thrown away. For drying, only 2 days are enough, it is necessary that the room be cool. If it is warm there, even in 2 days a fungus can develop. As soon as the heads dry, it is worth sprinkling themfungicidal powder. Processing prevents the development of mold and pathogenic microorganisms. Only after that the material must be put in paper bags or wrapped in the newspaper several times. Next, they are laid out in a cardboard box, covered with sawdust or moss. Be sure to make holes in this box so that air enters the planting material. You can store even in the garage. 
Planting material
Planting material

How to choose a lily onion for storing in winter?

Dried heads indicate incorrect conditions of content. Be sure to smell the bulb before purchasing. It should smell of the soil. There should be no smell of mold, as this indicates excessive moisture, and the propagation of putrefactive bacteria.

How to choose a lily on storage on in winter:

  • Turn the heads, look at the bottom. It should be dense and completely dry. There should not be gray or brown traces. Remember, if you purchased the bulbs in advance, the best option is to provide the necessary environmental conditions.
  • It should be a sufficiently dry place, but so that the heads do not lose moisture and do not wrinkle. If you keep the planting material in a regular refrigerator, then once a week it is necessary to spray peat from the sprayer and put on a paper bag.
  • This will help maintain optimal moisture conditions. If you abundantly water the heads, then you will receive a moldy material before planting. The most optimal temperature is from 0 to 4 degrees of heat.
Raw materials
Raw materials

How to save lilies on the spring?

There are many varieties of these plants, which differ not only in appearance, but also in their frost resistance. Frost -resistant varieties can be stored in the ground, experiencing severe frosts. Therefore, there is no need to dig them for the winter. However, hybrid species, such as Orleans or Eastern, are not able to survive the winter in our climatic latitudes, so they must be dug up. Types such as Sedum, and royal lily, cannot live in open spaces in the winter, unable to withstand severe frosts, they die. Therefore, for the winter they are usually dug up and kept at home. However, it is necessary to adhere to several rules so that the bulbs painlessly survive the winter at home.

How to save lilies on the spring:

  • Initially, they need to be dried, completely removing the remains of the soil. In this case, in no case should you tear off pieces of dirt if it stuck. Also, you can’t tap your heads against each other so as not to injure them. It is necessary to dry them outdoors for a couple of days, but away from direct sunlight. Remember that thorough drying is not needed, as it can harm and deprive moisture of juicy scales, exposing the roots.
  • After digging the bulbs in the fall, in no case should you remove the roots. Choose a storage container. It can be a wooden box, an ordinary cardboard box. Pure plastic pots are often used. It is necessary to pour a little peat or river sand from below. Next, a number of prepared planting material are laid out.
  • Again shifted by a new layer of peat or sand.The last layer should be in the form of peat or sand. In no case do not leave bare heads. It is necessary to put the container in the refrigerator, or the cellar. Do not forget about them, do not leave for the whole winter. It is necessary to review the material from time to time, and check the humidity level. By the state of the roots, you can determine how the bulb feels. If the roots are dry, it is necessary to moisten peat or sand with a sprayer. The heads are best stored not in the refrigerator, but in the basement or in the cellar. 

How to save lilies before planting: the choice of soil and processing of raw materials

For bulbs, not only drying, but excessive humidity is harmful. In conditions of a large amount of moisture, the roots rot, as a result, there will be nothing to plant in the spring. It is necessary that sand or peat is absolutely dry, but sometimes it is worth moistening them using a sprayer. To maintain constant humidity, it is necessary to wrap each pot in a paper bag. Thus, the conditions of the mini-thermal fuel will be obtained.

How to save lilies before planting, the choice of soil and processing of raw materials:

  • If in the spring you have acquired dried bulbs, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for preservation. To avoid death, be sure to plant each onion in a 2 liter bottle made of dark plastic, after cutting the top. It is necessary to get deep glasses. Be sure to make holes from below to remove excess moisture. As a soil, ordinary soil for seedlings is used.
  • It is necessary to disinfect and antiseptic manipulations before planting to remove bacteria from the surface. To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and withstand the bulbs in it for about 2 hours. It is necessary to remove the bulb from potassium permanganate and immersed in a solution epina for 1 hour.
  • It is not necessary to rinse first.Epin - This is a growth stimulator that will accelerate germination, gatherings. Next, it is necessary to pour the soil abundantly, and leave the glasses in a cool place. The optimum temperature is 12-18 degrees. Until planting, such sprouts are stretched, and perfectly tolerate planting in open ground. 

Please note that you need to get the bulbs 2 weeks before planting. They need to be put on the windowsill and watered. As soon as you see the sprouts, you must immediately transfer it to open ground.

Propagation with scales
Propagation with scales

How to save the onion of the lily after acquisition?

If you plan to purchase bulbs, you need to pay attention to the country of the manufacturer. It depends on this when it is worth buying material for planting. They open the season for the sale of bulbs from January to May, and from the beginning of September to its end. 

A prerequisite is compliance with the temperature regime. If the balcony is very cold, it is not suitable for storage. It is necessary to moisturize the bulbs from time to time so that they do not wrinkle. Once a week, open the bags, pull out the bulbs from the refrigerator so that they are ventilated. If there is no access of air, then mold appears on the bottom, which leads to the development of diseases. 

How to save the luliar of the lily after acquisition:

  • Please note that in August and September, last year's bulbs are most often on the shelves. This applies to foreign material imported from Holland. 
  • In Holland, bulbs are collected in October and November, when it is already quite cold in our latitudes. Accordingly, no one at this time plants flowers. Dutch lilies are kept in the refrigerator and give for sale only next year, but already in September, when we begin to plant flowers.
  • Therefore, if you decide to purchase bulbs in the fall, give preference to domestic manufacturers. If you want to buy imported bulbs, then purchase them in February or in March.
  • You will have to germinate planting material at home, in pots, or keep in the refrigerator. Indeed, in February-March to transfer the heads to open ground early, they will freeze. 
  • It is too early to plant for germination in pots in February and March, so you need to store at low temperatures in the cellar or refrigerator.
Planting material
Planting material

How to preserve the germinated lilies of the lilies?

The best time to acquire new bulbs is the end of April, early May. It is during this period that you can purchase fresh, strong bulbs, which are immediately transferred to open ground. But by this time, flower growers are buying the most beautiful varieties. We advise you to purchase much earlier. Then the question arises of the safety of the bulbs before planting.

How to properly preserve the germinated lilies:

  • Already at the beginning of March, on the shelves you can find heads with sprouts. It is impossible to store them simply in a peat or in the refrigerator, because in conditions of high humidity the bulbs rot very quickly. It is allowed to store the heads if there are no sprouts on them, and the roots are almost dry. 
  • If you still purchase bulbs with sprouts, we advise you to germinate them a little at home. It is necessary to take a small container, fill the bottom with drainage, it is better to use expanded clay or sand. After that, pour ordinary peat soil.
  • It is necessary to deepen the bulbs in the ground and sprinkle with coconut peat on top. It is necessary to ensure that the sprouts are completely covered with peat. From time to time it is worth watering sprouts, care for them.
  • After about a week, you will see that new leaves and sprouts have broken through a layer of coconut peat. You should not worry, you need to take care of the sprouts before they are transferred to open ground. They are planted by transshipment by cutting the pot. That is why we advise you to use ordinary cut plastic bottles, or peat pots instead of pots.

Remember that the key to success in strong, elastic bulbs. If you purchase overdred or soft bulbs, you should not expect beautiful plants.


How to save lilies before planting in the refrigerator in the spring?

Many gardeners recommend storing heads in plastic bags, having previously poured peat there, moisturizing it. However, mold often develops in such conditions.

How to save lilies before planting in the refrigerator in the spring:

  • We advise you to lay out the bulbs on different boxes. If there is no place for storage in the refrigerator, it is quite permissible to place them in the basement, cellar or on the balcony. Remember that these rooms should ventilate to avoid the growth of the spores of mold.
  • Please note that you can not store bulbs near fruits and vegetables. The most dangerous for bulbs are apples, pears and tomatoes. These fruits distinguish ethylene, which prevents the growth of onions. They just fade. 

Read on our website:

Many gardeners are sure that the refrigerator is not the best place to store heads. The refrigerator is poorly ventilated, there is no way to open it to provide an air flow. Accordingly, the bulbs can be covered with mold, a fungus. Choose a place with good ventilation to store. 

Video: How to save lilies before landing?


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