How to make squeezes with your own hands: ideas, videos, drawings for squash

How to make squeezes with your own hands: ideas, videos, drawings for squash

Do you dream of making an antistress toy with your own hands? Then we will definitely help you bring your dream to life. In our article you will find a lot of simple ideas on how to make squash at home.

How to make light squals - ideas, drawings for squash

Squash-original antistress toys intended for children. You can crush them and squeeze, as you like, if the toy of good quality does not happen to it. After all, the rumpled filler must return to his original form, without any signs of deformation. This is done so that a person does everything that he wants with this little thing, and this function soothes many well. And bright colors raise the mood of even the most gloomy personality.

There are similar toys of different shapes and sizes. Some create a semblance of plush animals. Sometimes you can meet the skivns of some fantastic creatures. Crafts in the form of food are also insanely popular. Here are some bright examples, maybe you will like something and you will want such a little miracle and yourself.

Examples of squash
Examples of squash

Many will immediately have the question of how to make a workpiece for such wonderful toys. You, of course, can draw it yourself. To do this, you only need a little imagination and a well -sharpened pencil. And even in the case when nothing comes to your mind, you can always find something on the Internet, and draw. But in the case when you are not entirely sure of your artist’s skill, there is always the opportunity to simply print a ready -made work. They are also found on the Internet, and all you need to do, print the template, transfer the contour to the selected material, cut the parts, sew or glue them, and fill them with the selected filler.

How to make light squals:

An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme
An example of a squash scheme

Drawings for squash:

Drawings for squash
How to make light squals
Drawings for squash
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze
Idea for drawing light squeeze

How to make squats from paper with your own hands?

Square from paper
Square from paper

Paper is one of the most affordable materials that every person can get. And so it coincided that most of such toys at home make just from paper. And if it seems to you that this is too difficult to do, you can find thousands of master classes on YouTube, where people make such toys of any shape and size. To do this, you do not need special tools, but only paper, scissors, a little tape and something soft for filler.

Squares from paper - Instructions:

  1. We take a simple piece of paper A4
  2. With a pencil we draw the shape of our future toy. Next, you need to paint your drawing
  3. Or instead of all, you can print such a blank on a colored printer
  4. We turn the sheet twice so that the image is on the front side
  5. Using transparent tape, carefully glue the resulting workpiece
  6. Next, using small strips of adhesive tape, you need to glue two halves, leaving one hole
  7. Through this hole, fill the toy with a filler and sealed the craft to the end. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make squires from a sponge at home?

Squat from the sponge

A sponge is the same common item that can be found in every house. Many people like these toys much more than the paper made. This happens due to the fact that many attracts less trouble in working with a sponge. And in the minds of a large number of people, the idea lives that initially a soft object will be the best material for the antistress toy.

Squares from the sponge - Instructions:

  1. We make a workpiece for a future toy, for example, cake
  2. You can take one large sponge and cut the desired shape, or you can make it from scratch by gluing several cosmetic sponges
  3. We paint our basis with ordinary colors
  4. For our cake we need glaze, and it needs to be prepared. Mix glue in one bowl, shaving foam and dye
  5. This substance is watering the workpiece
  6. Our craft will dry for about two days
  7. As soon as the glaze dries, you can use the craft for its intended purpose. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make squash from a package?

Squares from the package

If you are sorry to spend paper and sponges on your experiments, then an old unnecessary bag can always be taken. From an ordinary cellophane package from any store you can also make a good antistress toy.

Squares from the package - Instructions:

  1. First we need to make a picture. Ideas for drawings, you can find at the very beginning of our article
  2. Then it is covered with a transparent package
  3. Draw a picture so that the contours are visible on the surface of the package
  4. With the help of acrylic paints, the surface of the package is painted
  5. We are waiting for the colors to dry, or we dry yourself
  6. Glue the edges, leaving a hole if necessary
  7. We fill our toy with a filler and seal to the end. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make squash from light plasticine?

Squares from plasticine
Squares from plasticine

Light plasticine is a material specially created for creativity, and it is from it that it turns out to create excellent squals. And most importantly, do not buy ordinary plasticine, it is not suitable for our purposes. But the light plasticine does not stick to his hands, quickly freezes, and most importantly, rather pleasant to the touch. Also, after solidification, it can easily be painted with ordinary felt -tip pens or paints.

Squares from light plasticine - Instructions:

  1. We take a sponge, or something soft enough, and make a workpiece for a future toy
  2. Roll out light plasticine on a special glass board
  3. We glue our workpiece
  4. Using the same plasteine, we create details
  5. We are waiting for complete solidification for about 12 hours
  6. With a knife or something sharp, we make holes for air circulation. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make a squib of silicone?

Squis from silicone
Squis from silicone

Silicone crafts are least popular with people who are used to making antistress toys on their own. This is due to the fact that working with such material as silicone is a little more complicated. Indeed, to work with him, some materials that need to be bought, and of course, need to know how to work with it. But everything seems difficult only at first glance, only a few videos, and you are ready to work.

Squish from silicone - Instructions:

  1. We take a large piece of plasticine and make the shape of a future toy from it
  2. We take the silicone and mix it with sunflower oil and silicone sealant, for softness
  3. Add dye for color
  4. Fill our mold with a finished mixture
  5. We are waiting for complete solidification
  6. We cut out unnecessary coals and color our toy, if necessary. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make squat without adhesive tape quickly?

Cvishi without adhesive tape
Squat without adhesive tape

As said early, paper is the most popular material for creating such toys. But many in this venture do not like the presence of adhesive tape. For many, this is a temporary repair tool, and not to create something new. Such people can easily be reassured, since hated adhesive tape is easily replaced by ordinary glue.

Squares without adhesive tape - Instructions:

  1. We take a piece of paper and bend it in half
  2. We draw a conceived template
  3. Cut the blank with scissors
  4. Next, make small strips of paper
  5. We connect the halves of our toy using strips of paper, in advance with glue. Do not forget to leave a hole
  6. We are waiting for the glue dry
  7. We fill our toy with a filler and seal completely

How to make squash from a ball?

Squat from the ball
Squat from the ball

Sharik is probably the very first atistress that people learned about and began to copy it. Indeed, to create such a soothing crafts, you can find materials in each house, and the whole process will take only a few minutes. And the effect of such a toy is no less, if we compare it with other representatives of this class.

Squares from the ball - Instructions:

  1. Pour starch or flour into a bottle
  2. If desired, you can take bulk components in equal parts
  3. We fall asleep in a bottle and put it on the table
  4. We take a balloon, first inflate it, and then put on the neck of the bottle
  5. Carefully pour our filler into the ball
  6. We release the remaining air and tie it tightly. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make 3D squash from paper?

3d paper squeezes
3d paper squeezes
3d paper squeezes
3d paper squeezes

Not always just glued, almost flat, albeit soft toys, people like. Especially for them, there are similar crafts. Although such a product requires more time and resources, many are ready to make such victims. The result will make anyone be surprised, since such a toy is more beautiful than the rest, and others are perceived by such a product as something class higher, in comparison with other crafts.

Square 3D from paper instructions:

  1. We print a ready -made template, or draw it ourselves
  2. Cut all the necessary details
  3. We are engaged in the coloring of our crafts
  4. Clean the entire surface of each part with transparent tape
  5. Glue all parts except one side
  6. We fill our toy with a filler and glue it to the end, if you want, you can decorate with some details on top of the finished product. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make crooks made of foam rubber?

Squares made of foam rubber
Squares made of foam rubber

Foamen is also often used to create such toys. Sometimes both the main material for the future crafts, and the filler, if you grind it into small parts. Although this material is quite soft, you can immediately notice that it is insanely like a sponge. And you will be right, because most often foams are used to replace the sponge when it is not possible to use it.

Squares made of foam - Instructions:

  1. We take a piece of foam rubber, preferably light color
  2. Using a knife, give the material the shape of a future toy
  3. We remove all the irregularities with scissors so that the workpiece is smooth
  4. Mix gouache and glue in equal parts
  5. We completely cover our figure with an even layer, the resulting mixture
  6. We give the workpiece to dry, and if necessary, we are engaged in decoration. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

How to make a squash unit?

Squares unicorn
Squash the unicoride

Unicorns are one of the most popular squirt models. Such a magical creature is popular among children, mostly girls. You can buy such a toy almost everywhere. They come in both different forms and different sizes. But to make such a miracle much more pleasant than just buy ready -made. Many also think, so there are thousands of people trying to revive this fabulous creature with their own hands.

Squares Unicorn - Instructions:

  1. We take a large leaf
  2. We draw a unicorn on it, or only a muzzle
  3. We color our fantastic animal with felt -tip pens or paints
  4. We twist the sheet in half
  5. We cover the entire surface with tape
  6. Glue all sides, leaving somewhere a small hole
  7. Fill the empty space inside the filler
  8. We glue our craft to the end. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below

IMPORTANT: If desired, you can use fabric, for example, felt for the manufacture of such anti-stress toys. In this case, you will get a full -fledged soft toy that can be washed.

Pattern for the separation craft:


How to make a squash slice?

Skvishi slime
Skvishi slime

Such squals are not found as often as other species. Most likely, people cannot understand why to spoil the already finished remedy for stress. Although at first glance this is so, but many note that such a slight improvement in the usual anti -stress brings is incredibly much benefit.

Skvishi slime instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare, for this you need to grind the ready -made squash, or its filler.
  2. It is best to use light plasticine or sponge products for these purposes
  3. We share our filler into the portions we need.
  4. We take the usual slime, preferably transparent, if the filler is colored, and throw it into the same bowl with our filler.
  5. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  6. We divide the mass into suitable portions and lay in clean dry containers. In more detail about how to make squals, watch in the video below.

How to make a squash milk?

Squat milk
Squat milk
Squat milk
Squat milk

A fairly popular craft among fans of this product. This is almost a symbol of all this movement. Everyone is trying to create this cute mask in all available ways. After all, the form is quite simple for everyone to repeat it. And a beautiful external design will not leave indifferent any living soul.

Squat Milk - Instructions:

  1. We print a ready -made scheme or draw it ourselves
  2. Cut this circuit with scissors
  3. We apply the finished scheme to foamarine and circle with something sharp
  4. Following a new contour, we cut out the workpiece already from foamarine
  5. Next, we glue all sides of our toy, except for the lower
  6. Fill the product with a filler
  7. After gluing the lower part
  8. We are engaged in decoration, simply painting or making jewelry from the same foamiran

Video: We make a squash milk

If you like to create with your own hands, then we offer you ideas for creativity:

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