How to make facial massage, head, lower back, heart: indications, contraindications, preparation, technique

How to make facial massage, head, lower back, heart: indications, contraindications, preparation, technique

Learn to do the right massage of the face, head, lower back, heart. This will help to improve the body, add beauty and even save life.

Surely everyone knows that massage is an ancient and effective method to improve health. It is the prevention of many diseases, used in various rehabilitation methods, promotes weight loss, relieves stress and relaxes. Depending on the purpose and purpose, massages are hygienic, medical, sports, cosmetic.

Read on our website article about face and body massage. You will learn about the correct implementation technique, as well as the benefit and effectiveness.

Massage strengthens the human immune system, improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, stimulates or soothes the central nervous system, eliminates swelling, helps to strengthen or relax muscles. Of course, there are a number of contraindications in which massage is not recommended. To determine the contraindications of each type of massage, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In this article, you will learn about the correct techniques of facial massage, head, heart and lower back.

Facial massage: Rules, useful preparation tips

The incomparable benefit of facial massage has already appreciated many women. It has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and is able to rejuvenate his face, acting as an alternative to cosmetic injections, and even surgical operations. When doing massage at home, you must remember some rules so as not to harm the skin of the face:

Facial massage
Facial massage
  • Initially, carry out the procedure with ease, without pressing too much, and then gradually increase the pressure, but not reaching pain.
  • It is also worth noting the importance of massage strictly along massage lines. They are located as follows: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the side parts of the nose to the ears and from the chin to the ears. This is necessary in order to do massage in the direction of lymph. Do not forget about the neckline and neck.
  • The most important movements for beginners, do massage at home is stroking and patting. For more complex techniques, professional skills or consultation of a specialist are needed.

Useful preparation tips:

  • Before starting any massage, regardless of the technique of its implementation, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and pollution. This can be done using specialized cosmetics for washing, as well as facial tonics.
  • Then steam the skin with a hot wet terry towel.
  • After steaming, it is recommended to slightly display the upper layer of the epidermis with specialized tools.
  • Next, apply butter or dense cream to dry skin.
  • Coconut oil, avocado oilor wooden wood They will cope with the massage of the face at home. You can use other oils and creams.

Important: Do not forget about the disinfection of the hands before the session.

Correctly done face massage is capable of:

  • Form a beautiful and clear oval face
  • Give the skin softness and elasticity
  • Enhance blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels
  • Reduce the number of visible facial wrinkles
  • Give your face a fresh radiance and a beautiful color
  • Reduce swelling and remove swelling

In addition, the effect of subsequent cosmetic products will increase

Contraindications for facial massage: List

Like any other type of manipulation conducted with the body, the face massage has contraindications - the list:

  • Do not carry out the procedure if there are any damage or inflammation on the skin-wounds, inflamed acne, rash.
  • There is no massage after the procedure for professional cleaning of the face by a cosmetologist.
  • Also, manipulations on the face are not performed by people with fragile vessels, rosacea or a tendency to it, as well as having dermatological diseases in various stages of pathology.

Doctors do not advise conducting facial massage to people with bronchial asthma and diabetes.

Facial massage technique

Facial massage
Facial massage

The technique of performing facial massage is simple. It is important to observe the sequence of movements, then this procedure will bring much benefit to the skin.

Start from the forehead:

  • The pillows of the thumbs must be massaged with rubbing movements, in the direction from the center to the temples.

We go to the eyebrows:

  • Militant with your fingers with a peculiar massage line along the eyebrows, from the nose to the temples and hair growth lines.

Relaxation of the muscles of the eyes:

  • Carefully make massive movements from the inner corners of the eye, in the eyelid and further to the outer corners of the eyes, continuing to move to the temples to the hair growth line.

We work with the nose:

  • With the thumb, it is necessary to move from the center between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose with pressing.
  • Next, easily squeeze your nose with your thumb and forefinger.


  • With rubbing movements, begin to stimulate the cheeks, moving from the inner corner of the eyes, gradually moving to cheekbones and lowering under them, ending movements at points above the ears.
  • Take the same movements back under the cheekbones, moving to the place above the upper lip, and then above the lower.

We go to the chin:

  • It is necessary to squeeze the tip of the chin with large and index fingers and move with this movement along the jaw from the chin to the ears.
  • In the same places, make the fingers of both hands, pressing and moving along the jaw from the chin to the ears.

We relax the chewing muscles:

  • Thick them, gritting your teeth and find them with your fingers.
  • Map these muscles with movements in the form of small circles.

We finish massage:

  • Put your palms on the cheeks, and the fingertips should be directed to the ears, and the base of the palm of the hand, rub the areas from nose to cheeks, spreading your palms to the sides.

Complete the procedure with patting your fingertips over the entire surface of the face, as well as neck and neckline. Perform movements from bottom to top. Remove the remaining oil with a cotton pad, and then apply care cosmetics.

Video: face massage at home in 15 minutes a day. Master Class

Head massage: indications, contraindications

Head massage
Head massage

There are two types of head massage: therapeutic and cosmetological. Therapeutic helps to get rid of headache, and the second - to avoid or cope with the problems of the scalp.

Indications for head massage -the positive aspects of the head massage are:

  • Acceleration of blood circulation
  • Saturation of the brain with oxygen
  • Voltage removal
  • Increasing concentration
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the neck
  • Elimination of headache
  • Stimulation of hair follicles
  • Voltage removal
  • Increased scalp tone

Like any other types of such manipulations, the head massage has contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Thrombosis
  • Increased body temperature with colds
  • Hypertension
  • The presence of unhealed wounds and damage to the skin

Excessive hair loss is also a contraindication. First consult your doctor and only then perform the procedure.

Head massage technique

Head massage
Head massage

Before the massage session, wait a few hours after the last meal (2-3 hours), wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Now you can start the procedure. Here is the technique of performing the head massage:

The head massage with your fingers
The head massage with your fingers


  • Start massage with the performance of strokeing your head with your palms, starting from your ears and moving to your shoulders alternately with each hand.
Head and temples massage
Head and temples massage

Massage the whiskey:

  • Finger pads make massive movements, moving from the middle of the forehead towards the temples.
  • Then begin to rub the whiskey with your fingers, making circular movements.


  • Pillows of the middle fingers need to draw an imaginary line and massage from the inner corner of the eye to the external, then back.

Fear massage:

  • With movements in the form of zigzags, rub your forehead along the edge of the hair growth line, then above the eyebrows and in the middle of the forehead.
Head and forehead massage
Head and forehead massage

Points on the points:

  • Press your fingertips on the following points: arcs over the eyebrows, ends of the eyebrows, dots behind the ears, the angles of the base of the skull behind the ears, the back of the head.


  • Pull out the extreme point on the crown, then rub with your palms in the center of the head in the direction of the forehead to the occipital part.

Massage of the head:

  • Figuratively dividing your head into four parts, rub these parts in separate movements in a spiral, zigzags, focusing on your fingers.
During head massage, pull your hair
During head massage, pull your hair
  • Hair stimulation. Gently stretch your hair on the sides of the head, starting from the temples.

At the end, make stroking movements on the head and shoulders.

Video: DIY head massage

Lumbar massage: indications, contraindications

Lumbar massage
Lumbar massage

Massage of the lower back is also one of the popular types of such manipulations. In particular, muscle relaxation techniques resort to in the case when a person spends a lot of time on his feet. It is also necessary to do the lower back massage, when the effect on the back and lower back is the impact in connection with the movement of objects of increased severity, as well as with general painful conditions and poor well -being.

Indications for lumbar massagethe following factors may act:

  • The pain in the back, based on muscle strain, thus massage will allow them to relax.
  • Bad mood and reduced tone of the body as a whole.
  • Small mobility and stagnation of blood circulation in this zone.
  • Poor well -being, lack of sleep in stress states.

If severe pain in the lower back is overcome, you should not do an independent massage at home. In this case, it is better to contact professional specialists who will establish the cause of pain and prescribe appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.

Important: At the first ailments, it is better to seek first to consult a doctor, since in the lower back there are important organs and a system, which are felt in the form of pain.

Contraindicationsthe lower back can be massaged:

  • Acute lower back pain, including in connection with inflammation or pinches of nerves
  • Blood diseases
  • Skin damage in the massage zone
  • The presence of all kinds of tumors and formations
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases
  • Acute infectious diseases and processes occurring in the body
  • Increased body temperature
  • Tuberculosis

So, you do not have contraindications and you feel great, then you can start the technique of performing the massage process. Read further.

Lumbar massage technique

 The back in the lumbar region before starting massage should be approximately divided into three zones, namely:

  • Area with muscles near the spine
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and the sacrum together with the joints
  • Part with gluteal muscles

To start the massage, put the patient on the stomach, and the hands along the body and bend slightly. The legs should also be relaxed and have a distance between the feet 15-20 cm.

After applying any cosmetic oil, the following massage techniques are used:

Lumbar massage technique
Lumbar massage technique
  • Stroking the area along and across various options.
  • Pressing the palm, forearm and captures.
  • Rubbing with the palm, including the cost of the palm of the palm of your hand, the fingertips.
  • The kneading with circular movements, fingers, the back of the palm, stretching and shifting, and you can also notice the pressing technique.
Lumbar massage technique using tapping and patting
Lumbar massage technique using tapping and patting
  • Performance of vibration movements, pops, tapping.

A series of execution of each technique should be the same as in ordinary massage.

Video: lower back massage

Indirect heart massage: execution technique

Indirect massage is used more often for medical purposes. It is necessary in cases where a person has lost consciousness and he needs stimulation of the chest to restore the functioning of the heart when it is stopped. Closed massage is used when resuscitation of patients and is expressed in the compress of the chest.

IMPORTANT! Such manipulation is not carried out if there is a pulse.

The technique of indirect heart massage:

Indirect heart massage
Indirect heart massage
  • Put a person on an even and hard surface.
  • Find the place of a mascot process in the victim, where the sternum has the narrowest site.
  • It is necessary to retreat 3-4 cm higher The planned area in order to start compression.
  • Press your palms at the above point so that your thumbs are directed towards the chin or abdomen.
Indirect heart massage
Indirect heart massage
  • The palms should be located one on top of the other. It is necessary to press precisely the bases of the palms, and the fingers should not touch the patient.
  • Next, you need to carry out in the rhythm of pressing on the chest so that the movements are under the weight of the case of the one who makes the massage.
  • The number of presses - 100-110 for 60 seconds. The chest should have an amplitude of oscillations in 3-4 cm.
Indirect heart massage to the baby
Indirect heart massage to the baby

For infants, massage is carried out only by fingers, as a rule - with the index and middle finger of one hand. For older children, closed massage is done using a palm.


  • Massage is undoubtedly an important component for maintaining human health and its restoration after a period of heavy loads, stress or diseases.
  • Before each type of such manipulations, if they are performed at home, it is best to consult practicing massage therapists, a doctor or a cosmetologist, depending on the selected massage area.

Remember: "Do not harm" - One of the important rules in the implementation of any health or cosmetological procedures.

Video: heart resuscitation, indirect heart massage, closed heart massage

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Comments K. article

  1. The back massage is very good to do with the balm restoring from the Horse forces, it relieves unpleasant sensations of a local nature and has a relaxing effect

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