Japanese lymphatic drainage massage of Asahi faces: lines and massage equipment, recommendations, videos, reviews

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage of Asahi faces: lines and massage equipment, recommendations, videos, reviews

Reviews, recommendations, technique of conducting ashai's lymphatic drainage massage.

Asahi’s massage has developedYukuko Tanaka, collecting several techniques of an ancient Japanese massage, connecting into one. These techniques differ significantly from otherslymphatic drainagedue to its approach and some features. In this article we will talk about Asahi massage and the rules for its implementation. 

Japanese massage Asahi: Recommendations

It is necessary to perform once a day, although the author himself says that it is worth doing as often as to brush your teeth, that is, twice a day. It is advisable to massage the face after hydration, without cosmetics.

Japanese Ashai massage, recommendations: 

  • Previously, it is necessary to relieve makeup and cleanse the skin using non -aggressive substances that do not contain alcohol.
  • The use ofmicellar Water and milk. Initially, a peculiar warm -up, acceleration of lymph is carried out. 
  • During the massage, it is necessary to lubricate the face with a massage oil, or some kind of fatty cream. This is due to the fact that massage is carried out using active massage, and muscle development, as well as dense and deep skin layers.
  • Accordingly, during massage, creases and wrinkles may appear, which can be avoided by lubricating the face with milk, fatty cream or massage oil.
Working cheeks
Working cheeks

Asahi massage: video in Russian

Keep in mind that in the course of massage, redness may appear, irritation. But most often it is observed if the skin is very dry, and there was no preliminary moisture in the form of a cream, lotion, or massage oil. Many believe that acne may appear after massage. This is due to the fact that when applying massage oil, blockage of pores can be observed. Respectively, after the massage, it is necessary to clean the face usingmicellar water or lotion to additionally degrease it. 

Asahi massage: reviews of cosmetologists

MassageZogan It is quite controversial, and not all cosmetologists approve it. This is due to the fact that massage in some zones is carried out against massage lines, with the formation of a large number of creases. Cosmetologists believe that this can provoke the occurrence of additional wrinkles, which is important for people with a very dry epidermis that lacks moisture. However, users say that massage is quite effective, really helps to return youth, slow down aging. 

Asahi massage, reviews of cosmetologists:

  • Cosmetologists are ambiguous of this type of massage, and not advise it to all their customers. Many experts with irony talk about this massage, believing that it should not be done at all due to the fact that most of the movements are carried out not along the massage lines, but against their movement.
  • Accordingly, as a result of such manipulations, you can get significant creases and changes that will worsen the beauty of the face. This is a great way to remove swelling, and stimulate weight loss in the face.
  • Massage will be useful to women who have very sharply lost weight, so they appeared on their facesfrozen, the skin was haggard and crawled down. It is in this case that the massage of Asahi will allow raising the haggard areas and restore the oval of the face.

Elvira, cosmetologist. I am skeptical about this massage, because it contradicts what I taught in the courses. I took a cosmetologist’s courses, now I am working for myself. It is best to massage on massage lines, but in the massage of Asahi the opposite is true. However, seeing the results of a woman who often did massage Zogan, I can say that it is really effective. In my practice, I also uselymphatic drainage Massages, one of them is Asahi massage. It is mainly used among women with swelling and puffy faces. This is a great alternativemesonitesthat help to improve the oval of the face, and raise the cheekbones a little. This is achieved by studying the muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks and chin, the upper and lower jaw. 

Scheme of conduct
Scheme of conduct

Asahi massage: Contraindications

This type of massage is suitable for not everyone. There are contraindications for this massage.

Asahi massage, contraindications:

  • People with very dry, irritated skin 
  • Skin diseases 
  • Inflammation and irritation 
  • Acne, availabilitycomedon  
  • Failing, lifeless skin, devoidmoisture  

Keep in mind that in the presence of acne, during massage, the infection can be carried into deeper areas of the skin, healthy areas can be infected. Regarding very dry and wilting skin, massage can significantly stretch it, causing an increase in the number of wrinkles. Experts believe that this technique is ideal for those who want to correct the oval of faces, removefrozen, swelling, a large number of fat deposits on the face. 


Japanese lymphatic drainage massage of Tanaka's face: Indications

Therefore, first of all, such a massage was created for women with a Baltic type of aging, in whom the oval of the face floats during age changes, its structure changes, and appearfrozenLike Sharpei. Women with a fine -decorated type of aging should choose another waylymphatic drainage massage. 

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage of Tanaka's face, Indications:

  • ATlymphatic drainage Massage mainly needs women who constantly face edema. That is, these are patients with cardiovascular diseases, a lot of fat, obesity, and improper work of the kidneys.
  • This does not mean that women cannot do massage, but cosmetologists argue that the procedure removes excess moisture and fat, thereby the thin face becomes exhausted, cheeks can fall, and the natural puffiness of the face can disappear.
  • Therefore, in no case should it be done to women who suffer from weight loss. 

Asahi massage: technique of execution

There is a certain scheme of Asha's massage, which should be followed. At the initial stage, lymph acceleration is carried out. It can be achieved using movements, starting from the ears, along the line of the neck in the direction of the clavits.

Asahi massage, implementation technique:

  • The next step is the movement, starting from the forehead, when movements are carried out over the eyebrows, and then slowly descend along the line of cheekbones and neck. After that, a massage is carried out, which helps to get rid of edema in the eye area, the upper and lower eyelids.
  • For this, circular movements are carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and vice versa. After that, massage is carried out with the middle fingers, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, in the lower eyelid.
  • Then you need to go down, repeating the fluid current along the lymphatic lines and nodes, in the direction from the cheekbones to the collarbone. 
Massage Zogan
Massage Zogan

Is it possible to do ashai massage after 40?

It is worth noting that all movements are quite strong, and are carried out with significant pressure. This allows you to massage not only the deep layers of the skin, but also the muscles. Due to the fact that the muscles begin to work, the skin turgor increases, the face becomes more dense, the oval is restored, they are eliminated, the cheeks that resemble Sharpei are eliminated.

Is it possible to do ashai massage after 40:

  • Such massage is not recommended for all age groups. Basically, they are advised to use it to women after 35 years. It will be equally useful both after 40 and after 50 years. However, it is worth considering some features of this massage.
  • First of all, it should not be used by women with fine -decorated type of aging, high dry skin, if it resembles paper. This is an ideal option for women with oily and normal skin, which have a small amount of excess weight in the face.
  • These are pronounced cheeks, lumpsBishaas well as the presence of a small second chin. Oddly enough, but with the help of ashai massage, the face can be made moresculptured, remove the greased areas, the floated oval, as well as the second chin.
Asahi massage
Asahi massage

Japanese ASAYA massage: schemes

This massage will be especially useful for women with the underdevelopment of the chin, as well as an incorrect bite, when the lower jaw goes towards the back of the head. Thus, the upper and lower jaw are at different levels, while the upper jaw significantly bulges above the lower. As a result of this, the chin is not pronounced. Even in the absence of excess weight, folds can form. It does not look very pretty, but you should not be upset. Asahi massage really helps to get rid of folds in the chin. 

Such manipulations cannot compete with the procedures in the office of a cosmetologist, but capable of significantly correcting the shortcomings. This is by no means an alternative to plastic surgery, in terms of effectiveness it is significantly inferior to them. But due to the fact that the muscles begins to work, increasestugor skin, the face becomes denser, the oval of the face is restored, they disappearfrozen 

Japanese ASAYA massage - schemes:

Japanese ASAYA massage: schemes
Japanese ASAYA massage: schemes

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage: reviews

Such massage is not recommended for all age groups. Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of women who practice Asahi massage. 

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage, reviews:

Eugene, 38 years old. I do not belong to the category of women with excess weight, it is normal for me. With a height of 170 cm, my weight is 63 kg. I look quite slender, but after 30 years I began to swim oval, and my cheeks gradually sank. Thus there was no clarity, I wanted to fix it. Initially, she was going to fix her face with a cosmetologist, introducing hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones. They had to rise, thereby eliminating sagging cheeks. But after reading literature on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that hyaluronic acid injections can aggravate nasolabial wrinkles, and make a puffy face. I really did not want this. Therefore, she began to use other techniques. Asha's massage helped me. I did it for two months and a distinct result was visible. The oval of the face became chiseled, the second chin disappeared. In general, the skin density increased, the face became younger. Although I am noti noticed So that the number of wrinkles somehow decreases. 

Oksana, 45 years old. I do not attribute myself to slender girls, I have a little excess weight that is deposited in the face and cheeks. I wanted the face to lose weight a little, so I turned to the cosmetology clinic for help. I was advised to remove lumpsBisha. I decided for the operation, but my work colleague dissuaded me. She did such an operation, and after her dry skin appeared, her face began to age faster. That is why I canceled surgical intervention and began to look for wayssculpture Persons without surgery. I stumbled on the video with Ashai massage. I did it for a month and already see the results. I spend massaging every morning, after waking up. The effect is noticeable, the face was really losing weight, became more outlined, the contours improved, and puffiness has gone. 

Marina, 47 years old. I can’t say that I have a full face, but swelling was often observed after waking up. This is due to the poor work of the kidneys, if I drank a lot of liquids overnight, I wake up with a swollen face. I used a lot of techniques, patches under the eyes to eliminate swelling, which gave a weak effect. I used Asahi massage, and he really helped me. I spend massaging much longer than shown in the video, especially in the eyes, cheeks, and onlymphatic drainage nodes. In general, the number of repetitions reaches approximately 10. The video says that the number of repetitions can be increased if there are significant problems in certain areas. The edema has gone, the amount of liquid under the eyes and in the lower eyelid was significantly reduced. I canto tell, that I really was younger for 10 years. 


Asahi massage after 50: video

There is information that massage will be useful to women after 50 years, with a deformation type of aging. Similar manipulations are carried out within a month every day, and then supportive therapy is introduced, two to three times a week. It is worth noting that in general, massage has a positive effect on the face of women 50 years. Such skin has a significant feature that distinguishes it from young. These are narrowed pores through which decay products can go much slower. Asahi massage helps to reveal the pores, also remove excess fluid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheekbones, cheeks, and lower part of the face. 

Japanese massage Asahi 2 after 40

Asahi massage - photo before and after

Basically, all massage techniques that are used in cosmetology are lightweight, and does not affect the muscles. Unlike these techniques, Ashai massage works connecting tissue, muscles, and bones of the skull. This helps to significantly slow down bone resorption, improves blood circulation not only in the upper layers of the skin, but also in deeper ones. Rejuvenation processes can be launched very quickly. This is due to the fact that during the use of Asha's massage the number of toxins and decay products, which are easily excreted through the lymph nodes and currents. Thus, in a month or two you can see the first results.

Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after
Reviews about Asahi massage before and after

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Do not hope that after several days of using the equipment, you can fully rejuvenate your face. It is necessary for the toxins to leave the face, and the blood circulation in the connective tissue and muscles improves. 

Video: Asahi massage 2 after 40

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me that ordinary lymphatic drainage will have the same effects, so you should not overpay. And still this is not the basis of the foundations. In any case, it is important to take hyaluronic acid. I like Evalarovskaya, she has a good ratio of price and quality, is absorbed as much as possible. The skin is really more even after such procedures. I order in an online store, conveniently.

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