Bookcar massage of the face - how to do it yourself, how often to do? Bouqual facial massage - benefits, indications, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after

Bookcar massage of the face - how to do it yourself, how often to do? Bouqual facial massage - benefits, indications, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after

From our article you will learn what a bouquet of a face is, and also get acquainted with information about how it is done correctly.

Bouqual facial massage - the essence of the cosmetic procedure

Bouqual facial massage - the essence of the cosmetic procedure

Unfortunately, human skin cannot remain fresh and toned for a long time. With age, under the influence of various negative factors, it loses its natural properties to be updated, and becomes flabby and less elastic. Of course, most people are upset when they see such changes, but they simply put up with changes, and live on. But in fact, even faced with such problems, you can try to give your face freshness. After all, modern cosmetology does not stand still, and can offer many care procedures - one of the most popular is a buccal massage of the face.

Building massage - essence

What is the essence of the cosmetic procedure? As we know, the processes of aging skin do not occur in some concise terms. Changes occur gradually, and until a certain moment, imperceptibly for a person. More precisely, the efforts of our skin are every second, as if we would not like to deny this fact. Therefore, it is very important to start influencing deep muscle layers in time in order to suspend, or at least slow down this process as much as possible.

In this case, the bustic massage of the face will help you. It involves an intensive effect on the skin, by working out facial and chewing muscles. The main feature of the procedure is that the effect is not only externally, but internally, that is, massage is also done inside the oral cavity. The procedure requires certain skills, but still, if desired, everyone will be able to cope with it.

Bookcar massage - how often to do?

Bookcar massage - how often to do?

How often to do a buccal face massage? Some women make a mistake, and begin to influence the skin every day. This, of course, does not pass without a trace. But instead of improving the condition of the face, there are problems with the skin - swelling in certain places, pain syndrome, redness and even bruises may occur. It must be understood that massage has a load on muscle tissue, dermis. And if you do the procedure every day, then the so -called microtrauma will inevitably begin.

It is important to remember that even after a light tonic massage, the skin takes time to restore. If you do a rejuvenating procedure of the face every day without a break, then you are unlikely to get a positive result. In principle, most cosmetologists advise stopping on one procedure per week, sometimes two are allowed. But only if the specialist sees that the skin is well and quickly restored.

Bookcar massage of the face - readings, benefits: can you do it yourself?

Bookcar massage of the face - readings, benefits: can you do it yourself?

The benefits of buccal facial massage for women and men:

  • Helps to significantly improve the floating oval of the face
  • Makes dermatological cover more fit and elastic
  • Helps to reduce the depth of facial wrinkles and goose legs
  • Helps get rid of bags and black circles under the eyes
  • Effectively fights swelling
  • After a few courses, the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases
  • Visually a person begins to look younger
  • All metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin are restored
  • The muscle frame returns to normal
  • Pores narrow, so black dots completely disappear

Indications for the procedure of buccal massage:

  • There is a clear flaw of the muscles of the face
  • With obvious thinness, the second chin is noticeable
  • Private paresis of the face
  • Regular morning swelling of the skin
  • Age -based skin effort

Now let's move on to the question of whether it is possible to do massage yourself. In principle, no one prohibits this categorically. You can always try the procedure at home. But still, it must be remembered that you need to work with facial muscles very carefully, because if you injure them, then instead of the effect of tightened, you can get an even more swollen oval. And therefore, if you own self -massage skills at home, you can try to make the procedure for yourself. If you have never done massage, and you can’t imagine what rules you need to adhere to the rejuvenation procedure, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Bouqual massage of the face - contraindications for the procedure

IMPORTANT: Bookcar massage of the face with caution should be performed for women and men with endocrine diseases. Therefore, if you have this pathology, then initially visit the endocrinologist to receive recommendations, and only after that you can go to the cosmetologist. He will choose a type of massage to you taking into account the characteristics of your body.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  • The presence of oncological diseases
  • Infectious diseases
  • The presence of a rash
  • Dermatitis and eczema
  • Injection of the skin
  • The presence of hematomas
  • Expressed problems with blood vessels
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Bookcar massage of the face - at what age should you start resorting to the procedure?

Bookcar massage of the face - at what age should you start resorting to the procedure?

In our country, it is generally accepted that anti -aging procedures should be started when age is already overgrowing in 40 years. And such an imposed opinion often leads to the fact that women are not entirely satisfied with the procedure. But it must be understood that when the skin was already covered with deep wrinkles, and the oval of the face swam very much, no one can return its former youth. Unfortunately, no one has invented a magic wand yet. Therefore, you need to understand that the sooner a woman begins to engage in her face, the better it will be for her.

So starting from the age of 25, you can already do a buccal face massage as a prevention. If you are already 30, then turn on the procedure without delay, in your care manipulations. Massage with courses, but regularly. If you start doing yourself in youth, that is, the probability that at 40 your face will look young and fresh, and the rejuvenation procedure will be needed exclusively as a prevention.

Bookcar massage of the face - types: how to understand that the procedure is carried out correctly?

Bookcar massage of the face - views:

  • Deep -legged - In this case, all movements are made from top to bottom. During the procedure, the highest point of the cheeks is initially worked out, and then lowering to the muscles in the mouth is gradually carried out.
  • Sculptural - This type of manipulation is aimed at developing a certain zone. So you can choose which part of the face will pay more attention. You can work out the forehead and temporal parts, or the zone from the chin to the ears. Also, with this form of a rejuvenating procedure, an eyebrow zone, hair growth, nose, lips are given in tone.

How to understand that the procedure is carried out correctly:

  • You will not have a pronounced pain syndrome
  • There will be no bruises on the skin and hematomas
  • There will be no swelling in places of effect on the skin
  • Mucous membranes in the oral cavity will not be inflamed and injured
  • There are no problems with the mouth open
  • You can freely close and open your lips
  • There should not be a long crepion

Bouquet massage of the face from the inside of the mouth to itself - how to prepare correctly?

Bouquet massage of the face from the inside of the mouth to itself - how to prepare correctly?

Any massage requires proper preparation, because if it is not done, then the effect of the manipulation will be minimal. Therefore, let's figure out in detail how to properly prepare your face for the rejuvenation procedure.

Bouquet massage of the face from the inside of the mouth to itself - how to prepare correctly:

  • First of all, the most carefully remove cosmetics from the skin. Do this in any way convenient for you. You can simply wash yourself with water using a cleansing foam, or wipe your face with a remedy for removing cosmetics. During the process, try not to have a strong effect on the skin, it should be relaxed before the procedure.
  • If you have dry skin, or after washing you felt tightness, then this means that you need a moisturizing the dermis. Do it for sure. Dry skin during manipulation will not be stretched out quite evenly, and this can cause vessel injury. And this is fraught with the appearance of vascular stars. Therefore, be sure to moisturize the face, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.
  • Wait for a moisturizing agent to absorb into the skin well, and warm it slightly. To do this, slightly lay the skin along the massage lines. Your movements should be as easy as possible, in no case do not stretch the upper layer of the dermis. Give each massage line no more than 3 seconds. This will be enough for blood to circulate more intensively.
  • At the final stage, relax the muscle frame. To do this, take a convenient position - the head and neck should not be tense. Next, go through the face with light circular strokes. If you wish, you can draw eight on your face, but do everything as easily and accurately as possible, without pressing on the skin. The area between the eyebrows easily massage for half a minute.

On this, the preparation is completed and you can proceed to the main stage.

Bouqual facial massage at home - recommendations for bringing

Recommendations for the procedure

Bookcar facial massage at home - recommendations for bringing:

  • Take a convenient position, it should be convenient for you to work out the muscle corset inside the oral cavity.
  • Tune in to the fact that for some time you will have to keep your mouth out of the face, and at the same time try to minimally strain the muscles of the face.
  • It is advisable to put sterile gloves on your hands, or treat your hands with an antiseptic. This is necessary in order not to bring harmful bacteria into the oral cavity.
  • Try to make your movements as accurate as possible. During the procedure, in no case should you do very sharp jerks or pressure. The mucous membranes in the oral cavity must be touched as neatly as possible.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to relax the cheekbones. This will help more effectively affect facial and chewing muscles. To do this, it is enough to slightly press on the active points located near the earlobes. Each facial muscle work out for at least 3 seconds.

How quickly can you see changes after a buccal face massage?

Many women, having read the laudatory reviews about the buccal massage of the face, believe that literally one procedure can significantly improve their appearance. We immediately want to say that this is not at all. After a one -time manipulation, you can feel easy relaxation, skin breaking can disappear, breathing improve, but that’s all.

To get a clearly pronounced improvement effect, you need to visit at least 5 sessions. That is how much time is required for the body to start regeneration processes that help the skin be updated. Depending on how many anti-aging therapy sessions you can do a week, the changes can be seen in 14-21 days.

How long does the effect last after a buccal face massage?

How long does the effect last after a buccal face massage?

If you carefully read our article, then you probably realized that the buccal massage of the face is able to solve many problems associated with age -related changes. But still, you must clearly understand that the effect is unlikely to remain for the rest of your life. As practice shows, the effect of one procedure lasts approximately 3 days. And at the same time it is little pronounced. That is, there are changes, but in order to see them you need to take a closer look.

If your goal is to noticeably rejuvenate your face, and do it for at least 6-12 months, then you will have to spend your time 10 sessions. Ideally, to maintain massage and chewing muscles in a good tone, you will have to do the procedure regularly in courses. How often it will be necessary to resort to this manipulation, a specialist must decide, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.

How to preserve the result after a buccal massage for a long time?

How to preserve the result after a buccal massage for a long time?

As you already understood, the bustic massage of the face gives a positive effect for a certain period of time, so it is very important to make sure that the skin looks as long as refined and toned as long as possible.

How to save the result for a long time:

  • Try not to sleep in the pillow
  • Use the care products suitable for your skin type
  • Do not wash yourself with too hot water
  • Be sure to wash off cosmetics at night
  • In no case do not press the skin, do not rub it strongly pressing
  • Regularly do light massage on massage lines
  • Avoid ultraviolet sap
  • Support the correct water balance
  • Regularly visit a cosmetologist

Bouqual massage of the face - the cost of the procedure done by a specialist

We immediately want to say that a buccal massage of the face is a procedure that requires certain skills, so a priori is cheap. It cannot. Consider this fact and do not go where the procedure is very cheap. As for the cost of manipulation, it may differ from the city, the qualifications of a specialist and the location of the beauty salon. On average, in large cities, from 3,000 to 5000 rubles are asked for one massage procedure. If you take cities remotely remote from megacities, then the cost of massage is noticeably decreasing, here it can cost 2000 rubles already. For the procedure.

Bouquet facial massage - reviews from the photo before and after the procedure

Bookcar facial massage - reviews:

Reviews from the photo before and after the procedure

Tatyana, 39 years old: My face is round and chubby, this is my such feature. After 30, it began to notice that the second chin appears, although I did not gain weight. I turned to the cosmetologist for advice, and he pleased me with the fact that I began the age problems of the skin, or rather, sagging. And since I am not very much year old, I did not resort to dramatic measures, the cosmetologist suggested trying the buccal massage of the face. I was assigned 10 procedures once a week. After the fifth massage, I noticed that my face was pulled up, and I visually younger. I visited the specialist 10 times, and I was satisfied with the result. But literally after 2 months she began to notice that the skin again “swam”, and the face became somehow triangular. Again I had to go to the cosmetologist, but to another. It turned out that during massage I was very much pressed on my muscles, and in the end I got such a side effect. So that girls, the choice of a masseur should be approached responsibly.

Reviews from the photo before and after the procedure

Irina, 43 years old: I learned about the procedure when I had swelling of the face. No matter how well I rest, in the morning I always woke up with bags under my eyes, and plus dark circles appeared to this. On the advice of a friend, I decided to try the so -called sculptural massage. But when I came to an appointment with a specialist, I found out that in my case you need to approach the procedure seriously. Fighting the problem is not point, but comprehensively. I was assigned a deep -folded massage. For two months I regularly went to the procedures, and I was satisfied with the result. My face stopped swelling, terrible circles under my eyes disappeared, and most importantly, the second chin almost disappeared. So with 100% confidence I can say that the procedure is effective.

Reviews from the photo before and after the procedure

Olga, 39 years old: I always carefully take care of my skin, and always thought that age -related changes would touch me far over 40. But unfortunately, I met them before I planned. When 37 hit me, I noticed that pronounced wrinkles began to appear on the skin, and over time they only increased. Beauty injections, I was very afraid of, so I decided to buccal massage - I was advertised by a girlfriend, like charging for the lazy. The first session was a discovery for me, since I did not expect someone to put his hands in my mouth. But the massage girl reassured me, asked to relax and continued her work. Literally after a couple of sessions, the effect began to appear - the skin began to pink, pulled up, and skin creases disappeared. After 10, wrinkles became almost invisible. Yes, they are, but they no longer “cut their eyes”, and I look young and fresh. Now I am massage myself periodically in order to prevent aging.

Facial sculptural and clock massage-video

And now we bring to your attention the video, with a detailed analysis of the sculptural and buccal massage of the face. With it, you can adjust certain problem areas of the face.

Bouquet face massage video tutorials

Well, at the end of our article, a couple of lessons for the correct conduct of a buccal massage of the face.

Working out the ring muscle of the oral cavity.

Working of nasolabial folds

Video lesson for beginners

Struggle against facial clamps

Correction of the buccal muscle

Read also on our website other articles about massage:

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Comments K. article

  1. I have not heard anything about such a massage, but in general I have a positive attitude to this. Although massage is not the basis, of course. Humper moisturizing is much more important. I am taking Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid and vitamins on a regular basis. This helps me stay as young as possible))

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