Guas massage for the face and body: technique of home execution, benefit and effectiveness

Guas massage for the face and body: technique of home execution, benefit and effectiveness

In addition to cosmetic procedures, the skin of the face and body needs massage sessions. Affordable and effective techniques proven by generations are popular.

Today we will get to know the ancient oriental technique - the scraper massage of Guasha. Technique with a healing and anti -aging effect for the skin. Let us consider in more detail how to properly do the massage of the Guasha for the face at home.

What is Guasha massage?

  • Guasha massage is performed using modern tools from natural materials. Massage technique - impact on the active points of the face and body with grinding movements. On the elaborate areas, spot subcutaneous hemorrhages sometimes act, which in this case benefit the body.
  • Under the action of the scraper of the Guasha, metabolic processes are accelerated, the skin acquires additional elasticity, small wrinkles are smoothed.
  • The study of all sections of the face accelerates blood circulation, thereby rejuvenates the areas that need additional care.
  • Tightened skin acquires a healthy radiance. A positive external result improves the emotional state, causes a desire to admire and improve.
The effect of massage
The effect of massage
Do not expect the impossible
Do not expect the impossible

How to choose a scraper for massage Guasha?

The quality of the massage tool directly affects the result. Gaasha scrapers from various materials have a universal effect. One of the advantages of natural materials is the ability to keep a comfortable temperature.

The tool acquires additional qualities thanks to the natural properties of stones from which massage tiles are made.

Consider several popular Gaasha scraper models:

  • Gaasha scraper from pink quartz - The most popular material of the massage tool. The stone helps to restore internal harmony, opens the heart for love and new bright emotions.
  • Gouache massage scraper from jade - Helps to balance emotions, accelerates recovery processes.
Gaasha scraper pink quartz or nephritis
Gaasha scraper pink quartz or nephritis
  • Carcinus scraper - Removes nervous tension, helps to relax.

Scraper- Ideal option for cooling procedures, fragile material requires neat operation. A combination of several stones is also used for massage tiles - Jade with pink quartz, amethyst and pink quartz, green adventurine and pink quartz.

The traditional scrapers of Guasha update modern devices on batteries. For an effective massage result, you cannot depreciate the shape and materials.

Haasha massage technique

  • Before starting massage, it is necessary to cleanse the skin. A tight dry surface is pre -moistened or greased with oil. If there are places of inflammation on the skin, then the effect on these areas is excluded until completely recovery.
Each side for a certain part of the body
Each side for a certain part of the body
  • The procedure at the initial stage is no more than 10 minutes. After several sessions, the massage is extended to half an hour. After the first three sessions, pain may appear and dermatological problems will aggravate.
  • According to Chinese healers, in this way internal processes are activated and a full -fledged healing process is launched.
  • When performing massage at home, it is necessary to adhere to the direction of massage lines. The scraper is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the developed area. You can not stretch the too long massage line. With severe tension, the skin is injured.

Massage lines for the face:

  • from the middle of the forehead to the right and left temple;
  • from the ends of the lips to the middle of the auricle;
  • from the central point of the chin to the earlobes.
For face
For face

Massage lines for the neckline:

  • the central line of the neck, opposite the chin, is massage by lines from below-up;
  • the side sections of the neck are worked out by lines from above-down-from cheekbones to the lines of the shoulders.

For the first procedure, it is better to use one scraper, in the future you can practice simultaneously with two tools.

  • After each massage, the scraper must be carefully cleaned with facial washing or simple soap. To preserve the structure of the plate, the scraper is best stored in the case.
  • In case of difficulties, use the methodological recommendations from video lessons of cosmetologists and doctors. To hone the right technique, it is better to get a professional consultation.
And bodies
And bodies

Therapeutic properties of guasha massage

The positive effect of Guasha massage is rejuvenating and treatment.

After the massage course, the following dynamics is noted:

  • the skin is saturated with oxygen at the intracellular level;
  • excessive toxins are removed, self -cleaning is launched, swelling is reduced;
  • an anti -inflammatory effect is noted;
  • the metabolism in the tissues is normalized;
  • guasha massage has an immuno -binding effect.
The benefits are significant
The benefits of massage guasha are significant

Massage Guasha: Contraindications

  • Massage procedures are performed only with good health. Contraindications are treated as general ailments, and chronic diseases.
  • It is not recommended to combine gouache massage for the face with invasive procedures. The mechanical impact on the places of injections or areas of the introduction of Botox will negatively affect the process of rejuvenation of the skin.
  • With allergic rash or inflamed eels You can indirectly accelerate the healing process with the help of guasha massage on the neck.
  • Guasha massage cannot be performed more than 3 times a week. For the first course, 10 sessions are enough. To preserve the achieved effect, massage can be repeated once every 10 days.
  • Depending on the complexion of the body is selected soft or sharp scraper. Incorrect work with the tool becomes the reason for the absence of the therapeutic effect.

Guas massage for face: reviews

  • Tatyana, 31 years old. I use the gouasha technique at home to prevent wrinkles on my face. I acquired several scrapers, each of which comfortably lays in the hand and has a rejuvenating effect. After each course, I feel pleasant muscle relaxation. Redness on the skin pass quite quickly. A month later, the skin looks much tighter and healthier.
The result is noticeable for sure
The result is noticeable for sure
  • Inna, 38 years old. The ancient massage technique of Guasha helps me to fight constant swelling. The main plus - massage does not take much time. I recommend performing procedures on weekends when there is no need to go somewhere. I never bring the pressure with a scraper to painful sensations. When the subteces appear, I reduce the power of pressing by half.

Useful articles about beauty:

Video: Simple Beauty with Guasha Massage

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  1. I tried somehow .... But I did not notice something special. Probably we need to start practicing again. In general, of course, for me the basis of all the internal care. I take vitamins, minerals, and necessarily Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid. This option, by the way, is the best in terms of price and quality. I have to take a note, because I even give me 40 at my 50.

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