Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers, students of grade 1-4-how to make: Instruction

Application from geometric shapes for preschoolers, students of grade 1-4-how to make: Instruction

If you want to make an application from geometric shapes with children, then read the article. It has many templates, pictures.


Applications are crafts that children really like. In addition to the fact that they are interesting, they are also useful. They develop imagination, thinking, fine motor skills of the baby's hands. And such crafts occupy the child’s leisure, so he has less time for computer games and other not entirely useful and necessary classes.

In another article on our website you will find how to make craft and applique hedgehog to kindergarten, school. It has step -by -step instructions for the performance of the product from different materials.

One of the simplest, but interesting options is applications from geometric shapes. They are cut out of colored paper or cardboard, and completely different drawings are made of them. For this, there are a number of special schemes and instructions. Choose a suitable option - and create with your child. Read further.

Application from different geometric shapes: a set of materials and tools

Set of materials and tools for application
Set of materials and tools for application

For the manufacture of applications, you will need special tools. In fact, there are not a lot of things. The main items, a set of materials and tools that are useful in order to make an application from different geometric shapes:

  • Color paper or cardboard
  • Ruler
  • Brush
  • Pencils
  • A4 or more white paper (depending on the scale of the craft)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

You will also need a simple pencil. If you plan to do everything out of white paper, then stock up on paints and colored pencils. They will be needed to paint figures, as well as for decorating crafts in general.

Application of colored paper from different geometric figures for students of grades 1-2- how to make: instructions, templates

We can say for sure that when performing an application, the child will be very pleased with the results of his labors. And the preparation of such a craft for a while will distract it from gadgets. Children walking in grade 1, already have skills in working with scissors. Therefore, applications from colored paper or cardboard from different geometric figures for students of 1-2 class will become a very useful occupation. And they will definitely be interested in such simple tasks, because there are so many interesting templates. Second -graders will also not refuse to work with paper, glue and scissors. How to do it? Here are a few interesting instructions:


An application of colored paper from different geometric shapes
An application of colored paper from different geometric shapes
  • Making a bunny of paper geometric shapes is very simple.
  • The child does not have to spend too much time or effort on it.
  • However, without your help, he still will not do.
  • Choose the colors of the paper as you like.
  • It is not necessary to “chase” the maximum realism of crafts - let the child show imagination and creativity.

What do you need to do:

  1. Cut one large circle. It will be the torso of the bunny.
  2. Now cut 4 circles slightly less. They are necessary for the cheeks and front paws of the animal.
  3. From another cut circle, make two semicircles. To do this, just cut it in half. Attach the obtained figures to the head of the hare - these will be his ears.
  4. For the tail, you can cut the oval or the same circle, and then cut its top, giving it “fluffy”.
  5. For the eyes you need to cut out two triangles. You can quite draw pupils with a black pencil.

Also make carrots out of paper. Cut the pyramid of medium length and orange. At the top, attach several paper shreds, imitating the tops. They can be green or salad in color. Fight all the details with glue - and the cute bunny is ready. But the child can then finish carrots and flowers with colored pencils. It will be even more interesting for him and more exciting.


An application of colored paper from different geometric shapes
An application of colored paper from different geometric shapes

Making a mouse from geometric shapes is even easier. This scheme is perfect for first -graders. What should be done:

  1. Cut a large circle and cut it in half. It will be the body of the mouse. The side of the cut should be below, since the tail of the animal will be attached to it.
  2. Make a muzzle from a paper triangle, and from two small circles - eyes. Draw the pupils with a pencil, or cut it out of a piece of black paper.
  3. The tail can be made of any lace or piece of thread for knitting. Attach it to the application with glue.

The craft is ready. Just a little time and efforts - and you will get such a lovely application in the form of a mouse.

Video: Animals. Collection. Cartoons about animals and geometric shapes for children

Application from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" in the classroom for children of preschool children - the youngest, middle, senior, preparatory group of kindergarten, 3, 4, 5, 6 years - how to make: Instruction

Flooding from colored paper on the topic
Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" in the classroom for children of preschool children

There are many templates for colored paper applications that can be made with preschool children. Such crafts are prepared very simply, and the kids are very interesting to work on them. Such a task is very useful in terms of development, since it introduces a child to geometric shapes. In kindergarten, in the younger, middle, senior, preparatory group of kindergarten, for children 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, often conducted lessons on this topic.

For kids, there are special templates drawn on paper. Parents themselves can create them, depicting different figures and drawings on the sheet. What a child needs to do:

  • Cut the desired amount of geometric shapes
  • Glue them to the places where they fit

You can also make applications on the principle described earlier - the choice remains with you. Pretty interesting and simple is this option for crafts. It will have the shape of a horse - very cute and unusual. But first, cut the pattern of the pattern, according to which the child will subsequently make an application.

Flooding from colored paper on the topic
Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" in the classroom for children of preschool children

What such a horse is made of:

  1. Cut 2 rectangles And fasten them among themselves. They will imitate the body of the animal.
  2. From a medium -sized paper triangle, make the horse's neck.
  3. For the head, you need to cut a circle, for the muzzle - a triangle and a smaller circle, for the eyes - very small.
  4. Cut the legs in the form of thin and not very long rectangles. Small triangles are suitable for hooves.

The tail and mane can already be finished after sticking the application on the main sheet of paper. If it is cut out of white pieces, then invite the child to paint the resulting pattern. So the process of creating crafts will be even more entertaining, interesting, developing.

Video: Application for children from geometric shapes (circles). River, turtle, frog

Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" for children of grade 3-4-how to make: Instruction

Flooding from colored paper on the topic
Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" for children of grade 3-4

Applications from geometric shapes are a very useful occupation for older children. Schoolchildren, students in 3-4 classThanks to this type of handmade, they will learn to work more thoroughly with templates, and will also be able to create unusual images from different figures. However, to begin with, the child needs to show how the already finished craft will look. So you will interest and encourage him more. So, we make an application from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" with children 3-4 classes.

The algorithm of actions - Instruction:

  1. Prepare the base. That is, the template with which the child will work.
  2. Circle or draw and cut all the parts.
  3. Make an application.

Unlike preschool children and younger students, children in 3-4 class Parental assistance is no longer much needed when creating applications from geometric shapes.

Flooding from colored paper on the topic
Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" for children of grade 3-4

Which option to choose? Your student will certainly like to work on an application called "Cats-mouse". The following details will be needed to create it:

  • A large yellow triangle is a piece of cheese.
  • Three or four circles of orange paper-to create "holes" in cheese.
  • One oval of gray color for the mouse, which will be near the cheese slice, and one oval cut in half is for the mouse that you put on top of the cheese.
  • For the ears of mice, cut 4 circles from brown paper.
  • Create a black spout from the circles of black color, the pupils too, but they should be smaller in size.

Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a cat. In addition to colored paper, you will also need felt -tip pens. So the child will be able to show more creativity and imagination. After all, he has to not only cut, but also decorate the muzzle of a cat.

Flooding from colored paper on the topic
Flooding from colored paper on the topic "Geometric figures" - cat

The necessary figures:

  • Two circles of large sizes - for the head and body (there will be the impression that the cat is sitting).
  • Two triangles - for the ears.
  • Three black circles for the eyes and nose.
  • Three semicircles - for a tail and legs.
Cut all the necessary geometric parts
Cut all the necessary geometric parts

The child just has to glue all the details with each other with glue. The missing parts or individual elements of the application decor can be finished with pencils or felt -tip pens. And in the end, you get a wonderful craft in the form of a cat and two cute mice with a piece of cheese. Such an application can be safely inserted into the frame and hang on the wall in the children's room.

Application from different geometric shapes - pets: how to do it, instructions

For children of preschool and primary school age, templates are perfect for which you can make different pets from paper. You can make almost anything: a horse, a dog, a cow, a pig, etc.

Application from different geometric shapes - pets
Application from different geometric shapes - pets

Of course, of all the options for applications from geometric shapes, children most like the image of a dog. It can be made of rectangles, and as you glue on paper (or after it), add the missing parts, or finish them. This is what the work algorithm looks like - Instructions:

  1. Cut the large rectangle and glue it onto the main sheet of paper. This is the body of your future dog.
  2. From a rectangle, which is slightly smaller in size, make a muzzle of the dog. After gluing it, you can immediately finish your eyes and mouth with a dark pencil or felt -tip pen. It makes no sense to cut them out of paper, since on this application the dog will stand in profile.
  3. Cut 6 rectangles - Thin and not very long. Glue four of them at the bottom of the body - these will be paws. One - on the head, simulating the ear, and make the tail from the last figure.

See how sweetly a dog made of colored paper geometric shapes. Very funny, and most importantly - simple. Even a preschooler in the middle or senior group of kindergarten will cope with such a task. Such applications can be done both at home and in educational institutions.

Video: Application from figures for children

Application "Man" from different geometric figures: how to do it?

Application "Man" from different geometric figures

How to make a man from paper geometric shapes? Easy peasy! Even a preschooler will cope with this. Of course, with the help of parents. Circles, rectangles and rhombuses, and also small squares. This is what you need to make a simple craft. Well, and a few more trapezes, if the rectangular body of the men looks unattractive.

If you cut all the patterns from white paper, the child will also have the opportunity to paint his drawing. Therefore, do not forget to prepare not only scissors, glue and paper, but also colored pencils, felt -tip pens or paints with brushes before class. See how you can make an application "Human" From different geometric shapes:

Application "Man" from different geometric figures
Application "Man" from different geometric figures
Application "Man" from different geometric figures

Here are the patterns for application on the topic "Human":

Template to the application
Template to the application "Man" from different geometric figures
Template to the application
Template to the application "Man" from different geometric figures
Template to the application
Template to the application "Man" from different geometric figures

Application "Machine" from different geometric shapes: how to do it, instructions

Application "Machine" from different geometric shapes

Even preschool children will be able to make a machine from different geometric shapes. The application is colorful, multi -colored and interesting. It can be sent to an exhibition of creative works in primary school or kindergarten.

To get such a craft, take the paper in different colors. How to do it? Consider an interesting machine template - Instructions:

  1. Cut one large square. It is necessary in order to make a “booth”, because we get a real truck.
  2. More 4 squaresbut smaller sizes are necessary in order to make the bottom of the car out of them. Wheels carved in the form of two medium -sized circles will be attached to it.
  3. You will need a small square for the cab. Be sure to make a “visor” from the triangle above it. From the same triangle, only blue, make a windshield.

The application in the form of a colored paper machine is ready. Now you can finalize your drawing by adding any elements you like. It can be trees, road signs, a drawn road and much more. Let the child show imagination and add what he himself wants. You can make such a tower crane:

Application "Machine" from different geometric shapes

The plot application "Family" from different geometric figures: how to do it?

An application with the image of a family is suitable for primary school students. Preschool children will not cope with such a task, because it is necessary to make at least three family members, and for this you will need a lot of geometric shapes, a little time, effort and skills.

Moms and dads, grandfathers and grandmothers can be made of ovals of completely different sizes. And then the baby will finish his faces separately. But as another option, you can propose to perform such an application from different small details. Different accessories (ties, for example, or jewelry) or the interior of the room/surrounding space, the child will then just finish it off.

How to make the plot application "Family" from different geometric figures? Several variants:

  • So you can make a boy and a girl (brother and sister).
The plot application
The plot application "Family" from different geometric figures
The plot application
The plot application "Family" from different geometric figures
  • But to create a family consisting of mom, dad and child, you will have to work a little. But in the end, you will get a very beautiful and touching application.
The plot application
The plot application "Family" from different geometric figures

Mom, dad and the child hold hands. Family unity - this is how this masterpiece can be called.

Video: Applications for kids. Ideas and templates

"Cat" is an application from different geometric shapes: how to do it, instructions

"Cat" - application from different geometric figures

To make a cute cat, you will need very little time. But the application will look more beautiful and unusual if you add another character to it - a small kitten. So, we make an application from different geometric figures “cat” with a kitten. Here is the instruction - cut for a cat:

  • A large circle - it will be a head
  • Two small triangles - ears
  • One large triangle - body torso
  • One small or 2 squares - paws
  • One long oval - tail

Alternately cut off all parts of the template and glue them to the corresponding places on a sheet of paper. When the cat-cat is ready, go to the kitten.

"Cat" - application from different geometric figures

It is done a little differently, the algorithm is as follows:

  • Cut the oval and stick.
  • Cut a small rectangle and attach to the “body” - this is the neck.
  • Glue a carved circle of medium size to it - this is the head of a kitten.
  • Two miniature triangles will be ears.
  • Four small rectangles are needed for the paws.
  • One thin, but long oval forms a tail.

You can choose colors any, even the brightest. The form of compilation of application is completely arbitrary. That is, do not drive the child into any framework. Let it show imagination, create and is inspired. And here is what kind of cat can be done:

"Cat" - application from different geometric figures

Video: early development of the child. "Geometric kitten" - application

Fox application from different geometric shapes: how to do it?

Application "Fox" from different geometric shapes

The fox is another animal that can be made in the form of an application from different geometric shapes using pieces of colored paper. Her body is oval, oblong, ears - triangular. And the tail has the shape of a rhombus, due to this it looks more voluminous and “fluffy”.

The face of the fox is also made of a triangle, only from a larger one than ears. For the legs, let the child cut out thin, but long ovals. But the eyes can already be finished with colored pencils or felt -tip pens. In principle, like a nose.

Application "Bird" from different geometric shapes: how to do it, instructions

Application "Bird" from different geometric figures

From colored paper, your child can well make a beautiful bird. For example, chicken. Even a baby who visits the middle group of kindergarten will cope with such an applique from different geometric shapes.

Application "Bird" from different geometric figures

Here's what you need to do - instructions:

  1. Cut the volumetric circle and glue it on the base. Then make a smaller circle and attach it in the upper left side of the craft - this is the head.
  2. For the wings of the chicken, cut 2 circles, cut one of them in half and glue in the right places. In this case, cut one of the semicircles in half, and on the fragment received
  3. Make your eyes out of a semicircle carved from white paper. If desired, they can be painted.
Template to the application
Template to the application "bird" from different geometric figures

Let the baby draw the beak, or make it from two semi -ovals. Only one of them should be larger, the second - less. For a scallop from colored paper, you need to cut a semicircle and cut it so that a scallop turns out. Decorate the finished craft with any decorative elements.

Video: chicken from circles. An application of colored paper. Crafts for children

Application "House" from different geometric figures: how to do it?

Application "House" from different geometric shapes

For a house, you don’t have to do anything particularly. Cut the rectangle, glue the triangle on top. As a window and doors, cut rectangles are used. The remaining elements can be finished with colored pencils. But you can make an application "House" From different geometric shapes more interesting, adding trees, the sun and flying seagull.

Video: Paper application! DIY geometric figures! Developing cartoons for children!

Application of 7 geometric shapes: how to do it?

Older children can give the task to make, for example, an application of 7 geometric shapes. They will repeat two topics: geometry and score up to 7.

  • Anything is suitable for such topics. It can be a caterpillar.
Application of 7 geometric shapes
Application of 7 geometric shapes

Of course, in order to do it, more figures are needed, as you still need elements for the design of the muzzle. But the main ones are 7 circles.

Application of 7 geometric shapes
Application of 7 geometric shapes
  • See which bird can be made of 7 elements.
Application of 7 geometric shapes
Application of 7 geometric shapes
  • Another cute pig is simple and interesting.
Application of 7 geometric shapes
Application of 7 geometric shapes
  • The butterfly is made of 6 elements, but this is also a simple application. The seventh element can be added if necessary. For example, make a body from two rectangles, and not from one.
Applique from geometric shapes
Applique from geometric shapes

Application from geometric shapes: Presentation for grade 1-4

The presentation helps to learn the material. Therefore, teachers often set to make her at home. Here is an example of a presentation for 1-4 class on this topic "Application from geometric shapes":

Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"
Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the topic "Application from geometric shapes"

Pictures of applications from geometric shapes: print large templates

If you need ideas for performing applications from geometric shapes, to draw up a plan of classes or just for working with a child at home, then here is the picture:

Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes
Aplique picture from geometric shapes

Here are the finished large templates that you can print and cut out of paper for applications:

Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes
Large template to applique from geometric shapes

The kids like applications from colored paper. They turn out colorful and rather unusual. It is not difficult to perform them, because for this there are many templates that are suitable for both preschoolers and older children. Create with children and create real masterpieces. Good luck!

Video: Application from circles. DIY paper crafts

Video: rectangular city. Applications from geometric shapes

Video: Learning geometric shapes and colors. We collect a steam locomotive

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