What tests should be taken to check the heart?

What tests should be taken to check the heart?

The heart is our internal motor that pumps blood that supply all organs. And, of course, it is very important to know that this motor will work smoothly.

To figure out whether the heart works for full strength, and there are no violations in the work of the cardiovascular system, usually an electrocardiogram is usually performed.

What tests should be taken to check the heart: TOP-5 examinations

What tests should be taken to check the heart:

  • Electrocardiogram It is the most commonly used way to explore the functioning of the heart, and it is recommended to do it, including with a preventive purpose.
  • Ultrasound procedure Shows in what condition the heart valves and blood vessels, cavities are located.
  • Treadmill test It passes on the treadmill, and with its help it is evaluated how rhythmically the heart muscle works during physical exertion, allowing to prevent arrhythmia in a timely manner.
  • Measurement of blood pressure, In order to prevent hypertension.
  • Blood tests: General and glucose components, cholesterol, coagulation.
Heart test
Heart test

As you can see, you need to check the work of the heart regularly. The above 5 methods of verification will help to recognize possible threats in time and prevent them. In addition, a blood test will help to identify violations of other organs.

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  1. Many forget about checking magnesium. Meanwhile, if it is not enough, the problems will be for sure with the heart. As a cardiologist, I say. I usually recommend magnesium Helat Evalar. The best option for the ratio of price and quality is absorbed in maximum. No shortages are terrible with him. Do not forget to eat more dried apricots and potatoes, very useful in this regard.

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