What is the fertility of women in simple words? The concept of low and high fertility. How to increase fertility?

What is the fertility of women in simple words? The concept of low and high fertility. How to increase fertility?

The concept of fertility, ways to increase it.

In the life of every woman, there comes a moment when she wants to acquire her own offspring. It is at this moment that the level of its fertility, the health of the reproductive system are important. In this article we will tell you what fertility is, how to determine and increase it. 

What is the fertility of women in simple words?

Feature is the ability to get pregnant independently, to endure and give birth to a healthy child without the essential help of doctors.

What is fertility in women in simple words, periods:

  • Early fertility is observed from the beginning of menstruation to 20 years. It is during this period that the girl can become pregnant, but her period of menstruation is irregular, therefore, not every cycle is possible to ripen the egg with subsequent pregnancy. If a girl has a sexual life and is not protected, a very high chance to become a mother. 
  • The average age of fertility is from 20 to 40 years. It is believed that this period is optimal for the birth of healthy offspring. Monthly regular, hormonal background is most often stable.
  • From 40-46 years-the period when the fertility is gradually fading, the woman has regular menstruation, but there are many health problems that can significantly complicate not only the process of conception of the child, but also his bearing. Usually women at this age become pregnant without problems, but there may be problems in the process of pregnancy. Often women of this age are almost the entire pregnancy in preservation. 
  • From 46 to 60 years is the age of attenuation of reproductive function. During this period, a woman becomes not fertile, although there are exceptions. At this time, menstruation stops, the number of sex hormones that affect the condition of the woman gradually decreases. 

How to determine a woman's fertility?

There are several categories of women's fertility: low, medium, high. A woman with low fertility is difficult to get pregnant, or at all cannot conceive a child without the appointment of hormonal drugs. Average fertility is the ability to get pregnant, take out and give birth to a child without the help of doctors. High fertility - the ability to get pregnant, bear, give birth to children with minimal breaks between childbirth. A woman with high fertility can become pregnant during menstruation, during breastfeeding. 

How to determine a woman's fertility:

  • Fertility can be determined in a hospital or yourself. Usually these methods are used to get pregnant. Fertility can be determined using the ultrasound method. For this, translated and abdominal sensors are used.
  • It is best to conduct a study on the 5-7th day of the monthly cycle, that is, immediately after menstruation. During this period, the dominant follicle, their total amount, is visible on the ultrasound. If there is no dominant follicle during this period, this allows you to suspect infertility, a cycle failure.
  • The total indicator indicates high fertility, which includes the thickness of the endometrium, the presence or absence of adhesions, the condition of the internal cavity of the uterus, as well as the presence or absence of dominant follicle. The correspondence of the thickness of the endometrium on the day of the cycle, the presence of dominant follicle, the absence of adhesions indicate high fertility.
  • You can determine the fertility at home using standard ovulation tests. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase a test, in the alleged period of ovulation, control the color of the strips after the reaction of the urine. Depending on the color of the dough, it is determined whether the ovulation period has occurred or not. 
  • Fertility is determined after the passage of venous blood for hormones. Estrogens have the impact on the reproductive function,progestins, follicle -stimulating,luteinizing hormone. At the beginning of the cycle, under the influence of follicle -stimulating hormone and estrogen, dominant follicle grows, in which the egg matures.
  • Under the influenceluteinizing The hormone follicle is torn, with the release of the egg into the fallopian tube and the uterus. It is in the uterine pipe that pregnancy occurs. After that, the fertilized egg lowers into the uterus, implants into it. If the concentration of some hormone in the blood is disturbed, then in this system there are malfunctions. Ovulation does not occur, or occurs late. 
  • With a decrease or increased concentration of hormones, they indicate a decrease in fertility. With the slightest fluctuations in the concentration of hormones, pregnancy does not occur. 

If during several cycles the tests for ovulation are negative, this does not mean at all that the woman has low fertility, she has no ovulation. For an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. In some women, ovulation does not occur on 12-14 days, but on 18. This happens with an increased concentration of estrogen, reduced valueluteinizing hormone. The follicle grows for a long time and breaks late. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the ovulation by the test in the standard period for women. 


Farmer window in women: symptoms

The fertility window is a period of maximum probability to get pregnant. Usually in women this period is 6 days a month. For example, with a standard 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on 14-16 days. That is, the ovulation window from 10-17 days. A sperm in the female body, that is, in the vagina and the uterus can live up to 7 days. If he gets a few days before ovulation in the uterus, it is likely to get pregnant. A day after ovulation, pregnancy is impossible, because the egg is capable of fertilization within a day after the breaking of the dominant follicle. It is during this period that the highest probability of getting pregnant. Each woman’s fertility window has its own, it is quite difficult to calculate it with a calendar. This is an average value, the fallacy of which is 50%. 

Women's fertility window, symptoms:

  • You can determine the window by observing your own body. The easiest option is to measure basal temperature. Starting from 10 to 18 days, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature. A jump in temperature indicates that after a day ovulation will occur. The basal temperature rises as a result of the jump in the hormone, which provokes the rupture of the dominant follicle and remove the egg into the fallopian tube. 
  • Doctors consider this method one of the most accurate. The fertility window can be determined using characteristic discharge from the vagina. It is believed that as a result of the release of a large number of estrogen during the period of fertility, a special mucus is produced, which in its consistency resembles egg protein.
  • This mucus conducts sperm, is of low acidity, in which spermatozoa live for a long period. If such secretions are detected, the highest probability of getting pregnant. 

Reducing fertility in women, what is it?

Low fertility if a woman does not have one of three criteria. That is, she cannot independently conceive, endure and give birth to a child. If any of these factors is absent, it is worth talking about low fertility.

Reducing fertility in women what it is:

  • Regular pregnancy, but the inability to endure and give birth to a healthy child speaks of low fertility. 
  • A woman who can give birth without breaks, get pregnant even during breastfeeding, is highly fertility. 

How to increase fertility in women?

There are several ways to increase fertility. First of all, proper nutrition, diet. Scientists have proven that products such as sweets, potatoes, white rice, reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant. Fast carbohydrates do not affect the reproductive health of a woman, contributing to weight gain.

How to increase fertility in women:

  • Food with a high protein content, for example, dairy products, improve fertility. This method will be effective for women who suffer from excess weight, because with obesity, hormonal balance is significantly disturbed. 
  • It is worth excluding exhausting training, physical activity. A woman, in great sports due to frequent training and taking special drugs, loses ovulation. This is due to the low content of subcutaneous fat. With a critical level, ovulation does not occur, menstruation stops going. In no case in pursuit of a beautiful body should be brought to exhaustion, anorexia. Moderate physical activity is good for health and increase fertility.
  • Exclude alcohol from the daily diet. It is also worth quitting smoking. Alcohol and cigarettes reduce fertility. It is worth tracking ovulation using tests, monitoring basal temperature. If there are any problems, you should immediately contact the doctor to normalize the state of health.

How to increase fertility in women after 40 years?

Take the right contraceptives. Contraceptives are drugs that either block ovulation or thicken cervical mucus so that the sperm can not penetrate the uterus. However, contraceptives make it possible to normalize the hormonal background, in case of violation.

How to increase fertility in women after 40 years:

  • Often such drugs are prescribed not to prevent pregnancy, but with the aim of normalizing hormones concentration. In this case, they are prescribed for a period of 6 months, and after that it is recommended to begin conception of children. After the cancellation of contraceptives, a rebound effect is observed, and the fertility increases sharply.
  • Eggs freezing. The body can function normally, but the quality of the eggs worsens due to genetic abnormalities. After 40 years, a fertilized egg is planted for pregnancy.
  • Taking hormonal drugs. This is a certain scheme with the introduction of stimulants for pregnancy.

Read on the topic:

Rebound effect
Rebound effect
  • Recent studies show that in women with a cycle of 28 days, ovulation on average occurs on the 17th day. That is, it can happen both before and later.
  • With a lackluteinizing Hormone, ovulation occurs on the 20th day of the cycle. Accordingly, the fertility window shifts.

Video: How to increase a woman's fertility?

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