How to make a fire correctly and extinguish: on which side, fire safety rules with a bonfire

How to make a fire correctly and extinguish: on which side, fire safety rules with a bonfire

It is important to correctly make a fire in nature. How to do this, read in the article.

The reasons why the person needed a fire can be very different. Dry the wet clothes wet, cook barbecue, create a center of tourist parking, warm up in winter, sing songs under the guitar, and so on.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How to take a child in the summer on the holidays: in the village, on the street, in nature, in the country, in kindergarten?". You will learn how to organize a vacation and how to occupy a child in the summer.

In any case, when the fire is filled, three conditions are important: it is advisable to light a fire, a bonfire, regardless of why it is needed, it should be convenient to use and it must be safe for those who are nearby, as well as after it Leave. In each case, compliance with these conditions has its own nuances. Nevertheless, there are general rules, which will be discussed in this article. Read further.

What are the views of the fire?

Drawing a fire, you need to know exactly why an open flame is needed. For specific purposes, a certain species of the fire is optimally suitable:

Types of fire
Types of fire
  • "Pioneer" or "scout" -the easiest, familiar to everyone from school exits to nature. Firewood is folded with a hut or cross on the cross. Prolus is placed inside. A device is usually arranged over such a bonfire to hang a pot or kettle. It burns hot, spectacular, but it burns out quickly. We'll have to prepare more firewood.
  • "Stone". Fire is diluted between the stones on which you can put a pan or pan.
  • "Hunting". The role of a stand for a pot, pans, buckets are performed by two thick logs, between which fire burns. The logs can be periodically moistened so that they do not burn out too quickly another version of the “hunting” method: gone in a shallow (30 −40 cm) trench. A fire burns in it, to which the air necessary to maintain flame from the sides. Firewood is placed on the side, and the dishes with the upcoming food are quite stable on the edges of the trench.
Dakotsky view of the fire
Dakotsky view of the fire
  • "Dakotsky". To the hole dug in the ground (the diameter is such that the pot or bucket can be put on top), something like an underground passage is brought from the leeward side. Firewood is thrown through it, smoke comes out, air enters. This option is convenient in windy weather. Fire is not visible from afar, the whole heat goes to cook.
Bonfires with windproof screens
Bonfires with windproof screens
  • A bonfire with a windproof screen.You can build a windproof screen of stones next to the bonfire. When the flame goes out, heated stones will give accumulated heat for a long time. The screen of small logs is more difficult to build. They need to be laid on each other with a wall, fixing on both sides with pegs. If you coat the logs with dirt, they will burn slowly, gradually giving their heat. Such bonfires with warming screens are good in the winter campaign.

Bonfires can be very different. How to equip a place to cook food in the fresh air or for frying barbecue or just heating, solve only you. But do not forget after leaving the place of rest, extinguish the fire. Otherwise, this can lead to a fire in the forest.

Video: Types of bonfires and their purpose

How to choose a place for a fire: how to prepare?

The place for fireplace should be open. It is good if this site is covered from the wind, for example, a rock, a steep coast of the river or at least a large stone. Nearby there should not be dry or tarred trees, thickets of shrub. So, how to choose a place for a fire? It is forbidden to make a fire:

  • Near dry
  • On peat bogs
  • On old cuts
  • Where the earth is covered with moss or trees come to its surface

An ideal platform will be the sandy shore of the reservoir. If at the site of the parking there is already an old fire, it is better to use it and not to arrange a new one.

How to prepare a place for a fire?Here are the tips:

  • Earth should be cleaned of dry grass. This must be especially carefully performed on rocky soil in the forest.
  • A lot of forest garbage is stuck between the stones: dry leaves, knots, herbs, moss. On them, the flame can easily move to the trees.
  • In the depths of the forest, the soil is often tightly covered with perennial layers of plant residues. If it is completely unable to clean it, it is worth removing the upper layer of the turf in the area with a diameter of one and a half meters, and add the edges of the dug space with stones. So it turns out something like a hearth.
  • All that is needed for ignition (small twigs, dry chips, moss, bark, needles), fold in one place. It is better to do this not far, at hand, but so that all this certainly does not ignite due to a random spark or gust of wind.
  • The supply of firewood (large branches and logs) - put even further from the place where the fire will be.

Below even more useful tips. Read further.

What needs to be done to enjoy the fire: tips

On a cleared, baked or covered with stones, a place for a bonfire, lay the kindle, and above it a small amount of not too thick firewood or branches. Stress the kindle on the leeward side. What else needs to be done to light a fire? Below you will find more useful tips.

Experienced tourists, not hoping to find a suitable ignition in place, stock up in advance and store them in hermetic packaging. As a kind, you can use both natural materials and produced by man. The best for ignition is suitable:

  • Birch bark, thin birch rods
  • Wood chips, small chips
  • Pine bark covered
  • Moss
  • Pieces of plexiglass, bicycle tire, plastic bag (burn for a long time, but smell unpleasant)
  • Cotton wheels saturated with wax (do not dive, burn for a long time)
  • Dry alcohol tablets, ignition liquid

Recently, instead of matches, a lighter is increasingly using a cylinder with a pistol burner.

How to correct the fire in the forest, in nature, for barbecue in the grill: from which side?

No need to try to immediately set fire to thick branches or logs. How to properly light a bonfire in the forest, in nature, for barbecue in the grill, from which side? Here are a few nuances:

  • You need to fold thin branches with a hut or grate, you can still put them on a small log.
  • The ignition is placed under the branches.
  • Surgery with free air access to the fire.
  • You should not tightly lay firewood.
  • As the flame is confidently flared up, thicker branches and logs are gradually put into the fire.

For barbecue on the grill, it is easiest to use ready -made charcoal and ignition liquid. But if these benefits of civilization are not available, firewood from old fruit trees (apple, plum, cherry) or just birch are the best option for barbecue in the country.

Firewood from such wood will not work:

  • Alder
  • Ash
  • Acacia
  • Mountain ash
  • Poplar
  • Any coniferous trees

Selected by this wood when burning carcinogens, they will not make the meat neither useful nor tastier.

It is worth knowing: For food, which is prepared in open flame (barbecue, barbecue, sausages, etc.), rotten, rotten, damp wood will not work.

It is forbidden to use chemical elements or some kind of plastic for ignition of firewood in the grill. For the flame to be faster, experienced people advise throw a handful of sodium salt into the fire. The flow of air to the barbecue, where the flame is closed from all sides, is carried out artificially: something like a fan-just drive them above the fire.

How to light a fire for heating?

In order to keep warm, a simple “pioneer” fire is suitable. Build and properly light it easily and quickly. The main thing is that when igniting the fire, enough air is received, the kindergarten would be dry and flammable, and the barely tanned twigs were protected from gusts of wind. A windproof screen made of logs will allow you to warm up at the fire for a long time.

How to light a bonfire for a large company?

Bonfire for a large company
Bonfire for a large company

For a large company, a bonfire, folded in a special way, the so -called "cathedral" is perfect. Here's how to make it and light it correctly:

  • Two or three of the most thick logs or even logs are placed from below.
  • Put the logs thinner on them across them and several layers, each upper less voluminous than the previous one.
  • At the very top, place brushwood, thin branches, ramp.
  • Light a bonfire on top.
  • Below you can put even raw firewood. While the flame reaches them, they will dry out.

Another method of bonfire for a large company is a bonfire. Small logs are put on a large log from the sides, the kindle is laid under them and set fire to.

How to make a fire in windy weather correctly?

We make a fire in windy weather
We make a fire in windy weather

In windy weather, the fire is bred in a place protected from the wind: on the hill slope, under a cliff, in a ravine. If there was no such place, you can build artificial protection. Fold from stones or logs something like a wall, build a small mound of turf. In addition, a fire can be diluted in a specially dug pit (“hunting” or “Dakot” method). If there is no time for this, you need to follow such an instruction:

  1. Having folded the firewood and placing a rod under them, sit down in front of the future bonfire with your back to the wind.
  2. Hide a lit match between the palms.
  3. The light should be brought to trampling, covered with a small layer of thin dry twigs, brushwood.
  4. Protect the flame from the wind until it bursts as it should. All this time, a little more thick branches, chips are added to the fire.
  5. The flame becomes stable when branches light up with a finger of an adult. Since that time, even a strong gust of wind will no longer be able to extinguish the fire.

It must be remembered that because of the wind, sparks and coals from the fires can fly away to where the dry, turf will do from them, the fire will begin. You need to follow this. Do everything right in order not only to relax yourself in nature, but also to protect nature from fires.

How to put out a fire?

Stew the bonfire with water
Stew the bonfire with water

The easiest way to put out the bonfire with water. This needs to be done, even if only smoldering coals remain from it. The remains of the fire should be scattered in different directions. And before you leave, make sure that the charred logs and coals cooled to such an extent that you can touch them.

Stew the bonfire of the earth
Stew the bonfire of the earth

If there is no water, then the scattered residues of the fires must be filled with earth. At the same time, large pieces of branches and logs need to be crushed.

Fire safety rules with bonfire

The basic rule of fire hazard: It is forbidden to leave the fire unattended!

In reserves and forest zones, near settlements, places for breeding bonfires are determined by foresters, and it is forbidden to make fire outside these territories. A few more rules for handling a bonfire.

  • Free the platform for fire from dry grass and small branches, fill or put stones around the perimeter.
  • The distance between fire and deciduous trees should be not less than 10 meters, coniferous trees - 15 meters, between fire and tents - 5 meters. Even if the flame does not reach the trunks or tents, the bark or fabric can erupt from heating.
  • There should be nothing flammable near fire. The supply of firewood is better to place away.
  • It is forbidden to dry things directly above the flame.
  • No need to use too many tarred wood or branches with dry leaves. They give a lot of sparks, which is especially dangerous in windy weather.
  • It is good if a bucket of water or a shovel is constantly located nearby. It will be possible to immediately extinguish the path of flame running from the fire, filling with water or throwing the ground.
  • Do not leave the parking lot, without making sure that the fire is finally extinguished.

A fire is an indispensable attribute of rest in nature. He will warm, feed, dry, create a cozy, romantic atmosphere. The main thing is that the fire does not create problems, does not become a source of danger.

Video: How to light a fire correctly and quickly?

Video: How to make a fire in a damp forest?

Video: How to dilute a fire without paper?

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