What can be prepared in nature: the best recipes for meat and fish dishes at the stake - pork and mushroom barbecue, ribs, carp, mackerel, potatoes, ear, lagman, shurpa, sea cocktail

What can be prepared in nature: the best recipes for meat and fish dishes at the stake - pork and mushroom barbecue, ribs, carp, mackerel, potatoes, ear, lagman, shurpa, sea cocktail

In this article we will consider what can be prepared at the stake in nature. These dishes will be both very simple and exquisite, which can be prepared even for a birthday in nature.

It is quite difficult to find a person who does not like to relax in nature, because such picnics always pass fun and tasty. For most people, a vacation in nature is associated with barbecue and other goodies that can be cooked on a stake and this is not in vain, because food from fire is much tastier and fragrant than the one that is prepared on the stove.

Pork kebab on kefir at the fire: recipe

Since it is barbecue that is considered a traditional dish for cooking at the stake, we will start with its recipe. The meat, in this way, is very juicy and soft.

  • Ochek - 2.5 kg
  • Non -fat kefir - 1 liter
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt, Mayran, pepper - at your discretion
The most popular dish in nature
The most popular dish in nature

In order for the barbecue to be tasty, it must be grained correctly, it is also important to note that the taste is ready for the dish depends on how fresh and high -quality meat was bought for its preparation.

  • Most often, barbecue is made from the collar, since it is this part of the pig for such a dish that suits. There is a sufficient amount of fat in the collar, and its layers around the whole piece of meat are located evenly, moreover, the neck is considered the mildest part of the carcass. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a shake, replace it with a ham.
  • So, the pulp is sure to be and dry with paper napkins. Now you need to cut the meat into pieces, you need to do this across the fibers. Determine the weight of the pieces yourself, but take into account the moment that the larger the piece, the longer it will be fried. We put chopped pieces of meat into a large container.
  • We clean the bulbs from the husk and cut into half rings or rings. As a rule, the vegetables are crushed with rings if they are then going to cook with meat at the stake. Consider an important point: there is no much onion in barbecue, even if you do not like this vegetable, add it to the meat, since it is it that gives the barbecue a special taste.
  • We clean the garlic and grate.
  • We send chopped onions, garlic to the container to the meat and flavify the contents of the pan with various spices, however, we do not use salt at this stage.
  • Now add kefir to the meat and carefully mix all the ingredients.
  • Literally in 15-20 minutes. Before you start cooking barbecue at the stake, salt it. You do not need to do this before, since salt has the ability to make the meat hard.
  • Further, the matter is small, we put on the pickled pieces of pulp on the skewers and cook barbecue at the stake. It is important to know that barbecue is prepared not on fire, but on the charcoal, because the meat will simply burn on fire, and it will remain raw inside.
  • Colorless juice will be talked about the readiness of barbecue, which will stand out from pieces of fried meat.

Pork ribs pickled in pomegranate sauce at the fire: Recipe

Pork ribs are an excellent snack and are not inferior to barbecue barbecue. Moreover, ribs can also be prepared on skewers or if desired on a bars for a fire.

To prepare such a dish, the pork rib can be replaced with beef or lamb.

  • Pork rib - 2 kg
  • Pomegranate juice - 200 ml
  • Tomato sauce - 150 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Natural liquid honey - 2 tsp.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Ginger, basil, paprika, salt - at your discretion
We use pomegranate sauce for piquancy
We use pomegranate sauce for piquancy

To prepare aromatic ribs, follow the instructions for their preparation:

  • Initially, you need to choose the right ribs. Of course, they should be fleshy, and not “naked”, also pay attention to the fat that is on them. If it is yellow, dirty, this indicates that the product is not the first freshness. White fat is considered a sign of fresh ribs.
  • Rinse the ribs, dry with paper towels. We must cut excess fat, there should not be many on meat. Next, you need to decide how exactly you will cook the product at the stake. If the ribs are prepared like a barbecue on skewers, then we cut them portions - a piece of meat with 1 bone. If you want to prepare a meat product on a lattice, then if desired, you can not cut or skate the ribs, but cook with a whole piece. Put the ribs in a large container.
  • We clean the garlic and grind with a knife.
  • Next, prepare the marinade. Pour the juice and tomato sauce into the container, mix the ingredients, add garlic, honey, butter and all selected spices to them. Mix the mixture.
  • Pour our marinade to the ribs and leave them for a couple of hours, if time allows, withstand the product in the marinade for 5-7 hours.
  • Now we put the grate on the fire (there should not be large fire), we lay out the ribs on it and cook them for about half an hour, constantly watering the residues of the marinade. If you decide to cook the ribs like a barbecue, put the pieces for skewers and also send to the fire (coals), periodically turning the meat, cook it for about half an hour.

Shampinons barbarly pickled in sour cream at the stake

Often, a barbecue is meant a fried meat, however, in fact, barbecue can be made from almost any products and mushrooms are no exception.

Champignons prepared according to this recipe are very juicy and fragrant. You can eat such a dish both with a side dish and without.

  • Mushrooms - 1.5 kg
  • Home sour cream - 650 ml
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Parsley, dill - 1 beam.
  • Paprika, black pepper, salt - at your discretion
Pickle mushrooms for frying
Pickle mushrooms for frying

Such a dish is prepared very quickly and simple:

  • Rinse the mushrooms well under running water, cleaned, put in a large container.
  • We clean the garlic and grate.
  • My greens, dry and finely chop.
  • Add sour cream to the mushrooms and gently mix them.
  • Next, send garlic, greens and spices with salt there, mix the contents of the container again.
  • We pick up the mushrooms for a couple of hours.
  • Next, we put on mushrooms on skewers and cook on coals for about 15-20 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to turn the champignons and water the residues of the marinade.
  • Remember, champignons, especially pickled, are prepared very quickly. If you distort them at the stake, they will become dry and not tasty. In this case, it is better not to prepare them a little than overexpose at the stake.

Carp baked with vegetables at the stake

This dish is not considered the easiest to prepare, however, the result is worth it. The fish prepared according to this recipe is not only incredibly tasty, but also very beautiful.

If desired, for preparing such a dish, you can take another fish, for example, a cupid or bream.

  • Fish - 1 carcass
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - Paul L
  • Fresh cins, parsley, dill - 7 tbsp.
  • Oregano, basil, black pepper, salt - at your discretion
Fish at the stake
Fish at the stake

You need to cook the dish as follows:

  • The fish must be corrected correctly, so that then we can bake it with vegetables. It is also very important to purchase fresh fish. To understand that the fish that you buy is really fresh pay attention to her eyes, they should be somewhat convex and transparent. The dried, falling eyes indicate that the fish fell asleep for a long time. Next, look into the head of the fish, the gills should be bright red, colorless and pale gills also signal the non -benefits of the product. And, of course, pay attention to the appearance of the fish and its smell.
  • So, my fish is put on a cutting board. If you cook such a dish for the first time and cut the fish for the first time, give preference to a small copy, since it is quite difficult to cut a carcass of 5-8 kg.
  • Initially, when cutting fish, it is cleaned from the husk. To do this, you can use special devices or a regular knife. At the same time, you need to hold it by the tail. But if you want to cook such a dish on the stake, on the grill, then this procedure is not at all required. Next, we touch the fish. To do this, cut its belly in the direction from the tail to the head, inserting the knife into the hole near the tail. We lead the knife to the lower jaw of the fish, remove all the insides, including the liver and white film on the peritoneum.
  • Rinse the fish. Now, along the ridge from the inside, make a fairly deep incision, this will allow you to open the carcass of its inner part upstairs. After all the above manipulations, the fish will lie with an even layer on which the rest of the ingredients can be laid out.
  • I wash the tomatoes and cut it with rings, clean the onion and chop the in the same way.
  • We clean the pepper, remove the core in it and cut it with rings.
  • My greens, dry and chop.
  • We pour the lemon with boiling water, cut into 2 parts. From one part we squeeze the juice, cut the second part with slices.
  • Pour sour cream into the container and add greens and spices to it, mix the ingredients.
  • We fuse the fish with lemon juice, half of the resulting sauce and salt.
  • Up the top we lay out pieces of lemon, tomatoes, pepper, onions. We spread and evenly distribute the second half of the sour cream sauce on top of the vegetables.
  • Now we send the fish to the lattice or to the container and cook it on the coals for 30-60 minutes. Again, adjust the time based on the size of the carcass, a small carp will be ready in half an hour.

Mackerel with mushrooms and cheese at the stake

The mackerel today is one of the most affordable sea fish. At the same time, it has very tasty and fairly fatty meat, which contains a huge amount of useful substances.

Such a dish is prepared quickly and simply, so even a novice mistress can handle such a task.

  • Mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Soy sauce - 4 tbsp.
  • Provencal herbs, pepper, salt - at your discretion
  • Foil - 4 pieces (1 for each fillet)
Tasty mackerel
Tasty mackerel

The process of making delicious mackerel on the fire consists of the following stages:

  • Initially, fish carcasses need to be defrosted, since most often the mackerel is found in ice cream. You need to defrost mackerel at room temperature. In no case should you lower it into hot water, defrost it in the microwave, etc. After the carcasses are completely thawed, they must be corrected correctly.
  • First, remove the heads and all fins. Next, cut the belly in the direction from the tail to the head. We pull out all the insides and rinse the fish. Then we make fillet from each fish. To do this, along the ridge on the outer side of the carcass we make a cut and carefully remove the bare ridge. Thus, we will get 2 filles.
  • We dry the mushrooms and dry, then chop the slides.
  • Three cheese is a grater.
  • We pour the lemon with boiling water and, cutting it into 2 parts, squeeze the juice.
  • In the container, connect the sauce, lemon juice and spices.
  • We take a foil piece of foil and put the fillet on it. Breaking the mackerel with salt and sauce.
  • Next, we send a little mushrooms and cheese on the fillet.
  • Gently wrap the foil and put the finished fillet on the lattice.
  • We do the same with the 3 remaining fillet.
  • You need to prepare such goodies on the coals for 15-20 minutes.
  • You should not keep the fish at the stake for too long, because it will become very dry and lose its taste.
  • Before serving, at will, the dish can be sprinkled with soy sauce, lemon or sprinkle with herbs.

Baked potatoes at the stake

Potatoes in nature can be prepared in several ways. Someone prefers to wrap it in foil and send it directly to the fire, someone likes to cook it in Kazan. Another in a rather interesting way to make potatoes in nature is potato barbecue.

  • Potatoes - 15 medium or small pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Mustard "Dijon" - 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Basil, marjoran, pepper, salt - at your discretion
  • Dill - 1 bundle
Incredibly delicious potatoes
Incredibly delicious potatoes

To blame yourself with such a simple dish, you need:

  • Wash potatoes, you do not need to clean it. It is recommended to first weld the potatoes a little so that at the stake it prepares faster. However, if this is not possible, use raw, but in this case give preference to small potatoes.
  • Peel the garlic and grate.
  • Rinse dill, dry and chop with a knife.
  • Mix oil, lemon juice, mustard, garlic and spices in the container.
  • Put the potatoes into the resulting marinade, mix it, add salt and mix again.
  • Marine potatoes for several hours.
  • Next, we put the potatoes on the skewers and send it to the coals. In the process of preparation, do not forget to turn the potatoes so that it is fried equally from all sides. In this case, you can water the goodness of the remains of the marinade.
  • If you cook boiled potatoes, then it will be enough for 20 minutes. During this time, a delicious and crispy crust forms on the potato. If you put on potatoes on the cheese skewers, then the preparation time will increase significantly, and will directly depend on the size of the potatoes and heat on coal.
  • Sprinkle the finished potatoes with dill.

Ear from freshly baked fish at the stake

It is difficult to imagine a vacation in the nature of a river without a delicious soup. This rich Yushka is rightfully considered a delicious dish that can be cooked at the stake.

The preparation of soup is truly considered an art that requires quite a lot of effort, time and skills.

  • Fish - 2.5 kg
  • Water-5-6 l
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 large pcs.
  • Parsley - 1 bundle
  • Pearl croup - 3.5 tbsp.
  • Potatoes - 5 average pcs.
  • Vodka - 120 g
  • Pepper, salt, lavrushka - at your discretion
Ear in nature
Ear in nature

Next, we follow the instructions for the preparation of the soup:

  • For a rich Yushka, it is recommended to use the newly caught fish, while small and large fish are used. It is better to cook the ear of pike perch, ruff, perch. But if you are not lucky enough to catch such specimens, you can replace them with crucian carp, carp.
  • So, all the fish must be divided into 2 piles - small and large. From the small we will cook Navar, we will add large to Yushka a little later. The fish from which we will cook Navar does not need to be cleaned, but you need to gut it. We clean large fish from the husk, gut, be sure to cut all the fins, including the tail, the head. If desired, we remove the gills and eyes from the head. Rinse all the fish.
  • Pour the indicated amount of water into the container and put all the small fish, fins, heads, etc. from a large one. After some time, we will need to get all this out of the Kazanka, so for convenience you can immediately place fish products in the water, wrapping them in gauze.
  • We send unpeeled bulbs, washed carrots to the container there (put the vegetables with a knife).
  • Close the container with a lid and put on the fire. Cook on a 1 hour. During this process, pay attention to the fire, it should not be too strong, Yushka should boil slowly.
  • After the indicated time, we take out a bundle with a fish or we catch the entire fish with a slotted spoon and throw it away, we also get the vegetables.
  • We clean the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  • Rinse the cereal.
  • Rinse the greens, dry and chop.
  • In Yushka we lay the cereal and cook it for about 15 minutes.
  • Next, we send potatoes there and cook the ear for another 10 minutes.
  • Now we put large fish in a container (you can cut into pieces).
  • Salt Yushka, flavor with spices, cook for about 15-20 minutes.
  • We taste the ear to taste, if necessary, suppress. Also at this stage we add vodka and parsley to the container.
  • Well, now it's small. We take the cleanest firebreaker from the fire, knock the ashes from it a little and lower it in the ear, after which we immediately take it out and throw it away.
  • We insist the ears under a closed lid for 15-20 minutes. And serve to the table.

Lagman of pork and beef at the stake

Lagman is a delicious national dish of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China. This fragrant goodness looks like thick soup or gravy.

The peculiarity of this dish is that it includes various vegetables and, in principle, each hostess at its discretion can add or remove one or another ingredient from the recipe.

We offer the following version of Lagman:

  • Pork pulp - floor kg
  • Beef pulp - Paul kg
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1.5 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Dill, cilantro - 1 bundle
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Spicy pepper - to taste
  • Noodles - 200 g
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml
  • Salt, zira, pepper - at your discretion
Lagman in nature
Lagman in nature

Next, we cook in this way:

  • My meat and dry with paper napkins. Next, cut the pulp in small pieces.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  • We clean the bulbs from the husk and chop in half rings.
  • We clean the carrots, and cut it with cubes or half rings.
  • My pepper, remove the core from it and chop into strips.
  • My tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  • My zucchini is also cut into cubes. It is advisable to take the zucchini not old.
  • We clean the eggplant from the skin, cut into cubes and sprinkle with salt. After 10 min. Rinse the chopped vegetable in order to remove the remaining salt. With the help of such a simple procedure, we will remove the possible bitterness.
  • Rinse the greens, dry and chop finely.
  • We clean the garlic and cut it with a knife.
  • Sharp pepper is added to the dish to taste, but I must say that this particular pepper adds to the dish piquancy and special taste.
  • So, pour the indicated amount of oil into the cauldron and wait until it heats up.
  • Next, put all the meat in the container and fry it for 7 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, we send the onion to the cauldron, mix the ingredients and cook them for about 7 minutes.
  • Then we send carrots and pepper to the container, prepare another 10 minutes.
  • After that, you need to send potatoes to the container and stuck all the ingredients with these spices, spices and salt. Mix the contents of the cauldron, expect a couple of min.
  • Now we send zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and garlic to a mixture of ingredients, mix again.
  • At this stage, pour water into the cauldron. Its amount will depend on the desired density of the finished dish. Love a more liquid dish-pour more water, you want to get something like gravy-put more vegetables and pour less liquid.
  • Next, prepare the delicacy under a closed lid until the vegetables are fully prepared. Time will depend on the number of ingredients, on average it will take about half an hour.
  • We remove the finished lagman from the fire, add greens to it. Again, cover the cauldron with a lid, let the dish stand for 10 minutes.
  • At this time, boil noodles in salted water.
  • In portioned plates or a common dish we put on the noodles and pour it with liquid from meat and vegetables. Try to get all the vegetables in every plate.
  • It is better to serve the dish immediately after cooking. In nature, it will be very tasty.

Baranina Shurpa at the stake

Another very tasty and hearty dish that can be cooked at the stake is shurpa. This dish is a gas station, the main ingredients of which are meat, carrots, potatoes and onions. Also, if desired, you can add various vegetables and dried fruits to the shurp.

  • Barana pulp - Paul kg
  • Rastes of lamb - Paul kg
  • Kurdyuk Baraniy - 80 g
  • Onion - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 7 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Aiva - 1 pc.
  • Spices for shurpa, salt - at your discretion
  • Water - 6 l

Next, proceed to cooking soup:

  • Rinse and dry the pulp and ribs. Cut the pulp in medium pieces, cut the ribs in such a way that 1 bone is in each piece of meat.
  • Peel the bulbs from the husk and cut into half rings.
  • Peel the carrots, wash and grind with cubes.
  • We clean the potatoes, and cut it with rather large pieces.
  • My tomatoes are made on each cross -shaped incision. Pour the vegetables with boiling water for 1 min., Then remove the skin and cut into cubes.
  • My pepper, remove the core from it and cut it into half rings.
  • We clean the eggplant from the skin, chop the middle cubes and fill in salt. After 5-10 minutes. Rinse the vegetable from the remains of salt.
  • Iwl my quince and cut into large pieces.
  • So, in a cauldron with thick walls, add fatty fat and send the container to the fire.
  • As soon as the fat melts, add ribs and flesh to the container, periodically stirring the ingredients, cook them for 10 minutes. Next, shake the meat with spices and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Now take out the meat and ribs from the cauldron and temporarily put in another container.
  • Send onions and carrots to the cauldron, cook vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Then add tomatoes, pepper and eggplant to the container, prepare another 7 minutes.
  • After the specified time, add pieces of quince, fried meat to the ingredients, put out the mixture for a couple of min.
  • Pour the indicated amount of water into the Kazan and continue to cook the shurpa over low heat, under a closed lid for an hour.
  • Next, add potatoes, salt, spices to the container and boil the soup for another 15 minutes.
  • The finished dish is served as follows: fragrant soup is poured into deep plates, vegetables and lamb are served on a separate dish.

Aiva in this recipe can be replaced with an acid apple or plums, because this ingredient is used to give the dish sour.

Sea cocktail in soy sauce at the stake? recipe

Most often, meat from meat and fish dishes are prepared in nature, however, it is a mistake to think that you can not cook anything else at the bonfire.

This dish is a find for enthusiasts of seafood. The treat is prepared quickly enough, but at the same time it turns out a very fragrant, hearty and at the same time low -calorie dish.

  • Boiled shrimp - 300 g
  • Pickled mussels - 250 g
  • Calmar peeled - 2 carcasses
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Asparagus - 100 g
  • Soy sauce - 5 tbsp.
  • Olive or vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Maslin, greens, lemon - for decoration
  • Spices for seafood, salt - at your discretion
Sea salad in nature
Sea salad in nature

We prepare the dish as follows:

  • Since the shrimp we are already boiled, we only need to clean them. To do this, separate the head and shell. If you buy frozen shrimp, simply boil them for a couple of minutes. In salt water and then clean. Cut each shrimp along the back into 2 parts.
  • Medes according to the recipe are also taken ready for further use. At the same time, you can choose the pickled mussels in any marinade, and if desired, you can buy a freshly frozen product and boil it for several minutes. In boiling water.
  • Squids are best taken purified, since this process in nature will not be convenient to do. Already peeled carcasses boil 1 min. In boiling water or if desired, leave it fresh (then they will still be prepared). Cut them with rings.
  • Peel the onion from the husk and cut into half rings.
  • Peel tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  • Wash the pepper and remove the core from it, chop in half rings.
  • The asparagus can be taken, both fresh and frozen.
  • In a separate container, mix lemon juice, butter, sauce and spices.
  • Combine all seafood in one plate, pour them with a finished marinade, wait half an hour. Next, add all the other ingredients there and let the mixture stand for another 15 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, the mixture of seafood and vegetables is transferred to a container that you can put on a lattice, on fire.
  • We send the container to the fire and prepare the goodness for 15 minutes.
  • After the dish is ready, transfer it to a common dish and decorate it with herbs, lemon, butter.

As you can see, there are much more dishes that could be prepared at the stake than in principle to imagine. Do not limit yourself exclusively with meat barbecue, fantasize and cook from those products that you love the most.

Video: Grashwili in a cauldron on a stake

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