Rules for the safety of behavior in the city, on the streets, in public places, in nature: memo. What cannot be done in the city, on the street, in public places, in nature: Basic rules

Rules for the safety of behavior in the city, on the streets, in public places, in nature: memo. What cannot be done in the city, on the street, in public places, in nature: Basic rules

Rules and memos of safe behavior in the city and in nature.

In each place there are certain principles and rules of conduct. This applies to parks, streets and forests. In each of these places you need to behave in a certain way. This will protect you and minimize the risk of accidents.

Rules for the safety of behavior in the city - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

There are a lot of dangers on the streets. Despite the fact that we are used to being in a noisy crowd, it is unsafe.


  • Always warn your loved ones where you are going.
  • Do not walk alone on dark streets. Go to the bright side of the road.
  • Do not put on jewelry if you are going to return home late.
  • If strangers approached you and ask you to spend some street, explain how to get there, but do not seek off.
  • Do not hang the keys on the belt or on the neck.
  • If someone goes or pursues for you, go to the supermarket or other public place where you can get lost.
  • Do not go with strangers if you are promised to show something or give money for the delivered luggage.
  • In public places, do not scream, attract attention. Follow the order.
  • Do not participate in unauthorized shares and do not enter into skirmishes.
  • Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke in public places and at stops.
  • Help people of advanced age and children.
  • Take care of the state property, do not hit the windows and do not violate the integrity of the buildings.
Rules for the safety of behavior in the city - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo
Rules for the safety of behavior in the city - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

Rules for the safety of behavior on the streets - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

Upon reaching children of a certain age, they must be taught the rules of conduct in public places. Such places include parks, parking, public transport, shops, metro, underground crossings. Children must be taught etiquette and rules of conduct in public transport.

Rules for commanding on the street:

  • A lot of danger on the streets is associated with the movement of transport. In our country, right -sided movement.
  • If there are no sidewalks, then you should meet the transport that is traveling in your direction.
  • Do not run across the carriageways in places where there are no traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
  • Do not run out on the road when public transport comes. Be sure to look around.
  • If you move along the roadway, then the clothes should have reflective elements.
  • In winter, do not go under the houses, in the overwhelming of the fall of icicles on the head.
  • Do not go where it is slippery, and the paths are not sprinkled with rubble or sand.
  • Do not enter into disputes with passers -by, especially if they are drunk.
  • Children should explain that you can not hide during the game in cars and abandoned buildings.
  • Children should not go with unfamiliar people and show how to get to a specific house at a specific address.
Rules for the safety of behavior on the streets - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo
Rules for the safety of behavior on the streets - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

Rules for the safety of behavior in public places - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

Public places include metro, bus stops, shops and parks. In order not to get into trouble and not run into troubles, it is worth observing the basic rules.


  • Skip women and children into a bus or a minibus, help older people go to transport.
  • Do not get down to mines or tunnels, do not go beyond the fences.
  • Go around the tram in front, and a trolley, bus and cars from behind.
  • Do not scream in public transport. Speak with the interlocutor quietly, leaning over your ear.
  • Try not to speak on the phone, call back the subscriber after you arrive at the destination.
  • Hold on to the handrails and do not go through the transport during its movement.
  • Having entered transport, pay for travel and take free places.
  • Give way to a pregnant woman, a woman with a child or an elderly person.
  • Do not take food or drinks with you in the subway or bus. You can have a bite in a park or at home.
  • If the place is very lively, then you need to move to the other side of the street with the help of an underground crossing.
  • Do not sit in transport with wide legs. Do not push when you go out, but ask you to miss.
  • Try not to strain anyone with a loud conversation. Do not shout at others.
  • If you are on the street in the crowd, and you need to stop, step aside so that passers -by do not stumble upon you.
  • If you are in the cinema or in the theater, be sure to remove the headdress. He can interfere with others to watch the performance.
  • Do not make noise and do not gesture in the cinema, you can provoke a conflict. Do not beat off your feet at the concert.
  • If you are late in the cinema, then try to go to your place very quietly.
Rules for the safety of behavior in public places - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo
Rules for the safety of behavior in public places - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

Safety rules in nature - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

With the onset of heat, many are in a hurry to please themselves with delicious barbecue. Someone goes fishing and also does not miss the opportunity to enjoy the picnic. In nature, it is also worth behaving according to certain rules.

Rules of conduct in nature:

  • Pour closed clothes even in the heat. It is desirable that the arms and legs are closed. This will not burn and protect the skin from insects.
  • Pour comfortable shoes with soft soles. Sneakers are not quite suitable shoes, since it hurts to walk in rocky terrain.
  • Do not make a fire in a clearing with dry grass or trees. It is also worth moving away from the place with stones, under which dry grass.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. Do not touch birds and animals, go around the nest.
  • Do not wash the dishes and wash clothes in reservoirs. Also, you do not need to celebrate the need in the bushes. Drink the hole, and after your departure, bury it.
  • Walk through the forest with zigzags and do not reduce the road. Going out of steep slopes is very dangerous. It is also not worth jumping ditches or pit.
  • Do not install a tent and do not break up the camp near anthills and norms of wild animals.
  • Try to return home until dark. At the same time, do not turn off the paths and paths.
  • If you are lost, then go and listen. You need to go to noise, it will lead you to the village.
  • Do not use perfumes and perfume, as they can provoke insect bites.
  • Do not turn on the music loudly, this will attract wild animals and make them aggressive.
  • Do not drink water from lakes and ponds. It is not known whether this water is suitable for oral administration.
Safety rules in nature - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo
Safety rules in nature - what can be done and what is impossible: a memo

As you can see, in every place you need to follow the safety rules. This will help you save life and health, as well as avoid conflict situations.

Video: Safety Rules in nature

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