How to use blush in the shape of a face, double, in balls, cream, baked, liquid: rules, tips reviews. Which part of the face can be blown by blush?

How to use blush in the shape of a face, double, in balls, cream, baked, liquid: rules, tips reviews. Which part of the face can be blown by blush?

In this article, we will figure out how to use blush for the face correctly and apply them.

With blush in girls, when applying makeup, there are always difficulties. And this is not surprising, because they require proper use. Of course, it is much easier to use other makeup items, but only professionals can give advice on blush. So, before applying blush, it is worth studying information about them - how, and where to apply them. That's just these questions we will analyze further.

Which part of the face to apply blush?

You should know not only how to properly apply blush on the face, but also in which part of the face this procedure is done. In general, of course, the main place for which blush has been created is cheekbones. It is their correct discharge that can significantly change the appearance of the face.

By the way, it is not forbidden to use blush on the whole face in order to adjust the shape or simply highlight individual parts. Even instead of shadows, the product is actively used.

How to use blush for a round, square, triangular oval face: diagram, recommendations

In girls with an oval face, to round it a little, the upper part of the cheekbone stands out, and shading is done to the ear. To improve the effect, it will not hurt the temples slightly.

Applying blush in the shape of a face
Applying blush in the shape of a face
  • U cool -faced girls cheeks always stand out. Therefore, many want to stretch their face slightly. To do this, we need the “apples” of the cheeks that stand out during a smile. If you apply blush to them and shave under the cheekbone, you get a very good effect.
  • Girls with a triangular shape Faces need to reduce the top slightly. For this, the product is applied to cheekbones and distributed to the temples. This will highlight the center of the face. It is advisable to apply a little highlighter to maximize the image.
  • If a your face shape resembles a triangle, then secrete the upper line of the cheekbones and shade on the whiskey. This will highlight the center of the face. It is advisable to emphasize the cheekbones in highlighter.

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How to properly blend blush: the technique of applying blush

So how to apply blush on the face correctly and shade them? It is important to take into account which particular tool is used. For dry, the procedure is made with a large brush for powder, and for liquid - fingers. The first method is also suitable for blush in the form of balls.

How to blend blush?
How to blend blush?

If a woman uses creamy products, then the brush will not help in this case. A sponge is ideal for them. Application and shading is possible with the help of fingers. Plus, it is important to remember that liquid blush is applied to the foundation.

As for the shading, it is usually done to the temples or earlobe. Often, girls distribute a little blush around the face to give him a shine.

So, since a separate application technique is used for each type of blush, then let's talk about each separately.

How to use blush in balls correctly?

Blue in balls
Blue in balls

Blue in balls are produced in jars, where several balls of pressed powder of several shades are placed. Since the product is applied with a brush, the colors are mixed without problems. When applying them, the color merges with the skin and looks natural. Often, shining particles are added to the pigment, which make the skin glow.

Although the format of the product is not too ordinary, it is easy to use it. And the answer to the question is how to properly apply blush on the face in the balls simple.

The technique of applying the product is as follows:

  • Take a beveled brush and dial it a little means. Try to touch different balls to mix as many colors as possible
  • Look in the mirror with a smile to highlight the "apples" on the face. Just you should allocate them
  • Take a brush of kabuki or a fluffy brush for powder. With their help, blend blush so that there are no boundaries
  • Now again take the first brush and fry the forehead on the sides, the lower contours of the jaw, as well as the chin and back of the nose

As you can see, the technique is quite simple and it will not be difficult to use, even beginner fashionistas.

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How to use cream blush?

Cream blush
Cream blush

Like ordinary powder, cream blush are applied to the "apples" of the cheeks. Usually they are not used for cheekbones, except when using driping techniques.

But how to apply blush on the face, if they are creamy? Make sure that the product is not glass and do not apply it close to the nose. This will make the face “heavy” and lower. This moment is especially important for women using age and lifting maxima.

Also, keep in mind that the area of \u200b\u200bapplication should not be too large because the application as an allergy looks.

To make the look fresh and younger, after applying the product, blend it slightly above almost under the eyes. If you are not afraid of experiments, then such an option can be used.

Blind either with fingers or a brush with a synthetic fiber. The latter are very convenient for shading.

How to use double blush with highlighter?

Blue with highlighter
Blue with highlighter

Today, highlighters are very popular. There are even those that are in the composition with blush and in the end a double product is obtained. With him, too, not everything is so simple and important to know how to properly apply blush on the face.

First of all, with their help the following parts of the face are distinguished:

  • The upper line of the cheekbones
  • Eyebrow area
  • Selection of the back of the nose
  • It is also applied but the edge of the upper lip and chin

It is necessary to apply the product very carefully so that there are no strips or divorces. Liquid products are well shaken out with a sponge, and dry ones with a brush.

The tool is applied in the following way:

  • First, the tone of the face must be made even. For this, the base for makeup and foundation is perfect
  • Further, eliminate all the irregularities with the corrector
  • Make your eyebrows with a pencil or shadows, and under them the zone was highlighted by a light -colored highlighter
  • Highlighter-Rumyan distribute the "apples" of the cheeks or highlight their cheekbones
  • If required, highlight other parts of the face

Blood-haillers today are very popular not only among young girls, but also those who are older. This is due to the fact that shining particles hide small wrinkles.

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How to use baked blush?

Baked blush
Baked blush

Baked blush are one of the subspecies of compact. They are not produced like the rest. The fact is that the mixture is baked for a long time at a temperature of 40 degrees. Due to this processing, the color becomes saturated, and the texture of the silky. They are easily applied with a brush, and the resulting blush looks natural.

First of all, keep in mind that baked cosmetics have special properties and therefore it differs from ordinary. This also applies to the application method. Sometimes there is a brush in the packaging with the product, but it is not too hard and it is inconvenient to dial it is inconvenient.

Be sure to use the tonal basis for application. By the way, this option is not suitable for girls with oily skin. For them, a tonel with a matte effect is more suitable. And they would use a humid way to apply, you get a more saturated shade.

When the foundation will be applied, apply powder. Then she will lie well and will not slide.

Keep in mind that baked products shine very much. So they will not work to hide their shortcomings. In fact, this product is designed to illuminate the skin, and not eliminate the disadvantages.

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It happens that blush is produced in a package that is somewhat similar to lipstick. They differ in greater resistance and the best effect. It is best to use them for dry or combined skin.

How to apply blush on the face in the form of a pencil? As a rule, they are applied with fingers, so they are better distributed. There are no special rules for their use, they differ only in that they have the form of lipstick.

How to use liquid blush?

Liquid blush - application
Liquid blush - application

Liquid blush have a slightly different application technique. They will be difficult to apply a simple brush, because it is suitable for a dry version. How to apply blush to the face of this format?

  • It's simple - use your fingers. Drive them slowly the product into the skin
  • First make the cheeks on the "apples". Little by little advance to the cheekbones, as if shaken
  • If you have inflicted too much, wait until everything is absorbed. Perhaps the color will not be very bright
  • For beautiful radiance, add a little highlighter

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How to apply brown blush?

Brown blossom is more suitable for brunettes. In principle, they can be different by consistency, and therefore, how to properly apply blush on the face in this case, you will learn above.

Remember the main thing that with such blush you can not use red lipstick, because then the face will look too defiant. It is better to choose the color of Bordeaux or also brown. Then the image will look more interesting.

How to apply blush on the nose, reduce your nose?

Blush on the nose
Blush on the nose

Girls often have a question - how to apply blush on the face, in particular, on the nose? One of the recommendations of fashion bloggers is the point on the end of the nose. She gives freshness. By the way, this point is not too noticeable, but the view changes noticeably. With her, your face will be like puppet.

Another interesting trend is the application of blush through the back of the nose. Usually it is distinguished slightly to raise the tip of the nose a little, but some make a bright continuous strip through the nose from the cheekbone to the cheekbone. It is unlikely that such a solution can be called everyday, but it is gaining popularity and more and more often in the open spaces of Instagram you can meet girls with such makeup.

How to apply blush to cheekbones: step -by -step instructions


How to apply blush to cheekbones, perhaps every girl is conceived. Of course, if you do this to a beginner, it will simply be very difficult to do something by eye. There are not only techniques suitable for specific types of faces, but also universal ones. We will tell you about one of these.

  • So, the very first thing you need is a tonal basis. It is the basis, not the cream. It is applied to the whole face so that the main makeup lies better.
  • Then you need a powder. Use it a little. It is not required if your blush is liquid.
  • At the next step, we take blush, but not the usual color, but darker and apply it. You also need to do this correctly - pull your cheeks and apply the product to the resulting hollows.
  • But that's not all. Bend the blush applied so that they have no borders.
  • The next that is used is already a blush of a familiar shade. They are superimposed on top of the dark.
  • The upper lines of the cheekbones should not be ignored. The highlatter is applied to them and is carefully shaken. As a result, you should not have borders between funds.

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Visual face correction with blush - how to do it?

Visual face correction is required to correct the shape of the face and make it more attractive. Many have a question of how to properly apply blush to the face in such cases. The principle here is quite simple - the protruding parts are darker so that the shape of the face is correct.

For makeup, you will need pink and brown blush.

Correction of the face with blush
Correction of the face with blush

Different techniques are used for each face shape:

  • Oval form is not required to adjust. So blush in this case is simply used to highlight the cheekbones and refresh the appearance of the face. For an everyday image, it is enough to apply the product to the "apples" of the cheeks. If the makeup is evening, then grow the product for the temples.
  • If the shape of the face is oblong, then it is not necessary to narrow it. It is better to make it rounder. This effect is achieved by applying blush horizontally along the chin line and the center of the forehead.
  • Cool -faced It is better to apply blush with vertical stripes. That is, first blush are applied along the line of the chin, and then stretched to the temples.
  • Rectangular face It will look softer if you walk with blush through the protruding parts. Still apply the product on the sides of the forehead along the hair line.
  • Square shape You can adjust if you apply blush in the corners of the forehead. And also a little means should be imposed on the protruding parts of the jaw line.
  • Trapezoid It is contours in the same way. But there is no need to touch the forehead. In this case, the powder should be used a couple of tones darker than skin color.
  • Triangular shape Corrected by reducing the upper part of the face. For this, blush is applied to cheekbones and forehead.

What brush to apply blush?

Set of brushes
Set of brushes

When the question arises of how to properly apply blush on the face, it is important to remember about the brushes. They should be suitable for a specific remedy. Moreover, it will not be possible to use one brush for application and shading. You must figure out why and which tool to use. It is best to choose the following funds:

  • Brushes with beveled edges. From above, this brush is longer, and the second part is shorter. They are universal in use and are suitable for applying funds and their shading.
  • Round brushes. They have a convex structure, that is, in the center of the villi is always longer. Sculpturing is excellent with them. Often brushes are made folding for more convenient use.
  • Brushes. Brushes of a special shape, which makes them universal. This is due to the fact that with it you can distinguish both separate areas and simply blending blush.

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Can I use expired blush?

If you have blush for a very long time, then the first question that you must solve is not even how to properly apply blush on your face, but can they use them? Each cosmetic product has a specific expiration date:

The shelf life of blush
The shelf life of blush

If your funds suddenly have an unpleasant odor or changed, the consistency of the herd is different or heterogeneous, then throw away such a product, because it has deteriorated. Even if everything is fine, but you have undesirable reactions, it is better to refuse to use such a tool.

Tips for the use of blush from specialists: Features

There are some tips from specialists who will tell you how to properly apply blush to the face:

  • With blush, you can replace shadows. By the way, they sometimes look even better.
  • The tool is applied not only to cheekbones, but also to other parts of the face to supplement the appearance.
  • It will be easier to pick up the tone in the color of the lips. If you have a "warm", then choose the tones of the appropriate.
  • You can always replace blush with pink lipstick if they suddenly are not at hand.
  • If it turned out that you applied a lot of blush, then correct the oversight with a napkin or sponge. Just remove the excess and that's it.
  • For perfect skin, cosmetics with shimmer are suitable, but if you have problems, then they will become even more noticeable. So matte cosmetics are more suitable for you.
  • When you need prolonged makeup, then apply gel cosmetics on your face, and on top of the powder, but all layers should be very thin so that you do not get too much.
  • The blush is hidden and circles under the eyes. This is done with dry blush and petroleum jelly. This is an ideal and fast remedy for correction. Well, make a concealer on top of the composition.
  • For tanned skin, it is better to use cosmetics of reddish shades, and for light - coral or peach.
  • Eyes can be highlighted in simple ways. Take a brush for shadows and apply a little blush under the eyebrow. Depending on the color of the eyes, colors differ. So, for green or brown eyes, peach color is ideal, and for blue - cold pink tones.

How to use blush correctly: reviews

Regarding the blossom of the girls, they say different things. Some advise how to properly apply blush on the face, so that it is even more interesting. Girls come up with their interesting options. We told you about the main ones. In any case, blush should be used to highlight the advantages of his face and hide the shortcomings.

Reviews 1
Reviews 1
Reviews 2
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 3
Reviews 4
Reviews 4

Video: How to apply blush correctly? Makeup lessons

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