Snail mucus in cosmetics, the benefit of the face. Cosmetics with a snail mucin, how to use? How to cook masks with snail mucus at home? Review of funds with a snail mucin on Aliexpress

Snail mucus in cosmetics, the benefit of the face. Cosmetics with a snail mucin, how to use? How to cook masks with snail mucus at home? Review of funds with a snail mucin on Aliexpress

The benefits of a snail secret for the face. Overview of cosmetics with mucin.

Snar massage is the most popular procedure in Thai beauty salons. The fact is that such a manipulation allows you to return youth, as well as beauty in just a few minutes. This is due to the presence in the mucus of the snail - mucin, a special protein, which is characterized by regenerating properties. In this article we will talk about the mucus of the snail, and its effect on the body, as well as about cosmetics that contains this component.

Snail mucus in cosmetics: Facial benefits

This procedure has been known for a long time. For the first time, snail mucus in Japan and China began to use mucus to rejuvenate eastern women. Their skin has always been distinguished by incredible beauty, purity, as well as youth. The face has a very small number of wrinkles.

The benefits of the snail mucus:

  • It is worth noting that this is possible thanks to mucin, a special protein that is produced in order to restore the snail shell. It launches regenerating processes in the body, improves elastin production, as well as collagen, which causes cell recovery.
  • It is proved that regular snail massage with the use of Achatin by 30% reduces the number of wrinkles and reduces their depth by 20%. That is, it is possible to completely smooth out small wrinkles or make deeper deep ones.
  • The mucin contains allantoin - this is a protein that stimulates the restoration of the snail shell. In addition, collagen and elastin are contained. These proteins improve skin elasticity, contribute to its restoration. That is why the snail mucus is so effective. The composition contains vitamins A, B, C and D. All these vitamins and additives nourish the skin, make the look more healthy and young.
Garden snail
Garden snail

Cosmetics with mucin: how to use snail mucus?

Unfortunately, in our conditions, few people grow Ahatin snails at home. Therefore, the use of cosmetics will be a great option. You can also use snails that crawl in the garden after the rain, that is, garden. To do this, you need to collect several individuals, place them in a container, rinse under running water. After that, with a teaspoon or wooden skewer, it is irritated by snails. In a state of stress, they distinguish a huge amount of mucus, which will be needed for facial processing. You can grease your face with this mucus, or mix with white clay, honey, and then apply to the epidermis.

It is worth noting that the sensations are quite specific, because the mucus envelops the face, it becomes somewhat tight. Do not worry, after 15 minutes the product is washed off and the skin acquires elasticity. The most popular options for cosmetics in Japan, Korea are remedies containing mucin, that is, protein from snail mucus. Initially, this is Korean or Tibetan cosmetics.


Review of funds with a snail mucin on Aliexpress

On Aliexpress, you can find a huge amount of funds that contain snail mucin. Among them are both masks, creams, and serum containing about 40-80% mucin. We present a rating of funds containing snail mucin, which can be purchased at Aliexpress.

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  1. Images. A fabric mask that is saturated with a special composition. Sold in bags, in the solution itself that contains mucin. Allows you to whiten your face, remove pigment spots, reduce the manifestation of aging. The cost of the mask is satisfied with the affordable, sold one thing, so you can buy a mask for a sample.

  2. Bioaquawith snails and hyaluronic acid. This mask contains both mucin and hyaluron. It helps to remove redness, peeling, more designed for wrinkled skin, as well as flabby. Recommended for women after 40 years. It significantly tightens the skin when combined with an ultrasound massager, gives simply incredible results, in the form of lifting and pulling the skin. This helps to improve the contours of the face, reduce the manifestation of nasolabial wrinkles, and also smoothes wrinkles on the forehead. Many note that a large amount of liquids inside a bag with a mask, so it can be used after using a tissue mask several times to rub into the skin.

    Bio -pro
    Bio -pro
  3. Baimiss. This is a mask-serum, which is a homogeneous whitish mixture with a high mucin content. Cosmetics positions itself as a remedy for acne, acne, black dots. Helps get rid of excessive oily and moisture in the skin. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. This is an ideal option for young girls who have problems with the skin, as well as scars after acne. Such a mask helps to improve the relief of the skin, smooth it, make it more homogeneous and smooth.

  4. Petitfee. This cosmetics is a mix. These are eye patches that remove black bags under the eyes, and also leve wrinkles, remove goose legs. Patches contain gold ions, as well as a snail mucin. Such a mixture has an anti -inflammatory and absorbable effect, help remove excess water, which often accumulates under the eyes in the form of bags. It looks very unpleasant, but with the regular use of such patches, it is possible to achieve almost complete disappearance of wrinkles, as well as edema. In the package of 60 pieces, which allows for a long time to use the packaging of cosmetics, despite its rather high cost.

    Patches with mucin
    Patches with mucin
  5. Bioaqua with fruits and mucin snails. This cosmetics are mainly recommended for young girls who want to get rid of acne and black dots, acne. The texture of the mask is very pleasant, translucent in appearance, with some small interspersed pieces of fruit. According to buyers, it envelops the skin with a thin veil, makes it soft, delicate and very elastic. Really pulls the pores, makes them less noticeable. Ideal for those who suffer from increased fat content in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.


DIY Masks with Snail mucus

Masks with mucin can not only be purchased, but also cooked independently. Below are several recipes for making healing compounds.


  1. With clay. You will need several garden snails. They must be brought home, washed from grasses, grains of sand, as well as the residues of dirt in cold water. After that, it is necessary to put in a jar and touch the silicone spoon. To prepare the mask, you will need about half a teaspoon of mucus. It is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with cold water. Please note that mucin is poorly mixed with water and a small part does not dissolve. Next, pour the resulting liquid into a tablespoon of white clay, mix and apply to the skin with a thick layer. Keep for about a third of an hour, and then wash off with cool water.
  2. With a banana. This recipe is used for tightening, lifting. For cooking, you need 0.5 teaspoon of the snail mucus with cool water in a ratio of 1: 2. Enter a lost banana and add vitamin E capsule to it. Mix everything and apply everything to the prepared epidermis. Hold for a third of an hour, wash off with cold water.
  3. Starchy. You can prepare a mask with mucin using starch. To do this, 1/2 teaspoon of mucus must be inserted into a tablespoon of water. Mix thoroughly and enter a tablespoon of starch. It is necessary that the mass is similar in density to the dough, like pancakes. If it is quite thick, enter a little milk. Using a thick brush, apply the mixture on the face and let it dry. Rinse all with cold water with rubbing.
  4. Mask with oatmeal. To do this, a handful of oatmeal is crushed in a blender until a powder mass is obtained. A teaspoon of mucin is introduced, and a little warm milk. Everything is mixed until the gruel is received. It should be quite thick. The face is lubricated and left for about 30 minutes, washed off in circular motions using cold water. Keep in mind that this mask exfoliates dead particles, scraps the face.

Musks with mucin help restore the face in a short period of time. The most interesting thing is that such procedures can be compared with a visit to a cosmetologist. But at the same time, exclusively natural components are used, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, do not harm health. If you are too lazy to prepare some mask, you can just lubricate your face with mucus, leave for 20 minutes. Do not be alarmed, you will feel a slight tightening, it should be. After the mucus is washed off with cold water. Repeat the procedure every two days, for a month. Then you will get distinct results.

As you can see, snail mucus is an excellent tool for recovery, nutrition, as well as skin cleansing. Thanks to useful properties, the snail mucus is used in cosmetics for women of any age. Since it helps to correct skin defects that are associated with dryness or vice versa, excessive oily, and a large secretion of skin fat.

Video: Cosmetics Review with Snail

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Comments K. article

  1. I love the creams like that. I have a cream mucin snail from Librider. I like him so much. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

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