10 most common makeup errors that the girl's face, women are aging

10 most common makeup errors that the girl's face, women are aging

Our article will introduce you to the main mistakes of women who use decorative cosmetics every day. From the material you will find out what makeup is very much about the face and makes even young girls much older.

A modern woman does not represent her life without carcass, shadows, lipstick, powder and foundation. She uses decorative cosmetics even if she just goes to the nearest store. But sometimes the fair sex is either in a hurry, or because of poor lighting, they do not quite perfect makeup that ages the face.

As a result, instead of a fresher appearance, they get their lips with a “bow”, eyebrows with a “house”, and look, to put it mildly, funny. So that you do not make yourself a makeup that the face old, we invite you to get acquainted with the most common mistakes.

10 make -up errors that are aging faces: a list, tips on their correction

The photo shows how the shape of the eyebrows changes the visual perception of the face

Makeup error, which old faces No. 1 is too thin or too thick eyebrows

Every woman knows that eyebrows can very much change the visual perception of the face. If they do not have the correct shape, then it will seem blurry, and the eyes are not very bright. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the eyebrows have the perfect shape and, most importantly, the correct color. Remember, the eyebrows should look as natural as possible, but not to be too thin or too thick.

Thin eyebrows will make the face painful and tired, and this will definitely be old by the fair sex of any age. As for the very thick eyebrows, they usually weight their face, making it more massive. In view of this, try to have your eyebrows to have an average thickness and not be too long or too short.

IMPORTANT: In addition to the shape of the eyebrows, it is extremely important to monitor the length of the hairs themselves. If they are very long, they will constantly be knocked out for the limiting line, making the face not very tidy. Such hairs must be shortened to the desired length, and be sure to fix with special gels. At the very end, you can add the eyebrows of density with a decorative pencil or shadows of a suitable color.

Makeup error that old face No. 2 is poor moisturizing the skin

Dry skin will not let the perfect makeup do

It is probably not a secret that it is necessary to apply decorative cosmetics on well -moistened skin. If you miss this moment, you will get a makeup that the face old. In women prone to dry skin, the lack of proper moisture can provoke the peeling of the dermis and, as a result, not very fresh makeup.

Of course, from afar, the girl will seem quite attractive, but with close consideration all the flaws of the skin will be visible. If you apply powder or tonal cream to the peeling dermis, then they further focus on small wrinkles and dead particles of the skin. Also, a vascular net, and age -related pigmentation, is very noticeable on poorly moistened skin. Even the best decorative cosmetics will not be able to disguise them.

IMPORTANT: So that you do not have such problems, be sure to pamper your skin with moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week. Also do not forget about moisturizing day and night cream. This is a finished care product, provided that it is of high quality, will make your face fresh and radiant.

Makeup error, which is about the face of No. 3 - two or three accents in makeup

In the correct makeup, there should be one emphasis

There is a category of women who believes that the more expressive eyes, eyebrows and lips will be, the more attractive they will look. But in practice, everything turns out, on the contrary. If you make your eyes very bright, apply rich blush on your face and complement the image with your lips painted with dark lipstick, then in the end you will get a makeup that will aging you. If you want to look attractive, then focus on one thing, especially if it is a light everyday makeup.

So, if you made your eyes expressive, then make your lip lipstick a delicate shade or just slightly walk along them with a brilliance to give volume. As for blush, you have to be very careful with them. If they are applied to the wrong zone, or with a too thick layer, then they will look like a combat painting that emphasizes all the flaws of the skin.

IMPORTANT: You can get back a little from these rules by doing evening makeup. In this case, you can make bright eyes and lips bright. True, in this case, one emphasis should be less bright. So, if you made up your lips with bright red lipstick, then make your eyes a little calmer.

Makeup error, which old persons No. 4 are not quite correctly selected tonal base

Not quite correctly selected tonal foundation is very old face

Until recently, it was believed that with perfect makeup, the skin should be, as they say, porcelain. But time goes on, and beauty trends are also changing. Recently, the most popular makeup artists have emphasized that the skin of a woman should be as natural as possible. And this means that when choosing a tonal base, it is necessary to avoid too pale or a dark one. Remember, the tonal cream should in shade as much as possible to your natural skin color.

In this case, when applying it, it will practically not be visible, and visually you will look fresh and young. If you choose a tonal base for several shades lighter, then in the end you will get a makeup that will make you a visually sore mortal disease. As for the too dark tonal base, she can even turn a pale -faced woman into a mulatto. Agree, it will definitely not look attractive.

IMPORTANT: If you really want to recreate the effect of a golden tan on your face, then purchase two tonal bases - one coinciding with a shade with the skin, the other literally tone darker. Apply the light tone as usual, and emphasize the wings of the nose, chin and forehead with dark. Just make sure that the transition lines from color to color are as well -shared as possible.

Makeup error, which old faces No. 5 is a very thick layer of powder

The thick layer of powder will make the face unnatural

Powder is a decorative tool that is in the cosmetic bag of almost every woman. As a rule, it is used in order to remove excessive oily skin. But sometimes because of such a desire to make the skin matte, a woman with her own hands makes herself a makeup that ages her face.

In addition to the fact that the thick layer of powder makes a woman older, it still focuses on all the shortcomings. They become especially noticeable on age skin. So, on the skin, not very beautiful creases can form on the skin, strongly weighting the contour of the face. Also, the powder will slide, exposing the hotel areas, and visually it will look like a lighter spot.

Another mistake is the use of powder as a basis for shadows. This cosmetic product is not suitable for delicate skin of the eyelids and, as a result, it will be dry and conquered by small wrinkles. The look will become heavier, and this will add a couple of extra years to the woman.

IMPORTANT: Professional makeup artists recommend applying powder exclusively to skin areas prone to increased release of subcutaneous fat. To be more precise-on the T-shaped zone (forehead, nose and chin).

Makeup error, which old faces No. 6 - eyelashes like a doll

The sticky eyelashes always look untidy and the face is very old

What woman does not dream of lush and long eyelashes? The most unpleasant thing is that in pursuit of beauty, women decide on a radical step - the use of false eyelashes. Yes, in some cases they are quite appropriate, if, of course, to do everything right and choose the optimal length.

False eyelashes will give charming to the evening image. In other cases, too long and lush eyelashes will look alien. Therefore, it is better to get high -quality mascara and do not forget to regularly care for the cilia so that they remain healthy and restore in time.

To get lush eyelashes, it is enough to make them correctly. Just try to apply mascara in several layers. As practice shows, to achieve the desired effect, it will be enough to paint the eyelashes literally three times.

IMPORTANT: So that later you do not have to use a brush to separate eyelashes, apply the next layer of mascara only when the previous one dries.

Makeup error that old person No. 7 is the use of low -quality shadows

Low shadows are very quickly crumbling

Shadows are an ideal remedy that helps women add depth, brilliance and mystery to their eyes. But this effect helps to achieve exclusively high -quality shadows. Using a low -quality decorative product, a woman, as a rule, receives a makeup that is aging a face. This is due to the fact that cheap shadows do not fit well on the skin of the eyelids and most unpleasant, they literally immediately begin to crumble and slide into folds.

If you do not urgently take measures, then in the end, dark circles will appear under the eyes, which will also distinguish all small wrinkles. Therefore, if you love makeup very much by the Smoky Eyes type, then be sure to buy high -quality shadows that will lie in the place where you will apply them.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that even the highest quality shadows after a certain time will begin to crumble. To avoid the appearance of the Panda effect, we must not forget to use the primer. It will help the shadows gain a foothold more reliably on the eyelid, and you can safely walk with morning makeup for at least 8 hours.

Makeup error, which is the face of No. 8 is not quite correctly painted lips

Properly applied lipstick makes lips natural

Due to the fact that dark matte tones of lipsticks are in trend for a long time, they are used by both very young fashionistas and ladies aged. The most interesting thing is that only some women choose the right tone of lipstick, and look younger and fresh. The rest get a makeup that is aging.

Most often, this happens due to the fact that the fair sex prefers the lipstick of too dark tones. As a result, young girls look visually, as they say, more solid, and women aged at least + 5 years. To avoid such an effect, it is enough to use lipstick literally 2 tones darker than the natural color of the lips.

IMPORTANT: If for some reason you cannot refuse to use dark lipstick, then be sure to refresh it a little with a transparent luster. Also, do not forget about the lips. It should also be as natural as possible. In order for the outline of the lips to be perfect, use a pencil, which in color approaches the shade of the lips, or to the shade of lipstick.

Makeup error, which old face No. 9 is very brightly painted eyes

The arrows should always be perfectly even

Eyes can tell others a lot, especially if they make them correctly. Very often, women, trying to focus on their eyes, draw them with thick arrows or a dark circular eyeliner. Yes, women with narrow eyes can afford to draw arrows as they help create the effect of open eyes.

True, in this case, there is one nuance. In order for makeup, the face is not old, it is necessary that the arrows made by pencil or eyeliner have a perfectly even line. If the arrow is wavy or in places obvious tears are visible, then you definitely will not get the desired effect.

IMPORTANT: The lower eyelid is best drawn with a light pencil or eyeliner. An ideal option would be to use products with a silver or golden tint. If you make a black arrow on the bottom row of cilia, then you very much weight your eyes and add a couple of extra years to yourself.

Another taboo that should not be forgotten is a very strong darkening of the upper and lower eyelids. As practice shows, such makeup goes to units, but the rest it ages for several years. Such makeup can afford women with perfect skin, without wrinkles and pigmentation. If there are already flaws, then you will not only not disguise them, but also emphasize. And if, in addition to all this, you still add dark or mother -of -pearl shadows, you will look vulgar.

Makeup error, which is the face of No. 10 - the complete absence of a carcass on the eyelashes

The most ideal makeup without mascara looks faded

Above, we have already mentioned that there should be only one emphasis in makeup. Remembering this, some women, making bright lips or eyebrows, decide to leave eyelashes without a carcass. But as practice shows, such makeup is very much ages. Such a deplorable result is obtained due to the fact that with age our eyelashes and skin lose their natural beauty, and we want it or not, we have to at least visually return it.

Moreover, it is precisely the right eyelashes that will help to distract attention from age wrinkles and flagliness of the eyelids. Therefore, do not be lazy, and be sure to paint the eyelashes in mascara. Having made them more fluffy and long, you will add to the view of charm and playfulness.

IMPORTANT: Very young girls, in whom eyelashes have not yet lost their natural splendor and black saturated color, can afford their eyes in mascara. True, in this case, it is necessary to make the eyes or eyebrows brighter.

Video: TOP-10 errors in makeup

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