How to drink vermouth, than to dilute, than to bite: the main rules

How to drink vermouth, than to dilute, than to bite: the main rules

How to drink vermouth correctly? Read about this in the article.

It is no secret that vermouth is the most popular alcoholic drink, both among men and women. However, few know that this drink is a fortified wine, infused on aromatic herbs, wormwood and spices. To date, many manufacturers are engaged in the release of vermouth, so in stores you can find at least five types of drinks that have different tastes and aromas.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “Card alcohol games: which one to play with friends, at a party?».

Each variety of fortified wine - vermouth, has its own characteristics and rules of use. We will tell you about how to drink, dilute and most importantly, than to eat this drink in the article below. Read further.

What are vermouths: varieties

Vermouth varieties
Vermouth varieties

As indicated above, a lot of firms are engaged in the production of vermouth. Most often, stores are sold in stores from Italian manufacturers, such as Cinzano or Martinialthough the Russian manufacturer Delasy Also not behind. Read more about the existing varieties of vermouth further.

To date, there are five varieties of vermouth:

  • Dry (Dry, Secco)

This vine variety has a low sugar content - 4%.

  • « Bianko "or white

The basis for this drink is white wine, and the sugar content is from 10 to 15%.

  • Red ("Rosso")

This variety of vermouth will like the most who love sweet alcohol, because the share of sugar in Rosso exceeds 15%. The basis of the drink is red wine.

  • "Rose" (pink vermouth)

Sugar content in this drink happens from 15 to 20%that a lot. The basis in the Rosa is taken by a mixture of white and red wines.

  • Bitter (Gorky)

Very strong alcoholic drink with alcohol content from 75%. The amount of wine in Gorky vermouth is usually minimal.

It is worth adding that one of the unique features of vermouth is its ability to change taste depending on how and with what it is used. Therefore, knowledge of all the nuances of drinking the drink will directly affect the impression of it. Read further.

How to drink vermouth?

The answer to the question of how to drink vermouth depends on which variety of the drink is chosen. However, for starters, it is worth considering several recommendations for the use of such fortified wine.

  • Vermouth should be perceived as an aperitif that can stimulate appetite. This means that it is best consumed in front of the main dish.
  • Such a drink is a wonderful "partner" for other alcoholic beverages and fruit juices. For example, vodka or juice can be added to “Chinzano” or “Martini”, depending on the necessary fortress. White vermouth goes well with fruit juices, for example, pineapple and grapefruit.
  • Before using vermouth in its pure form, it must be cooled properly. The most optimal temperature of such a drink is 8-12 ° C.. Many people cool the pure vermouth even more. Serve a drink in special glasses (for example for whiskey) or glasses for cocktails.
  • In order to fully feel the fullness of taste, you need to drink chilled vermouth in small sips.
  • Dry vermouth must be drunk exclusively in its pure form. It does not combine with other alcoholic beverages and juices.
  • For many people, the sweet vermouth turns out to be too sugaryTherefore, it is diluted with a tonic or lemonade, to reduce sweetness.

All that is written above is only recommendations that are worth paying attention to before drinking. However, it is not necessary to follow these advice, because each person has his own taste preferences.

How to drink vermut Martini correctly?

Vermout Martini
Vermout Martini

Martini is an Italian vermouth, having a colossal number of fans around the world. Over the entire existence of this drink, several rules of its use have been formed. We will figure out in this matter in more detail. How to drink vermut Martini correctly?

  • Pure vermouth has a unique herbal bouquet of tastes that is able to like far from every person. First of all, this applies to a very saturated martini "Extra Dry". Thanks to this, a huge number of all kinds of vermouth mixes with juices and soda appeared. By the way, such cocktails can turn out to be very tasty, provided that the ingredients are correctly selected and combined.
  • The most optimal ingredients in order to dilute Martini are tonic and soda. This rule applies to all types of vermouth related to the brand line. Additionally, the cocktail can be sweetened syrup or liquor, depending on the taste.
  • However, the largest number of interesting mixes can be created from a combination of martini with fruit juices. The proportions of the ingredients with such mixing can be very different. For example, when adding a slightly larger amount of alcohol, you can get a more pronounced herbal taste.

It should be borne in mind that different varieties of martini will be better combined with different juices:

  • For example, with lemon, orange and other citrus fruits, it goes well vanilla Bianco.
  • Having a spicy taste rosso It is best to mix with cherry, lemon or pomegranate juice.
  • But d’Ooro and rosato, Having a soft taste, they can make a magnificent duet with apple juice.

As the famous expression says: "The rules exist in order to violate them." This is also applicable to the use of alcoholic beverages. However, Martini can show its true taste only with proper use and combination of ingredients. Moreover, you can mix it not with every juice, but only with those indicated above.

How to drink vermut Bianco sweet white?

Vermouth Bianco Sweet white
Vermouth Bianco Sweet white

White sweet vermouth Bianko has been known for more than two thousand years. The homeland of the drink is considered to be ancient Greece, although this fact is disputed by many researchers.

Vermouth Bianko is a drink that insists on a large number of herbs, among which even wormwood is present. Today in the store you can find a large number of Bianco brands from different manufacturers that will vary in both quality and taste. However, leaving manufacturers and the features of the drink behind the brackets, you need to figure out how to drink it correctly.

  • Bianko is an aperitite, so it is not consumed during dinner or lunch. Ideally, this drink should be drunk approximately an hour before meals.
  • Also, Bianko can be served after a meal, approximately in one hour. It will accelerate digestion and improve the absorption of useful elements.
  • Most often, Bianko is served chilled. In this case, the optimum temperature fluctuates from 8 to 15 degrees, depending on the variety.
  • Delicacies are best suited as a snack for Bianco from meat, hard cheese, nuts and crackers.

It is worth knowing: Wine, infused with wormwood, should not be drunk in one gulp. This is considered indecent and demonstrates non -culture. This drink must be drunk with sipping, very slowly.

It is also worth noting that Bianco goes perfectly with citrus juice, soda and tonic. In addition, many people who prefer to stronger drinks mix white vermouth with other alcoholic beverages, for example, roma, tequila and even vodka. However, all this is a matter of taste and in what form to use a drink, each person decides for himself.

Video: how and with what they drink vermouth Bianko - rules and tasting brands

How to drink vermut Santo Stefano correctly?

Vermouth Santo Stefano
Vermouth Santo Stefano

Santo Stefano - This is a light white vermouth related to sweet varieties. A fairly large number of herbs and spices are used to produce a drink, which gives it an unusual taste. Let's deal with the rules and features of the use of this alcoholic drink. How to drink it correctly?

  • Unlike other varieties of vermouth, Santo Stefano It is customary to serve to the table heated to room temperature.
  • The drink must be open, approximately 15 minutes before serving.
  • Santo Stefano is drunk from glasses having an unusual triangular shape.
  • The drink is best combined with orange and others citrus fruits. This allows you to add sweet vermouth a sour taste.

It is worth noting that due to the very high content of all kinds of herbs, Santo Stefano It has a very specific aroma and taste, even when compared with other varieties of vermouth, so not everyone will like such a drink.

Vermouth Chinzano: How to drink correctly?

Vermouth Chinzano
Vermouth Chinzano

Cinzano - This is the vermouth of Italian origin, which is not inferior in its popularity by Martini, while having a lower cost. Consider the rules for using this drink. How to drink it correctly?

  • Cinzano It is best to drink with ice, cooling the drink before that up to 8-12 degrees.
  • In the event that the taste of herbs or fortress seems too strong, then you can dilute the drink with juice, for example, pineapple, mango or orange. It is also well suited for dilution soda and mineral.
  • Many people use to dilute Cinzano Unusual drinks, for example, colaHowever, in this combination, vermouth completely loses its taste.
  • Cinzano It goes well with other alcoholic beverages, so you can get an original low -alcohol cocktail.
  • As well as other varieties of vermouth, it is customary to submit as a snack to Chinzano light fruit salads, shrimp, sweetsand olives. But they eat Vermouth Chinzano extremely rarely.

Drink Cinzano Accepted from special glasses that have the shape of cones. If you believe the experts, then such dishes reveals better and transfers the aroma of the drink. When using the vermouth of the house and the absence of special glasses, you can use any available dishes, such as cocktail glasses.

How to drink vermut Marengo?

Vermout Marengo
Vermout Marengo

Vermouth Marengo Known for a very long time. Mention of this drink has been preserved since ancient times, then it was used as an antiseptic. Like other vermouths, in Marengo there is a very high content of spices and herbs, which gives it the aftertaste unusual for other alcoholic beverages. About how to drink such vermouth correctly - further in the article.

  • Use requires the optimal temperature of the drink —  from 10 to 15 degrees. In the event that there is no possibility or time to cool the drink, you can serve it with ice.
  • When tasting the drink, do not rush. In order to fully feel the taste of vermouth, you need to drink slowly, relishing every sip. Many people drink completely Marengo With a straw.
  • A snack for Marengo It can be any. However, it should be easy and not have a bright taste that can overshadow the drink. As an option, you can use capers, grapes, citrus slices, olives.

Another important component for Marengo, which is worth mentioning, is a good company.

Read another article on our website on the topic: "Alcohol games for a fun company, for parties, banquet: Rules". You will find questions and tasks for alcohol games.

However, this applies to any alcoholic drink, because the better the company, the more pleasure and fun from the very process of use.

Another interesting article on our website on the topic: "Fanta for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?".

How to eat vermut?

A snack to vermuth
A snack to vermuth

It is no secret that the appetizer is an integral component of drinking alcoholic beverages. However, at the same time, many people believe that this does not concern, and that it should not be bite, because you can ruin the taste of the drink. Eat alcoholic drinks or not, this is everyone’s business. But for those who still do not represent the consumption of fortified wine without delicious food, we will tell you further about the fact that from food you can use under vermouth.

  • White varieties of vermouth are very well combined with grapes, citrus fruits, solid cheese and olives. In addition, to shade the taste of the drink, you can use seafood, for example, crabs, shrimp and oysters.
  • Pink varieties of vermouth differ in a high sugar content, so it is best to serve to drinks from this category light dishes, cheese and meat delicacies, fruits, nuts and a boiled bird.
  • Red vermouth is the most saturated. This guilt should be served cold meat dishes, cheeses, crackers and ham.
  • The most difficult type of vermouth is bitter and dry alcohol. Drinks of this type are best combined with fish, as well as olives, seafood and hard cheese. Another good option is grilled meat.

The slightly alcohol cocktails created with the addition of vermouth are not necessary to bite. Although a couple of olives will perfectly complement the taste of this beautiful drink

As we see, despite the differences, almost all varieties of vermouth can be served fruits, meat and cheese. Therefore, getting confused in what and what it will be difficult to bring to, and to please various tastes of the guests, without harming the taste of the drink, on the contrary, easier.

The main rules for using vermouth

The use of vermouth
The use of vermouth

In another article on our website you will find recipes of the most delicious festive alcoholic cocktails at home.

So, we learned a lot about the use of vermouth: varieties, drinking different types and snacks. It remains to fix the knowledge gained. To do this, consider several key, main rules regarding the process of drinking drinks directly.

  • An undiluted drink is best to drink from small dishes, for example, cups for whiskey. Such containers have a high height and have an expansion below.
  • Do not drink bitter in one gulp, even concentrated, as this is considered indecent. If the drink seems too strong, you can dilute it with mineral water or juice and drink in small sips.
  • Wild wine accelerates the release of gastric juice, increasing appetite. Therefore, it must be served before the meal or after, but not during food. An exception may be strong vermouths or biters that go well with meat dishes, vegetables and cheese.
  • Do not dilute dry vermouth. Such actions will be perceived as an indicator of unculture. Such a drink should be drunk undiluted or added to a cocktail, as an ingredient.
  • Vermouth is customary to serve to the table to the best of chilled. The best temperature for the drink fluctuates from 7 to 12 ° C. In the absence of the ability to cool alcohol, you can additionally serve ice to the table.
  • It is customary to serve the diluted vermouth to the table in special glasses having a triangular shape. Such dishes best conveys the aroma and fullness of the taste of the drink.

Such simple rules are very easy to remember and use in everyday life when you need to organize a small party.

As we see, there is nothing complicated in observing the etiquette of the use of vermouth. It is only necessary to delve into the essence and meaning of the process of drinking drinks. If this succeeds, then it will immediately become clear what and why it is necessary to do exactly as professionals and real connoisseurs of alcohol advise, and not differently.

Video: how and with what to drink Martini Bianko - feed and snack rules

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Video: How to make the easiest cocktail with vermouth - Bianko Orange

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