Fands for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?

Fands for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?

Fands are a great way to have fun at any festive event. This entertainment is ideal for a large and small company, the main thing is to think over funny tasks in advance. In our article you will find many phants for a fun company of adults.

A list of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?

A list of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?
A list of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?
A list of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?
A list of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper?

List of phants for a fun company of adults - what tasks can be written on pieces of paper:

  • Simit a few sounds of pets
  • Simit several sounds of wild animals
  • Simit several sounds of forest birds
  • Show how the squirrel gnaws a nut, chews its core
  • Ponds with a nose like a hedgehog - as long as possible
  • Sing the most noisily to all those present
  • Run around the hall like a little frantic horse
  • Put the button to each guest
  • Make a selfie in the toilet
  • Delight all those present ladies with erotic dance
  • Stand on the chair and dance the Tverk - as energetic as possible
  • Try to portray a girl who is going to leave the house, but is very late
  • Draw a drunk husband who returned home in the morning
  • Add toys for adults with a serious look
  • Show how the bear eats, moose, pigs
  • Show how the bee collects honey
  • Show how the moth sits on the flower
  • Show me how a cat caresses milk
  • Show how carrot grows in the garden
  • Show how children are born
  • Show how the penguin laughs
  • Show how the fish freezes in the refrigerator
  • Show how champagne bubbles burst
  • Show how snowflakes break on the ground
  • Pick up a rhyme, to the words that guests will tell you
  • Squeeze your nose and read the fairy tale about the "chicken ricks"
  • Close your ears and sing a song in a whisper
  • Show all the ladies how a real handsome man behaves
  • Show the girl from the playboy at the photo shoot
  • Massage hands all guests
  • For a man - dress women's shoes, and walk around the hall

Fanta for a cheerful company of adults

Fanta for a cheerful company of adults
Fanta for a cheerful company of adults
Fanta for a cheerful company of adults
Fanta for a cheerful company of adults

Fands for a fun company of adults:

  • Show how to brush your teeth correctly
  • Tell me how to use rectal, vaginal candles
  • Stand on all fours, and simulate the wagging tail
  • Remove your socks and try to sell them
  • Fast for a couple of minutes, like a statue - you can't laugh
  • Breathe deeply, as if you had just run a cross
  • Jump the highest 15 times as possible
  • Wait on one leg, diluting his arms to the sides, with eyes closed
  • Incorn to each of those present ladies separately, with a serious look
  • Smile half an hour without ceasing, even when you eat
  • Correct your hair to all women at the holiday
  • Languid secrees in the ear to all men
  • Show without words how you cook fried eggs
  • Show without words how you drink hot tea
  • Show without words how you swear in a cork
  • Show without words how you wash in the shower
  • Show without words how you undress before bedtime
  • Show without words how you quarrel with your wife, husband
  • Show without words how the boss behaves in his office
  • Show without words how telepusics have fun
  • Show how crazy protein jumps
  • Show how to run a nap -legged walrus
  • Show how a drunk hedgehog crawls
  • Show how dumplings swims in oil
  • Show how the fleas jump
  • Show how the hippo, elephant, giraffe swimming
  • Show how to eat hungry homeless

Fanta for a fun company of adults at the table

Fanta for a fun company of adults at the table
Fanta for a fun company of adults at the table

Fands for a fun company of adults at the table:

  • Show how the mash plays
  • Show how the snowman melts
  • Show me how to wear thongs correctly
  • Show why people are needed
  • Show how to eat and fork
  • Show how a strong wind blows
  • Show how the sun gets up in the morning
  • Show how a woman paints and dries the nails
  • Show how a drunk person snores
  • Show how to use daily laying
  • Safiemers, and scream on it like on a racehorse
  • Drink a bottle of champagne
  • Peel the banana maximum erotic
  • Tell me the verse without opening your mouth
  • Come up with a small rhyme
  • Show the souls of the profession of a gynecologist
  • Show the demon of the profession of the dentist
  • Show the demon of the profession of a proctologist
  • Show the demon of words the profession of obstetric
  • Show the demon of words the profession of a janitor
  • Show the demon of the words of the blacksmith
  • Show the demon of words the profession of ballerina
  • Show the memory of the profession of a makeup artist
  • Show the Demins of Superman's words that flies high in the sky
  • Startsui Swan Lake Maxim

Funny phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Funny phantas for a cheerful company of adults
Funny phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Funny phantles for a cheerful company of adults:

“Read the rhyme” - fun, erotic, with sadness, screaming in the whole throat, laughing, crying, dancing, jumping, played, artistic.

In two cases, men drink
Sowing our life shackles:
From grief - when they are bad,
When everything is fine - with longing.


It's time to wet the throats for us
Therefore, I will be brief:
The lack of vodka for me
Her only drawback.


Drink vodka where don't throw it,
Try to stop!
Feminine principle - Yin,
And the masculine principle is drunk!


Winnie in life is so sweet and innocent!
Do not naughty, does not swear aloud.
Only drinking Winnie becomes
Evil and gloomy Winnie is swollen.


A healthy is the pessimism of me;
Life is a fall to the bottom of the well.
And better alcoholism
From longing than starting to prick!


Yesterday I got sick terribly,
Boule up and weird.
I am ashamed of yesterday
And to whom - forgot!

I believe that in any of the countries
The rule is found -
Quickly drunk glass
It is not considered to be poured!


Here, treat yourself, pizza.
I would prefer to get drunk!


We got half a liter on our nose,
And it was not enough for everyone.
And they have alcohol after a booze,
And they are suspicious to me.


Due to traffic jams
We rode for a long time, in the end
Drunk in an insole local resident
He arrived sober in the sober!


If vodka is drunk disgusting,
That will be asked soon!


Miles beautiful ladies
We have a sip of alcohol.
Now I will finish Madame,
And I am at your feet.


My wife does not give me peace
So I quit drinking; - does not work!
Here is a camel; He does not drink a month
But then it breaks down anyway!


Cracking on the street Moroz,
White snowflakes fly.
Freezed ears, cheeks, nose,
And only one money is melting!


The girl's soul is light
And always prone to reproach -
Then there is no boy in life
That guy is, but there is no life.


If you want to have a bright one in sex,
So as not to sob in bed with boredom,
My advice - Marry milkmaids!
Doyaks have golden hands!


If they ask - what is more expensive?
Love, parents, friends?
You just move along the face silently -
You can't ask this!


Russian diet is this:
In attempts to “save” the waist,
We will be silent for the seventh dish,
To eat time up to six!


Take positive at night,
Grave joy in the morning ...
Send the negative to hell
And life will change then!


And now men are reluctant to ride for men
Ah, knights, damn you!
There is more care for the current knight,
Than before - behind their horses!


Come on, but put up!
And go to bed together ...
At least sideways, at least backwards,
But always together and nearby

He was known in the village,
Like a woman's hunter ...
And now it is in the hospital -
Repairing the gun ...


Weigh me a kilogram of "faith"
And pour one hundred grams of “whip”.
Are there strong "nerves" on sale?
Calculate them there too.


Under the shine of smiles and rings,
Gazing the gaze of the shy chamois,
Cuties go down the aisle,
Bitchs come out of the crown ...


Turn on, man, logic and show ingenuity!
Do not let your wife get up “from the wrong foot”!
And remember if a woman squeezes a rolling pin in her hands -
Not yet proof that there will be pies!


I had to watch more than once
As a wife, a man flutters nerves ...
Well this is necessary to adore sex so,
To live with such a fool and bitch.


That's all. The platform was empty.
The heart in the song rhythm was beating:
I'm ready to kiss the car
On which you drove off ...


Five years from a pension, fade a dog for us for a year,
But optimism, like the people, is invincible:
And we are with excitement, evil, into the distance - look -
What kind of pig will put pig?


If you take colored paper,
Pen, scissors and glue
And a little more courage
You can make one hundred rubles.


The priest had a dog - he loved her.
She ate a piece of meat - he killed her.
Very important piece of meat
He bit off the insidious beast,
And without this process
Pop does not marry now.


When in your affairs order,
When your soul sings,
Do not hesitate - the one who is near
The whole thing will relate.


I don't have it,
I have no reason -
I have to work
To live somehow.


The sun smiled
Minus forty -three
Quietly fall
From the branches of the bullfinch.


No matter how much I will drink
You are firmly drunk
You are no more yin to me
I'm not Yan to you


The lines are knitted into the rhyme,
The sea licks the land,
Children ka .. aut in a pot,
And large - into the soul.


I will go out and take off
I will dive into a snowdrift
I will freeze my soul
I did not hurt.


My light, mirror, tell me,
Yes, report the whole truth!
I am in the world of all dumber
Useless and drunk?
Says the mirror in response:
You are moron, no doubt
But he lives in the world ...
Here are two -thirds like you.


He did not drink, did not smoke
And he always gave flowers,
He gave his wife a salary,
Mother -in -law called his mother ...
That's what scattered
From the Basyna Street!


It happens that you wake up like a bird
Winged spring on the platoon.
And I want to live and work,
But it passes for breakfast.


I offered him coffee
And he looked at his chest secretly.
I immediately became clear to me -
He probably wants milk.


Something night behind the wall
Blaged very much:
This is a woman inflatable
Under the neighbor burst.


Attention to me
Do not turn
If I snored
Stop without me.


Sometimes it happens so lousy
That even tea does not climb into the throat.
And only beer climbs into the throat,
Which you drink vodka.


I checked the truth in practice -
The nonsense will live longer.
I tried not to drink a week -
It seemed to me - he lived a year.


I cleaned karma
Put in the astral
But I had to return -
The cat is again ..


On benches in parks
No free places,
Because someone
He eats too much.


There are a lot in Kamasutra
Interesting poses,
Sorry with my wife


I do not fit into the dress
I experienced stress.
I bought a cake
Cake, s..ka, climbed.


I am myself today
Well, lead
But probably late
Since I'm in hell.


I download triceps
Biceps and press,
And only grows,
Complexes and stress.


We have to dream
Any heh..nya ...
Right at work,
Among white day!


In this strange world
Full clowns,
Only for some reason,
Bitch, not funny ...


I decided to do
Good deeds
For starters, a fur coat
I got me.


And Adam, it happened
If you drank a lot,
Their former ribs
He called at night.


First make the roads
Then - eradicate the mat.


I have joy today
I made a muck to someone!


Nothing forever under the moon
My doctor started from afar.


Diving blondes is very harmful
Sawdles are wet in the head.


Found a job in jewelry
Wipe the saliva from the shelves.


Since gays so love parades
They would go to serve in the army.


Food is useful to the body
But it is harmful to eat on an empty stomach.


All that we promised
Nobody will take away from us.


On the navigator - I'm in the tundra
Why don't you understand the blacks here.


All the wisdom of hundreds of generations
I set forth on the elevator wall.


You have no charging by chance
To charge my credit card?


“And me - us ... to me,” said Gennady,
And the bartender completed the order.


Since there is little time
I will briefly explain to obscenities.


To everyone who graduated from the School of Life
Award a marble diploma.


And in the refrigerator at night
Food is more useful and tastier.

Cool phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Cool phantas for a cheerful company of adults
Cool phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Cool phantas for a cheerful company of adults:

"Find out what (who) is this?"

Guess according to the descriptions of what subjects are we talking about:

  • soap, white ... (foam)
  • blue, clear, clean, cloudless ... (sky)
  • soft, fluffy ... (cotton wool)
  • branched, prickly, green, fluffy ... (spruce)
  • old, brick, two -story ... (house)
  • big, round, snowy ... (lump)
  • white, light, bird ... (fluff)
  • white, cow, paired ... (milk)
  • sour, yellow, hard, fragrant ... (lemon)
  • deep, salty, black ... (sea)
  • brown, blue, sad ... (eyes)
  • dairy, sick, indigenous ... (teeth)
  • ballic, ink, feathers ... (handle)
  • dessert, tea, dining room ... (spoon)
  • custard, porcelain, electric ... (kettle)
  • winter, rubber, leather ... (boots)
  • brown, white, clubfoot ... (Bear)
  • title, capital, printed ... (letter)
  • gray, brown, rare ... (hair)
  • evil, guard, yard ... (dog)
  • glass, liter, canine ... (Bank)
  • lunch, written, kitchen ... (table)
  • linden, bee, fragrant ... (honey)
  • green, white -barrel, sprawling ... (Birch)
  • sharp, Bulgarian, black ... (pepper)
  • worker, festive, day off ... (day)
  • children's, winter, cherry ... (garden)
  • father, multi -storey, children's ... (house)
  • lawn, green, woe ... (grass)
  • soy, olive, sunflower ... (oil)
  • bright, multi -colored, watercolor ... (paints)
  • red, cunning, fluffy ... (Fox)
  • light, air, round ... (ball)
  • silk, elegant, festive ... (Dress)
  • red, sweet, fragrant ... (strawberries)
  • heavy, leather, brown ... (suitcase)
  • fragile, brilliant, New Year's ... (toy)
  • soft, down, square ... (pillow)
  • warm, woolen, knitted ... (mittens)
  • postal, paper, rectangular ... (envelope)
  • metal, acute, sewing ... (needle)
  • green, slippery, fluffy, marsh ... (toad)
  • dead, field, multi -colored ... (flower)
  • big, dark, thunderstorm ... (cloud)
  • shaggy, horned, bearded ... (goat)
  • cowardly, gray ... (hare)
  • evil, predatory, gray ... (wolf)
  • liquid, hot, sweet ... (tea)
  • winter, fur, warm ... (hat)
  • early, warm, sunny ... (spring)
  • scarlet, tasty, sugar ... (watermelon)
  • diligent, neat, attentive ... (student)
  • cloudy, clear, cold ... (weather)
  • affectionate, spring, bright ... (sun)
  • metal, acute, thin ... (needle)
  • green, bunched, marsh ... (frog)
  • gray, tail, small ... (mouse)
  • white, field, plowing ... (chamomile)
  • hot, affectionate, bright ... (sun)
  • white, fluffy, light ... (cloud)
  • cunning, red, fluffy ... (Fox)

Another interesting idea for phants. You can invite guests to read poems in the manner of interesting animated heroes, for example, Leopold's cat, postman Pechkin, wolf from “Wait a minute”

Ideas for poems:

What, damn, I'm still awkward:
The mobile phone excavated!
I rode through the puddles - I gone -
And dropped right on the concrete:
I'm standing. Axiety is growing in the brains,
You need to run rather to the store !!!
After all, there is a SIM card - but there is nowhere to insert it:
And I begin to understand men!


Looking at the "rich" from the movie,
Suddenly wanted our mother as a gift
"Trifle", with a pedal: to press a leg,
And up to a hundred arrow instantly disperse!
I did not save on my spouse in my life,
I will give the last underpants for her!
And, a family, collecting all the money that is in the house,
We bought her ... floor scales.


When will the will at all,
When the nerves are already on the verge
You achieve a given goal,
Having reached the m/f plate.


A century rushed. And again,
As in that timeless year
The horse will stop for a gallop
The burning hut will enter.
She would like to live differently
Wear a precious outfit ...
But horses - everyone jumps and jump.
And the huts are burning and burning.


I found out that I have ...
There is a huge family:
Monitor, system unit ...
I'll stick the wiring on the network ...
Windows, the sky is blue ...
This is all mine, dear ...
You can’t live without an Internet ...
This is my homeland !!!


Night. The outside. Lanter under the eye
The obscure radiates the light.
And at home they are waiting-wife-zaraza
And .. her mother! .. There is no outcome.
Come - they will start again first,
And everything will be repeated as the way:
Again a scoop where it went,
A first -aid kit, iodine, second lantern ...


I do not need any sun or clouds,
I need you alone in this world.
I'll give you a wrench,
Twenty -two by twenty -four.


Do not come to me in a dream
You are all without clothes,
And come to me in reality
As long as another came.


I will drive a bike for a long time
And I will stop him at the doctor.
I will take off my pants and show the bouquet,
From a girl I love ...


Once I was young and not weak
I loved books, drink and women
Years have passed, I turned gray and wilted
Now I understand, not to the books ...

Where are you going? I'm going to the doctor.
And what are you carrying? Your urine.
Where are you going, an eccentric?
And I am to the doctor, I carry cognac.
Puzzle yourself,
To whom the doctor will help sooner.

I look on my back
I will go to my side again ...
Friends are not coming to me
Hang the poor man.


A woman has her own road
It has obstacles - and do not count!
We, women, do not need a lot,
Only clean up everything that is.


Wife returned from a business trip
He enters the house, undressed slowly.
The cabinet opens ... God, how awkward,
In the closet, two husbands of her husband are a drunk!


I drink banal beer on the balcony
I am carefully for women
Or is everything so beautiful
Or I am completely drunk.


The arrow of the Amur flew by.
Although the eye did not knock out (which is already tolerant).
And he could hurt, perforating the liver!
He flutters! There is nothing to throw ...


I went to this thought day by day.
But only now she suddenly realized
Around full of lovers of me.
And extremely few professionals!


The girl is coming to me
Sparkling hips.
A box of vodka carries me
Well done!

Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults

Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults
Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults

For these phantes, you will definitely need a leader who will read the words of the poems, and the one who extended the Fant will have to show the movements that he will hear. If desired, you can add your movements, the main thing is that it is fun.

Funny phantles for a fun company of adults:

The mouse quickly ran (running in place)
Mouse ponytail wagged (imitation of movement)
Oh, Yaichko dropped (bend down, "raise the testicle")
Look, broke ("show the testicle" on outstretched hands)


We walk together in the forest (steps in place)
And collect the leaflets (tilting forward)
To collect them everyone is glad
Just a wonderful leaf fall! (jumping in place)


We are funny cuties (swing to the sides)
Miracle dolls, non -naval (continue to sway)
We dance and sing (squat)
We live very cheerfully (jumping on the spot)


Here we planted the turnip (leaning over)
And it was watered with water (imitation of movement)
And now we’ll pull it (imitation of movement)
And from turnip weat (imitation of food)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip! (Show "Force")


To go by car, we need tires (imitation of movement)
In the gas tank, we pour gasoline (imitation of movement)
And go to the store ("travel" around the room)


We walk, we walk in the garden. (take a walk around the room)
Collect, collect flowers in the kindergarten (inclinations)
This is what a bouquet we have
There is no better world in the whole world! ("Show the bouquet")


Hares ran in the forest, (running on the spot)
We met a fox there (hang a “tail”)
Jump-jump, jump-skok, (place jumping)
We ran away under the kitchen. (sit down)


Here is a big pyramid (stretch up)
And a cheerful ball is sonorous (jumping on the spot)
Soft bear is clubfoot (steps in place)
Everyone lives in a large box (show a large square)
But when I go to bed (hands under the cheek, close my eyes)
They start to play (portray any movement)


We decided to harden, once - two - once - two! (squats, with hand stretching in front of you)
And pour water with water, once - two - once - two! (Raise your hands up, an imitation of dousing)
And then we are a towel, once - two - once - two!
Do not forget to grind, since - two - once - two! (imitation of rubbing with a towel)


Bright red ball, jumps like a bunny (jumping in place)
Rolled along the path (running on the spot)
I waited a little (stop)
I will include, I will take it (lean)
And throw it high (imitation of movement)


One, two, three, four, five,
We are starting to rest! (stretch)
The back was awake cheerfully,
The pens pulled up!
Two and two, sit down and get up,
To relax again
Bent once and two forward,
Take it off once and two ago. (movement of the poem)
So we became stronger, (show "power")
Hard more and more fun! (smile at each other)


We sweep the tracks (imitation of movements)
We collect leaves in heaps (imitate movement)
To walk, baby
Merring from the heart! (jumps in place)
Oh, tired ("wipe the sweat from the forehead")
We will relax (sit down)
And let's go home soon (steps in place)


Raises the doll of the hand
Up and down, up and down! (raise and give up)
And then she dances
Cover, circle! (turns around you)
After the dance to all the guys
Bow, bow! (tilting forward)


I walk along the path (steps in place)
And the grasshopper rides nearby (jumps on the spot)
I will include, I will take it in my hands (bend down "take a grasshopper")
He does not need to jump here (threaten with a finger)
Let him sit better in the grass (steps in place, hands "hold the grasshopper")
There everything will be in order with him (lean to “let the grasshopper”)


The butterfly flew, fluttered over the flower (hands do their hands)
Sat down, sat, and nectar ate (sit down)
She lowered her two large wings, lifted (lower and raise my hands)
It flew further so that the world was more beautiful (slow running)


The bear wanders through the forest, goes from oak to oak. (Go aiming at)
He finds honey in hollows and puts in his mouth. ("Get out" with your hand)
Licks the paw of a sweet -headed sweet, (imitation of movement
And the bees fly in, the bear drive away. ("Dismiss" from bees)
And the bees sting the bear: "Do not eat our honey, thief." (slightly pinch yourself by the nose and cheeks)
The forest car wanders to his den. (Go aiming at)
Lies, falls asleep and recalls the bees. (hands under the cheek, tilt your head)

Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults

Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults
Funny phants for a cheerful company of adults

“Tell the tongue twister” - entertainment should be carried out when the guests are already a little relaxed. Be sure to clarify that the words must be spoken, or read, very quickly, but at the same time, as clearly as possible.

Funny phantles for a cheerful company of adults:

Klava washes the face with “cloth”, and Clara - by household soap.
Klava recites declarations, and Clara dechlorifies crayfish.
Klava advertises crabs, and Clara shouts: "The guard!"
Klava decorates the apartment, and Clara is lodging in the closet.
Clara has handsome Karl, Klava has a nerd.


The deer ran, hit the stump,
The seal floated, crashed into a stump.
Wherever you take a look, there are only stumps around.


The water is over
Take four buckets.
Run to the stream
Each hand has two buckets.


Going to fish everywhere,
Take dishes for fish:
So that the rudd - to the bucket,
Tulka - in a saucepan,
Krasnoglazikov - in a basin,
Here is the ruff - it is in the bucket,
Rounds in glasses,
Sprat in a bottle.


The queen cavalier gave the caravel,
Cavalier on Caravel slipped away from the queen.
The queen did not forgive and hid the resentment,
From resentment, Korolev Parabellum charged.
Parabellum charged, two frigates equipped
And I found a gentleman in the Maldives at the Duchess.


The Duchess of Cavalier Georgins bred -
Queen Cavalier - in St. Georges - shot.
The queen was not so chaos,
The duchess is a matter, in general, it didn’t hurt either ...
And they live hitherto in the Maldives are very nice
And they bring dahlias to the grave ...


Barefoot, without boots, without bot,
The big hippo wandered with a swamp,
It was painful to roam the hippo,
Without boots with a vast swamp.


Snow slid from medium rocks
The trace of the filming coincided.


Sashka made her salays
With the Snow Maiden, with a fairy tale.


The neighbors gathered from below
Sawed the blue bullfinch today.


Nightingale whistled from sleep
The pine has moved completely.


The seven will guard a hundred
Runned the family ferocious cattle.


Played a violin with a bow
Laughed a strongly sleepy catfish.


I will compose poetry spontaneously
Senorita looks strange.


Reported the summary -
Pig gobbled up herring.


Walked Sasha Sashin along the highway,
And like in one tongue twister
Sucked something there on "s (e)"
But the word was erased from the subcortex:
"Curriculus?" Herring? Cervelat?
Sulguni cheese? Sandwich with Soya?
Sausage? Mackerel? Salad?
Salnoye sausel with a semi?
Steak? Salo? Beetroot sauce?
Salami? Cream with sour cream? "
So Sasha was walking along the highway,
In the mouth of Katay, the ball is strange.
Then he turned to the kiosk,
To this, with a mirror, a kiosk,
And he matued - "Here is G ... Don!"
In the mouth, seeing a nipple!


Clare Karl bought a clarinet,
Cream, cognac, coral,
Colt, necklace, fucked sweets,
Cat, ketonal,
To the cat, by the way, Claritin,
A pile of stolen paintings,
A bunch of red sneakers,
Corgi, cactus, cue, pendant,
Cocoa bush, cardamom,
Kilogram of rings.
A large horse bit, squinting
Carlovy Kadyk,
Cumshow Karl to wrap like a prince -
Grought, frame! Kirdyk!


Grandfather Danila shared the melon -
Dolka Dima, a slice of Dean.


Rain, rain, do not wait,
Do not wait, wait!
Come out, go out, the sun,
Golden bottom!


Pigeon in a blue proud
Blueberry ate on a branch.


Once-Rosinka Businka,
And again - bead,
The beads flashed
On the blades-oziki.


The otter jumped out of the bucket,
I spilled water from a bucket.
She jumped out,
She threw out her thunder,
And jump back and fall
I could not!


In the back of the snakes, they started the instruments,
The voiced sounds over the Woodpiece were soared.


We walked forty mice, found forty pennies,
And two mice found two pennies.


Goodwin from the country Oz
He introduced me to anbiosis.


In the garden of Thekla Akhal and Ohala,
The beets were not ugly on the bed - about.
I feel sorry for Fekle beets, I feel sorry for Fecla beetle,
Fekla complained: - The beets got lost!


Black night black cat
He jumped into a black chimney.
In the chimney blackness
You will not find a cat there.


A piece of the pie is just not given
And stole furtively in the lordly mansions.


The worm on the stroke of the trotted
Blinking blueberry knot with wormhole.
In the evening the worm is preoccupied
An hour scratched his barrel on the sidelines.


Five guys again
Found five honey mushrooms at the hemp.
Now five guys
Twenty -five mushrooms.


Leather reins
In the clamp.


Hat and fur coat -
That's the whole Mishutka.


Winter morning from frost
Birches ring at the dawn.


Tiny cats ate cakes.
Tiny cats love cakes.
The cats of the cats crushed cakes.
Kits from cakes filled the tummies.


Early in Ryazan, rhubarb was torn off.
Rhusena is immature in Ryazan gathered.


Our sail is sewn in conscience.
The storm will not frighten us.


I did not look out the window - there was one Antoshka.
I looked out the window - there is the second Antoshka!
What kind of window, where did Antoshka look?


What the benefit in this Dasha,
You can't even understand right away.
You can’t cook porridge from it,
You can't even sew a cap.
And try without Dasha.
If you don't die right away,
There will be such a thing!
You will not find sense in the saying.
Excess plush bears.


Smoking ox from the poles of the cart
Take a viscous one along the road.


On the pole - the palace
In the palace - a singer.


Clava onion on the shelf,
I clicked to me Nikolka.


A couple of drums,
I beat a storm.
A couple of drums,
I beat the battle.


All forty forty times
Repeated her story.
Like a nest in the forest
Like an egg in the nest demolished.


Topol stomped along the road.
Topol stomped to Sevastopol,
Well, Seva stomped nearby.
Topol on the right, Seva on the left.
Where is Seva with Topol?
Already under Sevastopol.


Based on work,
The employee is working out the developments,
Earnings earns from work,
And workshops - from processing.


Pop on the shock is worth
Cap on the priest,
Coplet under the priest,
Pop under the cap.


Pashka has a pocket
Buckets and pieces of paper.


Either Borya acquired a roll toly for felts,
Either Tolya acquired Rolon Tolya for Bory.


Lilya Julite Yula,
Yula can no longer bore.


Three magpies-tales,
Taratori on the hill
Taratoriy on the hill:
Where to steal tomatoes?


There was a bald Leshka with a spoon,
Lesha Lisiy rustle listened to Lesha,
But Leshka Lysy heard
Only fan tan noise,
Loying in the meadow losing a spoon.
Frightened Lisyut Leshka.


Somewhere near Delhi
They divided me into the hook.
Then - under the agra
I was sick with gout ...


What are you taking, car?
All that is on the letter "A".
Here are watermelons, oranges,
Apricots and Aiva!
The cow was prompted to go to work.
Working, the cow turned into a robot.
The robot-Korov was kicked out of work.
Robots should not work at work.


Zil Green dad was angry,
Zil did not start well.


To all comrades of workers
Schemings, brushers and other things.


If "if" before "after",
So “after” after “if”.
If "if" after "after",
So “after” before “if”.


Stesha was in a hurry
She sewed the shirt
Yes, hurried -
The sleeve did not make it.


Four Petra
At four in the morning
In four buckets
They put four nuclei.

Alcoholic phants for a cheerful company of adults

Alcoholic phants for a cheerful company of adults
Alcoholic phants for a cheerful company of adults

Alcoholic phantles for a cheerful company of adults:

(Guests take turns pulling out cards and complete the tasks written on them.)

1. I hug a neighbor on the right,
I drink a glass in one gulp.

2. I will slap my neighbor slightly
And overturning Stopar.

3. I will take a hundred from a neighbor,
With joy, I will drink vodka.

4. We grunt a couple of times with a neighbor,
Well, let's drink in reserve!

5. A neighbor on the left I will kiss
And I will crush the glass of vodka!

6. To neighbors I will show the language
And overturning the glass instantly.

7. The choir with a neighbor will create
And for the song - one hundred grams.

8. I will bite my neighbor for my ear
And I’ll buy a glass of vodka.

9. A neighbor with a compliment I will gif
And I will drink a glass of vodka on the fly.

10. With a neighbor, the pose of the "swallows" will show
And the glass of vodka boldly smile.

11. We will dance a gypsy with a neighbor on the left,
And one hundred grams for such a thing.

12. I will not wait for anyone -
I’ll drink it myself so as not to wean.

Original phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Original phantas for a cheerful company of adults
Original phantas for a cheerful company of adults

Fands for a cuckold with a hat.
Everything is in a circle and to the music we pass on the hat, at whom the music stopped - to the center and guesses the song. To do this, each guest pulls a piece of paper with the text, and calls the name of the song.

Original phantles for a fun company of adults:

Ideas for song texts:

DDT - what is autumn
What is autumn? This is the sky.
The crying sky underfoot.
Birds with clouds fly apart in puddles
I have not been to you for a long time.

Gas sector - homeless
I dig in the trash like a worm.
Since childhood, my life is awake.
The sewer hatch is my door,
But I am happy in my own way, believe me.

Disco accident - New Year rushes to us
New Year is rushing to us, everything will happen soon,
It will come true that he dreams
That they will deceive us again, they will not give anything,
It’s not long to wait long, there will be a Christmas tree soon ...

Grigory Leps - a glass of vodka on the table
The night of the streets went a star marry ...
Words and numbers of simplicity at the heavenly bridge.
The bird's feathers scattered.
The holiday of the lips, resentment will not be forgotten by anyone ....

Thieves - hop of garbage
Why are you driving garbage shnagu not on business?
Why are you soaring me about bunks and a convoy?
Why are you like you, I'm not a product,
And scare, bastard, granny Kolyma?
Earthlings - grass at the house
Earth in the porthole
Earth in the porthole
Earth in the porthole is visible
How a son is sad about his mother as a son is sad about ....

Mikhail Boyarsky - green -eyed taxi
So it remains
Just relieve fatigue
And this evening
Heals my soul
Gas sector - demobilization
A fast train rushes to the house.
I will fly home like a bird
I'll fly like a bird!
Life will begin without howls ...

Oleg Gazmanov - forward Russia
So it has been in Russia since distant times
The higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete
And if the danger is threatened
The homeland becomes like a monolith ....

Gas sector - 30 years
The sun illuminated the gopizont.
Morning my sweet dream overshadowed
I got it, I was stuck!
Squeezed the years yp.
Alexander Rosenbaum-Wals-Boston
On a carpet made of yellow leaves in a dress ……
From the crepeishi given by the wind
Dancing in the gateway autumn Vals-Boston
A warm day flew off and sang a saxophone hoarsely ...

DDT - whistled
Whistled and fell on the table,
She ate a little, but rolled down the ash.
The dead songs, yes - I have nothing to lose.
The world is so crowded-give, brother, you .......
God's cow - granite pebble
This evening is waiting for you again
He stole love with you and me
Don't go to a meeting to him, don't go
He has a granite pebble in his chest ...

Chizh & Co - Fantom
I run on scorched land,
Hermoshl slamming on the go.
My "phantom" with a white arrow,
Ha a flattened wing
Freestyle - Oh, what a woman
In the noisy room of the restaurant
Fuck fun and deception
The pistan of the contaminent poet
Near the table, one ...

Lube is a horse
I will go out at night in the field with the horse,
We’ll go quietly with a dark night.
We will go with the horse
Be across the field together ....

Leningrad - Road
I will buy myself a snake, or a turtle,
And I do not like you - go ... go .......
Dry Nah **! Dry Nah **!
Dry Nah **! Forever and ever!

Eduard Hil - at the forest on the edge
Winter in the hut lived at the forest in the forest.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She twisted the yarn, she wove the canvases
Forged ice and over the rivers bridges.

Hands up - Alyosha
You love Alyoshka more than me,
You are sighing about Aleshka in vain
About Alyoshka, all your dreams
Only you forgot about Seryoga.

Eduard Hil - coward does not play hockey
Rings in the ears of dashing music music
More precisely, give it to the club pass stronger hit
And everything is in order if only on the site
The magnificent five and goalkeeper ...

Alla Pugacheva - you are in the world
You, now I know, you are in the world,
And every minute,
I breathe you, I live you
And in a dream, and in reality.

Blue bird - maple
Where the maple is SHIMIT above the tickle wave
We said about love with you
That maple is opened, in the field it will bite the haze
And love, like a dream, got so ...

King and the Jester - a fool and lightning
Thunder rumbles,
The lightning sparkles in the night
And on the hill there is a madman and shouts:
“Now I will catch you in a bag ...

Alla Pugacheva - Harlequino
On sharp needles of bright fire
I'm running, running - there is no end to the roads.
The huge world is closed to me
In the arenas, a circle and a mask without a face.

Nadezhda Kadyshev - white snow
White snow, white snow
The night is a snowstorm that stitched,
On which, by which ...

Grigory Leps is the best day
Three hundred thousand hours behind the back,
Three hundred thousand planets need me,
Is the creator tired of circling them in the sky
Each time waking up with dawn ...

Aria - Take my heart
Blind night fell at the feet
And does not let him on the threshold.
I wander around the house like in a dream
But I have no rest anywhere.


Philip Kirkorov - Snow
Why is snow so much, leaves your traces
And in a circle why run and run from me you
Does not give sleep until the morning, the snow melted - it ... ...
You just have one should know - I love you ... ...

Fands in verses to entertain adults

Fands in verses for a cheerful company of adults
Fands in verses to entertain adults

The essence of this imagination is very simple - rhymes are written on leaves, fold in a box or bag, and then each guest takes out a piece of paper and reads a verse with a Caucasian or Japanese accent, believe me will be fun.

Fands in verses to entertain adults:

Everywhere the healthy residents sound
Under the splash of wine and ringing glasses
In hot pathos speeches
The vapors of alcohols float over the hall.


The girl's flock is surrounded
The guy with a sweaty torso is whimpering,
And men were given from wives
They dance with them carefree.


Jackets hang on the backs,
The cooled people miss dishes
And from the approval of the toastmaster
Wine vessels are empty.


The menthol smokes the corridor,
Cooling the burning of the body.
Already at these - "bust",
And he - with difficulty thinking.


And gradually from people
Wine washes all human
And turns into pigs
All this herd is Shutovskoye.


The vodka drank wine
Bite with a wobble beer,
And like in a scum movie
Intimacy created a team!


The head of the accountant squeezed
And the supervisor director
A computer laid in the bushes called
Once a fashionable actress!


Chief accountant like a furious dragon
He fell on the secretary,
Her glamorous silicone
A minute later I smoked!


The plumber convinced for a long time
From the Finnish Department of the Queen,
Forget credit capital
And quickly get down to business!


And the general is young
Cleaner pensioner,
He taught his head to work
And he sang a romance about the pioneer!


The member of the Council itself
I did not come off the people
I went to the cows in the garden
And the business plan gave them proudly!


His assistant mischievous
I ran up the local chick quickly,
And under a mountain with thick grass
They portrayed three tankers!


About Gangbang The series
It seemed to the matinee for children,
Severe forest like a beast moaned
As the branches crackled on the stake!


And sobering up from the heart
Sleep fell over the team,
Who is under the table, some in reeds,
Some in the toilet, some in nettles!


Did not remember the forest of such miracles
He froze out of fear and cried
They themselves sober up
Forgot who was moving to whom!


Friends forgot about everything
They rushed home at dawn
Wives and husbands will remind
In the morning everything was the Internet.


Team spirit,
Working is the way,
Economic happiness -
It later.
Now be glad
Funny, grooved


And try to light.
For decency.
Everybody knows -
The organizers are dashing
They tried for us.


And maybe even
This will happen -
You will really become
Have fun.
There is so much
Young guys,
Who is the corporation


And fatigue will pass
Office, extinguished persons.
It will take away from work
Living corporate party
To the world where
Show with a disco
Under the night
Summer breathing
But I see
Only a shadow
And the heat of your eyelashes.


It was not
Probably not
Dreams sometimes
They circle our head
Like heaven.
And the last moment
We do not make promises
Only lips
Your touch
And the heat of eyelashes.


It was not
You know,
It was not
This moment will pass
And night
With a sweet fie.
We are in our own
Strange world
Let's get back
And, of course, it will break
Our bright love
With dawn windy


The singer of the capital was invited,
I will not give a surname,
But his voice will say excellent,
As a nightingale sings, a mother is a nuclear.


Well, in general, the voice of golden Russia,
He sang to us that evening gently about love,
And we sat at the tables, drank vodka,
After all, the money of Gazprom is not his own.


And for free, he is sweet vinegar,
Well, in general, we got drunk a little.
Corporate party I give you a short report:
We just grinded that evening.


And it began, here are the Gener dancing,
The accountant danced on the table,
Our secretary joined these dances
And both ladies were in the Niglage.


Our director was generally deceased,
He pawed the lawyer of the chest at all,
And the deputy, well, had drunk before
I walked Ikaya, causing laughter.


And two males did not share the lady,
Well, let's pound each other.
And recalling someone's mother,
Everyone tried to win in the battle.


And chairs and plates were used,
Forks and knives rang around,
They flew like a squirrel with an arrow,
Tearing clothes, they were like homeless people.


The noeh result of both arranged them
And then continuing to relax,
The fighters decided: their object of love is not worth it,
They began to pour vodka to each other.


And the noisy fun continued,
The striptease was with karaoke on the table,
And in the morning everyone had such a muni:
"Wasn't I dreamed of this holiday to me?"


Well, in general, we walked for fame,
The corporate party was adequately conducted,
Gazprom has completed a cultural program,
In full, all the employees lit.


And so that our dreams can come true,
Our corporate spirit did not fade away,
We will get together every month,
After all, a friendly team, our friends!


Corporate party, corporate
Our team recently conducted
The corporate party was just a class
Now the whole city is talking about us.


You were just shocked yesterday,
In the bar, a drunken dancing striptease.
And today are extremely sausages,
The voice is quiet, and the eyes look down.

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