How to achieve your goals in the new year: how are they not afraid of failures and take responsibility for their lives?

How to achieve your goals in the new year: how are they not afraid of failures and take responsibility for their lives?

If you do not know how to achieve goals in the new year, then read the article. It has a lot of tips and useful recommendations.

To achieve success, you need opportunities. But it happens that everything is to achieve the goals, but there is no motivation. But it is important to want this. How to motivate yourself to lose weight, study or train. This article will help you show persistence even in the most difficult solutions.

Read on our website an article on how to plan a family budget in advance. You will learn about ways to save.

How to achieve your goals in the new year? Look below good tips and methods of motivation. Read further.

Ability to achieve goals: changes begin in the brain

The ability to achieve goals
The ability to achieve goals

« At first we create our habits, and then they create us"Said the famous creator of many philosophical projects in the United States Charles K. Nawble. Our life consists of habits. Therefore, changes always begin in our brain. It is to him that we must be grateful for the ability to achieve goals.

  • Habits are based on the nervous system of the brain.
  • If we repeat the action often, it over time switches to the autopilot mode, which means that large attention resources are not required to perform it.
  • This is the adaptive function of our brain. And here you need to be careful, because we not only develop healthy and healthy habits - so psychologists say.

To understand the mechanism of human actions, you need to see what is behind this, which is our most important organ in our body. What is the brain and what does it do?

  • It is he who determines everything that you think about what you feel, speak and do.
  • Due to the fact that our brain often includes an autopilot, the actions that we take every day is a familiar set of activities.

This means that almost half of what we do every day is done reflexively, mechanically and often independently of us. So people create habits. Read more more.

Good habits help to achieve high goals

A habit is a kind of path, beaten in the brain that a person forms, repeating and duplicating certain behavior and actions until they become automatic. And this is the essence of the problem. Many bad habits arise due to the fact that we do not attach importance to the simple and seemingly innocent actions that we take. So we lay the ways between the neurons that we walk every day. When the brain enters the new daily routine, it will begin to expect a reward that you will receive at the expense of the released endorphins. You decide whether it will be hormones of joy after training or another chocolate tile.

Why is this happening?

  • Imagine that you need to analyze every day and think about the simplest matters.
  • What to do when someone says "good morning"? Or how to turn on the TV? Creating actions templates, the brain makes it possible to systematize knowledge without re -training.
  • If not for habits, we would quickly die under the influence of so many information. And everything would be fine if he could still distinguish good habits from bad ones and perpetuate only the first.

And so we approached the matter - it is important to “turn on the head” in order to take care of the quality of everyday affairs and go our own way. Good habits help to achieve high goals.

« I'm already like that" or " Which is" - you think about yourself. This is a mistake, here are the facts:

  • You are born with a phenomenal body weighing one and a half kilograms containing 100 billion cells, processing 100 million bits of information per hour, the possibilities and complexity of which are so great that they are difficult to even imagine.
  • When you think that you have limited opportunities, your brain can actually work out an infinite number of these capabilities.

You just do not know how to use your precious organ. You need an instruction manual. Read further.

How to achieve their goals in life in the new year: change of habits

We achieve the goals in life in the new year
We achieve the goals in life in the new year

This is a difficult problem, because habits are related to the remuneration system, so it is so difficult to change them. This is a difficult but possible process. How to achieve your goals in life in the New Year?

There are several aspects that will help in this, for example, circumstances. So, think about these factors in which you want to change, for example:

  • "I'm tired?"
  • "Something is happening in my life now?"
  • "Am I under pressure?" etc.

If you are tired, then it will not be the best time, because training has a very difficult effect on the cognitive system. This requires the transfer of automated activities to the regime of conscious work on the following steps. Therefore, you need to choose a favorable and fairly predictable time and circumstances. So psychologists advise.

How to achieve an effect: take responsibility for your life

Studies have shown that the first step towards transforming a person’s life is the most important thing - setting a goal. You cannot achieve landmarks that you do not see. You cannot achieve great success in life if you don’t know exactly what you want to achieve. It is necessary to accurately determine your goal and visualize it. This is the only way to achieve it effectively. Take responsibility for your life. Adviсe:

  • Imagine yourself in a year and carefully look from the side.
  • How do you look like and how do you feel? This vision of the future is a powerful engine that will help to go forward.
  • To correctly determine and analyze its implementation, you can use the Smart principle.
  • This means that our goal should be clearly set and defined.

Carefully analyze the resources in the form:

  • Money
  • Of people
  • Time
  • Skills
  • Knowledge, etc.

Research conducted in Harvard in 1979 Among the last -year students, it showed that those who had a written plan with their goals were in 10 times More successful than those who had plans, but all life tasks and guidelines are not recorded.

Video: a method for achieving the goal in 12 stages. Brian Tracy

How to achieve goals correctly: mobilize yourself

« Success is never a big step into the future. Right now you are taking a lot of little steps" - this is claimed by Jonathan Mortenson - a famous writer. How to achieve goals correctly? Mobilize yourself.

  • Ask yourself: "" What am I losing with my habits?". The answer will redirect internal motivation with " must" on " want».
  • Since habits are closely related to the remuneration system, we must reward ourselves, for example, because we control our behavior. Such a reward can be, for example, a pleasant thought of yourself.
  • A good idea is to break the change into smaller stages.

Then you will overcome the barrier one after another, small steps. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid disappointment about a long goal and make great changes in life.

You have a plan: it will help to achieve the goal faster

The plan will help to achieve the goal faster
The plan will help to achieve the goal faster

Break the target into the stages certain in time. The plan will help to achieve the goal faster. For example, you are going to start running regularly:

  • In the first week, let it be 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • In the next - 4 times 15 minutes.
  • Further 4 times 20 minutes etc.

Important: Do not introduce too strict rules because our brain will rebel, and you will give up again.

If you have a habit of eating a donut or chocolate every day, do not immediately limit yourself. All you need to do is eat half the tile of chocolate in one day and half the next day. In the following days you will eat a quarter plus an apple. Do so until completely replace chocolate and other sweets. Take small steps and you will soon see that you have traveled a long way.

This approach is close to philosophy of Kaizen, initiated by the Japanese method of small steps, which literally means " change for the better". The meaning of this philosophy is to focus on small, but regular progress, which leads to much better and constant results. Such effectiveness is also a consequence of the fact that a person violates the comfort zone not as much as in the case of quick and sudden changes.

A person who achieves his goal is not afraid of failures

Of course, we are just people. We have failures and crises. Moments of doubt and disappointment. A person is not used to making excuses and looking for guilty in order to get rid of remorse, or, conversely, for great repentance. So, what is next? Adviсe:

  • Show your willpower to something, for example, training.
  • One psychological approach considers the willpower as a muscle.
  • Like any other muscle, it gradually relaxes when it is not used, and over time it becomes stiff and atrophied.
  • If you do not show willpower, it ceases to be flexible.
  • For example, when you work at a computer and at the same time check your email every 5 minutes, configure yourself to do this only in one hour.
  • Light the cigarette that you just pulled out - after 15 minutes.

Control will give you strength. Over time, you will act for yourself, not for your habits.

Analysis of obstacles on the way: will help the ability to achieve the goal

Introduce anti -crisis management into your life. This is a kind of preventive preparation for the crisis. Spend some time for an analysis of possible obstacles to the path, and then think about what you can do with them. This will help the ability to achieve the goal. Eg:

  • When you start running, the weather can be an obstacle. Develop two or three emergency plans for each situation, for example, for home training. Write them down and check whenever such obstacles arise.
  • Do not subject yourself to unnecessary stimuli. After you decide to throw away sweets, do not store them at home. Find simple recipes for a cake or dessert of PP, which can be prepared quickly.
  • Create your own rules. For example, deviations from the norm in the event of a crisis - tiles of chocolate on difficult days, two glasses of wine after a tense week at work or a day off after training, when you just do not want to run or engage in other sport.

Let me appear in your life bad days and weaknesses. Everyone has them. It is important that this is only a small deviation, not the norm. Even if it suddenly happens that you completely “lose”, remember that this is just one battle, and not a lost war.

Advice: The next day, get up with new strength and continue your plan.

Instead of blaming yourself, analyze the source of failures and learn from it. Because regardless of how many times you are falling, the main thing is how many times you get up.

Freedom of choice will help the desire to achieve the goal

Freedom of choice will help the desire to achieve the goal
Freedom of choice will help the desire to achieve the goal

Everyone has freedom of choice - a person can go wherever he wants and can change his life for the better when he wants. So why almost 80 percent It prefers people to do not understand what, what to live for yourself? Why are people with overweight and poor physical health more than healthy ones? Why did depression become a scourge of our time? So why, being reasonable creatures, we accept such a negative attitude towards ourselves and choose such a life? Only freedom of choice will help the desire to achieve the goal.

Live for yourself: the best way to achieve a goal

Live this year for yourself. Write the script of your life. Carefully plan how it should look. Take everything under control, otherwise you will be just a sad puppet.

  • Also remember that this is not necessary.

This is your choice, so the next time you tell yourself that you need to go to training or you cannot eat another cookies, think about it.

  • Should, or want?

You want this because it will bring you closer to your goal? You want, because that’s how you planned it? Because after training you will feel good - health will improve, the weight will begin to decline.

  • You will be satisfied with the fact that it was today that overcame your weaknesses.

Focus on the steps that you do right now, on the tasks that you planned for today, and not for the entire remote goal. Do not think how much work and strength you have. Think about how much you did and enjoy every little success.

  • Become stronger with each subsequent victory.

You begin to create a person you want to be. Take yourself and treat your mistakes as an impulse.

Advice: Even if there is a personal crisis, and there is a high probability that it will come again, and you will again fail in your path, during the next pair of days, go up in the morning and with a vengeance, act according to plan.

Remember that only you are responsible for your life. Make it better - this year is yours, and this time you will achieve everything you just want! Good luck!

What are you setting goals in the new year? Write in a comment.

Video: How to make plans for the New Year correctly? How to achieve all your goals in 2021?

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