Prevention of influenza, SARS and colds in adults and children: memo. Medicines, antiviral drugs and folk remedies for the prevention of influenza and SARS to adults and children

Prevention of influenza, SARS and colds in adults and children: memo. Medicines, antiviral drugs and folk remedies for the prevention of influenza and SARS to adults and children

Timely competent prevention of colds and viral diseases can reliably protect the body during seasonal epidemics.

Influenza and SARS-seasonal infectious diseases transmitted from an infected person to a healthy airborne route. The active attack of viruses that have penetrated the human body begins after the start of their reproduction on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchi.

To prevent infection and maximize the course of any infectious viral disease in case of its occurrence, it is enough to observe several simple but effective rules.

Influenza and SARS - seasonal viral illuminations
Influenza and SARS - seasonal viral diseases

Necessary measures for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and colds: memo

The most important and reliable method of prevention of influenza and SARS is the avoidance of infection. This means that during the period of epidemics it is best to refrain from visiting crowded places.

Important: the source of SARS and influenza is a sick person. The fewer contacts with people will occur, the lower the risk of infected with a viral disease.

However, no one manages to close at home and not visit public places at all. Even a five -minute trip in public transport or visiting a store can cause infection.

Therefore, in order to maximize the risks, you need to try to increase the body's resistance to the action of viruses and reduce their concentration in the premises. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • frequent ventilation of rooms
  • regular processing of general use of a disinfectant solution
  • thoroughly washing hands
  • regular wet cleaning "For conscience"
  • air moisturizing in the rooms using a special moisturizer
  • using wet disinfectants
  • plucking the nose with salt solution
  • walks in the fresh air in any weather
  • a healthy lifestyle (sufficient nutrition, sleep at least 8 hours a day, motor activity, hardening)
  • clothing for the weather, excluding sweating
  • timely vaccination, creating specific immunity, when it comes to the prevention of influenza
  • taking antiviral drugs and immunity stimulants if necessary

Important: viruses can maintain activity and vital activity for a long time in a dry impenetrable room. At the same time, they instantly die in fresh wet air.

Influenza prevention, memo
Influenza prevention, memo

Medicines, antiviral drugs and drugs for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and colds for adults: how and when to take?

For the prevention of colds and viral diseases, an adult is sometimes not enough to observe the rules of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Weakened immunity may need more reliable support, the role of which is drug antiviral drugs.

It is best if the drug prescribes a doctor on the basis of test results and data on the patient's health status. Often for the prevention of SARS, one or more drugs from the list are used:

  • Immunal
  • Riboxin
  • Broncho-vax
  • Ribomunil
  • Imodon

All these funds have delayed action And accepted by courses. This means that it is necessary to begin prevention a few months before the alleged epidemic.

Antiviral drugs for the prevention of SARS and influenza
Antiviral drugs for the prevention of SARS and influenza

You should know: Influenza and SARS are different diseases, despite the fact that they have the same nature and general transmission paths. SARS is characterized by a smooth start, an increase in body temperature is insignificant (up to 39 ° C), nasal congestion and discharge from it is likely discomfort and sore throat, moderate cough from the first day of the disease. The flu begins sharply, manifests itself with a chills, with an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C and higher and its preservation for the first 3-4 days. At the same time, a runny nose is absent or insignificant, there is no sneezing, a strong cough appears on the second or third day. From the very beginning of the disease, a person feels a kind of “ache” in the joints and headache, weakness, he is haunted by a feeling of sand in his eyes.

If it is permissible for the prevention of SARS independently, then drugs that have serious side effects are used to prevent influenza, and their uncontrolled intake can cause harm to health.

Therefore, such medicines as rimantadine, Sarvore, Arbidol, Tamiflu, Ribavirin, Acyclovir, Ozeltamivir It can be applied in order to prevent influenza, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Important: the flu is harder than SARS. The occurrence of influenza complications in children and adults is most likely, even if proper and timely treatment.

Tamiflu - a means for the treatment and prevention of influenza
Tamiflu - a means for the treatment and prevention of influenza

Medicines, antiviral drugs and drugs for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and colds for children: how and when to take?

Children are at risk of infection with SARS and influenza are much larger than adults. Visiting gardens, schools, circles and sections in combination with most children inherent in the habit of not washing hands in time can cause viruses to get into the mucous membranes of the child.

If parents take care of the safety of their child in advance and a few months before the alleged epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza begin the course of antiviral drugs of a delayed action ( Broncho-vax, ribomunil, immune) according to the scheme proposed by the doctor, and will be vaccinated against influenza, in the midst of the epidemic, the child will be visible.

If no prevention measures have been taken before, and the child is forced to attend children's institutions during the epidemic, for prevention, you can use interferon drugs, for example children Anaferon - 1 tablets every morning half an hour before meals.

It is also permissible for prevention to use homeopathy, for example Influucide - 3 tablets a day half an hour before meals.

It is also necessary to regularly moisturize the mucous membrane of the child’s nose with saline solutions. For these purposes, it is suitable as a budget physical. The solution, and expensive sprays in comfortable spray cans equipped with special nozzles.

Broncho -Vax - a drug for the prevention of viral diseases
Broncho-vax-a drug for the prevention of viral diseases

Video: Prevention of SARS and influenza. 5 ways to protect a child from SARS in the fall

What drugs to drink at the first symptoms of influenza or SARS for the prevention of disease to adults and children?

Before taking any drugs in the first manifestation of ill health, you should immediately try to determine the cause of the disease. If this is an ordinary cold or SARS with a slight increase in temperature, runny nose and cough, then you can do without pharmacy.

Quickly overcome such a disease will help abundant warm drink, ventilation of the room and moisturizing the nasal mucosa with salt solutions. If the patient’s body temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C. paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Abundant drinking is necessary at the first signs of a cold
Abundant drinking is necessary at the first signs of a cold

In cases where you need to “get to your feet” as soon as possible, the use of antiviral agents, such as:

  • Oseltamivir
  • Zanamivir
  • Rimantadine
  • Ribavirin
  • Amiksin
  • Kagocel
  • Amizon
  • Arbidol
  • Groninosine
  • Cycloferon

You can read more about antiviral drugs for children of different ages in the article Effective antiviral drugs for children. What are the antiviral agents for children up to a year?

Important: at the first manifestations of SARS or influenza, symptomatic treatment is also performed. If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, any vasoconstrictor drops or sprays (2-3 times a day, no more than 5 days are used to eliminate these symptoms. Wet cough can be eliminated using mucolytics ( Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan), and sprays will help from minor pain in the throat ( Orasept, Tantum Verde, Ingalipt), as well as Lugol or chlorophyllipt.

Chlorophyllipt will relieve sore throat with colds or flu
Chlorophyllipt will relieve sore throat with colds or flu

What ointment or nose spray is used to prevent influenza during epidemic to adults and children?

Effective prevention of influenza is the use of ointments, sprays and drops in the nose. Viruses, falling on the mucous membrane of the nose, are faced with powerful protection in the form of active substances of nasal drugs, and immediately die, or strongly weaken.

One of the largest groups of drugs for use on the nasal mucosa for the prevention of influenza and SARS - interferons. Sprays, drops and ointments based on interferon have an antiviral and immunomotive effect.

Important: when using nasal drugs, interferon does not penetrate the blood, but fights the viruses locally. That is why the treatment of the nasal mucosa by antiviral agents is the best prevention of seasonal infectious diseases.

The most common nasal drugs of interferon:

  • Viferon ointment and gel
  • Interferon
  • Hypferon
  • Genferon
  • Laferabion
  • Nazoferon
  • Laferon

Children from birth and pregnant women are prescribed nasopheron 1 drop in each nostril every other day (2 - 4 weeks).

The use of a nasal spray for influenza prevention
The use of a nasal spray for influenza prevention

Also, ointment is used to prevent viral infections in children and adults oxolin 0.25%. Masi is abundantly lubricate the nasal mucosa three times a day. She acts locally, only on viruses that did not have time to penetrate the blood.

To increase the resistance of immunity to the action of viruses, fungi and bacteria and the prevention of seasonal diseases, drops can be used Derinate 0.25%. This immunomodulator accelerates the synthesis of interferons and enhances the activity of lymphocytes.

Important: unlike interferons, the derinat is absorbed into the blood, distributed through the lymphatic system.

The prophylactic dose of derinate for an adult-1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day during the entire autumn-winter period. For children, the doctor is determined by the doctor based on the age, weight and state of health of the child.

The best effective tool for adults and children for the prevention of influenza, colds and SARS

Those who are looking for the best means for the prevention of influenza, colds and SARS will be disappointed by learning that there is no universal drug. The body of each person is individual, respectively, the same prophylactic can become for someone a “lifesaver”, and for someone to be absolutely useless.

To strengthen the body's defenses, both an adult and a child, you can apply interferon -based drug. Drops in the nose, candles, tablets or inhalations with interferon are especially effective in the first day of the disease and to prevent the disease.

Viferon for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS
Viferon for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS

Prevention of influenza and SARS folk remedies for adults and children

Recipes for traditional medicine can be useful in the struggle for health in the cold season and influenza. Available natural ingredients in a certain combination can reliably protect adults and children from colds and viral diseases.

Recipe No. 1: Spiritout with honey.

  • rosehip berries (5 tbsp)
  • water (1 liter)
  • honey (2 tbsp)


  1. Dry dry rosehip berries
  2. Place the berries in the pan and pour them with cold water
  3. Put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil
  4. Boil 10 - 12 minutes over low heat
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, wrap it up and leave for 8 to 10 hours
  6. Strain through gauze or sieve
  7. Drink the drink during the day, every 3 - 4 hours, 1 cup, adding honey to taste

Recipe No. 2: a drink with rosehip fruits, raspberries and blackcurrant leaves.


  • Rosehip berries (1 tbsp)
  • Crushed raspberry leaves (1 tbsp)
  • Crushed blackcurrant leaves (1 tbsp)
  • Water (1.5 tbsp.)
  • Sugar to taste


  1. Place the leaves and berries in the pan and pour water
  2. Put a pan on the fire
  3. Bring to a boil, boil 10 minutes over low heat
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, leave until it cools completely
  5. Strain
  6. Add sugar
  7. Drink half a glass twice a day
Rosehip drink for the prevention of colds
Rosehip drink for the prevention of colds

Recipe No. 3: Lipov’s drink with viburnum fruits and raspberry berries.


  • Linden color (1 tbsp)
  • Raspberry berries (1 tbsp)
  • Kalina fruits (1 tbsp)
  • Water (2 tbsp.)
  • Natural honey or sugar to taste


  1. Place the ingredients in the pan and pour boiling water
  2. Put on low heat for 10 - 12 minutes
  3. Cool under the lid
  4. Strain
  5. Add sugar or honey to taste
  6. Take 0.5 cups twice a day

Recipe No. 4: Ginger tea with honey and lemon


  • Ginger root
  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Boiling water


  1. Grind ginger root, place it in a cup
  2. Pour boiling water
  3. Add lemon and honey to taste
  4. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day
Ginger tea for the prevention of SARS and influenza
Ginger tea for the prevention of SARS and influenza

Important: in addition to vitamin drinks for the prevention of viral diseases, peeled onions and garlic are used. They can be laid out in a living room or in the workplace and eaten.

Vitamins for the prevention of influenza and colds to adults and children

The vitamin balance in the body is very important for any circumstances, but especially during seasonal colds. It is by the middle of winter that vitamins in the body are minimal, and immunity is reduced.

Important: vitamins enhance immunity, accelerate the regeneration of cells damaged by viruses, have an antiviral property.

All groups of vitamins are important for the prevention of influenza and colds:

  • "FROM" - an immunomodulator, suppressing the reproduction of viruses. Preventive dose for adults100 - 150 mg per day. Contained in blackcurrant, cabbage, lemon.
  • "B1", "B6" - accelerate the restoration of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. “B1” is contained in peas, cut bread, spinach, “B6” - meat and cabbage.
  • "IN 2" - accelerates the synthesis of antibodies during illness. Contained in buckwheat, eggs, cottage cheese.
  • "RR" - It has a mild antiviral effect, improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes. In sufficient quantities is present in meat, pineapples, rye flour, liver and mushrooms.
  • "BUT" - restores cells damaged by viruses. Contained in carrots and green onions.
  • "E" - A strong immunostimulator blocks the access of viruses to healthy cells. Vitamin "E" is rich in nuts, liver, meat.
Vitamins for the prevention of colds and influenza
Vitamins for the prevention of colds and influenza

When it is difficult to replenish the supply of vitamins in a natural way, it is necessary to take special tablet vitamin complexes. However, even taking ordinary ascorbic acid may be enough to prevent colds.

If, despite all the preventive measures taken, you or your child fell ill with a cold or influenza, the main thing is not to panic. Timely diagnosis and compliance with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor will accelerate recovery and help to avoid complications. Be healthy!

Video: On the correct prevention of SARS and influenza

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Comments K. article

  1. There are useful moments in the article, especially in lifestyle, compliance with the rules in everyday life, although it is almost impossible to avoid visiting crowded places, but it really is desirable. But to carry out prevention with antiviral drugs is in my opinion it is pointless. In any case, such a prevention did not give anything to our family. Arbidol took the whole family, it was unmeasured money, and everyone fell together at the first virus. This winter is generally “generous” for viruses, we didn’t miss almost a single one, we just walked in a circle. Arbidol did not give anything, they spent the money and that’s it.

  2. I agree with you about the Arbidol, I also tried to drink without a result. Dr. Esberoxo was fortunate for his son, so he helps him to get sick quickly and without complications, now I accept him at the first signs of colds or influenza.

  3. During the quarantine period, I must smear my nose with oxolin, I dress the mask, and so stably we drink the Ergoferon course every three months. We rarely get sick, TTT.

  4. I found a way how to protect a child during a cold. Previously, as autumn, they must have gone to the sick leave and sobbed the school curriculum. And to catch up with it is not so easy in our time. And now it has become an ergoferon for prevention to give. The course of a month is one tablet per day. I give my son in the morning. There are no problems so far. Even if the legs wet or freeze where it does not get sick.

  5. The child went to the garden, so we did not climb out of cough with a runny nose. Well, the nurse prompted Esberox to give, it is harmless, even useful, because Contains echinacea. Now a cold is rare for us.

  6. I believe that the best prevention from colds and influenza is health, daily walks and hardening. This of course does not save from sores one hundred percent, but immunity strengthens unequivocally. Yes, and doctors say that a child who is sick several times a year before school age is, in principle, the norm. When I have to take a lot of drugs, I just give Enterosgel in parallel to remove toxins and harmful substances from the child's body. We will recover faster by the way).

  7. The article is interesting and cognitive. I want to add from myself that at one time I was fond of oxolin ointment, constantly smeared it in my nose and was home to allergies and strong smells. And often they began to burst the vessel in the nose, there was bleeding. I did not understand right away why, until I got to the reception, I thought overwork. He recommended me Derinat. He said that he was fighting with viruses, protects against them, and the mucous membrane will be in order, and he does not cause allergies, and he would also strengthen the vessels. Now I use these drops and are satisfied, I have not yet been sick, I hope it will continue to be so.

  8. Research: ultraviolet light can kill the influenza virus

  9. I every day I ventilate the room in the morning and in the evening, it seems to me that Pavda is very important, especially if children are in the house. With any symptoms of influenza, we drink Ergoferon, the drug is really one of the most effective today.

  10. We drink the track cut by the whole family for the prevention of viral diseases, especially this is relevant in the epidemic. I like that it is possible from 12 years old, it is very good for my daughter. And then at school the most unpleasant moments are. Children do not always sit at home when they get sick, so the infection walks actively ... With this drug, the daughter of this epidemic without a single sneezer-kashle.

  11. I prefer to think in the first place about the consequences in everything. Therefore, I treat health so - I will better take care of prevention than I will later get out of the consequences. Every fall, I definitely vaccinate from influenza, but from SARS, as you know, this vaccine does not protect. Therefore, during the period of raising the incidence, I must additionally drink it to support immunity. These pills really work and they came up to me. I drank them twice and never got sick.

  12. When I try to drink more hot, and I accept from antiviral ergoferon, I quickly recover.

  13. There are a lot of drugs, but still you need to try to strengthen immunity with folk remedies. Eat right, eat only natural products, regularly go in the air, play sports, drink vitamins. I give my bears to the formula Imminth Formula, a decoction of rosehips, a decoction of raspberry leaves and currants. Then there is a chance not to get sick or reduce the risk of complications.

  14. As a prevention in the evening, we wash our nose with a son. In an aquamaster, the solution does not cause unpleasant sensations. The realm calmly makes this procedure himself.

  15. Ergoferon, by the way, is a very good remedy. I accept it in critical periods of colds: in September, November and March. According to the doctor’s prescription, of course. I get sick less often than before definitely

  16. Everything is well said, everything is correct, simple, but effective recommendations. I try to observe everything, sometimes I use the track cut for prevention, I think it helps ...

  17. I seem to observe prevention, but still in the cold season I manage to get sick. True, I do not delay, but immediately begin to use antifungal from the natural product. Good remedy. Symptoms quite well eliminates its action, I do not have time to get sick, I am going amended.

  18. Prevention is of course good, but you still get sick in the shameful season for example.

  19. Arina, you write correctly. By the way, I also begin to get sick in a cold season. And there is no time to lie at home, the work calls. Therefore, I try to put myself on my feet quickly. The last time I took anti -grippine from the natural product, and I myself did not even understand how I completely recovered in a few days))) so that now I stocked up with this tool just in case.

  20. If the epidemic begins and around me everyone is sick for preventive purposes I take Ingavirin. It is convenient there: 7 capsules are just 7 days, I put a remark on the phone in the morning so as not to forget, although it is difficult to drink one thing a day.

  21. My most important rules of prevention are to maintain the hygiene of the nose and oral cavity. Therefore, every evening I punch aquamaster (such a saline solution for the nose, usually I order an EVALAR), well, I make soda-salt solution (home) and my throat washing. As a result, I rarely get sooo, which cannot but rejoice)

  22. No matter how I follow the prevention, it still happens that the throat begins to ache (((good, I am stored in such cases, and I have sage from the nature of the product in the first -aid kit. So I use this remedy for sore throat. The pain is reduced, it decreases, I feel better.

  23. The best treatment is prophylaxis! I’m more hopeful for the prevention and strengthening of the child’s immunity than for vaccinations, my husband is constantly temping with my son and playing sports, and we also give my son vitamin immunity, so our child does not get sick at all)

  24. I bought a special bracelet with my son, where I put a couple of drops of oil of oil, maybe they heard about this. He kills microbes in Odokh, thereby helps not to become infected.

  25. The decision to make a flu vaccine for yourself or the child should be balanced. In my opinion, it is better to drink antiviral epidemics to the peak of antiviral epidemics. For example, I drink the influcide course. This is enough for me for the season.

  26. Now people are mostly vaccinated, but I think that this is not enough, we teach children to sports with a personal example, because our husband and his husband have never tried sports, I also give vitamins Baby formula of Mishka immunity, so we managed to reduce the incidence of our minimum children)

  27. I also think that the best prevention is sports and generally an active lifestyle. Well, if I got sick, it is better to consult a doctor, although I myself, of course, begin to take an anti -info from the nature of the product with a cold, these sparkling pills are very good at all unpleasant symptoms. The temperature comes back to normal, the nose breathes well with them and the main general well -being improves.

  28. The husband works as a pilot, loves this business very much) and for him a whole tragedy if he gets sick. I think that many in themselves know how during take -off and planting the pressure in the ears changes and lays them and begin to hurt from this. But pilots cannot be hurt at all. So in our family, Derinat is a special, familiar remedy. It even stands in our bathroom as a means of hygiene next to the toothpaste. We have a mandatory rule - he brushed his teeth, washed, washed his nose, and then dripped or sprayed the derinat. We like the spray more, but it does not always work out to buy it. So take an example from us and do not hurt!

  29. After they sent the child to the garden, problems began, I think everyone had these problems. The child is constantly with snot and sick. The last time was treated for two weeks. At the discharge in the polyclinic, Vrokach advised to buy a derinat as a prevention. It will help restore immunity. So they did. The product is very good and convenient to use, you do not have to puff tablets into the child, which he does not like.

  30. Of course it is better to undergo prevention. Moreover, now you can buy a remedy in a pharmacy for prevention. For example, I took Tilors for the last time. This remedy is also possible with illness, and just as a prevention, have not yet become ill. So I drank the course, and everything is normal, the floor of the office is already on sick leave, but at least that)

  31. Thanks for the info.

  32. Nika, here I took the titylors as a prevention. And I not only liked its convenience in use 1 tablet once a day, but also the fact that this antiviral agent turns out to be against many viral infections, including herpes. Only with herpes you need 10 tablets pass the course.

  33. To each his own. For example, this is not the first time for a cold Rinicond Hotmix took. The tool is not only with a pleasant taste, but also effective. He begins to act after 20 minutes after admission. And as a result, well -being improves, because the symptoms of colds are reduced.

  34. I have been buying for the prevention of tilors for the prevention of tilors. He has an immunomotive effect, and the viruses do not stick even during the epidemic.

  35. In life, there is a lot of stress, the immunity is very weak, I pick up captured colds. I am always treated intensively, I rinse with chamomile, I drink tea with lemon, and I relieve the symptoms with colds. Helps to get to your feet

  36. Vera, and how often should tited tilors take?

  37. Olya, I usually drink one course over the winter and this is quite enough. The course is 1 tablet per week (6 weeks).

  38. Prevention is a good thing, but if I have already caught a cold, then I try to take an anti -grippin from the nature of the product. Good sparkling tablets, against the background of the reception of which I always have a health improves, my nose breathes as it should, the temperature normalizes. I take such pills for my child, since there are from three years of age, very pleasant to taste, by the way.

  39. It seems to follow the prevention, but still I begin to blame.

  40. Alena, I had the same trouble not so long ago. It is good that immediately began to take antifungal from the nature of the product. So my well -being improved, because this tool just does not poorly reduce the symptoms of colds.

  41. For several days it hurts the throat. I don't even know what to do.

  42. Lyudmila, you must probably treat the throat and it will not hurt. For example, I take sage from the nature of the product with sore throat. This remedy softens the throat, it becomes easier to swallow. His taste is really unusual, because a remedy based on sage and his oils, but I really like it.

  43. In connection with the current situation, it is clear that everyone began to think about their immunity. I myself, too, have already drank a couple of courses Square Immuno, I try to monitor the mode of sleep and eat right. In conditions of 4 walls, this is the only thing that can be done. I have not yet hurt yet, it is already pleasing.

  44. I buy antifungal from nature a product because it helps to eliminate 8 symptoms of colds and influenza: temperature, chills, cold, headache, sinuses in the sinuses, muscle pain, joint pain

  45. Now the virus is more serious. And here I still have as if the throat began to ache (

  46. Gadin, so you need to take measures. For example, if my throat begins to hurt for such cases, there is always a sage from the nature of the product. I used to take pills for resorption, and for the last time I took the loafers, and you know the difference, to be honestly did not feel)

  47. We do not need extra risks, in the autumn-winter season, all the more so. Knowing how quickly I grab a cold, I began to intensively strengthen immunity. In the morning I dissolve in water the Evalarovsk sparkling vitamin D3, it turns out a very tasty thing. In addition, in one tablet the daily vitamin norm is 2000 me.

  48. I don’t know how, but for example, I am for prevention. Moreover, with such a program as children now in school cannot be missed at all. By the way, I give the child to the imperial and do not get sick.

  49. And I give an influcide for the prevention of a child during seasonal epidemics. And more or less calm, sending him to school. It is very rare, but still the recovery process itself is easier and faster than usual.

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