How to draw up a plan and have a benefit of weekends? How to spend the most efficiently and positively weekends alone alone, with the benefit of a career? How to prepare for Monday after the weekend: useful habits

How to draw up a plan and have a benefit of weekends? How to spend the most efficiently and positively weekends alone alone, with the benefit of a career? How to prepare for Monday after the weekend: useful habits

In this article, we will give tips on how to spend the weekend with good.

We all look forward to the end of the working week and the onset of weekends to gain strength and pleasant impressions. This time is a wonderful occasion to remind yourself of forgotten trifles, to gain mental harmony, to establish a balance between work and personal life. But most of us spend these days lying on the couch in front of the TV or sitting at the computer.

Another extreme is too saturated the weekend. In two days we are trying to fit too much things: getting out in the apartment, starting washing, going to the market, etc. Often, this leads to the fact that our day off is more vain than labor everyday life. And starting a new working week, we understand that we did not rest at all, and the weekend went wasted. Common situation? Then you urgently need to correct it.

How to spend a weekend with benefit?

To the weekend passed nice and with maximum benefit, listen to our tips:

  • Make Friday evening with a little day off. Start rest without waiting for Saturday. Visit the theater, the exhibition, go to the bar with your friends. Your goal is to relax after a working week and tune in to active Saturday and Sunday.
  • Wake up at the usual time for you. Do not go to bed until dinner. In the morning, a person feels a surge of energy and vigor. No need to waste this time. In addition, scientists have proved that our brain works best within two to four hours after waking up. Devote the morning to ponder the upcoming actions. And so that there is no temptation to lie down a little more, stand immediately after waking up and click the bed.
Do not sleep for a long time
Do not sleep for a long time
  • It is believed that the best type of relaxation is a change of activity. If your working days pass at a desk, then spend the weekend In active events. And with a rich graphics, spend the day in a calm rhythm.
  • Do something significant related to your life attitudes or family values. This will allow you to reload psychologically and emotionally.
  • Leave a couple of hours from the outside world: turn off the mobile and leave social networks. Spend a day off In silence and calm.
  • Make home affairs to a minimum. During the week, set it off half an hour after work to wipe the dust, start the washing machine, and stroke the clothes. A devote the weekend Entertainment and rest.
  • Try to try something new every day off: unusual dishes, extreme entertainment. We are young, so far we are able to be surprised and study.
  • Make a plan for the weekend so as not to waste time thinking about what to do.

We assure that the proposed recommendations will not become an obstacle to rest, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the fact that the next week you will be effective and full of strength.

How to draw up a plan for the weekend to spend them with benefit?

Often, at the end of the weekend, we feel annoyed and disappointment from the fact that we did not have time and did not really rest. Psychologists assure that you can spend a good weekend only by planning them in advance. This is useful for two reasons:

  • Drawing up a schedule will allow you not to waste time and relieve excessive fuss.
  • During this process, we feel the joy of anticipating the upcoming event, thereby prolonging pleasant moments.
Are planning
Are planning

Tips for drawing up a plan:

  • Write a general list of what you dream about. Surely it will get wishes that are easy to fulfill in the near future. If possible, every week make a plan for the weekendpoints from this list.
  • Remember the pleasant events that took place in the past: going to the mountains, kayaks, visiting the water park. Perhaps they should be repeated and entered on the next Saturday.
  • Turn on in the plan for the weekend At least one event in the fresh air: football on the beach, roller skating in the park, collecting berries in the forest.
  • Do not overload list. The weekend is, first of all, a vacation. Plan no more than five main cases. So you will have time for unplanned events and relaxation.

Thinking well and drawn up the schedule, follow it throughout the weekend.

How is it interesting to spend the weekend?

An important condition for obtaining a maximum of benefit and pleasure from the weekend is not so much the duration of rest as its quality.

We offer several boring options for the weekend:

  • Gather friends. Meeting with friends is always positive emotions. Why would the party make it not only fun, but also useful? Arrange a rehearsal of the New Year, meeting classmates or receiving a Nobel Prize of one of your company.
  • Arrange a photo shoot. There are a great many ideas for the venue for the photo shoot: city streets, a park, an atmospheric cafe and even its own apartment. And you can establish a tradition - every weekend to photograph particularly pleasant moments. Change the photo with friends and arrange a kind of competition, who is more interesting to rest. This will push to the fact that you will begin to think through a recreation plan in advance.
Photo for memory
Photo for memory
  • Return to the world of childhood. How sometimes I want to feel like a child and ride a hill, jump on a trampoline or watch a cartoon in the cinema. But often we are afraid to seem ridiculous and infantile from the outside. Therefore, take the children and go to the circus, zoo, planetarium, museum of toys, and the center of climbing. And if you do not have your kids, “lend” them from relatives or friends. Believe me, everyone will be happy: the children from the upcoming walk, and their parents from the opportunity to take a break from their children.
  • Go on a small journey. Most of us dream of traveling to exotic countries, and some have already visited different corners of our planet. But what is located a few kilometers from our native city, we do not know. Get a mini-vacation to It is interesting to spend the weekend. Go to the neighboring settlement. On the Internet, find information about interesting historical events that took place there. In any city there is something to see. Remove the hotel, take a walk along the streets, get acquainted with local attractions. Buy a map of the region and mark it in it all the settlements in which you have visited.
  • Visit wine tasting. This wonderful drink has romance. If such events are not held in your city, buy several bottles of wine, cheese of different varieties and arrange pleasant gatherings of the house.
  • Sign up for any trial lesson. This can be a lesson in painting, vocals, Argentinean tango and even training in the combat form of art.
  • Try yourself in the world of cinema. Take a small video on your phone. Write the script, distribute the roles, select the scenery - a good mood is guaranteed to all participants.
  • Go to the city event.On weekends, there are many interesting things: street food festivals, dance evenings in the park, and sports competitions of local teams. As a rule, you can visit them for free. The necessary information can be found on city sites.
  • Arrange a cocktail party.Find on the Internet recipes for popular cocktails and prepare them. Let everyone in your company act as a bartender.
  • Go for a walk around the city.Surely there are places where you have not yet been. It's time to meet them! You can go by boat or bicycles.

And to make the walk more interesting, try to diversify it:

  • Let each of your friends tell about his favorite corner. Develop a route and go the whole company.
  • Arrange a raid on bars. Go into each, which is found in the way, and drink a glass of beer or an alcoholic shit. After that, go to the next institution.
  • Organize with your soul mate a romantic walk in the historical places of your love. Apply in the cafe where you met, walk along the street on which you kissed for the first time.
  • Buy a guide and look at your hometown through the eyes of a tourist. It is no secret that we do not always know about the history of our city, we pass by cultural monuments, and never visited the local local history museum. You can also sign up for a city tour with a professional guide.

The weekend is a great time to strengthen the family, and the children are looking forward to them. Joint leisure serves as the basis for close relations between parents and children.

Spend the day off interestingly and with benefit:

  • Come up with a family tradition - once a month go to a restaurant, prepare foreign dishes, visit a zoo or animal shelter, buy book new products for each family member, etc.
  • All together, gather a huge puzzle.
  • Take each other with paints for body art. Everyone should participate: children, grandparents and even a serious dad!
  • Choose a book that all family members like, and read it from roles.
  • Make a genealogical tree is a great way to learn about your roots and a reason to talk with distant relatives. Internet resources will also help to help in the search for ancestors.
  • Discuss plans for the upcoming vacation. Write down the wishes of each family member. Find an option that everyone will like.
Family gatherings
Family gatherings
  • Take a sport with the whole family - it is best for a joint output for a joint vacation that skiing on videos, skating rink, pool, equestrian walk.
  • Run the air snake.
  • Do something useful with the children: make a bird feeder, break the flowerbed near the entrance, plant a tree in the yard.
  • Bake with children with predictions with children. The funnier predictions, the better.

Connect your imagination, improvise to spend the day off brightly.

How to use the weekend alone?

There are times when we have to spend the weekend alone. Usually in such a situation we either plunge into general cleaning, or indulge in boredom. But psychologists assure that temporary loneliness is a great chance to understand yourself, listen to your desires or engage in health.

We offer several ideas to spend the weekend alone:

  • Disassemble your wardrobe. Make sets in color and style. Give your clothes that you do not wear, put on the Internet for sale or mercilessly throw it away.
  • Take care of the organization of photos. Break them into catalogs, select a few successful pictures for printing. And you can also make a funny photo collage.
  • Learn to prepare a new complex dish or prepare what you loved very much in childhood.
  • Take care of self-education-sign up for some courses, master classes, trainings or listen to online lectures.
  • Find a hobby. If you can’t decide what exactly you are interested in, remember what you loved to do in childhood. And you can also go through various tests on the Internet that will help you get to know yourself better.
  • Arrange a movie marathon. Stock up in harmful goodies and watch films that you have long wanted.
  • Visit the spa. Follow discounts and promotions. Or arrange spa treatments at home: take a foamed bath, light aromatic lights, apply a mask to your face, make your body wraps.
And alone you can spend the weekend with benefit
And alone you can spend the weekend with benefit
  • Make a list of what you can give to relatives and friends for the New Year and birthday. Indeed, on the eve of the holidays, we often get off our feet in search of a presentation. The weekend is a great time to think about how to please your loved ones and view offers in online stores.
  • Create the interior in your apartment according to the laws of Feng Shui. Even take a day off It is possible with benefit.
  • Repair or restore the old, but expensive heart, thing.
  • Buy a lottery ticket. Suddenly luck will smile at you.
  • Make a board of your desires.
  • Become a volunteer, a donor, take part in a charitable subbotnik or take up charity work. Many people need your help.

How to spend the weekend effectively for a career?

The main secret of the success of people who have earned the condition is that their day off is usually no different from the worker: meetings and business meetings are held, projects are being developed, and the work of subordinates is controlled.

Perhaps the use of only a few weekend hours will allow you to advance in the service or get an increase in salaries. To the weekend passed as efficiently as possible for a career, but at the same time you did not feel overwork, follow our tips:

  • Put no more than two working tasks per day. This will achieve greater productivity.
  • Do not forget about physical activity. Its importance for mental activity is undeniable. All successful people are engaged in active sports. The weekend is no exception.
  • Find the time for meditation. It has long been proven that 20 minutes spent in silence have a beneficial effect on our psycho -emotional state, reduce stress and help increase productivity.
  • Business people often use a weekend to think about last week. This is a great opportunity to evaluate the correctness of certain actions.
  • Take time with unrealized projects, which do not have enough time during a working day. So you you will spend the weekend effectively And with maximum benefit.
  • Highlight the time to plan the working week. It is much easier to work productively and achieve success when the goals are clear and a plan of action is drawn up.
Devote time to seminars and trainings
Devote time to seminars and trainings
  • Use the weekend for professional growth: attend seminars and trainings, read the experience of other specialists.
  • Lead a blog or page on social networks, write articles related to your activities - this will create a good reputation in this area.

When working on weekends, be honest with yourself: is this not an excuse not to communicate with your loved ones? If so, try to establish relationships with them. Of course, the time spent with the family does not contribute to career growth or an increase in income. However, the significance of such a pastime cannot be reduced.

How to prepare for Monday?

Often, at the end of Sunday, we are upset about the thought of what needs to go to work on Monday. To prepare for Monday, develop a few simple, but useful habits:

  • Before starting the weekend, finish at work all routine or not very pleasant things. Do not succumb to the desire to postpone them on Monday.
  • Highlight the time to draw up a plan of business for the next week. Arrange them in priority. Determine what you will do on Monday morning. The preparation of such a list will allow you to get rid of anxiety and put your thoughts in order.
  • On Sunday, prepare in advance the clothes that you are going to wear on Monday. Better yet, make your wardrobe for every day of the week.
  • Events on preparation for Monday It is better to implement in the morning. Then the rest of the day and evening you will devote to rest, not a tedious routine.
  • Eat a balanced healthy food on Sunday. It is better to arrange abundant feasts on Friday or Saturday. Otherwise, on Monday morning, the forces of the body will go to digestion of food, and you will feel sluggish. In addition, refrain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol leads to dehydration of our body. For this reason, concentration of attention is significantly reduced. You need to drink more water.
Getting ready for Monday
Getting ready for Monday
  • Focus your attention on the positive events that can occur at work, instead of thinking about unpleasant need to go there. After all, you are waiting for a meeting with pleasant people, listening to audiobooks on the way to the office, the opportunity to share news with colleagues.
  • Remember what you managed to achieve last week. This will inspire you to new feats.
  • Drink well before Monday. Do not sit late at the computer or with friends. Refusal of alcohol, easy dinner and physical activity during the day will help improve the quality of sleep.
  • Do Sunday Day of Entertainment. Plan a larger number of interesting events for the last weekend. This will distract from thoughts about the upcoming working week and will allow you to start it in a good mood.
  • In cases where the work does not bring you pleasure at all, think about how to improve the situation. Remember the beginning of your professional activity when you were happy to take up business. Think about what has changed since then and how to fix it.

These simple rules, without interfering with rest, will allow you to get rid of stress on Monday and make a productive one a working week.

Video: How to spend a weekend with benefit?

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