The drug "Magnesium B6": Instructions for use. What are the analogues of Magnesium B6? What is magnesium and vitamin B6 for?

The drug

From this article you will learn everything about the drug "Magnesium B6".

The drug "Magnesium B6" is a medicine-mixture of a magnesium and vitamin B6 trace element. It turns out that they were mixed together because they are better absorbed by our body. What does Magnesium B6 help? What diseases he treats? Who can take the drug and who can’t? In what quantity? We find out in this article.

What is the drug "Magnesium B6", and what is useful?

Magnesium trace element is in our body, it is approximately 30 g. Most of him in the bones, less - in the blood, muscles, brain and heart.

What is magnesium for?

  • Correct metabolism (assimilation of proteins).
  • Output from the body toxins.
  • Restoration of damaged cells.
  • Magnesium is responsible for relaxing muscles (calcium - for reduction).
  • Helps insulin regulate blood sugar.
  • Monitors blood pressure, supports it normally.
  • Reassuring the nervous system with irritability.
  • Improving sleep.
  • Reduces muscles and joint pain.

If the body does not have enough magnesium, then there is a lack and potassium, you will feel this with the following manifestations:

  • summer heat is poorly tolerated
  • constant fatigue
  • drowsiness and malaise

Magnesium and calcium in the body are rivals. If magnesium is not enough, then the following painful phenomena and diseases can develop based on calcium:

  • twitching and convulsions in the legs
  • osteoporosis
  • calcinosis (the formation of calcium salts on internal organs and inside)
  • violation of heart contractions
  • arthritis

First, magnesium deficiency is eliminated, and then calcium.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is needed in the body for the following purposes:

  • Helps to absorb fatty foods (fats and proteins).
  • It helps to absorb a sorrel amino acid in the liver if vitamin B6 is not enough, the amino acid is connected to calcium, and stones form in the bladder and kidneys.
  • Regulates the work of the nervous system.

Both elements - magnesium and vitamin B6 in the drug "Magnesium B6" depend on one another, if one is not enough, then there will not be enough another.

Magnesium and vitamin B6 in the drug "Magnesium B6" complement one another

Why not be enough in the body of magnesium and vitamin B6, how to find out that they are not enough, and how to make up for Magnesium B6?

Why is there a lack of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body?

  • An insufficient amount of food is used, rich in magnesium (sesame, whole grain bread, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, soy, sunflower halva, seaweed, nuts: cedar, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts).
  • Insufficient amount of food rich in vitamin B6 (pistachios, sunflower seeds, bran bread, garlic, beans, soy, salmon, mackerel, tuna, sesame seeds, nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts).
  • The use of modern land processing technologies, the introduction of a large number of pesticides, which led to loss of magnesium food for almost a quarter compared to the beginning of the last century.
  • The use of a large number of refined foods, spreads in the diet.
  • Many stressful situations.
  • The use of contraceptives.
  • Frequent use of laxatives.
  • Frequent drinking alcohol.
  • During pregnancy.
  • With hormonal restructuring of the body (puberty in teenage girls, menopause in older women).
  • After classes with hard physical labor.
The drug "Magnesium B6" will help replenish magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body after stressful situations

How to find out that there is not enough magnesium in the body?

  • Feet cramps at night
  • Sweat strongly
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Sleep loss or frequent dreams with nightmares
  • Tingling, goosebumps and itching in the arms and legs
  • Frequent constipation or diarrhea
  • No appetite, nausea
  • Increased pressure and heart function
  • Increased sugar in the blood
  • In pregnant women: at the early stage of pregnancy, severe toxicosis, in the late-strong movements of the child in the womb due to oxygen starvation.

Note. Recently, scientists have proved that a constant lack of magnesium for a long time can cause a stroke, heart attack, tumors, diabetes.

Lack of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body can make up for the drug "Magnesium B6". It is produced by the pharmaceutical industry:

  • In tablets
  • In ampoules
  • In the form of gel, for oral administration

Note. The drug "Magnesium B6" in ampoules is designed to take orally through the mouth to young children, people with rare diseases of the digestive tract, when food is poorly absorbed.

If you observe signs of a lack of magnesium, you need to go to the local therapist, and he will prescribe a blood test. From the result of the analysis, you will find out whether magnesium is enough or not.

Note. If the magnesium content in the blood of 17 mg/l is the norm, 12-17 mg/l is permissible, less than 12 mg/l is a deficit.

The drug "Magnesium b6"

At what diseases does the doctor “Magnesium B6” prescribe the doctor, how much does a person need, and how to take it?

The drug "Magnesium B6" improves the condition of the body for the following diseases:

  • Heart and blood vessels (angina pectoris, hypertension). For diseases of the heart, treatment is carried out with Magnesium B6 with large doses (up to 4-6 mg per 1 kg of human weight), with increased blood pressure-injection of magnesia.
  • Type 2 diabetes. Especially the drug “Magnesium B6” should be taken during the period of diabetes (conditions when the disease is just beginning), but it is not too late during the illness - magnesium helps cells to perceive insulin better.
  • Osteoporosis. With this disease, magnesium should be taken with calcium, but not together, but in turn: magnesium, then calcium - 1: 2.
  • Frequent depression and nervous conditions. Magnesium helps in the production of serotonin - a hormone of happiness.
  • Women with severe pain before menstruation.
  • Pregnant women, especially if blood pressure increases greatly.
  • Women when menopause.
  • Children with autism.
  • Athletes.

Note. The body loses a lot of magnesium with severe sweating from physical exertion.

The drug "Magnesium B6" improves the condition, relieves high pressure to women during pregnancy

How much is a man of magnesium per day?

  • Children 1-3 years old-85 mg
  • Children 3-8 years old-125 mg
  • Children 8-16 years old-240 mg
  • Women 17-60 years old-350 mg
  • Men 17-60 years old-400 mg
  • Pregnant women-400-420 mg
  • Men and women after 60 years old - 420 mg
  • Athletes-500-600 mg

Attention. 1 tablet contains 48 mg of concentrated substance.

The drug "Magnesium B6" in ampoules The doctor prescribes children 1-6 years old, up to 4 ampoules per day. The contents of the ampoule are diluted with 0.5 cups of water and drunk during meals. Adults can also take the drug "Magnesium B6" in ampoules.

Analogue of the drug "Magnesium B6" - "Magne B6" in ampoules

With a large deficiency of magnesium in the body, as well as during malabsorption (poor absorption and absorption of all or more nutrients in the small intestine), magnesium preparations in ampoules are administered intravenously.

Attention. The child can take the drug "Magnesium B6" if it has a weight of more than 10 kg.

In tablets, the drug "Magnesium B6" Usually a doctor prescribes in quantity:

  • Children 6-17 years old-4-6 pieces per day, divide into 3 doses
  • Adults-6-8 pieces in 3 doses

A course of treatment The drug "Magnesium B6"-2-4 weeks, until the level of magnesium ions in the blood will increase to normal.

Attention. The doctor prescribes the drug “Magnesium B6” not only for the above diseases, but also after taking the course of drugs with calcium, zinc, diuretics in the treatment of kidneys.

Keep in mind. Magnesium entering the body from the drug "Magnesium B6" is not completely absorbed, but only by 50%.

Who should not take the drug "Magnesium B6", and who should limit its intake?

The drug "Magnesium B6" is useful, improves the condition of patients with many diseases, but still, not everyone can take it.

Who should not take the drug "Magnesium B6"?

  • Children up to 1 year old
  • Women when breastfeeding a baby
  • In severe kidney diseases
  • People who are allergic to magnesium components
  • People who do not tolerate lactose, fructose
Women with breasts of a baby should not take the drug "Magnesium B6"

Who needs to strictly monitor the use of Magnesium B6, and take at a certain time?

  • The drug of magnesium cannot be taken with drugs that treat Parkinson's disease.
  • The drug of magnesium cannot be taken with blood clots treating.
  • The drug of magnesium can be taken 3 hours after taking drugs from the group of tetracyclines (magnesium preparations interfere with tetracyclins).
  • The drug of magnesium prevents the absorption of iron, so the components with the content of magnesium and iron need to be taken separately.

In cases where there is a disease of the kidneys, and they cannot remove the remnants of magnesium from the body, or the drug “Magnesium B6” is taken for a long time without prescribing a doctor, it happens overdose of magnesium and vitamin B6.

An overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Convulsions
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • A state of breath
  • Constipation or diarrhea, and abdominal pain
  • Violation of coordination of movements (with an excess of vitamin B6)
  • In extreme cases - coma

What are the analogues of the drug "Magnesium B6"?

If you cannot find in pharmacies a cheap drug "Magnesium B6" of Russian production, you can buy analogs of magnesium other companies:

  • "Magne-B6" (France)
  • "Magnelis B6" (Russia)
  • "Beresh+" (Hungary)
  • "Magnefar" (Poland)
  • "Magwit B6" (Poland)
  • "MESTOKUM" (Ukraine)
  • "ChinaPazmin" (Ukraine)
  • "Magnesium+" (Netherlands)
  • "Magne Express" (Austria)
Analogs of the drug "Magnesium B6"

So, now we know why the drug “Magnesium B6” is intended for, what diseases he treats, to whom is contraindicated, and how it can be replaced.

Video. "Magnesium B6": What is needed for, how to take?

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Comments K. article

  1. According to the instructions, I drank Magnerot, I was satisfied with the effect. He restored magnesium in the blood, and now the heartbeat does not bother me, not higher than 75 beats per minute. This is a good result for me. I advise.

  2. Magnesium is very important for the body. I was tormented by convulsions at night, the doctor prescribed magnesium diasporas, he has a water -soluble shape, is better absorbed, effectiveness is higher. A week later, she began to feel better, convulsions and cramps passed, sleep improved.

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