How to plan your day: Tips for adults and children

How to plan your day: Tips for adults and children

We want to offer you a special program. Thanks to her, all successful people were able to organize their own day, significantly increase their productivity.

Quite successful people do not hope for good luck, as well as that their affairs will quickly end. When they achieve something, this does not happen according to the result of an accident. Laying their own foundation for good luck, these people are seriously prepared, optimize their work. With the help of an integrated approach, they reduce the time that is spent on the implementation of some plans.

How to plan a day correctly: important tips

How is it necessary to plan a day in order to have time to do everything? If you are constantly late, you are creating blocks related to work, you regularly forget about some events, worry that you could not do some business, then our hints will help you.


Why do you need to start in order to plan the day correctly? We offer you small tips:

  • Get a small diary. Try not to start your own day, while you describe in the morning or even in the evening what you plan to do. Recording all cases, drawing up a certain list of future work is the right and important lesson. Thanks to this list, you will understand what needs to be in time, so that things do not accumulate into a large “pile”.
  • Do it reminders for yourself. Write down what meetings you have, events. Today, when the world of technology does not stand still, it is constantly developing, all important things can be recorded in a mobile phone.
  • If yours the work is related to the computer, Then make a special document. Enter all those things that you have to do today today.

How to make a list with important matters?

  • List with business write daily. It is better to plan the daily routine in the evening. Write on the list no more 7 important cases. It’s no longer necessary, because in a day you just won’t have time to do everything.
  • How to make a list with important matters? Write down each item in detail. For example, you must go to the store, purchase everything on the list. Make a list of the necessary goods on a large separate sheet. Then a visit to the store will not take you much time.
  • Make an approximate time to complete one assignment to the list of cases.
  • Always keep the listed list with business in front of you, in plain sight. If you have a small child, you are regularly distracted by children, then make copies of the list with business.
  • The most optimal option is plan a day For a week. So you can understand what work is considered to be more urgent for you and which will wait a bit.

How to plan a day to be in order to have time?

Tips on how to plan a day correctly in order to have time:

Adhere to the principle of 70 by 30

  • You can’t plan the day completely, and you should not. The fact is that in this case, your actions will begin not to match the schedule.
  • And the “imprisonment” of its own time in the list of affairs can lead to the following - you will fall into a tough framework, you will feel like a robot, with a spelled out life in advance.
  • The best option is to plan only 70% of its time. Just think, but many events are impossible to predict. Therefore, leave for some time free. You can make a small stock in the intervals.

Make a plan for the next day tonight

  • Plan your day It is commendable for tomorrow. But, if you are afraid to forget something, try to record all your own things.
  • Drive the work on the level of complexity, Divide the diary into a couple of columns. In one, write down those things that need to be done urgently. In another, the work is not so important that in case of unforeseen circumstances can be done tomorrow.
  • The work that you managed to do, cross. So you will have an additional incentive, new forces will be added to solve things that remain. The less work it remains, the more confident you can handle it.
  • At the end of the day, add some inscription, for example: “Hurray! I was able to fulfill it ”and so on. This inscription the next day will begin to stimulate you, allow you to achieve new tasks, relax at the end of work.
The next day
The next day

Do more planned work before lunch

  • When you at lunch will understand that you have already managed to do important work, it will be much easier for you to cope with the remaining business.
  • Use dinner in order to solve personal affairs. In the evening, leave the minimum amount of work.

At each working hour, take a short break

  • This rule is considered mandatory for everyone. You will have a vacation more often work will become more productive. Choose a special scheme for yourself. For example, work 50 minutes, relax for 10 minutes or work 40 minutes, relax for 20 minutes.
  • When you rest, do not lie on the couch. You can spend your vacation with good: get a little bit, get involved, jump, take a walk along the street, call a native person and so on.

Create a realistic work plan

  • Do not fall asleep yourself with work that you can’t cope with. Do not create a plan of business that you can’t do.
  • Plan your time so that there is enough time for everything.

Perform large work in parts

  • This strategy is also called “Salya Cutting”. Divide your own goals, objectives into small portions.
  • Contact them for a long period of time.
  • Every day, take about a couple of hours to these cases. When you achieve an intermediate goal, you will achieve certain results that will begin to stimulate you to do the remaining work.

Sit a little in silence

  • It often happens that some extraneous sounds begin to simply annoy.
  • Because of this, it is impossible normally concentrate, do important work.
  • To cope with such things, work calmly so that nothing prevents you from. So you are as tuned in as much as possible, achieve high performance and excellent results.
Stay in silence
Stay in silence

Lay out objects in places if you do not use them

  • So you are significant Save time, avoid disorder. We recommend that you get rid of old, unnecessary things, excess trash, so that only the elements necessary for work are on the table.
  • Keep things in places allocated for them. For example, place the documents in a special folder, fasten the receipts with checks, put the handles with pencils in a glass. After the work done, you will feel an unforgettable effect.

Throw out unnecessary things

  • All those stocks of things that are already outdated, they cannot bring anything good. Only appears from them dust, mess. In addition, such objects have negative energy.
  • Get rid of quickly from unnecessary items. If you feel sorry for them, give them to those in need. They will be more useful to them. Shoes, take things on children's shelters. They will definitely thank you there!

Plan a day: what should be avoided in order to have time to do things?

  • How to plan a day? Do not waste your precious time, watching the TV. Watch news or movies online on the Internet. So you save your own time.
  • Sit less on social networks, visit the forums, games less. With these manipulations, you only waste time.
Use social networks less
Use social networks less
  • Get rid of bad habits. Have you once thought how long it takes you to smoke breaks? This takes time from you, as well as your health. Remember - success and bad habits have never been compatible.
  • Breaking laziness, get together, be punctual. Put reminders on your phone, put up an alarm, it will not allow you to be late. Install a certain time to do this or that work.

How to plan a day successfully: tips

In our state, mostly a woman who goes to work every day is also a housewife. After all, she should do everything around the house, work out the day, have time to devote time to children. Therefore, it is impossible to do without the correct planning of the day. But how to plan a day successfully?

Distribution of cases
Distribution of cases

Many Internet users advise to adhere to the following scheme:

  • Set your own place of work. This applies to both the house and work. You should be pleased, comfortable. To begin with, remove in the kitchen, on the surface of the desk, since it is here that you are the most time. Arrange around you objects that cause pleasant emotions, for example, family pictures, souvenirs, spread paintings and so on.
  • Do not spend much time on social networks. If you are a fan of social networks, but they do not concern work, then highlight a little time in order to visit these pages. At other times, refrain from the socialist.
  • Write down your own ideas, carry a diary with a pen with you. In this way, you will streamline your life, free your head from a mess, data that you can write on the sheets.
  • Appreciate your own time, say no, if necessary. Do not forget about the next - not any request must be fulfilled. If the refusal harms your interests, then politely, at the same time you can firmly say no. After that, just do your job further. If you cannot refuse, then you will spend your time for the sake of the requests of other people.
  • Simplify the work using technical innovations. You can use those gadgets, thanks to which the work will be performed faster, easier. If, for example, you cannot vacuum daily, wash the floors, then purchase a robot vacuum cleaner. He will turn on in the morning, clean the apartment, turn off in the evening. After work, you simply return to clean housing.
  • Divide your own work between colleagues, households. Do you believe that only you are able to do the right work better than others, but just do not have time? In this case, you urgently need to delegate to other people part of their own affairs at home, at work. Otherwise, you risk getting sick, lose strength.
Separate work with colleagues
Separate work with colleagues
  • Make a map of "work". In a notebook or on the phone, in a netbook, make a sign. Divide it for days, weeks, months. Write a list of work that you need to perform daily. In addition, highlight homework, which must be done no more than once a month. Also write down what needs to be performed every 6 months.
  • Analyze your time, business. Every day in the evenings, or once a week, devote time to how much you were able to do and not do your job. In addition, deal with the reasons why you did not do something so that next week you do not repeat your own mistakes.

How to plan a day for a student?

  • If you want your child became more organized and successful, Teach him plan a day. We advise you to buy him a beautiful notebook, bright self -adhesive leaves, as well as sheets with stickers (emoticons, emotions, and so on).
  • Open the notebook initially. On the first page, write with your child an emotion for motivation. It can be a favorite quote from a film or cartoon. Write this phrase on the first page, recommend the child to recall this quote more often.
  • Make a notebook brightly. All the next weeks, write down the dates. Near each day, write the schedule of lessons at school, classes in a circle or with a tutor. Also designate meetings with the comrades of the child, important for him.
Approximate separation
Approximate separation
  • On the right side attach self -adhesive leaves. On them, write a list of cases that the child planned for a week, plus notes. As the child does his business, let him delete them out of the notebook, or notes with checks.
  • At the end of the day, your child should attach near the date stickerthat can be a symbol of a certain mood, condition. In order to decorate the diary, let your child use various stickers, for example, in the form of flags, ribbons and so on.
  • Believe me, children like to work with similar diaries. Thanks to them, they learn to plan their own day correctly, become more organized.
To kid
To kid
  • You too do not miss this opportunity. Let your child manage your time.

Video: How to make a daily routine?

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  1. So everything is described in detail and for all occasions

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