How to plan a family budget in advance? Ways to save family budget and money: useful tips. Which type of family budget is better, more effective?

How to plan a family budget in advance? Ways to save family budget and money: useful tips. Which type of family budget is better, more effective?

Want to learn how to properly dispose of the family budget? Read our article.

Even large earnings with illiterate planning and incorrect waste of money are not a guarantee that income is enough for all needs. Therefore, it is important to build a family budget in such a way that money is spent rationally.

The components of the family budget are the income of family members.

In a classic family consisting of 3 people (two parents, child), it is formed from income 2 workers, and is distributed in 4 main directions:

  • to provide for the family
  • for personal expenses of the husband
  • wife's expenses
  • the content of children

Deviations are also possible: only 1 people work, there are no children in the family. Then 1 of the points is excluded, but 3 remain stably.

Types of the family budget

The family budget can be divided into 3 types:

  • joint
  • separate or independent
  • mixed, shared or joint

Joint and separate family budget

We traditionally use the perch category of the family budget. Working family members combine their income and take money from this total amount for all expenses. Recently, the trend has changed somewhat. In more and more families are found using an independent or joint budget type.

Family budget

It makes money and does not always manage the same person. On this basis, the joint budget is divided into 4 subspecies:

  1. The family earn two and jointly distribute expenses
  2. Only 1 of the family members earns, but two distribute the budget
  3. The budget consists of two people's revenues, but one disposes of one
  4. One person brings money to the family and 1 distributes it, and the manager is not necessarily the one who earns

Advantages of the joint budget

Such farming has its advantages:

  1. There are no secrets about the financial condition of the family. Everyone knows how much you can spend until the next receipt of funds
  2. It is convenient to save for large purchases or create a reserve
  3. Closer, trusting relationships are formed


In families who have chosen a joint way of budget management, the problems that arise against this background are no exception:

  1. If earnings are very different, discontent may appear regarding the distribution of expenses
  2. When two are disposed of with finances, it is sometimes difficult to make a general decision
  3. There is no way to accumulate an impressive amount on your own to spend it on a gift to my spouse

In addition to the above, there is an possibility that one who earns less will not strive to increase his personal income, if his needs are fully satisfied from the common box office.

Separate budget

  • In this case, everyone is disposed of by the budget at their own discretion, while they are financially independent of each other. Such a model is characteristic of Western countries. The decision to pay for both family and personal expenses is made by each on its own due to circumstances. On large costs, they can agree
  • The advantage of such a budget is that there is no reason for quarrels regarding financial issues. In addition, based on his income, everyone spends as much as he needs
  • The level of income, while it should be significant, but even in this case, if it is unreasonable, it is unlikely that you can do large purchases. Again, the costs of children, for maintaining the house. Here, too, fertile ground for disagreements
  • There will be no grounds for disputes around the financial issue if both income are stable and not particularly limited in size. With an unsystematic approach, expenses only increase

Shared or mixed budget

This type of budget is a combination of the first two. At the same time, spouses allocate some part of the money for general seals, and the remaining spend on their needs. The share, each, as a rule, is stipulated in advance.

This type is an intermediate link between joint and separate budgets. People who have parents, children from a previous family, relatives, a mixed budget are more than others.

Rational family budget. How to save a family budget?

The budget is called rational, in which the expenditure part does not exceed the revenue. Such balance is achieved only by planning. There are certain planning rules from which 3 basic ones can be distinguished:

  1. Know exactly how much money enters the family. It is easy to do it, just take a notebook and pen and make simple calculations of the net profit of each family member
  2. As accurately as possible determine monthly expenses. Usually they are divided into mandatory and optional. The first group includes payments for utilities, repayment of loans. In the second: buying clothes and other goods, paying for repair and gas station, purchase of products
  3. Correctly dispose of the remaining finances-to purchase something that allows you to receive additional funds in the future or put in the bank

If the balance between the income and the expense is negative, you will have to abandon something. Mandatory payments for that and mandatory that they cannot be expired in any case, otherwise negative consequences will appear.

Family budget expenditures

      1. You will have to revise the optional part of the expenses. Start with large purchases planned for the current month. Think about whether it is possible to postpone them
      2. To begin with, you should draw up a list of all the necessary expenses, determining the procedure for the location of each action or thing in terms of importance. At the very end are the names of things, the purchase of which is not mandatory
      3. If there is a choice between the acquisition of electric artists at the cost of an equivalent amount allocated for weekly power, then the second is definitely more priority. On the oven can be collected gradually, folding the amounts remaining at the end of the month. Otherwise, having spent all the income on the oven at once, you will find that you simply have nothing to put in it, because there is no money left on the products
      4. You can save on unforeseen expenses if you do not buy new things rash. When a washing machine or vacuum cleaner leaves the system, try to put them in repairs - this option is the most rational
      5. Calculate how much you need to leave for the purchase of products, especially expensive ones. It is verified that it is better to make purchases for a period from a week or more, instead of replenishing stocks every day. Ideally, in general, not to go to the supermarket, what was intended to use in a week or two is ending
      6. The costs of clothes, although they relate to secondary ones, it will not work to avoid them-the children grow, we gain or lose weight, something goes out of fashion

How to conduct a family budget correctly?

  • buy wardrobe items only the necessary
  • visit sales
  • use coupons and discounts
  • interested in prices because in retail outlets they can be higher than in other stores

Allocate money for rest, entertainment

Nothing likes the family as a carefree time spent together.

Set aside at least a little bit, but regularly for any unforeseen case. At all times, and especially in a crisis, one cannot be completely confident in the future, but you can make it a little easier if there are any reserves.

Video: How to save money?

How to plan and save the family budget in advance: tips

The generator of ideas for improving life and well -being in most families is a woman. Sometimes they are very fond of savings, they deny themselves in many ways, and there is still no money left until the next salary. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice on how to rationally make purchases in the supermarket and save money in other situations:

  1. Make the list in advance and take from the shelves only what is listed in it. Just impulsive purchases are unnecessary
  2. Buy more often in online stores, many things there are cheaper.
  3. Do not take a large amount with you
  4. Try to buy products that are stored for a long time, as well as domestic chemicals not in retail, but in bulk - with large packages. It will cost a large amount right away, but in the end it will be cheaper
  5. Do not waste money in passing yourself and accustom the rest of the family to this. Even the daily acquisition of such trifles as magazines, juices, chips, seeds, ruin for the family budget
  6. Be sure to count the change and the total amount in the wallet. Without accurate knowledge about the number of funds available, it will not be possible to spend them deliberately
  7. If you or other family members visit clubs, sports halls, circles, it is more profitable to buy a subscription for a year. In this case, the cost of a separate lesson will be reduced by 4-5 times. Sign up for a group, this is much more economical than individual classes
  8. Replace all the bulbs with energy -saving. They are more expensive, but last longer, and electricity consumption decreases to 5 times
  9. When buying a refrigerator, choose class A. Install it away from heating devices to consume less electricity
  10. If the kitchen is an electric stove, monitor the cleanliness and serviceability of the fireplace, otherwise the electricity consumption will increase once by 2. Do not allow overheating, periodically turning off the plate for 12 minutes by 12 minutes
  11. Proper operation of household appliances also affects money saving. Even if you make it a rule when using an iron first to iron things that require a low temperature, and then increase the temperature and iron the rest, then the savings will be tangible
  12. Install water and gas meters. Watch that you haven't drunk anywhere

Take responsibly to planning the family budget. Act in agreement in one direction, and you will avoid most problems both financial and in terms of building a strong family, where relations are built on trust.

Video: Family Planning

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