If a man says that he needs you, what does he mean depending on his zodiac sign?

If a man says that he needs you, what does he mean depending on his zodiac sign?

Men are strong, independent, responsible, sometimes brutal. The manifestation of emotions and feelings is not for them, but since in life there is a woman who makes the male heart beat faster. And at these moments, the representative of the stronger sex is confused - how to express his feelings to the chosen one and at the same time remain as independent and brutal?

Each person expresses desires and emotions in his own way. Someone prefers not to hide feelings and immediately admit love. And some are hard to say: “I need you,” so women hear evasive and hinting phrases. It is in them that a woman should hear or understand the cherished recognition of love.

If a man says that he needs you, what does he mean depending on his zodiac sign?

  • Having asked her beloved to go carefully, the woman expresses her concern for his safety. A simple phrase: “I thought about you”, there is a desire to improve the mood of the partner, as well as show your feelings.
  • The stronger sex has the situation with the phrase: “I need you” is a little different. Each man has a personal interpretation of these words. Perhaps a girl is needed, as a friend, to cry into a vest or talk about an important event. With the same phrase, a man can hint at a close relationship.
  • How to determine the meaning of the phrase "I need you"? Astrology will help to deal with this. Knowing certain character traits of representatives of the zodiac signs, one can correctly understand the meaning of this expression.


Aries are always busy. In order for him to pay attention, you will have to make a lot of effort and keep up with everything that he does. If the lover was born under the sign of Aries, be prepared for everything, because the main character traits are:

  • impulsiveness;
  • spontaneity;
  • madly.

Men Aries are always looking for a partner to match themselves. Therefore, the phrase “I need you” from Aries indicates that you are for him, as a sip of fresh air. He really needs you.

Aries like such character traits:

  • determination,
  • independence
  • honesty.

He is never bored with you.


  • If Taurus says that he needs you, he means that he appreciates your presence in his life. Taurus are secretive. They will not open the soul to the first person.
  • Taurus will first be convinced that he is loved and understood. Partner for him real support. Do not insist and crush, otherwise nothing will work. The time will come and he himself will tell all his secrets.
  • Men-Tels monogamous. They do not represent another woman in place of the chosen one. They need that their beloved is always there.
Taurus - monogamous
Taurus - monogamous


  • Men under the sign of the twins are very active, they are interested in everything new. They are constantly busy. Similarly with personal life. Gemini easily fall into the spleen, which makes you look for new bright sensations. Therefore, they regularly change partners.
  • But if a phrase flew out of the mouth of a man under the sign of the twins that he needs you, believe it implicitly. He will not say these words of the first person oncoming. This phrase can be interpreted - you are special, it values \u200b\u200byou.


  • If a man is cancer by a horoscope, then know you were loved from the first meeting. You are a woman of his dreams. He is happy while next to his beloved.
  • If a man-hand said that he needs you, then you know, you the only onewho answered his feelings.
  • He is ready to make maximum efforts in creating harmonious relationships. For cancer, a beloved girl is an ideal that is afraid to lose.

a lion

  • "I need you!" - The phrase, with the help of which lions, tell a loved one that it is with her that they want to connect their future. They avoid lazy, jealous and conflict person. For Leo, relations are equated with partnership.
  • This zodiac sign will never abandon the lover, but provided that she will be frank and honest with him. Lions love confident women. The chosen one must be full of inspiration. An important aspect is the compliance of the fence of the level of its claims.
But does not like when they are jealous of him
But does not like when they are jealous of him


  • For men born under the sign of the Virgin, it is the need to be in society difficult and multifaceted of people. They are interested in individuals who managed to achieve a balance between the personal and professional sphere, as well as people who have found harmony between mind, soul and body.
  • The man-girl pronouncing the words “I needs you”, meaning that you are in harmony his life. If this sign has a change in the rhythm of life, be near. Beloved woman for virgins is support in any life sphere. But not every female person can please a man-girl.


  • Men-worships are famous for their inconstancy. They always have either everything very bad or good. Therefore, under the phrase “I need you”, he says that thanks to you can feel equilibrium and stability.
  • In order not to happen in life, the scales know that there is a person who will preserve the world in his soul. A man born under this sign tries to surround himself with calm and comfort. If a woman is trying to destroy comfort and harmony created by Libra, then there will be no development of relationships.
  • For men under the sign of Libra, it is important to know that he has a soul mate the same desires and goals.


  • If your chosen one was born under the sign of Scorpio, then know, saying that he needs you, he just loves.
  • Scorpio is an ambiver, that is, a person showing interest only in extraordinary and significant personalities. He does not reveal the soul to the first person. In order for Scorpio to open, you need time. As soon as this happens, you will see how kind and affectionate this is.
  • Scorpio loves because the second half is able to accept it by any - successful, poor, healthy or sick. She will never condemn his action. The chosen one should be able to put up with any side of the multifaceted personality of Scorpio. She does it easily.


  • Sagittarius has a concept for the words that he needs you: you are my most faithful friend.
  • Sagittarius - a man, like all representatives of the stronger sex, hopes to meet the one that will understand what he needs.
  • Sagittarius men have a deep mind. They are very artistic. Do not refuse adventure. He loves, because only the chosen one accepts all aspects of his personality.


  • All men born under the sign of Capricorn are stubborn. It is this feature that helps them achieve success in any field of activity, as well as in their personal life. He is diligent and hardworking. Capricorns never sit idle.
  • He needs you, because you make Capricorn also actively relax, as he is used to working.
  • The second half of the Capricorn should be able to distract and show that life consists not only of work, but also entertainment.
Show him how to relax actively
Show him how to relax actively


  • If a man according to a horoscope is Aquarius, then he knows exactly what he wants from life. This sign will never show real feelings. He keeps them deep in himself, which does not allow people to fully understand Aquarius. Only the second half understands and supports it and supports it.
  • Therefore, if Aquarius says that he needs you, this means - you help him express emotions and love. Aquarius has a complex nature. Beloved is the ideal that he should be equal to. This is one of the important reasons why you are present in the life of Aquarius.


  • For fish, the words that you need are associated with the concept - you have completely devoted yourself to it.
  • Men-fish on the first dates fightingbut it lasts until they feel comfortable. If in relations everything will arrange fish turn into very affectionate and romantic personalities.
  • A man needs support, despite his addictions. And having found such a woman, he will never let her go. After all, it is she who accepts him, such as he is.

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