How to choose between two guys or men alone?

How to choose between two guys or men alone?

Fate loves to present surprises in the form of unrequited love or sympathy for two guys. Many representatives of the weaker sex will say that such a situation is a chance to get twice as much attention and love, but not every girl is able to feel comfortable in this situation.

In fact, she deceives the boyfriends. And sooner or later, the guys learn about each other. Or a feeling of guilt will corrode it from the inside. Thus, in any situation, you will have to choose one.

How to choose between two guys or men alone?

  • The weaker sex has very strong intuition. Female flair is a strong feeling. Imagine yourself next to one of the boyfriends, but in ten years. Can you be such a long time with him? Would you like to meet his parents? Would you like to have common children? How to choose between two guys or men alone?
  • Right now it is necessary to decide on the choice. No need to delay. The longer the current situation lasts, the harder and more unpleasant the gap will be.
  • If intuition did not help with the problem, turn on logical thinking. Think about who suits more. Analyze the habits of men, their characters, appearance, hobby.
  • If the situation is so complicated that even the logic with intuition does not help choose between two guys or men, then the tips below for you.
How to make a choice?
How to make a choice?

Consider the positive qualities of both men

At the next meeting, try to talk to the young man. And analyze what you like the most in it. It is not easy to do. Try to analyze as much information as possible before making a decision.

During the conversation, ask questions:

  • Does he have a sense of humor? Can he cause a sincere laughter? Men with a good sense of humor They attract others to them. They make them look at the world with different eyes.
  • Interested in his other people? Does something else concern something in life except himself? Men who are only mostly interested in large bores. Most likely you will be interested in a guy who has many friends, hobbies, as well as his own view of the world around him.
  • Does your chosen one are worried about other people? How impressive is he? Most guys amen to emotions, but they do not want others to know about it. If a man is calm about his emotions - this says that before you a mature and confident person.
  • Does it flirt beautifully? During flirting, the guy makes compliments only bodily beauty or something else?
  • Is he in a hurry all the time? Guys who not in a hurry, prefer to enjoy every moment of relations. They enjoy every minute spent with their beloved. Guys who are in a hurry and rush somewhere in a hurry and rush, are not serious. After the gap, you will quickly find a replacement.

What feelings cause both guys?

Take a closer look at the guys. Who has an ideal set of qualities and character traits? At the sight of whom does the heart beat faster? During the meetings, think about why you like it and what you feel.

To choose between two guys or men, think about the following questions:

  • Being next to the chosen one, what do you feel? Pay attention to the behavior of the guy. You are the only one and there is no one else or the guy flirts with almost all the girls and with you, including?
  • Does it help to develop or content with what is? Do you feel the need to develop next to the guy?
  • His compliments are unobtrusive and meaningful?
  • Do you blush in his presence?
  • The head is spinning when he is nearby?
  • Do you feel special?
  • Does a man treat you like a lady?
How to choose between two men: Test
How to choose between two men: Test

Analyze the negative character traits of the guys

During the period of falling in love, the girl sees only the positive features of the chosen one. But each person has a good and bad side. Therefore, it is worth thinking about negative character traits, choose between two options. Perhaps you don't like the lifestyle of one of the gentlemen? Therefore, during the decision is made, you definitely need to think about the minuses.

Pay attention to the following points:

  • Beloved deceived someday? If a man tells the truth no matter what, he can be trusted.
  • Does he love to gossip And discuss others? If the answer is positive, then it is better to break the relationship with such a person. After all, he cares only about himself, the surrounding people do not bother him.
  • A man or guy has left behind not easy past? Will it constantly pursue you, are you ready for this? Yes, you may feel good together, but the guy has a big emotional load, which from time to time will overshadow the relationship.
  • Trying you manipulate or manage? A man always wants you to play by his rules and do what he will say? The chosen one refuses to recognize his wrong? Before you is an egoist. His tendency to think only about himself will complicate the relationship.
  • He constantly finds adventure on your head? Bad guys sometimes attract the weaker sex. But, if there are constant troubles, then he will have no time to devote time to the second half.
  • Guy constantly recalls the former bride? Regular talk about the former is a bad sign. Most likely he still loves her.

Think about the feelings of the guys for you

  • In rare cases, both men are ready for anything, if only to stay with a lover. The girl in such a situation will not be very easy to make a choice. No need to stay with a guy just because he likes you more. Be sure to think about what could happen to the guy who was refused? How important are you for every chosen one?
  • If you are sure that after a couple of days the guy finds a new passion, then do not continue the relationship with him. And if you see that the chosen one experiences deep feelings, then you should think about the right choice.
  • Do not ask direct questions about relationships and future. This only scares the gentleman. Take a closer look and analyze the actions of the boyfriend. What does he feel for you? How does it look, does it want to spend time with you? Does it speak of a joint future?

Write a list of differences in guys, as well as their similarity

The list of differences and coincidences will help to make out what you really want. What feelings do you experience for every chosen one? Write a list of qualities that or do not want to see in the boyfriend. Put the pros or cons opposite the character of men and compare them with a list of personal desires.

The following questions will help to make the choice:

  • With whom is more in common?
  • Who can't you live without?
  • Who could find a common language with your friends or relatives?
  • Which of the guys are you looking forward to a date?
  • Which of the men was in difficult times and helped more with the appearance of problems?
  • Who sincerely and more rejoiced at your victories?
  • Which of them treats you better while being together?
  • Who shows more attention signs at a distance (flowers, courier gifts, warm SMS)?
Take your time with a choice
Take your time with a choice

Do not rush with the choice

  • It is not easy to make a decision, so do not fuss. Think about all the pros and cons. Something may happen during this period. And this will affect your choice. If relations with one of the guys were without obligation and there is no sensation of betrayal, then you can not rush with the choice.
  • But it is not necessary to delay the solution. Remember, all the secret sooner or later it becomes clear. If the guy who was chosen will find out that his long period was deceived and talked with another, this will greatly touch his male dignity.

When do you need to choose between two guys or men alone?

The situation when a girl meets with two guys is simultaneously considered immoral. Many will say that she is a girl of easy behavior. But in reality, such a situation can happen to every representative of the weaker sex, even if it was brought up in severity.

Consider the most common situations when you need to choose between two guys or men alone:

  • A woman meets for a long time with one man who he is in no hurry to marry her. Another boyfriend appears with a proposal of hand and heart. The second man completely suits a woman. The question arises - with whom to stay with?
  • Relations are stretching for several years Suddenly a black cat ran between the lovers. As a result, the crisis. During this period, another gentleman appears, who gives flowers, falls asleep with compliments and gifts. It is easy and simple with him, he is always there. The girl needs to choose one of the men. In this case, you must be careful. Most likely the falling out - this is the result of a surge of hormones and fatigue from the monotony of relations with the previous guy.
  • Woman she broke up with beloved man. After a while, I met another. Acquaintance grew into close relationships. But suddenly a former appears on the threshold, who recognizes his mistake and promises a great future. The fairer sex will have to choose between two guys.
  • A girl can at the same time or in a very small period of time get acquainted with two guys. The first had not yet arisen a strong feeling, and the second also behaves with dignity. In this case, it will already be necessary to choose between two cavaliers.

Before making a choice, you should think everything well and slowly making a decision.

Take a hurry to make a decision
Take a hurry to make a decision

The choice between two guys or men is made: what's next?

You decided with whom you want to live until old age and die in one day, chose between two guys or men alone. What now?

  • And now there is a serious conversation with the guy with whom they decided to part. Do not leave “in reserve” - tear the relationship right away. If guys love you and want to be near, then on your part do not excuse me to torment both. Let the one who are less expensive.
  • During the parting, you should not say that there is a “different”. No matter how hard they try to present, the guy will not be delighted with such confessions. Try to save friendly relations.
  • The feeling of emptiness from parting is normal. Need time. Do not wind yourself up. Hello, unfortunately, you still hurt someone, in a different way.
  • "What if I made the wrong choice?" - A thought that will constantly spin in the head. Drive her away. Build a new relationship with a loved one. Enjoy life. Do not regret what happened. Over time, everything will fall into place.

It happens that best friends fall in love with a girl. What to do? What to do correctly? The right decision is to part with both. This will give time to think well, understand feelings and not become guilty of stopping friendship between guys. You can ask for advice from parents or friends. But the most faithful adviser is your heart.

Articles about love on the site:

Video: How to choose from two men?

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  1. Substability with a guy, a prognosis of relationships, his feelings for you. Rak not make a mistake in finding love for life?

  2. No way

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