What to answer a man, a guy’s word “missed”: options

What to answer a man, a guy’s word “missed”: options

Do not know what to answer the words "missed" a man or a guy? Read the article, there are many options in it.

When a person misses, it is always nice. Of course, if he admits this, then I want to immediately answer, and it is important to find the right words.

Read on our website another article on how witty respond to the word "why", "why, explain". You will learn how to say correctly with humor and original.

It also happens that the word "missed" can be uttered from a person who is uninteresting. How to answer in this case? Below in the article you will find different options for words that should say to a man for the word “missed”. Choose what suits you depending on the situation and answer. Read further.

A man, a guy who is uninteresting writes “missed”: what to answer?

A man who is uninteresting writes
A man who is uninteresting writes "missed"

To hear that the desired person thought and yearned is very pleasant. In such cases, as a rule, they answer: "I also missed you very much" or "I also wanted to see you for a long time". But what to do if he missed, a guy from whom I do not want to hear these words admit? What to answer the word "Missed" A man, a guy who is not interesting?

Of course, you should not be cunning and responding positively only in order not to offend it. After all, you are not obliged to communicate with those who are unpleasant and imitate the pleasure of this process. Nevertheless, you need to answer so that a person is not very upset, but at the same time I realized that no one is going to separate his feelings.

These options are possible:

  • Thank you, of course. But I could not say the same.
  • You, of course, do not be offended. But I didn't think about you all this time at all - A somewhat rude option. But honest. At least in this case, the man will immediately understand that he is not interesting and henceforth will not “cross the line”.
  • Strange, why would it be? - Quite logical curiosity. However, the question can be asked with irony.
  • But I didn't miss at all - Just a true answer, making it clear that a woman is not as glad to see a man as he thought of himself.
  • Nice to hear this. But I cannot share the joy of this meeting with you.
  • I missed you too. Only, alas, another person - It is suitable for extreme cases when it is urgent to give an annoying fan “from the gate”. If the guy is more or less adequate, he will understand that this is not only about boredom, but also about sympathy as a whole.
  • Sorry, I have no time to talk now. Maybe some other time?
  • But I did not miss. I was really busy. And now too - At the same time, you can significantly look at the man. If he is smart enough, he will understand that his recognition was that he was bored, in this case, superfluous.
  • Do you know how I missed you? Like a Titanic on the iceberg! - What is it like? - Not at all! It always happens, you swim in your life and everything is fine. Suddenly you appear on the horizon!

Of course, the answers are a little “dry” and in places even rude. But in another way with men, to whom you do not feel sympathy, but they insist is impossible. It’s quite another matter if a man is pretty and you feel the same feelings for him as he is for you. Read further.

What to answer the words "I missed" a beloved man: options

Beloved man writes
Beloved man writes "I missed"

As a rule, lovers with trepidation are waiting for the moment when they can again see each other. In this case, yearning for a long separation is completely normal. In the case of mutual feelings, it is quite reasonable not to restrain himself, but to show a dear to a person that you also sincerely waited for a meeting with him. What to answer the words "I miss" a beloved man? Here are the options:

  • And me too.
  • I am pleased that you think of me.
  • I am also waiting for our next meeting.
  • Do not be bored, we can meet, go to the cinema.
  • Thank you for your attention!
  • Honey, I also missed you too, very much!
  • You have no idea how much I miss you!
  • Sorry honey. I was a little busy. But now I'm all at your disposal!
  • I miss you no less than you! How glad I am that we are together again!
  • It is still unknown who missed anyone more. The time spent without you was torture for me. I could not find a place for myself when I imagined how far you were from me!
  • Just hug me - and you will understand that I miss you no less than you.
  • Just think, "missed"! I just went to the shower for 10 minutes! (more playful option).
  • Something I do not see that you were missing! Well, prove it!
  • Missed? Well, this is noticeable (you can look from the man's face down and make a meaningful expression on the face).
  • Missed, you say? And where is the diamond ring, where is the trip to the Maldives, where is at least something? - Of course, you need to pronounce in a comic form so that the guy does not think that the girl expects only “investments” from him. But at the same time there is really a chance to get some present from your beloved.
  • I missed you like a bird by flight.
  • I also missed me, my beloved! All this time, while you were not there, I was invisibly with you and kept my memory in my heart!

In the case of a beloved man, words should be pronounced sincere and sensually. Good luck!

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