Men, guys who cannot meet: characteristics, description, negative qualities

Men, guys who cannot meet: characteristics, description, negative qualities

The first romantic meeting, a foreboding of happiness, and “butterflies flutter” somewhere inside you ... Probably, many representatives of the fair sex know such a state of mind when it seems-“here it is, the only and unique that I have been waiting for so long” ...

And then it passes for a while, and something is going wrong, and the magical world of happiness and love that is cherished by dreams and hopes suddenly begins to crumble for some unknown reasons. Why is this happening? And who is to blame for the fact that now, eagering his fingers and soul into the blood, to select fragments of a crystal castle of love from the floor? Yes, no one! You just did not be lucky, the wrong man met your life path on your life path. But time is the best medicine. It will heal you from spiritual wounds, and soon you will be ready for a new relationship. But now, armed with knowledge gleaned from this material, you will already be more careful when choosing a partner.

Why you can’t meet with a married man, karma

  • It is impossible to build full -fledged happy relationships with a married mansince it is invisible between you, but his legal spouse and children born in marriage will constantly stand. In such a situation, not only they will suffer.
  • You will also involuntarily find yourself the injured party, since your karma will be more and more polluted. Do not risk your subsequent lives, because the law of karma is inevitable, in them you will have to work out your debts for a long time.
  • The woman, taking off the crumbs of happiness with a foreign family, illusoryly considers the lover to be her karmic partner. But, believe me, this is not at all. Even if you manage to contribute to the collapse of strong family ties, then, as a rule, nothing good will happen from such a turn of events. Moreover, neither in this life, nor in the subsequent. No wonder they say people: "On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built".

What can be the consequences of communication with a married man:

  • The karma of a single woman is strengthened. Having plunged into a relationship with a man who is not destined for you, you can look through your real karmic life companion. And he, perhaps, was very close - it remained only to reach out and use his chance to become happy. But since at that moment all thoughts were only about him - married, but so beloved, the opportunity was missed. And, as a result, loneliness after the collapse of the union with a non -free man.
  • Healthy karma laid down at birth is depleted. In relations with a man associated with the bonds of marriage, the female karmic essence loses a lot of its healthy energy, which helps the partner be realized. Nature itself has made sure that a woman’s karmic goal became helping a man. That is, so that with its active support, he will be self -improved, gained self -confidence, was in demand, as best as possible in life, etc. But in such a connection, equivalent energy exchange is impossible, and as a result, the lover, perhaps, without wanting this, turns into a certain energy vampire. And three exhausted levels: spiritual, energy and informational They do not allow a woman to fully realize herself. The gurus of spiritual practices claim that even if the relationship is completely broken, this will not affect the mental connection of the former love couple. Therefore, for another seven years, a woman will lack energy for a full life.
You only thin your karma
You only thin your karma
  • An alien fate is intercepted. With sexual contact with a married man, the ability to coincide with the energy vibrations of his wife increases - in this case, he may fall out of her karma.
  • The energy shells are deformed. All negative emotions and curses will spy on the part of the deceived wife and her relatives not only on the head of the separation, they are also able to break her aura. And the thin matter of man consists of several layers, one of which is responsible for both old incarnations and for future. Therefore, if powerful negative information finds a way there, then all its subsequent lives will be filled with all kinds of misfortunes.
  • There are problems with the central chakra. The internal energy and external aura of a person are tightly interconnected, and therefore constantly affect each other. Psychics, diagnosing women in touch with married men, noticed a certain pattern. Where a person has a solar plexus, one of the chakras is located, into which the healthy streams of vitality should be poured. As it turned out, these flows are so weakening in the mistresses that they not only lose the opportunity to live a healthy full -fledged life, but often become incapable of creating their own family.
  • Changing the karma of the unborn child. All karmic nodes with a former married lover must be torn even before the child is born. If this is not done on time, then the baby, even born from another man, can inherit information about his kind. Such an effect when a child receives an energy connection not with his own father, but with another man, called a “telegony”. And this is very bad: he will have weakened tribal and personal karma, his personal fate will also remain uncertain.
  • Daughter is a mental copy of the mother. Since the connection with a married man negatively affects a woman’s karma, you should immediately try to find the strength in yourself and break this connection. Moreover, not only at the physical level, but also on mental. Otherwise, a daughter born even in other respects, with a high degree of probability, will repeat the unsuccessful personal life of her mother. If you want happiness to your child, you can not meet with a married man.
  • The occurrence of diseases. Since a woman’s karmic goal is not fulfilled due to a connection with a non-free man, she loses too much of her energy. Because of this, immunity is shaken, intuition disappears, and the whole body, as it were, turns into a certain “nursery” for all sorts of diseases.

Why can't you meet with your brother, relative?

  • Both the laws of the Russian Federation and the laws of God do not allow marriages between relatives consisting in a direct line of kinship. Marriage is also impossible between cousins. In addition, unwritten human laws also do not remain on the side of incest, as it is like to go against nature itself.
  • That is why it is impossible to meet with close relatives, because such a relationship will not end in marriage. In no case and offspring can be acquired, since from incest with an almost one hundred percent guarantee, the child will be born with a whole set genetic deviations.
  • This is what the Word of God says regarding the incest: "... who will do all these abominations, then the souls do this will be exterminated from their people". And if entire nations live in such a bad, then for their lawlessness the land will “overthrow” them. That is, they are all doomed to complete extinction.
  • In addition, the girl will constantly have to feel uncomfortable under the gaze and whispering of all neighbors and who know about the kinship of people. And the understanding that you are doing something wrong will constantly depress the psyche. And, then, goodbye, a good mood and pleasure from every day lived!

Why can't you meet a classmate?

  • We all have repeatedly heard romantic stories about how a girl and a boy from a school bench passionately fell in love with each other, and so, in love and harmony lived all their lives. But do not blindly trust this.
  • Psychologists say that a passionate love for his second half can experience the most 3 years. Then this feeling should transform into mutual respect, care for each other.
  • If this does not arise, all this usually ends quite sadly. And trite: break and not the most pleasant memories. Why can't you meet with classmates? - After all, often they do not even get to the wedding.

Let's look at the reasons:

  • Lack of personal space and time. Some time has passed since you started dating, and the novelty has already subsided from the sensation of the first love. Sometimes I want to be alone, have fun with girlfriends or even innocently flirt with the guys. And he all the time is nearby, catches your every word, every look, it is possible that you even criticize your behavior alone with you. Where can I talk about some kind of personal space or time!
  • What to choose - sleep or makeup? Every girl wants to be irresistible during the date. And what if a date is every day, and even at school! You won’t go too much into the educational institution - the teacher will not understand. A modest “tail” and a slightly stretched sweater will also not work. After all, you are sitting at the same desk with your admirer, which means you need to match. So you have to get out of bed every day at least half an hour earlier to put yourself in order. At first it does not bother, because you have love! But every day it starts to bother - so I want to sleep extra minutes in front of the school!
  • Shame on failure. Not everyone does not always manage to choose a hoot, especially when all this is lacking. After all, you are still surely after school in the evening - here is not to the cramming! And then suddenly in the lesson the girl could not find the correct answer to the question asked by the teacher. How can I not burn with shame in front of your boyfriend? He sees all the failures and notices misses.
  • He will always be there. If these relationships tire you, and you decide to part with him after a while, he will remain in the classroom. And again you will see each other again, and meet his full look at his full. And this ostentatious desire to be at the level, so as not to “drop faces” can haunt for a long time. Do you imagine all the horror of the situation? After all, it is impossible to become completely indifferent to a once close friend.
  • You will be tired of teasing classmates and teachers. When your secret opens, be prepared for constant jokes and jokes. Your classmates will have fun to gloomy you, and some teachers, perhaps even sophisticatedly mock (verbally, of course) will begin. And quickly they will not lag behind you, and do not hope.
Such relationships will always be in sight
Such relationships will always be in sight

But, quite possibly, it is from you with your beloved classmate that a beautiful couple will form. And everything will be fine with you, despite all the above -mentioned forecasts. Until you try it yourself, you will not find out, is it right?

Why can't you meet a former guy again?

  • Having accidentally met with her former beloved, a whole emotional flurry may fall on a woman. On the one hand, romantic images and dreams are again revived to life. On the other hand, a bitter feeling flashes from previous grievances and disappointments.
  • But this is just an accidental meeting. But what if your former insists on frequent meetings or even the resumption of relations? When a wall of misunderstanding and betrayal has already stood between you once, it is unlikely that something will change for your second attempt for the better. Where you have already been betrayed once, there is no place for happiness, nor joy, nor dreams.
  • "You can not enter the same river twice" - says the proverb, and it is not far from the truth. After all, everything has already been said and clarified between you, and in a matter of seconds you are strangers for each other. And what kind of mental pain the abandoned woman has to experience, the man usually does not interest - for him this remains “behind brackets”. He goes forward, looking into the future, so why did he again need your meetings?
  • From the pages of glossy magazines they are trying to prove to us that to be friends or to start meeting with their former partner again - this is the norm for all civilized humanity. But you can’t circle psychologists around a finger - they have their own professional flair based on long -term years of practice. So, psychologists say that the situation is completely different. But as?

Let's look at all the hidden motives that push former partners into each other's arms (let and friendly) again:

  • Based on the study of the behavior of many couples, psychologists concluded that stay in a friendly warm relationship After parting, only those people who have some mental abnormalities are capable of.
  • A woman is friends with her former because she does not want to lose the last hope of restoring relationships. And a man is just from the hope of continuing sexual relations. And only: as practice shows, everything else excites him little.
  • If your ex -man is trying to take at least a “girlfriend” niche with all his strengths, as close as possible to you - look, perhaps he is inherent in narcissism. Well, he is not able to let you go for good, because he considers you his property. In this case, it is not very pleasant to feel dependent on the former desires, isn't it?
  • Perhaps your former partner is psychopath. With this disease, some deviations in the psyche may not be particularly invisible.

Psychopaths are owners who are distinguished by a painful affection for their partner. They are characterized by unreasonable jealousy, mood swings, sometimes aggression, sometimes despondency. Remember: giving consent to the continuation of any relationship with a psychopath, you will most likely have to “diversify” his endless tantrums that have already been established.

  • Of course, you do not need to think that after parting with you, your former became some kind of maniac. But attentiveness will not be excessive - it is still unknown how a person can lead himself, if he imagines that he was used, offended, abandoned. And he has all the blame for the breakdown of the relationship on you. And then he somehow suddenly offers you his friendship. Take a think ...
  • But if you are still experiencing warm feelings for your former, it will be difficult for you to resist the offers of new meetings. In this case, the time is to take away his legs from him, and away. This is the only way you can forget him and stop getting out of yourself, since you can’t meet a former, serious relationship, alas, it is already impossible to build it again.
  • But if you were connected before parting for many years of family life and joint children, then why not remain in good relations further?

Why can't you meet with guys alcoholics?

  • The finished alcoholics do not become overnight. And to recognize in a cheerful guy, the soul of a company, who regularly, when meeting friends, is somewhat sorting through the “green serpent”, does not always succeed.
  • But you cannot meet such potential alcoholics, and even more so to associate your fate with them. Already a good drinking guy will start telling you mubble stories about how difficult his life was in childhood and youth.
  • And now his fate does not indulge, and that in some cases simply one cannot fail to drink at least a little to gain mental balance. Further more. Every day, such a man needs to increase the dose of alcohol, and in front of you is not at all the cheerful guy who has recently managed to stir up the whole company with his sparkling jokes.
  • Alcoholism - This is a real disease that is incredibly difficult to get rid of. And if a drinking person still decides to treat, then at any time you can expect a relapse. Alcoholics who are already held usually fall, they lose their jobs (who needs an alcoholic at work?), Friends cease to recognize them on the street. Isn't it a joyless picture?
  • If you fail to make out in time in a moderately drinking person of the future alcoholic, and you connected your life with him, then the matter is very bad. Narcologists have such a term - "Co -dependence". This does not mean in any way that all family members sit at one table, and drink bitterly with the alcoholic. But it turns out that they begin to lead the same way of life as the alcoholic itself.
  • Degradation involuntarily touches all his relatives: you can not look for a new, more paid and prestigious job for yourself, you can not look very good. Damn robe? Well, God with him! Does a sloppy head require a new haircut for a long time? And so it will do!
  • If you understand that you have already reached this point, you need, without hesitation for a second, to run from an alcoholic. And then your eyes will immediately open, and you will again feel the taste for life. And even better - try to avoid dating and relationships with such men. Alcoholism can be a factor holding a family if the husband and wife drink together, since there is a community of interests. But you are not satisfied with this state of things, isn't it?
Passionate habit replaces the family
Passionate habit replaces the family

Why can not you meet drug addicts?

  • If the family finds out that their son has become a drug addict, then this becomes for all his loved ones a real tragedy. This is a serious illness, and if you can’t get rid of drug addiction in time, then it quickly and inexorably leads a person to degradation, or even death.
  • But the guy himself chose his way, and let this destiny - tolerate the presence of a drug addict near himself - gets only to the share of his parents. What can you do, even though they are sorry for tears, but this is their cross.
  • But girls, if they want a happy life for themselves, should tenth road to go around drug addicts - Let even rehabilitation have already undergone. You can’t meet such men if you want to stay healthy, both morally and physically.
  • At any moment, repetition can be expected from him - after all, they say correctly that there are no former drug addicts. During his narcotic “runs”, your boyfriend is not able to live in reality, relatives and friends cease to be interested in him. And only one thought visits his thought from time to time - where to get money for the next dose?
  • At the time of breaking, some of them are capable of theft, and even murder. At this time, a drug addict is not up to love, he can be lured with money by any truth or not for any pretext with a once beloved girl. For example, a heartbreaking story that he has large debts, because of which bad people threaten to kill him.

Do not believe the drug addict, do not follow him.

  • It is best to get rid of meetings with him as soon as possible, since such a relationship a priori does not have a good ending. Drop the pity for him, it is better to regret yourself, because, purposefully leading himself to the edge of death, he is able to destroy everything around himself.
  • For some reason, it is believed that smoking of “grass” is not at all drug addiction. But narcologists argue that psychological reactions from this “light” drug are similar to schizophrenia. And with small life joys in the form of love, humor, friendship, the drug addict does not replace the euphoria that the drug gives him.

Why can't you meet with the guys gamers?

  • It would seem that such an innocent habit - the guy looks in the casino. This is not alcoholism, and not drug addiction, so it does not harm to himself or to others. But this is only at first glance.
  • A passionate gamer is able to spend nights in the club at a card table, roulette or slot machines in the hope of a large win. But, as a rule, winnings happen less and less, and debts, on the contrary, are more and more.
  • The excitement is able to make the gamer lose not only the patch, but also the car and the apartment, climb into terrible debts. Gambling is akin to Kleptomania: a person is simply not able to stop on his own, he seems to put his entire future life and the fate of his loved ones in his height.
  • And usually no girl, no relationship, even children (if he has one) can keep him from this vicious passion.
  • Believe me, not a single girl, even the best is the best, is not able to re -educate the gamer - only a specialist from the field of psychiatry can help him. Yes, and then it is not known - is it for a long time?
  • Therefore, listen to the advice of psychologists, avoid gamers, you can’t meet with gamers, since you still cannot build normal relations.

Why can't you meet with former prisoners?

  • No person can in a prison environment to preserve those personal qualities that he had before detention. In prison, he does not have the freedom of choice and personal space, he has to hide his fear and other emotions in front of the cellmates under the mask of invulnerability, and obey the hard camp schedule.
  • The prisoner adapts to this cruel and hostile environment to survive and not physically suffer - and therefore the prison changes him significantly.

Even having left the walls of the prison, who survived such a prolonged stress, the young man remains in the wild and unrightful to others, emotionally sluggish and not quite conscientious. His soul remains closed, and he will still be in this table armor for a long time.

  • When he thaws, and whether this will happen someday is unknown, so girls should not meet their lives with a former prisoner. It is necessary to receive only pleasant surprises from life, and not joyless gloomy days next to such a person.
Such people have a mental state too much
Such people have a mental state too much

What men can not meet?

  • There are a considerable number of men, in the behavior of which this or that pronounced psychotype is visible with the naked eye. It is almost impossible to build a serious relationship with such guys, but many girls are in a happy error that they will be able to re -educate them.
  • But happy relationships can only arise with the full adoption of the entire set of qualities of a partner - both advantages and disadvantages.
  • Well, if you decide to “fit” your chosen one under your preferences, it is better to immediately part with him and find a more acceptable object for yourself. Otherwise, you will only in vain lose your time next to him, since it will not change anyway.

So, you can’t meet with:

  • Mamenkin's son. For him, the most important holiday always remains mother's birthday, and he previously discusses each step with his mother. She will always dominate in such a family where her son obeys her unquestioningly, not daring to defend her own opinion - but he most likely does not have him at all. At any moment, his beloved mother can suddenly decide that you are not worthy to be next to her son, and he obeys her implicitly. So let him sit near my mother’s skirt, and in the meantime you will quickly “make legs” from this family. Until you have been humiliated the very one, sending it away from the radiant person of his mother.
  • Babnik. “Olue” womanizer are not able to love any one specific woman. The more female hearts fascinated by him, the better for a womanizer. Of course, the quality is important to him, but the number for him becomes the main criterion for success. Remember: such a guy is not in love with you at all. This sweet -haired ladies' saint is captured by the process of love seduction, not love. “Did you manage to lure the girl in his snares? Excellent! Move on!" - About this is what a womanizer thinks and acts, who, with his manners, appearance and style, attracts the attention of many women. And each of them, being next to him, thinks that it is she who is the only and desired girl for him. It is impossible to change such a man, you should not even try to do it. He will remain in the eternal pursuit of women until his old age.
  • Egoist. A man-egoist can be recognized from almost the first meeting with him. He takes care of comfort only for himself, his beloved, single -handedly determines when and where to meet with him, what you will do, which restaurant -type institution you will visit, where you will go to rest, etc. For a dedicated egoist and you become one of the components of comfort. And while you please him, indulge in everything and do not require attention from him, he will arrange everything. But as soon as he feels that some problems are brewing on your part, he will quickly “evaporate”.
  • Daffodil. “Narcissus” is akin to an egoist, since he is in love-deeply and forever-only in himself, beautiful. For him, general attention and recognition is very important. He is constantly engaged in narcissism, and even while near you, he continues to admire not at all, but himself. His needs are always in the first place, and all the other mortal nails are worth it. He will describe each of his steps to you, praise himself and his actions, telling how good he is. Think carefully: are you ready to become "maid of honor" at the court of His Majesty? If not, become the initiator of the gap and remain free from the slavery of Narcissus.
They love only themselves
They love only themselves
  • A led man. At first, it may seem that fate “threw” the perfect partner for you. He does not contradict you in anything and agree to everything that you offer him. And then suddenly it turns out that he is completely and completely insolvent as a person. You will have to give him an indication of which shirt to put on, which tie to choose for a suit, which field to choose for yourself, and generally lead it in life. He will never be able to become a leader, to achieve any success because of his infantility. Do you need all this to you?
  • Acheric bachelor. His youth has long been left behind, and he never made a single attempt to create a family? Or maybe his former partners, despite the rather long relations with him, left him, without waiting for his proposal of his hand and heart? So he will not do it to you, despite the fact that he is quite possible for him very much. It’s just convenient for him to live alone, and he will not change anything in his life for you.
  • Critic. Very little time will pass from your first date, and he is already beginning to criticize everything that he does not like in your appearance and actions. Then he will urgently advise which of the friends you can be friends with, and with whom you can categorically meet. He can, even with importance, make sure that according to his tastes you dress, eat right, led a healthy lifestyle, etc., etc. It seems that he does all this for the good of your relationship, but will you personally like someone's endless teams, instructions and control? And even if you make a remark to him about his behavior, he will sincerely be perplexed that they do not suit you in him. And he will never change, despite all your efforts to “redo it”.
  • Jealous. There is simply jealousy, and if it manifests itself in a slight form, then it can even be calculated for the manifestation of love. But pathological jealousy is something terrible. It is almost impossible to be next to such a jealous, since any action on your part will be regarded by readiness for treason. Are you ready for constant scandals due to the fact that another man looked at you, or you talked with him about something, or put on a short skirt, etc. You will constantly be “under the cap” of such a jealous, and each of your steps will be under control. It is unlikely that anyone can withstand such a relationship for a long time, so you should not spend your time and nerves on it.
With jealous life has constant swing
With jealous life has constant swing

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