Why does the ex -man call, the guy after parting: 11 main reasons. Should you take a man’s phone after parting?

Why does the ex -man call, the guy after parting: 11 main reasons. Should you take a man’s phone after parting?

When an ex -guy suddenly calls, a woman is awkward. She does not understand why this happened, and how to behave in such a situation correctly.

From this article you will find out why your ex calls you.

Why are former men call: the main reasons

He imitates his feelings:

  • Most women note that former guys always call at the wrong time. This means that the girl began to live a new life. Perhaps she has a new young man with whom she feels happy. It is this situation that says that the call was made at the wrong time. The meeting of former lovers is now possible only in a different life.
  • Human memory is inexplicable. It is difficult, or rather, impossible to get rid of the past. Sometimes a woman can cover the memories that intensify after a call from the former. If you have lost your feelings for the past partner, do not attach much importance to this call. It is already impossible to restore love, so you should not try to repeat what is already in the past.

Men's tricks:

  • Psychologists have long tried to understand why the ex -guy calls the woman after the break. They note that this can happen due to comparison. It is common for guys to compare their new girls with the past (behavior, appearance, etc.). He is trying to understand who he will be better.
  • When the guy understands that the ex -girlfriend was better, he plans do everything to return it. Now only you decide whether to restore relationships or not.
  • Some men with a call increase their self -esteem. They are trying to prove to themselves that they are the best, and the woman made a mistake by tearing off the relationship with him.
  • They also tend to feel that the ex -girlfriend had a new lover, and they are trying to do everything, if only she could not build a new relationship.
  • Some men tend to think that a woman is able to commit any stupidity after the end of the relationship. They are trying to dissuade her, calm and support her with a call. Such guys need to immediately express everything you think about them, and break the connection for good.
Do not fall for tricks
Do not fall for tricks

Return to the past:

  • When the former guy calls, the girl involuntarily begins to remember everything that happened to her during a relationship. Mentally she wants to return to the past, but common sense often does not allow her to do this.
  • If the guy’s words cause a storm of emotions in you, do not resist her. Each person chooses for himself not only the path, but also the tests. It is possible that with his call, a man wants to return you back.
  • There are many pairs that are reunited after a long break, and live happily. It all depends on your desire and conclusions that both partners make, being far from each other.

The man misses:

  • The call from the former does not always indicate that he is still in love with you. It is possible that he feels sympathy for you as a person. No wonder you used to be together, and have lived a lot of happy moments. Often people call former partners out of habit.
  • There are pairs that, after the break, support friendly relations. However, it is difficult for them to become close friends, because at any moment feelings can return.

A man as a victim:

  • Often, former men call to make sure their former girls are happy without them. The breakdown of relations could negatively affect their self -esteem, and they enter the role of sufferer, victims. And often this critically develops for women. After all, such a manipulative position grabs them on the hook, and they run to save the former.
  • When a man cannot correct the situation, he does not need to save him, especially if he is the initiator of your gap. If it was difficult for you after the gap, remember your emotions and understand that if you have experienced and were able to open up for a new relationship, then the man also cope. Try to talk in a formal channel or not to communicate at all.

A man wants to hurt you:

  • If a man’s self -esteem was hurt, he begins to repeat that the former woman had lost a worthy person. He can call to tell about her successes so that the girl realizes her mistake, and tried to return to him.
  • Sometimes revenge manifests itself differently. A man can call to tell his former about how he lives well with a new girl.
  • No need to continue such conversations, listen and clarify the details of his life. Say that you are no longer interested in it anymore and, if he is happy, then you are glad for him. But try to say it as calmly and in a good mood.
  • Hysterical notes can be concerned about you. And the man will understand what can mock you in this way. If you say this calmly and add that you have no time to talk due to employment, you can consider yourself the winner of this battle.

He craves revenge:

  • If you were initiated by a breakdown, the guy will try to take revenge. If during the conversation he is too cute and polite, it is better to be wary. It is likely that he has planned something.
  • Often, guys do everything, just to return the former woman, and then throw her again. So he wants to assert himself.
Anger or desire for revenge
Anger or desire for revenge

He wants to return you:

  • If the breakdown of the relationship was long, and the guy had time to realize his mistakes, he may try to return you. If you do not want to “step on the same rake” again, try to transfer the conversation in a different direction or completely refuse the conversation.
  • If you have long wanted to restore relations with the ex, plunge into pleasant memories, and let the young man achieve what you want. Believe only your inner experiences.

Thirst for control of your life:

  • Men can call former girls because of thirst for life control. In the first few minutes of conversation, you must determine whether he wants to control your life or wants you to follow his life.
  • If a man asks where you go, and what you are doing, then he plans to control you. If you are not pleased with such interrogations, immediately designate all the boundaries. Try to move away from his line of behavior, and tell me that you yourself can control your life.
  • If he calls to complain about his life, then he was satisfied with the relationship “mother and son”, and he wants you to continue to control his life. Despite the fact that this may seem touching, give up such communication.
  • Remember, your relationship is over and you owe nothing to your former partner. Build the boundaries around you, and do not let the former cross them.


  • Often, relations between partners are not quite decent. With his calls, a man may try to make amends, and correct the situation. If he calls to establish a relationship, you can try to forgive all insults.
  • If during the call it is heard that the guy plans to return you into a dependent position, complete the conversation. Remember, only you can worry about your happy future.

The guy makes a choice:

  • Often men leave their girlfriend as a spare option. Frequent calls can tell about this. This means that in a relationship with his new girl, a man does not receive something, so he tries to find it in communication with you.
  • If you continue to contribute to this behavior, you will encourage its egoism and narcissism. Immediately explain to the guy that you will not be a spare option, and agree only to friendly communication or to the absence of it at all. Let him make a choice, and no longer bothers you with his strange calls.
The former can compare you with other girls
The former can compare you with other girls

Why is the ex -man calling, the guy after parting: reviews

  • Pavel, 32 years: I met with a girl for 2 years, and parted due to betrayal on my part. Recently I decided to call her to apologize for an unpleasant act, because I could not build a new relationship with the weight of guilt in my soul. They talked with her for about 20 minutes, and now they have become best friends.
  • Valentina, 25 years: About 5 years I have not seen my ex -boyfriend. Today I saw a missed call from him on the phone. I decided to call back. After talking heart to heart, I realized that he only decided to call to boast of his new relationship and achievements. Fortunately, this impressions did not make it, because I am a happy wife and mother. And my life is quite happy with me.
  • Nina, 28 years old: I always try to stay friends with my former guys. We regularly call up to share the news. Everyone has their own family, and no one is trying to return everything back.

Now you know that calls from former partners are a classic phenomenon familiar to most girls. If you see a call from the ex-party on the phone, think several times before picked up the phone. Remember, regular communication can both establish your friendly relationship, and spoil them even more.

Articles about men and relationships:

Video: Why are the former contact, how to respond to messages and calls from them?

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