How to answer the question "How is the mood?": Examples, original phrases

How to answer the question

If you are asked “how is the mood?”, Give the original answer. Read more in the article.

During his life, every person hundreds of times heard the question “How is the mood?”. Of course, interested in the mood of the interlocutor, no one implies any deep meanings. Rather, on the contrary. This phrase is able to smooth out an awkward pause in a conversation, or provoke the interlocutor to a detailed answer at the time of the meeting.

Read on our website another article on why do people ask uncomfortable questions. You will learn how to correctly answer uncomfortable questions according to psychology.

In this article you will find examples and original phrases on how to answer a question "How are you feeling?". Read further.

"How are you feeling?" - Why is they asking this: reason

"How are you feeling?" - Sounds like a greeting

In most cases, the question "How are you feeling?" It is introductory. After a person hears the answer: "Good", "normal", "everything is in order", he will immediately translate the conversation to another, more interesting topic. Of course, then for hours to listen to someone's sobs and complaints, few people want. Why do they ask? Here are a few reasons:

  • In fact, the question is something similar to the phrase "How are you?". It is not necessary to give a sincere answer to it. The questioner, as a rule, wants to hear that his acquaintance is doing well, and that is enough.
  • After a person asks a question "How are you feeling?", he is no longer so important for him exactly what phrase will follow. This is just a kind of communicative “shake” that allows you to start a dialogue.

In the USA or Canada a question "How are you feeling?" Even completely replaces the greeting. This is an ordinary element of politeness. In some cases, a negative answer to this phrase is considered a bad form. That is why it is worth pulling on a “duty smile”. And even if you really want to share your troubles with your interlocutor, you should leave revelations until better times. After all, the question "how is your mood?" Enjoyed and positive in itself, it has a pleasant, friendly communication.

Answers to the question "How are your mood?": Standard phrases, examples

If you have no mood to laugh it off and there is no desire to talk, then you can answer the question with standard phrases. Here are examples:

  • Thank you excellent (Great, excellent and other synonyms).
  • When I see you, it is always good - In the answer, it is noticeable that the interlocutor is far from everything, but when he meets a friend or girlfriend, his mood improves markedly.
  • At the highest level, as always.
  • And what do you think? - Suitable for flirting and in cases where it is noticeable that the cause of the issue is not sincere anxiety, but banal politeness.
  • Neutral answers - “I don’t even know”, “Yes, something like that”, “Not bad, but it happened better” etc.
  • Not really, but do not take it in mind.
  • I have not yet understood. Only morning.

If you really want to still share my problems with a friend, you can answer this way:

  • In fact, not very. But, I think, after our communication it will become better.
  • Honestly, bad. And you have? - Of course, an adequate friend after that will want to know what happened.
  • I would like to lie, but I can’t. My mood today, frankly, is not the most rosy.
  • Bad, but you will be able to raise it, right? - On behalf of the girl, for a romantic meeting with a guy.
  • My mood depends on the weather. But today it is rain. So you understand.

On the one hand, such phrases greatly overshadow the conversation. But on the other hand, they make her more sincere. Negative answer to the question "what is your mood?", It is better to save for close friends who will really be interested to know what has been shaken and who can support and give good advice. “Reded -up acquaintances” is better to answer that everything is fine.

The question “How is your mood?”: Original phrases for raising mood, short answers with humor, cool, funny answers

Try to answer the question “how” to answer the original phrase
Try to answer the question “how” to answer the original phrase

We all want to diversify communication. After all, a banal answer "Thanks, everything is fine" quickly boring. You can show ingenuity and creativity, and to the question "How is your mood?", respond with an original phrase for raising the mood, cool. Here are funny answers:

  • For enemies, terrible, beautiful for friends.
  • Well, since you don’t throw the phone in horror, then I have nowhere better.
  • Excellent. Only a rope and soap is missing.
  • The mood is such that I want to tear and throw. But instead, I sit and knit my socks.
  • Since my mood depends on digestion, heartbeat, vision, hematopoiesis and other biological functions of the body, can I first undergo a medical examination, and then I will answer you?
  • The mood was beautiful until I met you (hostility, but in a comic form).
  • Today they give me a salary, and the mood corresponds to the day.
  • The mood is not to hell. Someone wants to do all the muck. By the way, it’s good that you came. Let's start with you.
  • You will not get it!
  • My mood is like a structure. The foundation is durable, but there is no roof.
  • Enthusiastic, like in a jewelry store.
  • What are you asking? Do you want to spoil, or what?
  • Like Cook, before the natives ate it.
  • The mood is changeable: I want something, but I don’t know who.
  • Like Carlson: I want to have sweets and shoulder.
  • I got up today at 5 in the morning. What do you think I have?
  • I am having fun, but I do not touch others.
  • The mood is like in a tank after an explosion.
  • Bad. Help raise.
  • Great! No one else has this.
  • The mood is not very. But he called the tuner. He promised that he would come soon and settle everything.
  • The mood is such that I want to become Ben Laden. But you have to remain a cute fairy.
  • Are you honest or so that you like it?
  • Like a bear: I want to fall into the hibernation and suck your paw.
  • The mood is sweet, like cookies.
  • The mood is great, as on a birthday.
  • Such that I want to commit a crime.

But short answers with humor:

Short answers with humor
Short answers with humor

Read in another article on our website about serious questions to the guy relating to the relationship. You will also find signs that the guy is seriously configured, and you will know how to understand this?

Choose any of the phrases and surprise your friends and friends. Below even more suitable phrases. Read further.

How to support the interlocutor if he replied that he has a bad mood?

In this case, optimistic, comic phrases will help. They should encourage a bored or worried person that everything is not as terrible as he imagines. So, how to support the interlocutor if he replied that he has a bad mood? Here are suitable phrases:

  • But my mood is good. Do you want me to share with you? I do not mind.
  • I have a wonderful one. Now I will infect you to them.
  • Nothing, now and you will have a wonderful mood! I will do all my strength for this.
  • Do not worry, I have already called a good wizard. Now he will come and make a smile does not leave your face.
  • This is you in a bad mood, because I was not. Now everything will change.
  • My cat also had a bad mood when he saw a vacuum cleaner. And then nothing, got involved.
  • Well, come on, smile!

Read the link in another article on how beautifully to answer insult, rudeness, uncomfortable questions. You will find phrases, tips on proper behavior in this case.

Of course, answers to the question "how is your mood?" In different situations, they are largely different. If a boss or colleague asks, it is better to limit yourself to banal, restrained answers. And if the conversation takes place in a cheerful informal setting, then you can show off jokes.

And how do you usually answer such a question or maybe you heard some original answers? Write the answer in the comments below.

Video: Pavel Volya: How always to be in a good mood and why is it so important?

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