How beautiful it is to answer insult, rudeness, uncomfortable questions beautiful: phrases, tips on proper behavior

How beautiful it is to answer insult, rudeness, uncomfortable questions beautiful: phrases, tips on proper behavior

What if you get into the situation with boorish behavior and uncomfortable questions? We will figure out more in the article.

All people have a different character, manners, upbringing, their opinion and that is why verbal skirmishes, conflicts and controversial situations often happen. In the civilized world, educated people try to solve existing problems with the help of dialogue without insulting anyone without humiliating.

However, there are those who are alien to such behavior and in this case rudeness, rudeness and insults are being used. Sometimes such behavior of people makes you fall into a stupor, but in fact, reacting to such antics is quite simple.

Insults: how to react, how beautiful and smartly answering?

You can deliberately insult a person and, no matter how strange it sounds, by chance. An unnecessary insult occurs when a person who has been offended has too low or high self -esteem and extremely painfully reacts to very simple and sometimes harmless statements in his direction. However, even such a relative classification of insults does not give anyone the right to offend you.

  • If they begin to provoke you to the scandal and insult, the first thing you should do is clearly understand for yourself that the words said by the offender in your address should not affect your self -esteem and perception of yourself. A person insults himself in the first place of himself with such behavior, because he shows his present person. You must skip everything that has been said past your ears and, of course, try not to enter into a skirmish.
  • Clearly understandthat the problem is not in you. That is, it is not you who look too old, not specifically your extra kg or hairstyle provoked a person to insults. In your place could be any person and there would also be flaws in him. It's all about raising a person, his mood.
  • Try behave calmly Despite everything, after all, insulting you, a person is waiting to receive a response, because having not received it, he will not be at all interested in continuing the monologue.

Guided by the above very simple rules, you will maintain calm, common sense, nerves and mood.

The reaction to insults
The reaction to insults

You can act and answer insults in the following ways:

  • When insults come from a stranger. In this case, it is best to simply ignore what has been said, because it is completely unknown what this person has on his mind, what he is capable of and for which he actually acts in this way. If the situation allows, pass by, leave the offender and pretend that you do not see him or hear him. If a person is too intrusive, continues to follow you and insult, try to behave as correctly as possible and not like him, if possible, ask passers to help you leave the stranger.
  • When insults come from a loved one, a relative. In this case, everything is much more complicated and nevertheless. Try to restrain emotions and ask a person to stop insulting you, Offer to discuss the situation in a calm environment and correctly, without mutual insults Express your point of view, be sure to bring to the offender that it hurts and unpleasant to hear such words from him. If a person does not intend to stop such behavior, say goodbye to him and if possible leave, however, even in such a situation, do not insult in response, since the emotions will subside, most likely the situation will become clear, the relationship will be applied, but the sediment from what has been said will remain both with you and offender.
  • If a insults come from the employer, boss, colleagues. Here, all the more, you need to think what to say in response and whether it is worth saying something. Disputes and scandals are definitely not needed with the authorities. Be prepared for the fact that having decided to insult in response, you will be dismissed. However, if the insults are really serious, do not let yourself be offended. Explain to the boss that if such a situation is repeated, you will be forced to say goodbye to him and influence the current situation with possible methods. Insults of a colleague should not be ignored, however, do not resort to rudeness. Ask to calm down and react to everything that happens with a smile, This will definitely be even more angry with the offender, however, most likely it will make you silent. Do not forget that other colleagues will be around you, perhaps bosses, so with mutual insults you will only spoil the opinion about yourself and your reputation. If you still fail to avoid the conflict, tell me a colleague-bidder that you will be forced to inform your superiors about his behavior during working hours.

Harp for such conflict situations several smart, calm and restrained answers like the following:

  • “Why are you playing this performance? For self -affirmation? "
  • "Is this your only way to assert yourself?"
  • “And how often are you asserted at the expense of other people?”
  • “Have you become easier? If not, I am ready/ready to listen to this nonsense a little more. ”
  • "Do you have a bad day?"
  • "Did you have something?"
How to act?
How to act?

At first glance, these are very simple and banal issues, but in fact they have a great influence on a person. Sometimes a person really insults because of a bad mood or some incident that upset him and angry him.

In this case, asking the corresponding question, you can reassure a person and even provoke him to apologies. Other questions are shocking a person, and he stops talking his offensive speeches.

Important: Always remember that you can’t get to the level of the offender, even if you really want to, and you need to react to all the statements extremely calmly and balanced.

Often, such offensive speeches are written in SMS, so so as not to blur and competently answer them, take a note:

  • The correct version of writing the word “insult” this is “o-s-s-o-b-b-l-y-a-y”

Rudeness and rudeness: how to react, how beautiful and smartly answering?

Crubi and boor are significantly different from people who occasionally insult someone, since such a state for the former is chronic. These people are rude and rude all the time, their speech consists of their rudeness, they do not think what and to whom they say.

It is important to understand that you can only rude and in a hamian say something only to the person who makes it possible for the offender to do this. It is quite difficult to humble and rude people with a strong psyche, normal self -esteem, so it will not be superfluous to work on themselves in these directions.

To correctly react to such behavior, first try to understand why the offender behaves like that.

The following options are possible:

  • The desire to be cool. This is inherent in adolescents, especially when they are in the company among their peers.
  • The desire to be in the spotlight. This is more inherent in work colleagues, colleagues. People are trying to suppress their authority and rudeness of other people and stand out in this way from the mass.
  • Self -affirmation. This is characteristic of uncertain, flawed people. Being actually very shy and notorious, such people try to assert themselves due to rudeness and rudeness in relation to others.
  • Bad mood, day. In this case, such behavior can be considered the protective mechanism of a person. The psyche of the offender is so tired of the accumulated negativity that he is trying to get rid of him in any way and rudeness with rudeness is good for this. In other words, a person simply emotionally discharges.
There are many reasons for behavior
There are many reasons for behavior

You can respond to such behavior with the help of such psychological techniques:

  • Ignoring. Pretend that you have not noticed rudeness and rudeness in your address. After listening to the offender, smile and leave
  • Sneeze. It is best to use when the offender cannot calm down and does not understand a calm speech. Listen to everything that a person wants to say, and then sneeze loudly and defiantly and politely ask for forgiveness for this, and add that you have an allergy to such behavior since childhood. You can also ask if the offender has a tablet from such a “ailment”. This technique puts rude in an awkward and non -standard position, he is no longer the owner of the situation. You can turn around and leave.
  • « Aikido". This technique assumes that you will correctly and calmly listen to your offender, with understanding to nod him in response and agree with everything said. Also, the words of gratitude to Grubyan will not be superfluous for the fact that he is so interested in your person and even agree to spend his time on you.

Such behavior is very annoying people and makes them calm down and shut up

How to react to rudeness?
How to react to rudeness?

You can answer rudeness and rudeness with similar phrases:

  • “Excuse me, I no longer have time to listen to you, but if you haven’t said everything yet, let me invite someone else to you.”
  • “I am very pleased that you are so interested in my person and are even ready to spend your precious time on me.”
  • “Why are you rude to me? Does this give you something? "
  • “How do you want me to answer/answered your statements?”
  • “I am in a good mood today, so I can listen to you indefinitely.”
  • “You probably have something happened to you, don’t be upset, everything will get better.”
  • “The tone of your conversation does not impress me, so I, perhaps, will allow myself not to listen to you.”
  • "Sorry, did you definitely want to tell me that?"
  • “For what purpose are you rude?”
  • “For whom are you playing this performance? It seems to me that no one is looking at you. ”

Do not let a person see your tears, nerves, etc., because this is exactly what he arranges such “performances”. Be calm, imagine that everything that has been said passes past you or that the offender is standing in front of you, and he turns to himself.

Unknown questions: how to react, how beautiful and smartly answering?

Another problem of modern people is the desire to know absolutely everything, regardless of whether the other person wants to tell anything like this.

Such uncomfortable issues include the following:

  • “When will you get married/get married?”
  • “Why are you still without a couple, like beautiful/beautiful and nothing?”
  • “Why aren't you giving birth to a child?”
  • "What is your salary?"
  • "Why aren't you losing weight?"
  • “How much did this thing cost? Is she new or used? ”
  • Intimate issues, etc.

People who ask such questions are eager to get the most accurate and detailed answer and most often they themselves perfectly understand that they put another person in an awkward position. It is necessary to act in such cases decisively, without embarrassment and shame, since this is your life, to devote anyone to anyone.

Unknown position
Unknown position

So, the answers to such questions may be as follows:

  • “Of course, it is flattering to me that you are so interested in my personal life, but I, perhaps, will not devote you to it.”
  • "You know, today I am not in the mood to discuss my life with a stranger to me."
  • “Your life depends on my answer? If so, then, of course, I will answer you. ”
  • "Why do you need to know this?"
  • “Well, finally you asked this, because I have long noticed that this question is disturbed by you. It’s a pity that you did not know that I don’t tell anyone such details. ”
  • “How do you do this? How are you so simply asking personal questions and are not embarrassed at the same time? ”
  • “You have an amazing ability - I do not like to ask incorrect questions quite calmly, it’s a pity to answer such questions.”
  • "The salary is like yours."
  • "The salary is small, I would like more."
  • “I don’t get married/ I don’t get married because I’m waiting for the prince/ princess.”
  • "There is no half, I do not meet, because everything has its own time."
  • “I see you are a fan of climbing in someone else's underwear.”
  • “I'm not mistaken, are you really interested in delving into someone else's underwear?”

Answer the questions calmly, do not show that in fact such a question really hurts or bothers you. Let people wonder how you live well, despite the small salary, the absence of children, the family, etc. In the end, your personal life and your secrets are your personal space, which no one has the right to invade.

As you can see, in fact, rudeness, rudeness and incorrect questions are just the bad manner of people, which, if necessary, can be skillfully and correctly answer. Never be likened to the bad hammam, do not get to their level, take care of your reputation and nerves.

Video: the correct reaction to passive aggressive behavior

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