How original, beautifully, witty, cool to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: A list of answers. What can be answered by the guy and the girl to the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers options

How original, beautifully, witty, cool to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: A list of answers. What can be answered by the guy and the girl to the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers options

How smartly, beautifully or funny to answer the question "What are you doing?" Or "what are you doing"?

One of the most common questions when meeting or in a telephone conversation is the question of the type: "What are you doing?" Or "what are you doing?" Such a phrase simply focuses on many, as they immediately begin to think about what exactly to tell the interlocutor now. Others are irritated by such questions, since it is quite difficult to find a definite answer to them. In this article, we will try to find several interesting and ironic options for the answer to the question: "What are you doing?" Or "what are you doing?"

How beautifully to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers

How beautifully to answer the question of what are you doing? what are you doing??
How beautiful to answer the question "What are you doing?" Or "what are you doing?"?
  • If you were asked a similar question, but you have nothing to answer it, you can tactfully get away from the answer, saying the simple: “Nothing special, and you?” In this case, the interlocutor will either begin the narrative of his affairs, or simply finish the conversation - everything will depend on his intentions.
  • If a young man is on a date or simply is next to the representative of the fair sex, and they ask him a similar question on the phone at that moment, he can beautifully answer this: “I enjoy the society of a charming girl!”, “I spend the most beautiful minutes in my life!” Or "I'm going to get married!"
  • If a loved one asks a question, you can answer this way: “I think about you!”, “I listen to your beautiful voice!”, “I admire you!”

How to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: List of answers

How to answer the question in an original way? or what are you doing ??
How to answer the question "What are you doing?" or "what are you doing?"?
  • Sukhari dry!
  • I feel nuclear weapons!
  • I wave the sword of the Jedi, so more carefully!
  • I save the world!
  • I help the president solve important political problems in the country and the world!
  • Guess! You guess - you will receive a prize, you won’t guess - you will be punished!
  • I think about what the inhabitants of the city of Gus-Khrustalny are called-Gus-Khrustalevs, Crystal and Gus-Khrustal goose.
  • I am wondering where it would be possible to hide the corpse of my wife.
  • He made love, and then decided to talk to you.
  • I'm sitting on my knees at Santa Claus and telling a verse.
  • Do you just ask, or are you really interested?
  • Imagine, right now I'll start telling you!

How to make smartly answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Options

How smartly answer the question what are you doing? or what are you doing ??
How to smartly answer the question "What are you doing?" or "what are you doing?"?
  • I improve the adron collider!
  • I am looking for mistakes on Wikipedia.
  • I spray particles of my intellect in a conversation with you.
  • I develop a speech apparatus.
  • I strain the oculomotor muscles in order to consider you.
  • I listen to how you ask me this question.
  • I live and breathe air.
  • I eat, I drink, sleep.
  • I am engaged in a very complex process - I consume oxygen, and in return I produce carbon dioxide.

How to answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?" sarcasm?

How funny to answer the question what are you doing or what are you doing ??
How sarcastically answer the question “what are you doing” or “What are you doing?”?
  • I'm trying to make a calm expression on my face in response to a stupid question.
  • You won’t believe it - I'm talking to you.
  • Why are you interested in? Do you want to use this information against me?
  • Cool question! I would have asked how to save the world from global warming?
  • Already did everything!
  • I make 60 beats per minute, and this is only with one heart.!

How witty answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers

How witty answer the question of what are you doing? Or what are you doing?
How witty to answer the question "What are you doing?" Or "what are you doing"?
  • Oriflame or Evon.
  • Hamsters soul.
  • I divorce kittens-3-4 kittens per bucket of water.
  • What the time for you had to do is to do is smart.

How cool to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers

How cool to answer the question what are you doing? or what are you doing ??
How cool to answer the question "What are you doing?" or "what are you doing?"?
  • I score a booty with a booty!
  • I eat boys - will you?
  • Salun in the ceiling throwing.
  • I suffer from a secret disease - nonsense.
  • My soap.
  • Again, I decided to review Santu-Barbaru, I’m looking for the last season.
  • I listen to the radio.

How to answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?" Funny, joke?

How to answer a joke to the question what do you do? or what are you doing ??
How to answer a joke to the question "What are you doing?" or "what are you doing?"?
  • I am developing a bank robbery plan. Are you with me?
  • Congratulations - you are the tenth who asked this question today! What the original this world is still!
  • I sleep and see a terrible dream in which they ask me this question!
  • I decided to hit the figure with buns.
  • There is such a job - relax.

The guy asks: "What are you doing tomorrow?" - what to say?

The girl’s ironic answer to the guy’s question What are you doing tomorrow?
The girl’s ironic answer to the guy’s question “What are you doing tomorrow?”

If you need an ironic answer, then you can use the following options:

  • Yes, as always, I stop horses on the go and go to burning huts!
  • I teach the hare to smoke!
  • I teach the cat to talk!
  • Like all girls - I dream of a prince on a white horse.
The answer with a hint of a girl to a guy to the question of what are you doing tomorrow?
The answer with the hint of the girl to the guy to the question "What are you doing tomorrow?"

If the girl has a positive impression on the guy and give him a hint, then it is better to answer with the next phrases:

  • I walk with the best man in the world!
  • I drink wine in my most beloved restaurant in a pleasant company. Are you accidentally working as a companion?
  • I take a walk by the arm with a copy of Bruce Willis (or someone like a guy).
  • I go through the casting in Viagra. Do you want to be meladze for a day?

Video: 84 answers to the question "How are you?"

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Comments K. article

  1. “If the girl has a positive impression on the guy and give him a hint, then it is better to answer with the next phrases:
    I go through the casting in Viagra. Do you want to be meladze for a day? "

    You are sure that this will make a positive impression, and not the impression, as about a girl of light behavior, ready for anything?)) Straight a very thin hint))
    I had a friend who “hinted” the guys in this way) When one boley told her that she was so complete that she would crush her boyfriend, whom she at that moment was on her knees, she looked at him with a fox look and answered: “You I just didn't see me naked. " This I understand all the hints hint))))

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