36 questions after which people fall in love, love is inevitable: the list

36 questions after which people fall in love, love is inevitable: the list

We all want to love and be loved. But there are secret issues, after which, love is inevitable, we will reveal them in this article.

Over the search for a tool that causes one of the most mysterious feelings - love, from very ancient times, thinkers and healers fought. And our contemporary - the psychologist Arthur Aron, who proved that the best “love love” was the usual conversation is the usual conversation!

The only “secret ingredient” of this method lies in the specially prepared 36 issues that make the conversation men and women psychologically open towards each other, finding a soul mate and falling in love with it.

36 questions after which love is inevitable

The scientist’s studies ended with complete success: couples, who began relations with a magical conversation, subsequently marched and created strong families. In addition, such communication helped men and women whose relationships arose, it is easy to resolve them.

36 questions after which love is inevitable:

  1. Who would you like to have lunch with? (You can choose any person in the whole world).
  2. In which industry would you like to become famous?
  3. Before an important call or a performance, do you rehearse your speech? Why do you need it?
  4. Describe your "perfect day." What should it be?
  5. Are you singing at home when no one hears you? Or do you like to speak to the listeners?
  6. What is better: to stay throughout life to a young (oh) body or mind?
  7. Thinking (-st) were you about how exactly you will end your earthly path?
  8. What three characteristics of character are common to you and your second half?
  9. What act of other people caused the most strong gratitude to you?
  10. What shortcomings, in your opinion, did parents allow during your upbringing and growing up?
  11. How would you formulate your Life Stori to meet in four minutes?
  12. If you were a superman, then what superpowibility would you like to possess?

  13. What would you like to find out with the help of a predictor from your past, present or future?
  14. Tell me about your unrealized dreams and plans. Why didn't they come true?
  15. What are you most proud of your achievement?
  16. Why do you love your friends?
  17. What is the main event you keep in the most secret corner of your heart?
  18. What would you really like to forget about, but it doesn’t work?
  19. If you suddenly recognized that you will pass for 12 months to make you (a) and for what reason?
  20. Why is a real friendship given to a person?
  21. What place in your existence does such concepts as affection and love occupy?
  22. Make a list of five positions, positively characterizing your soul mate.
  23. Do you have received a lot of mental warmth (a) in childhood? How strong are your family ties?
  24. How can you characterize your relationship with your mother?
  25. What three proposals can be built so that they begin with the pronoun “we” and are completely true? (This refers to phrases telling about two conversational people).
  26. How would you finish the statement: “I want to share with someone ...”?
  27. What kind of secret secret will you reveal to your close friend?
  28. What qualities of the second half attract you most?

    Honest answers are important
    Honest answers are important
  29. What event in your life do you consider the most terrible?
  30. What caused your tears? When and why did this happen?
  31. What do you think you can’t joke under any circumstances?
  32. If your life suddenly breaks today, what and to whom would you like to say?
  33. Everyone knows that with a fire or natural disaster, you need to save documents. So that you still want to take it out of the house before its destruction?
  34. The departure from life of which of your relatives will become an irreparable loss for you?
  35. What problem from your personal life can you not cope without outside help? Ask for advice from your second half.
  36. What memories did you have after your first love?
Love is inevitable
Love is inevitable

Now you know all 36 questions, after which love is inevitable, and which will help to build open, trusting relationships with your partner. Drink and remember that nothing is impossible in this world!

Video: Love less than 5 minutes after 36 questions

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