What to answer the question "How are you?", "What is interesting?" Girl, guy, man, when asked? How to answer the question "How are you?" Original, beautiful, joke, funny, cool?

What to answer the question

Non -banal answers to the banal question "How are you?"

What to answer the question "How are you?", "What is interesting?" guy?

The ballistic question "How are you?" It takes by surprise to everyone who unexpectedly ask familiar or friends. Because a person cannot offhand this on -duty phrase of politeness or interlocutor and is really very interesting to learn about all your sore problems. If your interlocutor really wants to learn about your troubles and troubles, then you have a great opportunity to tell him about:

  • quarrels with her husband
  • poor performance of children at school
  • head-Zver
  • mother -in -law of an angry snake
  • magnetic storms and your poor well -being
He asked her: how are you?
He asked her: "How are you?"

In general, the most common answer of the girl, to the question: “How are you?”, This is “Yes, normal!”. If you are not yet married, then you can also tell the man o:

  • broken nail
  • uncomfortable shoes
  • critical days
  • that you got up from the wrong foot today
  • that you were rude on the bus

If you realize that you should not answer the question “how are you”, then answer it with a positive information or a short positive phrase. In the life of every person there are troubles and failures. And it would be unfair to dump this negative on the man’s head politely and affably asking you about your business.

Culture - first of all!
Culture - first of all!

How to answer the question "How are you?" original?

If you are tired of endlessly answering the question “How are you?”, You can afford to be original without bothering yourself and without straining the imagination. Just wear a small poster with an answer in your handbag, take it out and demonstrate it to the asked one.

Original answer to the question of how you are
The original answer to the question "How are you"

What to answer the question "How are you?" Beautiful?

But, if this option does not suit you, then you can answer with beautiful verses, for example, as follows:

On failures stuffing cones

I'm spinning exactly the squirrel in the wheel

My affairs are similar to divisions

Or run in a black and white lane

Video: When things are reminiscent of a run in a circle

What to answer the question "How are you?", "What is interesting?" girl?

If the question "How are you?" Your girlfriend asked you, you can answer her with poems:

You asked me "How are you?"

I will be frank quite

It will become the sun of warmth, heaven of pigeons,

If you smile at me

If he smiles at her, the whole planet will become light
If he smiles at her, the whole planet will become brighter

What to answer the question "How are you?", "What is interesting?" man?

If the question "How are you?" You were just asked by your friend, ask him exactly what your affairs interest him. And then your embarrassment will be the embarrassment of your friend. If he is not aware of your affairs, then he will understand that he was asking a question that does not require an answer. And if he is aware of your affairs and sincerely worries about you, then it will not be difficult for him to ask a clarifying question. After all, it is always easier to answer a specifically posed question, for example:

  • How are things at work?
  • How are you and your chosen one?
Maybe he is very interested in your affairs?
Maybe he is very interested in your affairs?

What to answer the question "How are you?", "What is interesting?" When is they asked on duty?

Sometimes the question "How are you?" They set it mechanically and he replaces the greeting. The asking does not expect a lengthy explanation from you, he simply expects a very short answer: “Thank you, everything is fine!” If you answer: “Don't ask! Everything is bad for me ”, then you will not live up to the expectations of the interlocutor. And the question on duty is always easier and more correctly answered as well as the on -duty phrase “All Okay!”.

What to answer the question how are you?
What to answer the question "How are you?"

If you are annoyed, having heard this phrase, it is possible that your acquaintances, seeing your irritation, deliberately try to bring you out of a calm-witted state. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to effectively resist such a petty psychological vampirism. Because any of your negative reaction, will delight your vampire and upset you. Just try to avoid contacts with such people, and if such contact has already happened, then find a way to recharge with positive energy. It can be music, drawing, dancing, walks and travel.

Music and nature perfectly cheer up
Music and nature perfectly cheer up

What to answer the question "How are you?" joke, funny?

A joke to answer the question "How are you?" It can also be verses:

I cleaned it today, cooked borsch, baked cake,

I'm tired like a dog, these are the things

And men can answer this way:

I dream of Taiwan, and score for all things

Lost in the ocean in the Maldives

The place where you want to get lost
The place where you want to get lost

What to answer the question "How are you?" cool?

To the standard question “How are your business?”, You can answer cool. For example, so:

  • Things are better than yesterday, but worse than they will be tomorrow.
  • Things, like a horse at a wedding: all beautiful and elegant, and legs in soap.
  • Why are you asking how are you? They told me that you are a psychic.
  • She turned into a tray, and they go in the background.
  • Things are going well, but it is not known where.
  • Things are in a hurry and signal like cars in Moscow traffic jams, but I am a philosopher - I sit on the roof and admire the city landscape.

And if you are tired of endless attention to your person, then there is a wonderful way out - to wave into the mountains or to the sea. And if you leave the phone at home, no one will ask you “how are you?”

There can only be more beautiful mountains better than mountains
There can only be more beautiful mountains better than mountains

What can be answered to the question: "How are your business on a personal front?"

If you do not have a personal life and acquaintances are tired of the question "How are your business on a personal front?" You can directly answer them "This is not your business!" And thereby offend people who are sincerely worried about the fact of your disorder in their personal lives. And of course you can finish and come up with that you already have a prince or princess on a white horse. Well, read the poems to your friends on this topic:

I did not wait, I wondered, but white and horse

I met with the prince in the subway, he admitted to me in love

And poems for men:

Who said that it does not happen, the princess of the white horse

I met such a lady yesterday,

brought me to the house of the princess

Princesses on horses
Princesses on horses

The former asks: "How are you?" - what to say?

Of course, your former should not suspect that you still think about him and regret the break. Therefore, in order to upset your former as much as possible, you must inform him as much positive information about yourself. For example, that you have a new highly paid job, new interesting acquaintances with interesting men and a control shot tell him about your imminent marriage. And so that you are not suspected of lies, let's not all such information at once, but in portions at every meeting.

What to say to your ex?
What to say to your ex?

But, the easiest way to answer this question is when in life everything is wonderful. Then you can, without hesitation, give an accurate answer: “Everything is fine in my life!”

Let your desires come true.

Your life, like cherries, bloomed

To make it easy for you and just

Answer the question "How are you?"

Video: Song about "How are you?"

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