Serious questions to the guy regarding the relationship: List. Signs that the guy is seriously configured - how to understand?

Serious questions to the guy regarding the relationship: List. Signs that the guy is seriously configured - how to understand?

In this article you will learn how to understand if the guy is seriously.

When you meet a guy for some time, it becomes very interesting how seriously he treats you. Let's find out with you how to understand this and what questions to ask a man in order to understand him.

Serious questions to the guy regarding the relationship: List

Questions about the guy about the relationship
Questions about the guy about the relationship

According to psychologists, when relations in the couple become quite close, then questions arise how to understand whether a man is serious. This means that it is time to start asking these very questions. But what to ask?

Here are a few questions that will help to figure out if your relationship has a future:

  • Imagine that your parents don't like your girlfriend. What will you do? Will you agree with them?
  • What companies do you like more - noisy or quiet, family?
  • What causes you pleasant surprise and how can you surprise others?
  • How many times have you had to fall in love?
  • Do you remember what your first love was?
  • What were your very first relationships?
  • Why did you part with your ex -girlfriend?
  • Can you forgive a woman if she changes you?
  • What actions can you go for the sake of your beloved woman?
  • If you do not like a girl, can you enter into an intimate connection with her?
  • Do you believe that a man and a woman can be friends and their relationship will not become something big?
  • Do you keep in touch with your former friends?
  • What should be the ideal relationship?
  • What should be a good family?
  • If you suddenly part with your wife, will you help children?
  • How to behave to a woman to please you?
  • What do you consider serious reasons for a divorce?
  • Signs that the guy is seriously configured - how to understand?

Signs that the guy is seriously configured - how to understand?

The question of how to understand whether a man is serious, in women it arises more often than others. Some believe that a man is afraid of a relationship, but in reality this is not so. Every man is afraid that the relationship will not develop very well and therefore delay the moment of the transition to the next stage.

It also happens that a man constantly changes girls. Today he is with one, and in a week he is already different. This is a normal situation, which means that the man in the search and he will continue until the only one that is best meets.

How to understand the feelings of a man?
How to understand the feelings of a man?

If you do not know if this story is about you, then pay attention to some signs:

  • He constantly wants to be near. Men are very simple. If they like to be with a woman, then they always strive for this. When a man has serious intentions, he never expects a first step from a woman, and he tries to make him pay attention.
  • He does not disappear unexpectedly. This is due to the previous sign. When a guy treats you seriously, he will never disappear without explanation, and then appear as if nothing had happened. Usually men strive to remind themselves more often, otherwise suddenly someone else will take the girl.
  • It’s easy for you, and all because he accepts you as it is. You do not need to hold the bar and show that you are better. He loves you and this, with all the shortcomings and "cockroaches" in his head. If you pretend and try to seem better, it is better to abandon such a relationship. After all, you will have to behave like that always.
  • He is reliable. If a man is configured for a serious relationship with a girl, then he never makes her be in a sense of uncertainty. He will never change plans at the last moment and will not refuse to meet, and if help is required, then it will definitely come.
  • He makes plans for the future. These are not just dreams, but quite real adequate plans. This is not just a thought where to go on vacation or trip somewhere next year, but for example, the decision to live together. All men, when ready for serious relationships, are not afraid to talk about the future and show it in reality.
Offer to get married
Offer to get married
  • He lets you into his world. His friends became yours too, and you also know all his relatives. It is important that they like you, then he will be fixed internally that he made the right choice. Although, this does not mean that if a mother, for example, for some reason against your relationship, then a man will leave you.
  • He appreciates your opinion. When a man is serious about you, he often asks for advice, discusses important issues for him and so on. Thus, he shows that you are important.
  • He shares your hobbies. This is very important because a person to whom you are not indifferent will certainly share your hobbies. And no matter what exactly they are connected with. Keep in mind that he will want you to share his favorite classes. Otherwise, he will think that you are not serious.
  • He wants to make an offer. The present. This means that he strove for this format of relations. Here, many women make mistakes. They choose guys who have not yet decided what is important to them. And then they hope that everything will gradually get better.
  • You are the main person for him. He devotes you a lot of time, more than the rest. He is trying to do everything for you and shows that you are important to him.

All these signs show that the guy is serious towards you and maybe he has not yet made an offer, it seems that everything is going on.

The test "How serious is your relationship?

How serious is your relationship?
How serious is your relationship?

There is even a special test that allows you to solve the question of how to understand whether a man is serious. There are several answer options in each question. Choose the right one and see how many points it gives. Fold all the points received and see the result. So, let's go!

Question 1. What material signs of attention does your beloved have?

  • He always gives gifts - 3
  • Always treats something tasty- 2
  • Often gives beautiful bouquets of flowers - 5
  • Pays for travel in transport and no more - 1

Question 2. He called a proposal for a walk, and you say that there is no mood. What is he doing?

  • Starts to persuade and may even be offended - 2
  • It is upset that you do not want to go - 5
  • Will try to cheer you up - 4
  • Silently will accept the refusal and wish a good evening - 1

Question 3. Does the beloved for the sake of you some hobbies?

  • Yes, he has already done this - 7
  • He tries to look for compromises so that everyone is convenient - 4
  • A couple of times can be yield - 2
  • He will never give up his hobby even for me - 1

Question 4. You know about his former girls:

  • All - 4
  • A little and that is inaccurately - 2
  • Almost nothing - 3
  • He is hiding from them - 0

Question 5. Are you discussing your plans for the upcoming vacation?

  • Of course, we have already decided where and how much we will go - 7
  • He prefers you to solve and make any decision - 5
  • He himself does not know what he wants to do on vacation - 3
  • We have a vacation at different times, and therefore we do not plan a vacation - 1

Question 6. You are together and suddenly someone called him. What will he do?

  • Will calmly answer and talk to you - 5
  • It will drop the call and not even look who is calling - 4
  • Immediately steps aside so that you can not hear a conversation - 1
  • They never call him when you are together - 0

Question 7. What is your appearance is preferable for him?

  • He accepts you even in home clothes or pajamas - 7
  • He is not against sportswear - 4
  • He likes you only in an evening outfit - 2
  • Your best look for him is in beautiful underwear - 3

Question 8. What does he do when your topics are running out?

  • Just looks at you - 7
  • Begins to joke and tell jokes - 5
  • He begins to think that he offended you and asks the reasons - 3
  • Watching the TV - 0

Question 9. Can you imagine how he will make an offer?

  • Yes, because we are constantly talking about the future - 7
  • If I take the initiative into my own hands, then it will be a joy to him - 5
  • Maybe hastily, but definitely romantic - 1
  • I can hardly imagine this - 0

Now let's calculate the points and see the result:

From 54 to 40 points.He really treats you seriously. His feelings are so strong that he does not represent life without you.

From 39 to 29 points.Your relationship is full of passion. But love is not a reason for the fact that it is time to get married. You need to wait for some more time and then see what will happen.

From 28 to 15 points.The man has feelings for you, but is simply afraid to delve into them, but he does not want to lose you. It remains only to endure until he stops being afraid.

From 6 to 14 points. The man’s feelings cooled down. Think, maybe you made a mistake somewhere, and also what will help return his love.

Video: 5 ways to understand that a man is configured for a serious relationship

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