How to determine the character of a person by the length and shape of the fingers and shape of the hand? How to determine the character of a person on the fingers?

How to determine the character of a person by the length and shape of the fingers and shape of the hand? How to determine the character of a person on the fingers?

Determining the character on the fingers and hands of hands or legs is simple and interesting.

Psychologists, working with the patient, determine his type of personality and temperament. Also, a good specialist also knows about human inclinations, character. The psychologist, listening to what and how the person says, in the timbre of his voice, studies the face, arms, sometimes legs, and the shape of them, their shape and length, as well as the structure and shape of the palms.

Read another article on our website about physiognomy - a definition of the character of a man and a woman around the neck. You will find out what a long and short thick or thin neck in men and women is talking about.

Based on their observations, psychologists conclude about the human person. Hiromantes also use the same techniques when they study the essence of man. But how yourself, without resorting to the services of these specialists, to find out the essence of our, let’s say, a partner, we will speak in our article below. Read further.

Hand Color: What is it talking about?

The color of the hands says a lot
The color of the hands says a lot

The color of the hands indicates both health and character properties. It should be noted that if:

  • The color is red - The health is weak, a person is most often irritable.
  • Dark red - Laziness, most likely, health problems.
  • White - Westernity, if the fingers are pointed, then insidiousness, plus bitterness, sophistication to soreness.
  • Pink and visible veins - The person is smart and kind.

But the perfect color of the hands - slightly brown, with a light pink tint. A person has excellent health, he himself is friendly and attentive to others.

The shape of the palms and hands of the hand: what does the character say?

The character of a person, according to palmists, can be determined by palms. By their form, but only in general terms. There are six types of palms (basic):

  1. The shape of the hand in the form of a square. A person with such palms thinks soberly, it is almost impossible for them to manipulate. It should be clear instructions, understands and loves accurate sciences (for example, mathematics).
  2. Sharp. The fingers are slightly pointed, elegant, long. Naturals with such palms are artistic, fond of or engage in art. But their character is changeable, depends on the mood.
  3. Palm with a shovel. It is similar to the square, but it is narrowed either at its base or at the base of the fingers. Naturals are independent, intractable. Stubborn, reliable, brave. Most often, they are techies.
  4. Philosophical. The palm does not look oblong, although the fingers are elongated, but knotted. The palm is shapeless, the outlines are rude. Among the owners of such palms there are many musicians, writers and in general thinkers, i.e. people prone to thoughts and knowledge of the nature of the world.
  5. Mental -type palm. Elubicated, narrow, it is also called elven. The fingers of such hands are long, elongated, the nails are also elongated. The mental organization among the owners of such palms is fragile, prone to depression. Very tender people.
  6. Elementary palm. In large cities, this type is no longer found. Far from civilization, you can still find a person with an elementary palm, rough shape and hard skin.

Concluding the listing of the types of palms, it should be noted another rare type - an aristocratic palm. It has a narrow palm, thin wrist, long, flexible, elegant fingers. The owners of such hands are creative nature with well -developed intuition. Most often - these are musicians, doctors, artists. And indeed people are creative. In addition, they are endowed with sensitivity, a subtle mental organization, high intelligence.

We determine the character of a person on the fingers: shape, length  

Determine the character of a person on the fingers
Determine the character of a person on the fingers

If the fingers are elongated, then this suggests that we have a responsible person, everything does on time. The work performed has high quality, and everything is done beautifully. In general, by the shape and length of the fingers, one can easily determine the character of a person. We continue:

  • In people are waste and patient - fingers of medium length. But such people cannot be forced to do what they do not like.
  • In active and emotional people - the fingers are short. In addition, such natures are very often generators of new interesting ideas.
  • If a person has unmarpers the fingers are elongated, then he is inclined to colds. Chickenpox, smallpox and similar infections are possible. But he rarely suffers from heart disease.
  • Indication long - women have problems with gynecology. Diseases of the mammary glands are possible.
  • Men with such fingers risk earn a stroke or heart attack. Both those and others are allergies, pulmonary diseases.

Read more for each finger:

  • If the ring finger is longer than the index, then the owner of their person is charismatic, always ready to help. The intelligence of such an individual is high, he is active, persistent, always succeeds.
  • If the nameless is shorter than the index, then before us is a proud, self -sufficient person. He lives solitary, rarely makes new acquaintances, but the praise and praise are very important to him.
  • The fingers are equal in length. If the index and ring fingers are the same in length, then we have a good -natured person, his character is peaceful, even with everyone. Such a person is deeply decent, devoted and true. It is rarely offended, he will not give himself offense, as well as his friends and relatives.

Of no small importance to determine the character and form:

  • Crooked fingers. In palmistry, they are studied only in combination with the study of lines on the inside of the palm. If the lines are evaluated positively, and the fingers are curved, then the owner is irritable. But if the assessment of the lines is negative, then before us is an embittered nature, who hate everyone, possibly prone to crime.
  • If the fingers are curved inside, then we have a cautious person. Outside, then a person is curious, kind, sociable.

When analyzing, it is very important to take into account the thickness. But they are analyzed only in combination with length. In total, four types are distinguished in palmistry along the length and thickness of the fingers:

Short fingers
Short fingers
  1. Short and thick. Nothing except his own well -being is interested in such a character. A person is unreliable, because only personal benefits are interested in him. He does not have and does not seek deep knowledge. In any business, far from a professional. The field of work, most often, is trade.
  2. Fingers are short, thin. He studies quickly, by nature - the creator. Most often it is a leader, and both subordinates and authorities are appreciated and respected. But inattentive, it misses trifles and details. The main field of activity is politics, finance, business.
  3. Fingers are long, thick. High intelligence, coupled with creative abilities, is inherent in people with such fingers. Often there is also management talent. His life path is accompanied by successes in creative and production activities. We can say that for such people everything is affected.
  4. Fingers are long and thin. A person is attentive, does not lose sight of the little things and other details. Developed logic, intuition is weakly manifested, but this does not prevent him from appreciating art and trying his strength in creativity. It may be a publicist and a musician, even an artist. Or a wonderful editor can turn out, but such people are best shown where meticulousness, attentiveness to details are required, for example, in construction or design developments.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the fingers:

  • If they are square (knotted), then a person is serious, always strives for order, a critical mind, a person is confident in himself, knows how to manage.
  • Fingers with a shovel - An independent person, freedom for him is the most important thing. The main thing in character is prudence, sometimes selfishness, in life is guided primarily by the benefit, high ideals excite it little.

It is equally important to consider the distance between the fingers when analyzing:

  • If they are tightly pressed against each other, then before us is a secretive person. Leaning, sometimes to stingy.
  • If you lag behind each other, then the individual is a generous, open nature.
  • Middle and index together - This is evidence of success in business.
  • The changes in emotions are indicated by the clearance between the ring and middle fingers.
  • If the little finger is very far behind the rest, then before us a person is wayward, and very stubborn.
  • Between the ring and middle fingers, a small space - This indicates a relaxedness, and complete. A person does not concern the opinion of others, and generally accepted norms too.

It also happens that the clearance between the fingers is larger at the base. And this indicates vagrancy and inability to carefully handle money.

Form of nails on the hands: how to determine the character of a person?

Nails with a cone
Nails with a cone

A very important sign indicating character properties is the shape of the nails on the hands. How they help to determine the nature. They can be:

  • Shovel. Such people are mundane. Hard materialists. Stability is appreciated in everything.
  • Nails with a cone. Naturals are sensual with a rich emotional life. They are able to work only in comfort. They love to travel.
  • The tips are pointed. Before us is a sophisticated nature. Emotions are strong, reaching neurosis. Pressure and instability in mood. Started rarely brings to the end, as it quickly cools and disappointed. There are inclinations of a leader.
  • Gazelny tips. The soul of such a person is kind, always ready to help. Very trusting, but rarely falls into the paws of scammers because he has very developed intuition and the ability to quickly recognize what another person intended.
  • The fingertips with a shovel. The vitality of such an individual is very high. The monotony tires him and hesitates him. The behavior of such nature is eccentric, the generally accepted is skeptical. For work, creative professions or long -term business trips are better for him.

And the study of the state of the joints and phalanges of the fingers completes a complete analysis of the personality. Need to mark:

  • If the upper phalanx is narrow, then a person has developed intuition, a wide indicates an entrepreneurial vein, material interests.
  • The average phalanx will tell about the practicality of a person, how much he is able to implement his plans.
  • The lower phalanx will lead to how a person relates to material values. If it is clearly expressed, then all the interests of such an individual are associated with material well -being and pleasure. It is especially worth noting the lower phalanx of the thumb. In this place, the hill of Venus, which is responsible for emotions and sensual sphere.

Pay attention to the joints. If they are smooth, then before us is superficial and frivolous. Knotted joints usually occur in people with a philosophical mindset. Subtle and mobile in natures with impeccable logic and honed mind. And now we turn to pedomania, which, unlike palmistry, studies the character of a person on the fingers. Read further.

How to determine the character of a person on the fingers?

According to the specialists of the pedant, if the person has the second fingers on the person’s leg, then such people are leaders, and in everything. The main goal of them is success and high quality of life. But such a desire, unbridled, can turn a person into a tyrant and an absolute egoist. How else to determine the character of a person on the fingers? Read more:

  • If the second finger is the longest, and the rest are aton -free, then before us is the nature of irresponsible and ambitious.
  • Fingers on the legs lined up as if in height, then before us a person is creative and very smart, but indecisive, often begun does not fully bring.
  • The thumb on the leg is the longest, then his owner does not know how to be sad and worried. The person is quite frivolous. Likes to shine, needs attention. If the nail is convex on the thumb, then before us the nature is psychologically unbalanced and irritable. But if it is wide at the base, then his owner is a cunning person.
  • The shortest finger on the leg is a little finger, then before us is a dreamer. Until old age, such people remain young.
  • If the middle, second and thumb are the same, then before us is a person who is not afraid of difficulties, in work - a real professional. But if the third finger is shorter than the first two, then we see a lazy person. The only thing that bothers him himself and, of course, pleasure.

In conclusion, I must say the following - it would seem great, took it, looked at his fingers and everything is known about the person: character, abilities, even a tendency to diseases. But, if everything was so simple. The fingers can be affected by diseases that a person does not even feel, sports, production activities, injuries, etc. Therefore, analysis on the fingers can only lie down the basis of further study of a person. And for this you need experience, knowledge of the world and people, in particular. Learn, gain experience, then the human soul will become an open book for you.

Video: The shape of your hand will tell you a lot about you

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