How to determine the shape of the verb in Russian? What is the ending of the verbs of the initial and uncertain form?

How to determine the shape of the verb in Russian? What is the ending of the verbs of the initial and uncertain form?

If you need to determine the shape of the verb, then read the article. It describes the rules and examples of all types and types of this part of speech.


Even in elementary school, children begin to teach verbs. This topic on the Russian language continues throughout study at school.

Read on our website an article on what does "t" in verbs - ending or suffix. You will find in it all the rules and examples for better memorization of the material.

Verbs are needed to correctly build proposals. What are the forms of verbs? What it is? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

What is a verb in Russian?

Verbs in Russian
Verbs in Russian

A verb in the Russian language is an independent part of speech, which indicates an action. As a rule, this meaning is implied: "What to do?", "What to do?". There are such types of the verb part of speech as transitional and non -interpretation, return and irrevocable. In replicas and written phrases, they are given the role of the predicate: “Anya bought”, “Vitya went”, “Zhenya dropped”.

Verbs amended by specific components: times, persons, numbers. It is noteworthy, the modifications regarding persons have a synonym for “conjugation”.

Time of verbs
Time of verbs

Temporary differences:

  • The event that is being taken at the moment - drings
  • What has already taken place - rack
  • The direction of the future - passing, will jump
The verb changes by numbers and persons
The verb changes by numbers and persons

A variety of persons and numbers:

  • The first person - I will jump
  • Second - you will jump
  • Third - he \\ she jumps
  • The only number - I'm jumping
  • Multiple - we jump

Also in Russian. The verb part of speech can have the form of a type, kind, collateral and mood. The pledge can be medium -indicated, valid, suffering. From verbs, you can form participles and participles.

Transitional verbs It implies that indispensable action that extends to the subject in any case and under any conditions from the outside. They are combined with nouns, pronouns. But there must be a accusative case: he scooped up the boy, registered the house, greeted the mother -in -law.

As for individual cases, nouns and pronouns in the genitive case may be supposed: i planted a little potatoes, sold 2 liters of kvass, dragged chrysanthemums, cut sausages.

Non -transitional The remaining components that answer this question and have similar tasks are called that fix the movement of someone or the functioning of the physical body in space. These are verbs: "Run", "walk", "near" etc.

Verbs are perfect and imperfect. The latter indicate that the consequence of the activity of the individual, which is not yet completed: "I need to go throw garbage", and the former say what should be done by limiting the personality: "This portrait needs to be drawn until Friday."

However, there are verbs that are limited to one type: "Belong", "find yourself". But verbs, for example, "Promise", "attack" They have no forms at all.

Verbs of a return lookeasy to "calculate" by suffixes -sya or —S: get angry, swear, get alarmed. Some of them are dependent on the suffix in their composition: be proud, hope, and some are acceptable without him: cry, wash.

Irrevocable verbs - These are those who do not have suffix —Ssy. Familiar verbs are often found: does not sleep, got dark, colder etc. Read more about the types and forms of the verb described below in the text. Read further.

What are the forms of the verb in the Russian language - 3, 4, 5, 6, what is it, how to determine what form the verb?

Verb in Russian
Verb in Russian

Now let's study the forms of the verb. Many children cannot understand what this means. What are the forms of the verb in Russian? What is it, how to determine what form the verb? AT 3, 4, 5, 6th grade Teachers explain to the children that the “form of the verb” means already known to us definitions:

  • Number
  • Face
  • Time

Read more:

  • Number Able to be unity. and sets: "I rehearse - we rehearse", "I sing - they sing", "I played - they played".
  • Face - It may be the first, second, third: “I see - you see - she sees," "I said - you said - he said."
  • Time It is divided into the following categories: the present — now, today, past — it was once, it doesn't matter when  future -Once upon a time, it may take place ": "I say - he said - she will say" etc.

How to "calculate" the correct form? The thing is that this is a combination - face + time + number. The answer should be built according to a specific scheme. Verb 1 person - "I, you", the second is “you, you”, the third is “he, she, it, they.”

What time is expected to determine simply. Activity is happening now - present:

  • I am sculpting the sculpture
  • I'm getting ready for the exam
  • I rehearse the song before the concert

If the verb past tense, then the action has already happened:

  • Yesterday I almost did not rehearse, so I did not speak as well as I would like.
  • Yesterday I did not read “Fathers and Children”, so I received a deuce for the composition.
  • On Friday, I painted a wall newspaper, so I did not have the opportunity to prepare for the control in algebra.

But in the verbs future tense, the action will happen later (after an hour, year and so on):

  • I will definitely correct my deuce, tomorrow I will learn all the material.
  • Today I am not ready, but tomorrow I will definitely prepare.

Many linguists add even the same. Form. We must remember the endings: -T., -Th or   -HVerification phrases: What to do?crush; What to do — collect, prepare, analyze, burn, burn, find, shock.

A certain and uncertain form of the verb in the Russian language: how to determine the end of the verb of an uncertain form?

A certain and uncertain form of the verb in the Russian language
A certain and uncertain form of the verb in the Russian language

Uncertain form The verb is called an infinitive. She answers the questions: "What to do?", "What to do?". Examples: work, say, think, talk, leave. In fact, this is a form that has no face, family and time: "Recover", "refuse", "move". This form does not have numbers and clans. Example: what to do? - Work, come up with.

A certain form The verb in Russian always plays the role of the predicate. This verb can always be in the indicative, subjunctive, imperative mood.

The first shows the current state. Regarding the imperative mood, it means that the manipulations are desired, but the subjunctive inclination implies an unrealistic effect.


  1. If I were a millionaire, I would not stand here behind the countersubjunctive mood.
  2. Yes, if you are already a man, after all!imperative mood.
  3. I am a lawyer. This profession is still popularindicative.

How to determine the end of the verb of an indefinite form? It is worth noting the following:

  • The verb is uncertain. Forms can to know by suffixes -T. or -Th.
  • The return verbs are added postfix -sya or -s.

Suppose: introduce You can't, come out breathefresh air, it would be with anyone work etc.

Video: Russian lessons. Infinitive

How to correctly determine the initial form of the verb: how to determine the end of the verb of the initial form?

The initial form of the verb
The initial form of the verb

The verb has an initial form. How to determine its and ending the verb of the initial form? Answer:

  • The initial is the uncertain form of the verb, that is, the infinitive.
  • The latter indicates some kind of manipulation or condition: "See", "hear"but does not mean the time of action or the number of subjects that are present there. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who they are.

The verb can change by persons, numbers, time and moods. In the initial form, it is impossible to determine the clan, time, person, number, other factors:

  • What is he doing? - Playing
  • What to do? - read write
  • What are you doing? - You teach
  • What will I do? - I'll get together
  • What to do? - Gather, go
  • What will we do? - Let's go

The initial form is easy to find at the ends -Tet, th, for example: carry, crawl, overtake etc.

Video: a Russian language lesson - "initial (uncertain) form of the verb"

How to correctly determine the time, temporary form of the verb?

Determination of time, temporary form of the verb
Determination of time, temporary form of the verb

Changes in the state of the verb part of speech by temporary is the main component of grammar. How to determine the temporary form of the verb?  The basis can be called the contrast of one segment to another. Suppose: he walked, he laughed, I will study, study, she believes, will believe, etc.Read more:

  •   The past time of the verb says what happened once before: “Last night we found a wounded soldier, but it was too late”, “Pasha worked on the course all year”.
  • Present indicates what is happening now: “I am writing a script, so don’t call me yet”, “The magazine is going on Wednesdays.”
  • Future time expresses those events that are still coming: “Next week I will not be in competitions, because I am leaving for my grandmother in Yaroslavl”.

Writing is very simple. After all, time is controlled by a number of suffixes. There is also a change by numbers, persons in a number of times.

Human life is closely connected with time: “I visited my neighbor last night”, “We held a family council this morning”, “Tomorrow I will go to my grandmother to help her with the weeding of the garden”. Accordingly, it is time that is the factor that they are guided by in our native language. However, in grammar is a variable factor that is characteristic to a greater extent for an indicative mood. Even if the verb forms change by time, they retain primary signs. For example:

  • We are talking about the present : what are you doing? - I compose
  • If it has already been : What did you do? - I composed
  • We dream of what will happen : what will you do? - I will compose, I intend to compose all evening

Verbs from the subsection “perfect” are used when they talk about those events that occurred until the current moment:

  • Jack built a wonderful house last month.
  • When Anna entered the university, she acquired a beautiful friend in the person of Nikolai.

As for the verb of an imperfect look, it is used when the result is not important:

  • Julia and Timur planted potatoes.
  • Anton and Vika taught lessons.

In this case, there is only the past time. But the narrator does not say how successfully young people coped with this task. The fact that they devoted time to this occupation in the past is indicated.

In the case of the present time, there are manipulations that are performed here and now:

  • Do not bother me, I solve the problem.
  • You could not move away, I will now spend experience.
  • I call me back later, because at the moment I am doing laboratory work.
  • When I go from school, I always call my mother.
  • The boys study in college, and then go to Polytechnic.

In order to correctly compile sentences, it is important to know about the conjugation of verbs. Read further.

How to determine the conjugation of the verb: how to determine in an indefinite form?

Conjugation of verbs
Conjugation of verbs

The conjugation of the verb determines the suffix of the infinitive and the possibility of the formation of an uncertain form of the verb part of speech. But in specific cases, the shock factor of the end of the word is considered. In the case of the 1st conjugation, there are such differences in the endings: -u (-yu), -the, th, -y, th, -ut (-t), and with the second: -u (-yu), -ph, -it, -im, –ind, - - AT (-IT).

As you can see, the letter prevails in the first version "E", and in the second - "AND": see - we see, you see, see, sleep - sleep, sleep, sleep, burn - burn, burn, etc.

But if the verb goes with the prefix, then it refers to the same conjugation as without it. Suppose:

  • "Fly" and "fly"
  • "Grout - moan"
  • "Scream - scream"
  • "Lie" - "lie down"

As for postfix "-Sya", for conjugation it is also not important. There are also a number of factors that should be taken into account.

  • There are also components of speech with varying degrees of conjugation.
  • They have variable endings. These are words: “There is”, “shine”, “disgrace”, “want”, “run”, “give”: run - run, eat, eat, eat, eat, give - give, give, give etc.

But some sources of grammar say that components with variable conjugation take place.

The indefinite form of the verb in the Russian language is an infinitive. Conjugation No. 2: these are all words on -pin -"True", "lay down"as well as on -Tet —  “See”, “offend”, “see”, “hate”, “endure”, “depend” etc. It is worth knowing:

  • When the end "-T"- This indicates the first conjugation, "-It" - On the second.

How else to determine? The indispensable presence of a real event is important. The end will be unstressed when conjugation can be determined by the suffix of the infinitive (uncertain form).

Video: conjugation of verbs. What is the conjugation of verbs in Russian? Why do you need a conjugation of verbs?

How to determine the shape of the number of verbs?

The shape of the number of verbs
The shape of the number of verbs

In Russian, verbs are always modified by numbers: i put it, you put, he puts it, they put, we carry, they carry, she carries. Tips always provide similar endings. If you mean the past event of the removal, then questions are asked such as: "What did you do?", "What did you do?", the ending is added -and:

  • The ships swam slowly.
  • Yesterday the neighbors were very noisy.

In the imperative mood there are only 2 available variations: units. number and sets. second person:

  • Perform - execute
  • Perform, certainly do

It is worth paying attention to the fact that postfix is \u200b\u200bactively implemented -those. Sometimes the zero ending is appropriate or -and:

  • Cut - cut
  • Go - go

When interacting with a conditional mood, an indicator of sets. The end is the end -and, in the units. number - zero endede, which implies a male family, -a, - in the form of wives. family and -about - In the form of medium. kind. To the verb, which is focused on one person, ask the questions: what did (-a, -o) would? In the plural, the question sounds like this: what would you do?Would have contributed, would glorify, enslave.

How to correctly determine the shape of the face of the verb in the Russian language?

Facial shape of the verbs
Facial shape of the verbs

The verb cannot be impersonal. In fact, this aspect expresses all the action. How to correctly determine the shape of the face of the verb in the Russian language? The face happens:

  • First
  • Second
  • Third

In addition, verbs differ in type, inclination, transition, etc.

  • The form 1 person It reminds us that the action is already performed or will be performed by the individual himself along with other participants in the process. Pronouns are used "I" and "we": i build - we build, I can stand it - we can stand it, I protect - we protect.
  • The form 2nd person -The phenomenon will be accomplished by someone. Accordingly, pronouns are used "you", "you": you are pouring a garden, you will go to visit.

Personal endings with the letter are preferred "E" or "and". Further functioning depends on the correspondence of the verb to any of the approved conjugation:

  • Units. h. -you (I spr.) -It (II spr.)
  • Mn. h. -You (I spr.), -It (II spr.)

As for the description of processes that have not yet taken place, it is added "-It":

  • I say - you say
  • I'm in a hurry - you are in a hurry
  • I'll give you - you will bring

Preferal and imperative inclination: do - do it.

  • Availability 3rd person The forms of the verb notify that the action belongs to the one in question. Variations of the 3rd person in various numbers correlate with the pronouns "He", "she", "it", "they" and they ask: "What is doing?", "What will he do?": she passes the exam, he saws the log.

Hints for the right choice:

  • You need to use the test question.
  • Design what the end will be.
  • Guess about the presence of activity and the course of events by correlating the verb with a personal pronoun.
  • To summarize.

Now you will simply determine the shape of the face of the verb. Let's learn how to determine the conjugation of the verb. Read further.

Incorrect form of the verb: how to define in Russian?

The wrong shape of the verb
The wrong shape of the verb

These linguistic components are noticeable in that they have established involved properties, as well as mentioning past events. There is no single education algorithm. Everything is absorbed by fixing. Suppose: do - made - done. It is unrealistic to streamline these ligaments. Suppose the wrong shape of the verb "go". The stress is placed on the last syllable. Instead of "-T"which is expected is used “-T". In other words, these are exceptions.

How else to determine in Russian? Answer:

  • The second conjugation takes place (except “shave” and “laying”), and suffixes derived can be used.
  • As for the different parts of speech, there are the ends of both conjugations. That is why it is not written "Want", a "Want".
  • And here are the verbs "Give", "eat" They have a special ending system. They do not belong to any of the existing conjugations.

There is still such a thing as the transitionality of the verb. Read further.

The transition and non -transition form of the verb: how to determine the transitionality of the verb?

Transition and non -transitional form of the verb
Transition and non -transitional form of the verb

Some variations of Russian verbs of a common species imply a direct look. Verbs are transitional and non -interpreting. What are we talking about, what kind of forms are this? How to determine the transition of the verb?

  • There is a direct addition in the sentences.
  • With its help, the verb can interact with the nouns, without requiring an excuse, etc.
  • The object of action can also be indicated.


  • To go to a concert
  • There is a doshirak(direct addition)
  • Grow like yeast
  • Stand under the window (indirect addition)

Unpereption verbs It can be identified by the meaning and methods of how to operate with them.

Transitional verbs implies activity or its influence. It applies to objects and persons. The aspect can be considered as a kind of transition. The form in this case is indescribable. Perhaps a noun in the vinological case.

If there is a negative shape of the verb, then the case is always genitive, as well as when it comes to some details of the object: invite (whom?), To experience (who, what?), etc.

What else are these language conditions say?

  • The origin of something: write a poem, cut down the forest.
  • The perception of some aspects: suffer from hunger and cold, hear creaks and groans, feel warm.
  • Influence on an object that fundamentally does not change it: to thank the brothers, stroke the dog, greet colleagues.
  • Attitude to a person or any living and non -living creature: to adore coffee, to hate a neighbor.

There are those parts of speech that indicate someone's actions, but the action does not apply to a direct object and does not need it. Such verbs do not interact with nouns in the vinological case: to lay down on the couch, dinner with his sister, enjoy the new day, teach at the university, it is convenient to get a job in a minibus.

Often we are talking about a lexical combination, displaying:

  • State of emotions and psyche, location in space and other: tighten, hacks, upset.
  • Trafficand Existence: to seem to be.
  • Inclinationsand an experience: Teaching, poor, begging.

Signs of the transition of the verb:

  1. Controls nouns and pronouns in the case of genitive and vinitive without a preposition: explore the machine, do not take alcohol.
  2. Unpereption verbs need a pretext: “Jump” from a bus in a taxi, fight because of the girl.
  3. Five verbs are almost always devoid of transitional property: the house is being built, people fall in love, students are preparing.

Further even more rules and examples.

How to determine the face of the Russian verb in an indefinite form?

The face of the Russian verb is indefinite
The face of the Russian verb is indefinite

 The indefinite form of the Russian verb is distinguished by the fact that he answers the questions: "What to do?", "What to do?". How to determine the face? As a rule, an infinitive can take on the obligations of any member of the proposal:

  • Smoke - harm health (infinitive in the role of subject).
  • It makes no sense to talk with dad in this condition.


  • The verb in an indefinite form can act as a predicate: "I really want to win in the relay tomorrow morning."
  • It happens that the infinitive acts like a definition: "It is impossible not to make a sneak on a rock concert."

The infinitive also controls the case of a noun or pronoun. This is also a distinctive feature of such a verb:

  • Achieve (what?) Recognition
  • Accomplish (to whom?) Conductor, pianist
  • Promise (what?) Comfortable service
  • To worry (about whom?) About the son who is in military service

Verbs in an indefinite form are independent: what to do - eat, what to do - to repair a car, etc.

A return and irrevocable form of the verb: what is it, how to determine repayment in the Russian language?

Return and irrevocable form of the verb
Return and irrevocable form of the verb

Return is a linguistic phenomenon in which the direction, state or action is involved. Conjugation applies to almost all words. They have prefixes -sya/s. What is repayment is clearly visible on the examples:

  • Pasha washed, neighbor talked —  return verbs of the Russian language
  • Puppy played With the ball and ran away To the house today walked rain —  irrevocable verbs

How to determine repayment?

  • It is worth paying attention to the meaning.
  • It is postfixes -sya/s Distinguish return verbs from irrevocable: the puppy bites, the fabric is riding, etc.

Return and irrevocable verbs suggest conjugated forms, postfixes are added -sya/s. Variations of different properties are also considered. Here are examples of how to define in Russian:

  • Yesterday snow descended from the sky, and today is dry.
  • Hippolytus gathered hastily.
  • Shura fell ill with her cousin.

As a rule, return verbs reflect the direct activity, which is projected onto the subject (on the speaker, doing, etc.):

  • Dress, washown personality activity
  • Put up, converge, disperseaction between a pair of individuals
  • Sorrow, be upsetthe emotional line of man
  • This kitten scratches, this plant is prickingconstant property
  • It gets dark, burstsaction without animated participants
The end of the return verbs
The end of the return verbs

Return verbs are easy to determine by postfixes. If there is a return postfix, then the verb is returned. We are talking about postfixes:

  • -sya - It takes place if the basis of the verb ends on the consonant - hide, climb
  • -s - introduced if the basis of the verb ends on the vowel - it rose, spilled

Return -type verbs can be:

  • Derivatives from irrevocable: kiss - kiss, judge - sue
  • Non -derive return verbs: smile, laugh, proud

It is worth knowing: All return verbs are non -transitional.

Ending of irrevocable verbs
Ending of irrevocable verbs

Non -reflective verbs are both transitional and non -transitional type, they reflect:

  • Action aimed at the subjectread the magazine, collect a puzzle.
  • State, position in space, multidirectional action, etc.walking, standing, thinking, dream.

Non -returned verbs have no postfixes -sya/s.

Video: Russian lessons. The return form of the verb

Verbs of a perfect and imperfect type: how to determine?

Verbs of a perfect and imperfect type
Verbs of a perfect and imperfect type

The type of verb is called the nature of the course of the action relative to temporary segments, the ratio of the internal limit and action, the ability to limit or deprive the action of the action. How to determine the verbs of a perfect and imperfect look? Answer:

  • Verbs of a perfect look Answer the question "what to do?". They reflect the activity limited by the limit at one time or another, or we are talking about completeness and the result: "what to do?" - "Buy", "What to do?" - reply.
  • Verbs of an imperfect lookdo not have time segments. Suppose: "what to do?" - "read" - "A person can read one book for a long time if no one limits it in time. ”

Determining is quite simple. Firstly, verbs of an imperfect species answer the question: “What to do?”, “What is doing?”, “What did you do?”, and perfect "What will they do?", "What did you do?". In perfect form, there is always certainty and some framework. For example:

  • Anton reads (imperfect species)
  • Children read the work to the end(perfect view)

Also, to determine the view, you can substitute the word "I will":

  • I will sing - imperfect species
  • But to the verb “sing” you cannot put the word “I will” - it means that this is a perfect look

In perfect form, prefixes are still added. The word "cook" is an imperfect look, "cook" - perfect:

  • "I need to cook lunch" - at a certain time, to a certain time period, or "I like to cook" - In general, the attitude to the process.

Below even more useful linguistic information. Read further.

What are the inclinations of verbs?

Clamations of verbs
Clamations of verbs

Officially, there are three types of inclinations of verbs:

  • Excessive (dancing)
  • Conditional or subjunctive (sang)
  • Imperative (dancing)

Read more:

  • Excessive - These are the events that are observed, have already had consequences, or they will certainly happen: “After 1000 years, the Earth will fly into the heavenly axis”, “Yesterday we were visiting my grandparents”, “I sing - I sang - I will sing”, etc.
  • Society -This inclination is also implied conditional, and means those types of activity and events that will happen under some circumstances: “If I did not know English, John would not understand me”, “If it were not for the adverse weather, we would definitely go fishing”, “If I would be allowed to speak at a concert, I will definitely sing.”
  • Imperative - This direction encourages another participant in the action to activity without delay: "Immediately stop roaring!" “Quick your hands quickly!”, “Now sit down to dine!” “Take yourself together, you are a guy or who?!”, “Write down, I said!”.

Another important point in the Russian language is the key to the verb. What is it, read on.

Verb: What are the main pledges?

Tail of verbs
Tail of verbs

There are real, passive, average guarantees of verbs in the Russian language. Read more:

  • Active voice It implies transitional verbs, implies active actions. They are made by the subject in relation to the object. As for the actual collateral, the subject in it acts as subject, and the object - an addition. The accusative case does not imply such a part of speech as a preposition. For example: "Good will plunge evil".
  • Medium -forefective deposit It implies those manifestations that are transformed exclusively from the components of the transition type. Affix is \u200b\u200bused —Ssy. Mostly, the meaning lies in the actions of the subject, which does not directly concern anyone: return, return, concentrate.
  • Passive voice The verb in the Russian language is similar to the actual security. But it is characterized by its morphological and syntactic functions. For example: "Workers are building houses".

So, about the verbs of the Russian language, you know almost everything. But sometimes you need to determine the shape of the verb in the Latin language. Read further.

How to determine the third form of the verb in English?             

The main forms of the verb
The main forms of the verb  

Some parts of speech in English are subject to established algorithms, while others are unique exceptions. There are a huge number of correct and wrong verbs:

Correct verbs (regular verbs) - differ in the fact that the ending is “plus” -ed.

For example:

  • aSKasked, ask - asked.

Verbs of the wrong type (Irregular verbs) - These are parts of speech where education is not subject to logic.

For example:

  • teach taught, teach - taught.

The third form is found in two types of linguistic components. In fact, this is a verb in the past, which has not lost the signs of an object.

  • studied - mastered
  • done - Executing
  • bouught - Buying

For example:

  • You have Done Your Masterpiece.You made your masterpiece

In irregular verbs, the 2nd and 3rd forms can:

  • Be identical

Have - haad - HAD,havehad.

  • Have a different variant series

Do - DID - Done, do - did.

Video: All 5 forms of English verb in simple language - a table of correct and wrong verbs

We described you all the existing rules about the forms of the verb in the Russian language. Examples will help consolidate knowledge. If there are still questions, watch the video. It more clearly explains all the linguistic components of the verbs.

Video: How to determine the shape of the verb? Russian language grade 3

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