How to distinguish the suffix from ending grade 3: in the verb, noun, adjective, with examples. How to find out how many suffixes are in a word? How to highlight the suffix in the word: typical errors

How to distinguish the suffix from ending grade 3: in the verb, noun, adjective, with examples. How to find out how many suffixes are in a word? How to highlight the suffix in the word: typical errors

The topic of suffixes in the third grade is complex, since children are constantly confused and can distinguish them incorrectly, confusing with the end or root. The article describes the rules of the Russian language on this topic and typical mistakes of students.

In the 3rd grade, students learn to analyze words in composition and find parts of speech. The end, for example, differs from the suffix in that its form changes depending on the case and other declension. The suffix remains an unchanged part of the word. But how to distinguish it from the end and how to understand that it is the suffix? Read more about this.

How to distinguish the suffix from ending grade 3: in the verb, noun, adjective, with examples


In the learning process, students remember what suffixes are, since this part of the word is always unchanged. But it is in the third grade that the child is still difficult to understand what suffix is, what suffixes are and how they differ from the end.

To distinguish the ending from the suffix, it should be understood that the ending is a morpheme that changes depending on the cases and numbers. If you put another question by the way, then it will change. For example:

  • Table, table a, table u, table e, table ohm
  • Chair, chair a, chair e, chair u, chair ohm
  • Blankets about, blankets a, blankets ohm, blankets u
  • Yours, yours his, yours to him

The suffix serves to form a word and it does not change depending on the construction of the sentence, as the ending. However, some alternating suffixes can still be.

  • For example, old- ushk-a-old- jesch-Ii.

The suffix can change and it depends on the word form:

  • Color- oK, color- ochk, color- iK,

That is, if you need to put another word form in the sentence, then we must change the suffix:

  • Teach tel loves his job.
  • Teacher sKiy office is on the third floor.
  • Teacher sTVoh is a favorite thing in the life of Irina Ivanovna.

It's important to know: There are few suffixes that form word forms in Russian. Similar morphemes of adjectives and verbs in different degrees and times are considered more important.


Various degrees of adjectives - morphemes:

  • Quickly her, paths e, deeper e, senior e

The past verbal time:

  • Ear llearn l, prime l, our l

The imperative verbal inclination:

  • Vedas and, b and, care and

Many morphemes in nouns show the number - pl. and unit:

  • Citizens are citizens in
  • The son is a son ovi
  • Ut yata - Ut unoK

There are suffix-morphems indicating the indirect case of the noun:

  • Mother - mat erand
  • Time is time unand

They will not always stand before the end. In the Russian language, there are cases when this word -formation meaning is after the end.

  • In the verbs of the imperative mood in the pl. number: Come those,hear those
  • Return suffix: Wash xia, taught s
  • UNDERSTANDED pronouns (written through a hyphen!): which- then, which- or

Sometimes, when highlighting such a word -formation meaning, a child occurs in a child, if there are several suffixes in the word. Read further.

How to find out how many suffixes are in a word?

The suffix must be sought after the basis of the word form, before the end. There are words without educational meanings, as well as word forms with several suffixes: teaching, teaching. How to understand how many suffixes are in a word form?

You just need to learn all the suffixes that can be found in Russian. When you disassemble the word to parts, you will already see whether one suffix is \u200b\u200bin it or two. Below is a table with possible suffixes in parts of speech. Try to learn them in order to then prevent mistakes:

Suffixes of nouns:

Suffixes of nouns
Suffixes of nouns

Continuation - suffixes of nouns:

Continuation - suffixes of nouns:
Continuation - suffixes of nouns

The suffixes of adjectives:

The suffixes of adjectives
The suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes of verbs:

Suffixes of verbs
Suffixes of verbs

Here is an example of analysis of a word with two educational meanings. Look how it is easy, if you learn the rules, words and think when analyzing the word form.

Analysis of a word with two suffixes
Analysis of a word with two suffixes

How to highlight the suffix in the word: typical errors

Pay attention to errors that can be made when highlighting certain morphees in different word forms. Part of the root and part of another suffix cannot be attributed to the suffix, that is, if there are two suffixes in the word, then this must be shown. Often the basis of a word or even ending is taken as a word -formation meaning. This rule needs to be learned and remember all possible errors in order to prevent them from using them.

Typical errors when using suffixes
Typical errors when using suffixes

As you can see, distinguishing a suffix from the end is simple. The main thing is to know the rules of the Russian language, learn what suffixes are in different parts of speech and applying their knowledge in practice.

Video: Russian language lessons suffix

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Comments K. article

  1. The word "mechanic" has a suffix IK, not a nickname.

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