Verbs of exclusion 1 and 2 conjugation: table

Verbs of exclusion 1 and 2 conjugation: table

In this article you will learn what the verbs-exclusive in Russian grammar of the first, second conjugation are. Read in detail how they are inclined, and how is it easier to remember these words?

The conjugation of verbs in Russian grammar is called their inclination by numbers, persons (for example, I sing, they sing). If we talk about conjugation, then there are two: the first, the second. Knowledge of the rules of conjugation is necessary in order to find out what letters are written in the endings of the verbs: E, I.

In short, words with the endings are considered to be the first conjugation: (e), (y, yu), (eat), (you), (e, (UM). And the verbs of the second conjugation have the endings: (y), (yu), (nam), (AT, YAT), (isa), (see). But of these rules, as often happens in Russian, there are verbs-exclusion. It is about them that will be discussed further.

Verbs-exclusion 1, 2 conjugation: what is conjugation, table?

According to the rules of grammar - the morphological sign of verbs is hidden. If you firmly know the rules for the conjugation of verbs, then you can learn to correctly determine which ending should be used in a particular word.

Let's figure out in detail which verbs have the first conjugation and which second.

Which of the verbs are exceptions?
Which of the verbs are exceptions?

Various options are used to determine the conjugation. Which way to choose, determine you. To do this, first, decide on the stress in the verb. If the shock ending, then the letter that is heard is written. And accordingly, at the end, it is possible to establish what conjugation the word belongs to.

When the stress does not fall on the end of the end, the check can be made by the following method: change the shape of the verb into the MNG. The number of third -party. If the result is the end ( ut, hut), then such verbs relate to the first conjugation, and words with endings ( aT, yat) – to the second. Recall also that to first conjugation Relate, words with endings:

  • (yu, y), (eat), (e), (you), (e, (yut, UT).

To the second:

  • (y, yu), (nim), (si), (it), (isa), (yat, AT).

There is another option for determining the conjugation. To do this, the word should be changed in an indefinite form. More precisely, the verb in this form should answer the question: WHAT TO DO? When there will be a suffix in the word T. In front of him is vowel And, then the word is considered to be the second conjugation. Words with vowels in front of the suffix T: (a), (o), (I), (e), (s), (y) – the verbs of the first conjugation.

IMPORTANT: In Russian grammar, there are verbs-exclusion, which, despite their endings, belong to another conjugation. They should be remembered.

Examples of verbs of the first, second conjugation:

Word you will play At the end with an unstressed end, eat. In order not to make mistakes in writing a verb, find a verb in the MNG. Number, third party. Such words should answer the question: what will they do? - Play. And the ending is the first conjugation.

You can also check in another method. To do this, put the word in an indefinite form, it should answer the question: what to do? - Play. Before the suffix, it costs a, it means that the verb has the first conjugation.

Next, we will find out what conjugation the word sleep. The stress on the second syllable, the vowel and, the ending of ite indicates that the verb of the second conjugation.

Conjugation of verbs, table:

In what number? In which person? In the first conjugation In the second conjugation
What is the end? For example: What end: For example:

In the singular

First: I

Second: You

Third: she, he, it

(y, yu)



I chat

You chat


(Yu, y)



I saw

You saw


In plural

First: we

Second: you

Third: they



(Ut, hut)

We chat





(Yat, AT)




Verbs-exclusion 1, 2 conjugation: scheme

Let's establish a conjugation of the word Look. To do this, you should decide on the stress, and it falls on O. The ending itself has an unstressed syllable. In the plural, the third person, the word is watched, the ending of the yat is referring to the second conjugation. And, if you determine the conjugation of this word with a different method, then look further what comes out. We put the word in an indefinite form, i.e., so that it answers the question: what to do? - WATCH. According to the rules, the suffix before t, E means that the word has the first conjugation.

Let's sprinkle another word: Keep. The stress falls on the syllable of Zhi. The end of it is unstressed. Put the word in the plural: they Hold (What are they doing?). It turns out that the verb belongs to the second conjugation. But in an indefinite form: KEEP (WHAT TO DO?). The ending AT. It means that the word has the first conjugation.

The question arises, why did it happen that in one case the verbs belong to the first conjugation, and in the other second? After all, when conjugation was determined, all conditions were fulfilled. It turns out in Russian grammar there are some words-exclusion. It is to them that these two verbs belong. In total, there are thirteen pieces of such verbs, these verbs-exclusion should be learned by heart, so as not to get confused.

Remember: the first conjugation should be classified: laying, shaving. They give out indefinitely And (suffix) before T.And in the third person MNG. Forms give the same endings as in the first conjugation.

  • First Person: stealing, stealing
  • Second face: laying it up, crease
  • Third person: the crew, creeps.

Scheme - verbs of exception:

Excluding the verbs of the first and second conjugation
Exceptions of verbs

Remember words-exclusionwhich are related to the second conjugation:

  1. See, watch hate
  2. Endure, twist, offend
  3. Breathe, depend, hear
  4. Keep, drive.

When you change them, they give out the ends of the second conjugation.


  • First face: I look, look.
  • Second face: look, look.
  • Third face: Looks, watching.

It will be easier to remember verbs-exclusion, if you learn the count:

Poem for memorization
Poem for memorization


To drive, chase, drive, drive out - all these are the words of the second conjugation.

To shave, shave, select, lay, clasp, lay down - belong to the words of the first conjugation. It doesn’t matter what kind of prefix the verbs are exclusive, they are still subject to the rules of the grammar of the Russian language.

Poem with verb-exclusion
Poem with verb-exclusion

Above there is another verse for memorizing words-exclusives. Thanks to a simple text, remembering the verbs will not be difficult even for a primary school student.

It is interesting that it is used to lay in a letter only in an indefinite form. And they use the past time. Lay, lay

In another form, they use the word - flood: crease, stele.

Video: verbs-exclusion

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