How to deceive slot machines? Slot machines playing strategy. When to play machines to win?

How to deceive slot machines? Slot machines playing strategy. When to play machines to win?

Methods to increase the chances of winning in slot machines.

When developing a game, a percentage of funds is established, which will be issued as a win. One of the best models give out 98% of the funds, but in some "cold" machines rTPit can only be 90%. The winning can not be obtained immediately, but on a certain segment of the game, the length of which varies widely, is established during the development. The longer the game without winning, the closer the moment of receiving Jackpot.

Any game is a risk. Conductedly approach the choice of a playground for the game, avoid institutions with a dubious reputation. We do not urge to play in the casino, but only talk about possible strategies and principles of work of most slot machines.

RTP slot machines

RTP is a characteristic on which it depends on how much a slot machine gives money, which means “return to the player”. The coefficient is calculated as a percentage, and allows you to figure out if there are chances to win, and how high they are. It is best to play in machine guns, the RTP value in which is above 97%. This means that the developer of the slots leaves only 3% of the funds, and the ability to win is very high. This reduces the likelihood of money loss and increases the possibility of gaining win. It should be understood that the return is carried out by accident. This does not mean that all the players who used this machine will receive a small amount. Thus, one person can lose everything, and the other to win most of the money. 

Slot machines can be divided into: 

  • With low RTP values, less than 95% 
  • Average return 95-97% 
  • High RTP, above 97% 

RTP slot machines The game developer establishes, and the casino that uses these slots cannot affect it. Before playing a specific slot, you must see the return coefficient in the table. Each game institution offers a table where the player will be able to choose machines that give the most money.In addition to the RTP indicator, you need to take into account the dispersion or volatility. These are values \u200b\u200bthat determine how often the winnings fall. The more often and more the player wins, the less the amount of jackpot. Accordingly, if dispersion and volatility at a low level, the machine often gives out, but in small amounts. To get a mega-output, you need to play machines with high volatility.

How to deceive slot machines? 

Online casino provides players with a wide range of gambling for every taste. It can be cards, roulette, lottery. Slot machines are considered one of the most popular, giving to win.

How to deceive slot machines, witha squeak of slot machines that give to win in 2022: 

  • Gonzo Quest - An interesting game that uses the theme of the search for ancient treasures. Differs in beautiful graphics, good sound, simplicity of control; 
  • Resident - An unusual slot machine that allows you to feel like a scout or an agent of the KGB. The main task is to find out military secrets; 
  • Fruit Cocktail - This is one of the oldest but popular machines that is used in most casinos. It differs very simple graphics, boring sound accompaniment. A classic one -armed bandit that allows you to win a decent amount of money; 
  • Crazy Monkey -This is a fruit form-oatmeal, which is very similar to the previous one. It is distinguished by bright graphics, funny sound accompaniment. In 2020, this machine became one of the most giving.

Mathematics of slot machines 

When creating any slots, the work of mathematicians who develop mathematical models is used. It is the combination that explains how funds will be paid, at what time the winnings are possible. It is during the development that the frequency and size, the distance of payments are established. Sounds are superimposed on this scheme. Players who have not been their leisure time in the online casino for the first day are interested in what principle slot machines work. During the launch of the slot, the drum is spinning and at some point stops, issuing certain characters, prizes. During the cycle, there is a mathematical model. This is a generator of random numbers, but the result of rotation is determined even before the car stops. This is not a deception, but a program that generates various numbers.

According to inexperienced players, a generator of random numbers is used in all slot machines, so the result of the game cannot be predetermined. This is a myth, because in the course of development complex algorithms are used, so the choice of numbers is not accidental, but in practice it is impossible to decipher it. In a modern video game, there can be more than 1,000,000 possible options for the location of the pictures. It is impossible to calculate the percentage of return from the machine guns and expectation, so it remains to trust official data.

Methods of deception of slot machines 

In fact, the development of the development is used not  random, and a generator of pseudo -random numbers, which works according to a complex methodology. It is impossible to solve it without special equipment. The main task is to determine the algorithm. Some people from Russia really managed to do this, but not on their own, but when working in a team. To unravel the algorithm, the work of each of the machines using freespins, for several cycles, was monitored. A special application was created to determine at what point it is necessary to press the start button during the rotation of the drums. The result is generated while pressing the start, and then the animation is only displayed. After pressing the button, the result is not determined, it is known immediately after pressing. Therefore, the main task is to guess when to press the button.

Slots play strategy

There are several strategies on how to deceive slot machines. It all depends on the features of the slot, the percentage of return. Martingale systems are used for winning.

Slots play strategy:

  • One of the common system is considered "Played and run." To use the technique, you need to calculate the amount of rotation that do not bring money. It is also worth installing the maximum possible loss of money. This is a certain amount that a person is ready to lose on one of the machine guns. Several games are selected, the number of which is divided by the total amount. You need to play until the number of losses is exceeded. As soon as the limit is exceeded, it is necessary to move to another machine.
  • A fairly effective way  it is considered to beat a casino "One game". But this option is suitable exclusively for risky gamers. The technique is effective for “hot” machine guns, with a high percentage of return. The maximum rate and deposit for one game is determined. If one of the spins brings money, then they are used for further play. But only this time small amounts are used during the bets. If, after rotation, the player went into the minus, you need to go to another machine. The strategy is based on the principle of attracting a new player. Therefore, very often the first launch is winning.
  • Principle "" Multiply by two“Very similar to the Martingale system, which is used in roulette when they are betting and throw cubes. Before the game, a minimum rate is set. In case of victory, the rate always increases by 2 times. If a person loses, it is necessary to reduce the rate by half. Thus, it will be possible to get good prize, but do not forget about the maximum limit on a particular apparatus.
The game
The game

When playing machines to win: game hours

It is also worth considering the mathematical model of the behavior of the game, which only developers know about. However, if you observe the operation of the machine guns for a long time, you can find some pattern in their work. 

There are two phases during the game in the machine: 

  • When money accumulates 
  • When they are issued 

When to play machines to win:

  • On apparatus with low volatility, they give out small amounts in the phase of accumulation of funds. There is a certain time during which all the slots are zero.
  • Information can be found on some casino sites, it is provided by providers.
  • Although in fact, many experts believe that providers and owners of game institutions do not need to advertise this information. Typically, rebooting slot machines occurs once a day.

What time to play machines?

Modern creators of the slots still try not to use cyclicity in the process of updating, so that experienced players who play a particular casino for several days cannot notice patterns. Thus, the risk of winning significantly increases. 

What time to play machines:

  • To win, you need to choose a good period for the game. Many of the gamblers believe that they are lucky on a certain day or lunar phase. However, in fact, everything works a little differently. There are certain hours in which the probability of winning increases. This is a period of extradition when the machine does not take the money, but gives out prizes. Many note that the most successful period is the time from 22:00 to 2:00 in the morning. It is at such a time that people come home from work, visit both offline and online casinos, trying to take free hours. 
  • After midnight, those who lost a large amount of money played and want to recoup. However, it is at this time that the probability of receiving funds is much higher. Most visitors on game sites on weekends, during the holidays. It is at these moments, when a large number of people are present, the phases of the slot often change, that is, the accumulation and issuance of funds. The likelihood of jackpot increases significantly. But there is also the reverse side of the coin. Due to the large number of players, the probability of jackpot is minimal for each player. Therefore, some experts recommend playing in the periods when the least visitors. Accordingly, this is night time. 

Read on the topic:

Most casinos hide the moment of zeroing, rebooting slot machines. Find some cyclicity and find out the time of distribution of funds, the occurrence of the second phase, can be experimentally. This is due to the risk of losing and spending money. That is why it is best to use bonus means, play demo versions. Some of the casino offer a training mode. Use this time to determine the cyclical accumulation and issuance of money. 

Video: Ways to win in slot machines

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